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Re: Yeast Issues

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Our son always has terrible regression when taking probiotics and

colostrum. Do you think you can take too much of a good thing? "

- Some kids react terribly during yeast die-off. Holly is probably

the expert on that! I think she recommends AlkaSeltzerGold to ease

the problems.

" What would happen if we didn't kill off the yeast? "


- The leaky gut gets worse because of damage to the intestinal wall,

there are reactions to more food, there are more CFS/FMS-like

symptoms (aches, bloating, headaches, confusion, irritable bowel),

the immune system is further compromised, and probably a few other

unhealthy things that I've forgotten.

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Our son always has terrible regression when taking probiotics and

colostrum. Do you think you can take too much of a good thing? "

- Some kids react terribly during yeast die-off. Holly is probably

the expert on that! I think she recommends AlkaSeltzerGold to ease

the problems.

" What would happen if we didn't kill off the yeast? "


- The leaky gut gets worse because of damage to the intestinal wall,

there are reactions to more food, there are more CFS/FMS-like

symptoms (aches, bloating, headaches, confusion, irritable bowel),

the immune system is further compromised, and probably a few other

unhealthy things that I've forgotten.

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, have your tried to slowly work up to the dose the doctor wants? have

you tried the acidophilus plus instead of the ProCulture gold? I do not

think it is as strong and I think it is recommended to be used first. If

you go too fast too soon the body can react to the die off and it will be

worse that the original problem. Going slowly worked for Evan. He had

some bumps that some felt were from his body detoxing but they only lasted

about a month. He has not had a skin yeast infection since.

Yeast can cause all kinds of problems. Physical and mental.


----- Original Message -----

> Our son who a few months ago had 4+ good bacteria and for the first time

normal range of yeast,now has 0 good bacteria and 4+ of two different yeast

species. Our Dr. ordered 2 proculture gold capsules a day and 4 tsp of

colostrum 2x a day. Has anyone used that much colostrum before? It sounds

way too large of a dose but the nurse says his yeast is a very bad type

resistant to nystatin.

Our son always has terrible regression when taking probiotics and colostrum.

Do you think you can take too much of a good thing? Do you think Einstein

had yeast overgrowth? I am beginning to think our sons normal flora will

never be right since we have treated him so many times.It is frustrating.

What would happen if we didn't kill off the yeast? His onlt strange

behaviors are lining things up,scanning things and not really playing with

kids his age. He is 4,I am tempted to leave him be happy instead of making

him sick with the yeast treatments.

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, have your tried to slowly work up to the dose the doctor wants? have

you tried the acidophilus plus instead of the ProCulture gold? I do not

think it is as strong and I think it is recommended to be used first. If

you go too fast too soon the body can react to the die off and it will be

worse that the original problem. Going slowly worked for Evan. He had

some bumps that some felt were from his body detoxing but they only lasted

about a month. He has not had a skin yeast infection since.

Yeast can cause all kinds of problems. Physical and mental.


----- Original Message -----

> Our son who a few months ago had 4+ good bacteria and for the first time

normal range of yeast,now has 0 good bacteria and 4+ of two different yeast

species. Our Dr. ordered 2 proculture gold capsules a day and 4 tsp of

colostrum 2x a day. Has anyone used that much colostrum before? It sounds

way too large of a dose but the nurse says his yeast is a very bad type

resistant to nystatin.

Our son always has terrible regression when taking probiotics and colostrum.

Do you think you can take too much of a good thing? Do you think Einstein

had yeast overgrowth? I am beginning to think our sons normal flora will

never be right since we have treated him so many times.It is frustrating.

What would happen if we didn't kill off the yeast? His onlt strange

behaviors are lining things up,scanning things and not really playing with

kids his age. He is 4,I am tempted to leave him be happy instead of making

him sick with the yeast treatments.

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, have your tried to slowly work up to the dose the doctor wants? have

you tried the acidophilus plus instead of the ProCulture gold? I do not

think it is as strong and I think it is recommended to be used first. If

you go too fast too soon the body can react to the die off and it will be

worse that the original problem. Going slowly worked for Evan. He had

some bumps that some felt were from his body detoxing but they only lasted

about a month. He has not had a skin yeast infection since.

Yeast can cause all kinds of problems. Physical and mental.


----- Original Message -----

> Our son who a few months ago had 4+ good bacteria and for the first time

normal range of yeast,now has 0 good bacteria and 4+ of two different yeast

species. Our Dr. ordered 2 proculture gold capsules a day and 4 tsp of

colostrum 2x a day. Has anyone used that much colostrum before? It sounds

way too large of a dose but the nurse says his yeast is a very bad type

resistant to nystatin.

Our son always has terrible regression when taking probiotics and colostrum.

Do you think you can take too much of a good thing? Do you think Einstein

had yeast overgrowth? I am beginning to think our sons normal flora will

never be right since we have treated him so many times.It is frustrating.

What would happen if we didn't kill off the yeast? His onlt strange

behaviors are lining things up,scanning things and not really playing with

kids his age. He is 4,I am tempted to leave him be happy instead of making

him sick with the yeast treatments.

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  • 4 years later...

>Hi All,

My kiddos have been SCD since Feb. 2005. They have been battling yeast issues

since the summer. We used Diflucan tablets the last time and that seemed to

clear things up quickly. We also really cut back on all fruits and juices and

honey. I only use honey when making nut yogurt. They get legal probiotics and

they are taking Grapeseed Extract tablets from Kirkmans after finishing the

Diflucan. Just tonight I noticed a rash on both the kids bottoms -- yeast

again. I have been really diligent with cutting back on the sugars, so I don't

know what on earth is going on. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

It's really hard to send in snacks to preschool and Kindergarten when I've

basically eliminated fruits and sweet baked goods. Help!

T & C SCD since 2/05

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Hi ,

> My kiddos have been SCD since Feb. 2005. They have been battling

yeast issues since the summer. We used Diflucan tablets the last

time and that seemed to clear things up quickly. We also really cut

back on all fruits and juices and honey. I only use honey when

making nut yogurt. They get legal probiotics and they are taking

Grapeseed Extract tablets from Kirkmans after finishing the Diflucan.

Do you mean grapefruit seed extract?

What other fodsare they eating? Are vegs/fruits peeled and cooked?

How are their bm's?

Any new supplements/meds etc.?

Any new foods introduced?

Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 41 mos

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Hi ,

> My kiddos have been SCD since Feb. 2005. They have been battling

yeast issues since the summer. We used Diflucan tablets the last

time and that seemed to clear things up quickly. We also really cut

back on all fruits and juices and honey. I only use honey when

making nut yogurt. They get legal probiotics and they are taking

Grapeseed Extract tablets from Kirkmans after finishing the Diflucan.

Do you mean grapefruit seed extract?

What other fodsare they eating? Are vegs/fruits peeled and cooked?

How are their bm's?

Any new supplements/meds etc.?

Any new foods introduced?

Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 41 mos

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