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Enzyme Help

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Hi ,

does Nik take a bottle already? Fiona was only dxed at 4 month and

then she was able to drink from a bottle. We fed her the enzymes on a

spoon and then either flushed them down with some more spoonfuls of

fluid (we always preferred herbal tea) or she drank right from the


Does Nik really need enzymes with the breast-milk or are they

routinely prescribed because he has CF?


Torsten, dad of Fiona 5wcf

> Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure


> enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

> , (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

> him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I


> nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

> tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his


> area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

> when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles


> to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work


> better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using


> like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If


> should I use water or formula?

> Thanks for any suggestions!

> , mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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I always just put the beads right into Mycah's mouth and then immediately

nursing her. After she finished nursing is when I made sure the beads were all

gone. This is how her doctor told me to nurse. She never had any problems

except for a rash when she first started on enzymes.

Lori in Florida

enzyme help

Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure the

enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

, (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I tried

nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his chin

area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles on

to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work any

better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using it

like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If so

should I use water or formula?

Thanks for any suggestions!

, mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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My son is 3 months now, and I was in the same boat with the nursing. I use

a dab of baby food with the beads, then wash them down with a dropper of

water, to make sure they are all down, before nursing. It has worked great!

If he wants to hold the water in his mouth, try a gentle blow on his face,

and that will trigger a swallow.


enzyme help

Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure the

enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

, (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I tried

nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his chin

area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles on

to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work any

better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using it

like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If so

should I use water or formula?

Thanks for any suggestions!

, mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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I had the same problem, for weeks, off and on. We use Pancrecarb and

those beads are much smaller than some others, as well.

We did end up getting a bottle filled with water and squirting a little

in the mouth to rinse it. We also use sorbet to give the enzymes in --

put a bit of sorbet in a spoon, layer the beads on, then kind of fold a

thin layer of sorbet over the beads or press them in. This seems to help

everything slide down really easily. Not sure that you should give a

10-week-old sorbet, though! But maybe applesauce would be ok?

Torsten, I do know that , for one, needs enzymes with breast milk.

Breast milk has lots of fat and protein in it. It does also have some of

its own enzymes to help it break down; we have always needed less

enzymes with breastmilk than with food. But we definitely still need

some enzymes with breastmilk. was 9 months and still mostly

nursing and barely eating any solid food and he had fallen off the

weight and height chart when he was diagnosed. (But, his vitamin and

iron levels were great!)


mama to , 23 mo, wCF and alpha-1

and to , 3 yr 11 mo w/alpha-1

enzyme help

Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure the

enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

, (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I tried

nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his chin

area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles on

to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work any

better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using it

like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If so

should I use water or formula?

Thanks for any suggestions!

, mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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This worked for us--we put the beads ona paper towel and I

rolled my finger in applesauce and then dipped the beads on my

finger (like rolling your finger for a fingerprint). Then I let him

suck on my finger and I rinsed down the beads with a 3 cc

syringe of breastmilk I had expressed. He sucked on my finger

and it totally rinsed them in. You could probably use water or

formula too to rinse them. It worked well for us.

> Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to

make sure the

> enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

> , (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

> him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I


> nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have


> tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on

his chin

> area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his


> when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the

pebbles on

> to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work


> better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try

using it

> like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible?

If so

> should I use water or formula?

> Thanks for any suggestions!

> , mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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This worked for us--we put the beads ona paper towel and I

rolled my finger in applesauce and then dipped the beads on my

finger (like rolling your finger for a fingerprint). Then I let him

suck on my finger and I rinsed down the beads with a 3 cc

syringe of breastmilk I had expressed. He sucked on my finger

and it totally rinsed them in. You could probably use water or

formula too to rinse them. It worked well for us.

> Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to

make sure the

> enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

> , (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

> him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I


> nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have


> tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on

his chin

> area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his


> when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the

pebbles on

> to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work


> better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try

using it

> like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible?

If so

> should I use water or formula?

> Thanks for any suggestions!

> , mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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My son Nick was breastfed until he was 5 weeks old when the doctor said that

I either would have to supplement or she would put him in the hospital

without my permission. He was diagnosed with failure to thrive due (they

said) to lactation failure (he was nursing 24 hours a day literally, in his

sleep and in my sleep). He had lost almost a pound off of his birth

weight. When he was born he was 9 lbs 3 oz at 5 weeks he was 8 lbs 4 oz.

Anyway, after he didn't grow on formula (supplementing and me doesn't work

my milk was gone in 3 days even though he was nursing), only then did the

doc order a sweat test. It was 3 weeks after we she insisted on formula

that he was finally diagnosed with CF. By then I tried to pump to get my

milk back but gave up when I was bleeding. Anyway point being, yes they

need enzymes with breastmilk at least my son would have benefitted from

enzymes with breastmilk. For you moms who are still breastfeeding, keep up

the good work, nursing can be hard at times and frustrating at times, but it

is very good for your baby.


Nursing and Midwifery Student

Mom to (6 years, hospital waterbirth, nocf), (5 years,

c/sec for breech, nocf), (2 1/2 years, VBAC home waterbirth, wcf),

iel (1 year, VBAC home waterbirth (nocf).

enzyme help

Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure the

enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

, (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I tried

nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his chin

area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles on

to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work any

better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using it

like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If so

should I use water or formula?

Thanks for any suggestions!

, mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

PLEASE do not post religious emails to the list.


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My son Nick was breastfed until he was 5 weeks old when the doctor said that

I either would have to supplement or she would put him in the hospital

without my permission. He was diagnosed with failure to thrive due (they

said) to lactation failure (he was nursing 24 hours a day literally, in his

sleep and in my sleep). He had lost almost a pound off of his birth

weight. When he was born he was 9 lbs 3 oz at 5 weeks he was 8 lbs 4 oz.

Anyway, after he didn't grow on formula (supplementing and me doesn't work

my milk was gone in 3 days even though he was nursing), only then did the

doc order a sweat test. It was 3 weeks after we she insisted on formula

that he was finally diagnosed with CF. By then I tried to pump to get my

milk back but gave up when I was bleeding. Anyway point being, yes they

need enzymes with breastmilk at least my son would have benefitted from

enzymes with breastmilk. For you moms who are still breastfeeding, keep up

the good work, nursing can be hard at times and frustrating at times, but it

is very good for your baby.


Nursing and Midwifery Student

Mom to (6 years, hospital waterbirth, nocf), (5 years,

c/sec for breech, nocf), (2 1/2 years, VBAC home waterbirth, wcf),

iel (1 year, VBAC home waterbirth (nocf).

enzyme help

Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure the

enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

, (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I tried

nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his chin

area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles on

to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work any

better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using it

like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If so

should I use water or formula?

Thanks for any suggestions!

, mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

PLEASE do not post religious emails to the list.


The opinions and information exchanged on this list should


be construed as medical advice.



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My son Nick was breastfed until he was 5 weeks old when the doctor said that

I either would have to supplement or she would put him in the hospital

without my permission. He was diagnosed with failure to thrive due (they

said) to lactation failure (he was nursing 24 hours a day literally, in his

sleep and in my sleep). He had lost almost a pound off of his birth

weight. When he was born he was 9 lbs 3 oz at 5 weeks he was 8 lbs 4 oz.

Anyway, after he didn't grow on formula (supplementing and me doesn't work

my milk was gone in 3 days even though he was nursing), only then did the

doc order a sweat test. It was 3 weeks after we she insisted on formula

that he was finally diagnosed with CF. By then I tried to pump to get my

milk back but gave up when I was bleeding. Anyway point being, yes they

need enzymes with breastmilk at least my son would have benefitted from

enzymes with breastmilk. For you moms who are still breastfeeding, keep up

the good work, nursing can be hard at times and frustrating at times, but it

is very good for your baby.


Nursing and Midwifery Student

Mom to (6 years, hospital waterbirth, nocf), (5 years,

c/sec for breech, nocf), (2 1/2 years, VBAC home waterbirth, wcf),

iel (1 year, VBAC home waterbirth (nocf).

enzyme help

Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure the

enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

, (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I tried

nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his chin

area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles on

to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work any

better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using it

like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If so

should I use water or formula?

Thanks for any suggestions!

, mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

PLEASE do not post religious emails to the list.


The opinions and information exchanged on this list should


be construed as medical advice.



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Hi ,

We have been giving our son enzymes since he was3 weeks old. We break

open the capsule and mix the powder with apple sauce. We put vaseline on his

mouth before hand and then before I nurse him, I take a wet Q-tip and wash his

mouth out with that.

Cheryl, mom to 3 boys, Zac 6 yrs. wocf, Jake 23 mo. wocf, Matty 6 mo. wcf

enzyme help

Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure the

enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

, (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I tried

nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his chin

area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles on

to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work any

better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using it

like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If so

should I use water or formula?

Thanks for any suggestions!

, mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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Not sure if this will help you, however, I have twins with CF

(currently 10mths old) and I found it easier to cut the tip off a

pacifer and put the fruit gel and enzyme mixture in it and give it to

them. 9 times out of 10 they would suck it dry. We would put the

fruit gel in with a syringe, then put the enzymes on then another

thin layer of fuit gel to stop it all falling out.

> Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure


> enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

> , (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

> him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I


> nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

> tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his


> area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

> when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles


> to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work


> better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using


> like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If


> should I use water or formula?

> Thanks for any suggestions!

> , mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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Not sure if this will help you, however, I have twins with CF

(currently 10mths old) and I found it easier to cut the tip off a

pacifer and put the fruit gel and enzyme mixture in it and give it to

them. 9 times out of 10 they would suck it dry. We would put the

fruit gel in with a syringe, then put the enzymes on then another

thin layer of fuit gel to stop it all falling out.

> Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure


> enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

> , (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

> him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I


> nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

> tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his


> area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

> when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles


> to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work


> better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using


> like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If


> should I use water or formula?

> Thanks for any suggestions!

> , mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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Not sure if this will help you, however, I have twins with CF

(currently 10mths old) and I found it easier to cut the tip off a

pacifer and put the fruit gel and enzyme mixture in it and give it to

them. 9 times out of 10 they would suck it dry. We would put the

fruit gel in with a syringe, then put the enzymes on then another

thin layer of fuit gel to stop it all falling out.

> Okay I'm stumped on something. I know I'm supposed to make sure


> enzymes are all out of Nik's mouth. I've tried what you told me,

> , (which is mixing it all in a small cup and feeding it to

> him) but he just cries and the mixture stays in his mouth, so I


> nursing him right away to " wash " them down. Well now I have very

> tender skin there with cracks and he has developed a rash on his


> area I think from the milk/enzyme mixture spilling out of his mouth

> when he nurses! I've alos given his enzymes by pouring the pebbles


> to the spoon and giving it to him all at once, that doesn't work


> better. I was considering using a medicine dropper and try using


> like a gentle water pik in his mouth, does that sound feasible? If


> should I use water or formula?

> Thanks for any suggestions!

> , mom of Nik 10wks wcf, Rach 11 wocf, Nate 3 wocf

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My son, , who is now 8yrs as of Sunday, took Cotazyme powder mixed in

applesauce when an infant. Those Ultrase capsule granules would be very

difficult!! Try to get that medication from your doctor. Also, you DO need

enzymes with breast milk......it is loaded with fat, the good fat

nonetheless, but fat. I remember the nights walking down the stairs to get

a spoonfull of applesauce and mix the powder with it and then walk back up

the stairs, (all the time baby crying and hungry), gave him the applesauce

with the enzyme, then nursed him. I was careful to wash his mouth off with

warm water and my breast also. The Cotazyme comes in capsules that you can

open and divide the white powder into smaller amounts. I used to keep these

in wax paper folded up. You can imagine what it felt like, dividing up this

white powder and storing it in little squares of wax paper!! ;-) One more

thing for everyone. You know how those little white pills of Prednisone

taste so BAD........well, I used the leftover empty pill capsules from the

Ultrase MT pills to put in the icky Prednisone pill, broken in half. It

worked SO well.

Good luck,

Cheri, Mom to , 8yrs, ivf baby w/cf and Christian 3yrs, adopted, both

boys gifts from Heaven!


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  • 3 years later...

Hi all-

I need some help on the enzyme issue. I gave my super

sensitive son a small dose this morning with breakfast

and it was not pretty. He was completely out of it

all day. (just came around this evening) It was too

fast to be die-off, so I assume it was too high of a

dose or an intolerance. The brand is not on the

supplement list and it does contain rice bran. I

looked at Houston's website and I am unsure if I need

more than one type, etc. Any feedback would be great!!

Amy, Ben's mom-ASD, SCD 13 days


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Specifically what enzyme was it - what was the name on the bottle?

(AFP Peptizide, HN Zyme Prime, etc.) And exactly how much did you

give? The Houston enzymes with rice bran filler are actually okay on

SCD (it's oil, not fiber) and some people think they're more

effective than the cellulose ones. Give more information and we'll

try to troubleshoot. There's also a ton of information on starting

enzymes at www.enzymestuff.com.


mom to asd daughter, almost 5, scd 13 months


> Hi all-

> I need some help on the enzyme issue. I gave my super

> sensitive son a small dose this morning with breakfast

> and it was not pretty. He was completely out of it

> all day. (just came around this evening) It was too

> fast to be die-off, so I assume it was too high of a

> dose or an intolerance. The brand is not on the

> supplement list and it does contain rice bran. I

> looked at Houston's website and I am unsure if I need

> more than one type, etc. Any feedback would be great!!


> Amy, Ben's mom-ASD, SCD 13 days


> __________________________________________________


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Just my humble opinion, but I would try Houston's. Make sure that the ones

you get are SCD-legal. This early in the process, I think it's important to

follow the diet 100%, just to see if it can help.

Best of luck,


SCD 8 weeks

Re: Re: Enzyme Help

> Digestzymes by Designs for Health. I was looking at

> Houston in case I need to switch. (sorry to confuse

> everyone) They have Pancreatin, Amylase, Protease,

> Lipase, Betaine Hydrochloride,Papain, Pepsin, Ox Bile

> (?!) and rice bran. I gave him 1/2 a capsule, which I

> think was way too much. Should I try again in few

> days with much less or switch brands?


> Thanks and I will read the info!

> Amy


> --- mama2gandj no_reply > wrote:


>> Specifically what enzyme was it - what was the name

>> on the bottle?

>> (AFP Peptizide, HN Zyme Prime, etc.) And exactly how

>> much did you

>> give? The Houston enzymes with rice bran filler are

>> actually okay on

>> SCD (it's oil, not fiber) and some people think

>> they're more

>> effective than the cellulose ones. Give more

>> information and we'll

>> try to troubleshoot. There's also a ton of

>> information on starting

>> enzymes at www.enzymestuff.com.

>> Cindy

>> mom to asd daughter, almost 5, scd 13 months



>> >

>> > Hi all-

>> > I need some help on the enzyme issue. I gave my

>> super

>> > sensitive son a small dose this morning with

>> breakfast

>> > and it was not pretty. He was completely out of

>> it

>> > all day. (just came around this evening) It was

>> too

>> > fast to be die-off, so I assume it was too high of

>> a

>> > dose or an intolerance. The brand is not on the

>> > supplement list and it does contain rice bran. I

>> > looked at Houston's website and I am unsure if I

>> need

>> > more than one type, etc. Any feedback would be

>> great!!

>> >

>> > Amy, Ben's mom-ASD, SCD 13 days

>> >

>> > __________________________________________________

>> >

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Hi Amy.

Yeah, I can't help much with those. I can tell you that many kids

(particularly those who are phenol sensitive) can't tolerate papain -

we had to troubleshoot with a few different enzymes before realizing

that the papain and bromelain made my daugther really grumpy. I'd

probably wait a day or two and then try your son on like 1/8 capsule

of your current enzymes to see what happens (just since you have

them in hand). And in the meantime, I'd call Houston's to request

samples of their stuff (they send them at no charge). Try Zyme Prime

SCD (it doesn't have fruit-derived enzymes), AFP Peptizide (with

rice bran or cellulose, whichever makes your most comfortable - AFP

doesn't have papain or bromelain in it) and No Fenol (we use the one

with rice bran but one again, whichever makes you most comfortable).

The enzymestuff site explains a few ways of introducing enzymes, so

you can choose a method. There's also a Yahoo! group called

Enzymesandautism that might be helpful.

Good luck!


> > >

> > > Hi all-

> > > I need some help on the enzyme issue. I gave my

> > super

> > > sensitive son a small dose this morning with

> > breakfast

> > > and it was not pretty. He was completely out of

> > it

> > > all day. (just came around this evening) It was

> > too

> > > fast to be die-off, so I assume it was too high of

> > a

> > > dose or an intolerance. The brand is not on the

> > > supplement list and it does contain rice bran. I

> > > looked at Houston's website and I am unsure if I

> > need

> > > more than one type, etc. Any feedback would be

> > great!!

> > >

> > > Amy, Ben's mom-ASD, SCD 13 days

> > >

> > > __________________________________________________

> > >

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I am just beginning the diet with my son.

Do you need enzyme supplements if you are doing SCD?

Is it recommended?

mom to Josh, starting the SCD transition


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Thank you so much!!

--- mama2gandj no_reply > wrote:

> Hi Amy.

> Yeah, I can't help much with those. I can tell you

> that many kids

> (particularly those who are phenol sensitive) can't

> tolerate papain -

> we had to troubleshoot with a few different enzymes

> before realizing

> that the papain and bromelain made my daugther

> really grumpy. I'd

> probably wait a day or two and then try your son on

> like 1/8 capsule

> of your current enzymes to see what happens (just

> since you have

> them in hand). And in the meantime, I'd call

> Houston's to request

> samples of their stuff (they send them at no

> charge). Try Zyme Prime

> SCD (it doesn't have fruit-derived enzymes), AFP

> Peptizide (with

> rice bran or cellulose, whichever makes your most

> comfortable - AFP

> doesn't have papain or bromelain in it) and No Fenol

> (we use the one

> with rice bran but one again, whichever makes you

> most comfortable).

> The enzymestuff site explains a few ways of

> introducing enzymes, so

> you can choose a method. There's also a Yahoo! group

> called

> Enzymesandautism that might be helpful.

> Good luck!

> Cindy




> > > >

> > > > Hi all-

> > > > I need some help on the enzyme issue. I gave

> my

> > > super

> > > > sensitive son a small dose this morning with

> > > breakfast

> > > > and it was not pretty. He was completely out

> of

> > > it

> > > > all day. (just came around this evening) It

> was

> > > too

> > > > fast to be die-off, so I assume it was too

> high of

> > > a

> > > > dose or an intolerance. The brand is not on

> the

> > > > supplement list and it does contain rice bran.

> I

> > > > looked at Houston's website and I am unsure if

> I

> > > need

> > > > more than one type, etc. Any feedback would be

> > > great!!

> > > >

> > > > Amy, Ben's mom-ASD, SCD 13 days

> > > >

> > > >

> __________________________________________________

> > > >

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