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Strange odor - HELP!!

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I thought I've seen this discussed before.... my son's teacher pulled me aside

today and told me my 5 yr old has a strange odor... a 'sour smell'. Even kids

are starting to notice and she's concerned about him socially. Talk about

feeling like a bad mom.. like I have my kid in dirty clothes or don't bathe him

or whatever, which isn't true at all. The bad part is I can't smell a thing.

nothing. I've sniffed him all over and can't smell a thing - even his breath

wasn't bad.

He's been on SCD for 15 months and is in remission from UC. He had a bad flare

this summer that was likely due to yeast overgrowth as he overloaded on raw

fruit just prior to the flare. He's doing great now, but is sensitive to legal

sugars and I have to watch him carefully... his teacher said his cheese went

rancid (for snack) and she gave him a banana last Friday. I bet money it wasn't

ripe enough - he had a pimple butt the next day and 'floaties' but has been fine

ever since, but could this odor be a die off thing? Or can SCD do this? Am I

watching his carbs too closely and this is a ketosis thing? I'm so freaked out

about this...


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