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Re: ideas for recipes -as you leave the intro stage

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> hi

> when my kids i first started SCD and we were just leaving intro and

> trying to add cooked fruits and veggies there were so many recipes


> were not yet appropriate for us. so i compiled recipes from various

> websites and cook books i had that would be appropriate for just past

> intro when i might add in various cooked fruits and veggies (testing


> course 1 at a time) and some recipes have nut butter in them. i

> specified in this table which recipes contained dairy. if anyone


> like me to email them a copy please write me off list requesting the


> recipes index and i will send it.


> donna

Hi Donna:

I would love to have a copy of your recipes. My child is SCD since

June 2005, almost three months and he is still in the introductory

diet. I am not adventurous because he was hospitalized for 2 months

with UC, and The doctor wanted to do surgery on him, we didn't let

that happen, We switch hospitals, insurances...etc I am so, so Soooo

thankful to the SCD diet. He is totally out medication now, perfect

stools, the Doctor is spechless and totally supports the diet. It is

time to move on and start introducing more things ( I am scare of the

nut fluors. Is there a milder fluor than almond?). My child is

extremely cooperative, the hospital experience is still in his mind.

He is also autistic, and there is a huge improvement in his skills in

such a short time. Thanks to all of you to give him a new chance, and

to me a new way to help him. Love, Ana

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We make meringue cookies from the pecanbread recipe webpage. We

sometimes add some lemon to it. We cook it in the dehydrator but it

can also be done in the slow cooker. We greatly reduce the honey content.

These cookes do not need any flour ,just eggs. It takes a while to get

the hang of making them just right. Persevere because they are so good!!


( I am scare of the

> nut fluors. Is there a milder fluor than almond?). My child is

> extremely cooperative, the hospital experience is still in his mind.

> He is also autistic, and there is a huge improvement in his skills in

> such a short time. Thanks to all of you to give him a new chance, and

> to me a new way to help him. Love, Ana

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i second that - fian absolutely adores them!!


recoverymaze recoverymaze@...> wrote:


We make meringue cookies from the pecanbread recipe webpage. We

sometimes add some lemon to it. We cook it in the dehydrator but it

can also be done in the slow cooker. We greatly reduce the honey content.

These cookes do not need any flour ,just eggs. It takes a while to get

the hang of making them just right. Persevere because they are so good!!


( I am scare of the

> nut fluors. Is there a milder fluor than almond?). My child is

> extremely cooperative, the hospital experience is still in his mind.

> He is also autistic, and there is a huge improvement in his skills in

> such a short time. Thanks to all of you to give him a new chance, and

> to me a new way to help him. Love, Ana

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Is that the recipe under " Cookies " called " Meringues by " ?

Will the oven also work?


> Ana,


> We make meringue cookies from the pecanbread recipe webpage. We

> sometimes add some lemon to it. We cook it in the dehydrator but it

> can also be done in the slow cooker. We greatly reduce the honey



> These cookes do not need any flour ,just eggs. It takes a while to


> the hang of making them just right. Persevere because they are so



> Mimi





> ( I am scare of the

> > nut fluors. Is there a milder fluor than almond?). My child is

> > extremely cooperative, the hospital experience is still in his


> > He is also autistic, and there is a huge improvement in his

skills in

> > such a short time. Thanks to all of you to give him a new

chance, and

> > to me a new way to help him. Love, Ana





> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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HEATHER'S MERINGUES http://www.scdrecipe.com/r_028_00436.html

josh777hayward karen_hayward@...

Hi,Is that the recipe under " Cookies " called " Meringues by " ? Will the

oven also work? Thanks


Loving Care, Grammy

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net

*Put in Subject: Grammy SCDiet SCD PALS, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Compunding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


Active Parenting Today Online Groups

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Yahoo! for Good

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HEATHER'S MERINGUES http://www.scdrecipe.com/r_028_00436.html

josh777hayward karen_hayward@...

Hi,Is that the recipe under " Cookies " called " Meringues by " ? Will the

oven also work? Thanks


Loving Care, Grammy

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net

*Put in Subject: Grammy SCDiet SCD PALS, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Compunding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


Active Parenting Today Online Groups

[parenting classes from the comfort of home]

Join: *http://www.activeparenting.com/aptog.htm



Yahoo! for Good

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HEATHER'S MERINGUES http://www.scdrecipe.com/r_028_00436.html

josh777hayward karen_hayward@...

Hi,Is that the recipe under " Cookies " called " Meringues by " ? Will the

oven also work? Thanks


Loving Care, Grammy

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net

*Put in Subject: Grammy SCDiet SCD PALS, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Compunding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


Active Parenting Today Online Groups

[parenting classes from the comfort of home]

Join: *http://www.activeparenting.com/aptog.htm



Yahoo! for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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