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SCD 4mos terrible pain with passing BM??

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Hi everyone, my 2 yr old ASD son has been on SCD

for a little over 4 mos. He went from having 4 bms a

day down to one or two. His bms before SCD were

ok, after SCD they are sludgy which I assumed was

die off, but after 4mos I don't know.

The past few days,

you can tell when he is having a bm immediately because

he gets up on his toes, gets a terrified look on his face,

begins scratching himself violently and will push me if I

am anywhere near him, it was even worse tonight and has

begun to scare me. When he goes it's not very much ...

about two tablespoons....could he be constipated? impacted?

His diet is terribly limited due to IGE(anaphylactic) allergies.

He only eats pears, turkey, carrots and butternut squash.

Before SCD he could also have sweet potatoes and rice.

I have not been giving him peaches and apples due to the

phenol issues and yeast. We are currently going into our

3rd week on nystatin. He takes Hypo supernuthera, zinc,

mct oil, phenol assist (very little, I think he reacts somewhat)

He has been having reaction to calcium supplement AND

probiotics. He almost always has eczema so it is hard to tell

exactly what he reacts to. But it seems when I pull calcium he

gets better, and now the probiotics elicits a response, we are

using scdophilus (about our 5th probiotic, he vomits some of them)

I am going out of my mind, it seems everything that can help him he is

allergic to. We went for our first ava therapy session today and

he got hives and his face went almost purple so we had to leave. Not even

sure why, but the place did smell moldy. Sorry for the long post, I just feel

like we are two steps forward three steps back most of the time.

One more question.....is transfer factor legal? Has anyone used this that

has severe milk allergy??

Thanks guys!


Mom of Peyton 2.5 ASD (SCD4+mos) Eczema 2 yrs

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