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I was told about another way to do the glucose test and I am going to do it this

way. You have an IV for an hour and they put the glucose directly into your

blood and then do a blood test. Its supposed to help you not dump. We'll see

what happens.


Wife to Jace - together 6 Years!

Happy Mommy to - 4 Years Old!

New Baby Swenson Due July 28, 2004!

Zookeeper for 2 big dogs and 5 cats who let me feed them!


Hi everyone,

I had my monthly check up today. My OB says I am anemic and gave me

an rx for iron supplements----FeSO4 to be exact. I am just curious,

in trying to save some cash, is this the same as your basic iron

supplements that you can purchase over the counter???? I hate to have

this filled at the pharmacy and have to pay a hefty copay if I can

get the same thing right off the shelf. It is for 325mg 2x daily. If

anyone knows, I would greatly appreciate it.

On a lighter note, everything is picture perfect. My weight gain is

right on track for what they like to see. He said they want to see at

least 10 pounds within 20 weeks. I have gained 11 or 12 and am 23

weeks. I have been feeling great. The baby is moving constantly and I

really enjoyed hearing her heartbeat again today. It's so exciting!!

My OB insists I do the glucola though. I tried to let him see the

error in his ways, but I know he has had other RNY patients, so I

guess they tolerated the test okay. Myself, I am scared. I should

have pushed the issue a little more, but I guess that's not my




RNY 4/10/02 335-----145

EDD 6/16/04

Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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I was told about another way to do the glucose test and I am going to do it this

way. You have an IV for an hour and they put the glucose directly into your

blood and then do a blood test. Its supposed to help you not dump. We'll see

what happens.


Wife to Jace - together 6 Years!

Happy Mommy to - 4 Years Old!

New Baby Swenson Due July 28, 2004!

Zookeeper for 2 big dogs and 5 cats who let me feed them!


Hi everyone,

I had my monthly check up today. My OB says I am anemic and gave me

an rx for iron supplements----FeSO4 to be exact. I am just curious,

in trying to save some cash, is this the same as your basic iron

supplements that you can purchase over the counter???? I hate to have

this filled at the pharmacy and have to pay a hefty copay if I can

get the same thing right off the shelf. It is for 325mg 2x daily. If

anyone knows, I would greatly appreciate it.

On a lighter note, everything is picture perfect. My weight gain is

right on track for what they like to see. He said they want to see at

least 10 pounds within 20 weeks. I have gained 11 or 12 and am 23

weeks. I have been feeling great. The baby is moving constantly and I

really enjoyed hearing her heartbeat again today. It's so exciting!!

My OB insists I do the glucola though. I tried to let him see the

error in his ways, but I know he has had other RNY patients, so I

guess they tolerated the test okay. Myself, I am scared. I should

have pushed the issue a little more, but I guess that's not my




RNY 4/10/02 335-----145

EDD 6/16/04

Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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e is on an over the counter suppliment called " Slow FE " I think it is like

10.00 and you take 1 pill a day...it's a months supply...so basically 10.00 per

month...and now she is not anemic....took care of that in like 4 weeks!!!


Hi everyone,

I had my monthly check up today. My OB says I am anemic and gave me

an rx for iron supplements----FeSO4 to be exact. I am just curious,

in trying to save some cash, is this the same as your basic iron

supplements that you can purchase over the counter???? I hate to have

this filled at the pharmacy and have to pay a hefty copay if I can

get the same thing right off the shelf. It is for 325mg 2x daily. If

anyone knows, I would greatly appreciate it.

On a lighter note, everything is picture perfect. My weight gain is

right on track for what they like to see. He said they want to see at

least 10 pounds within 20 weeks. I have gained 11 or 12 and am 23

weeks. I have been feeling great. The baby is moving constantly and I

really enjoyed hearing her heartbeat again today. It's so exciting!!

My OB insists I do the glucola though. I tried to let him see the

error in his ways, but I know he has had other RNY patients, so I

guess they tolerated the test okay. Myself, I am scared. I should

have pushed the issue a little more, but I guess that's not my




RNY 4/10/02 335-----145

EDD 6/16/04

Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3


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  • 1 year later...

We use transdermal iron from a compounding pharmacy.

B-12 (methylcobalamin) shots also help with anemia.

Flor & Simon 23 months ASD, SCD 3 months

--- brendachurman brendachurman@...> wrote:

> Does anyone know what's the best way to take iron so

> that it doesn't

> hurt the stomach?






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No oral iron if you can help it. Just eat the liver pate on page 87 in BTVC.

Organ meats. Eggs. Fish and poultry. Cherry juice.

Green leafy veggies......

Use an iron skillet.......

The SCD™ Knowledge BasIron Supplements

Elaine writes:

Pleeeeeze do not get vitamins with iron; they encourage all kinds of infections

especially in the gut, and iron has had much research done on it re other

diseases. No oral iron if you can help it. Just eat the liver pate and if you

like liver, eat it at least once a week. Now, now, Marilyn and Colleen, no


Seth writes:

Iron levels and anemia is a tricky subject. Anemia can be caused by many

factors, low iron levels being only one of them. Poor iron levels can be caused

by a lot of different things as well. For one, the body sequesters iron and

hides it when you have an infection. If the ideas behind BTVC are correct, and I

think they are, then that means those of us with IBD have an ongoing infection.

So low levels of iron may be from bleeding (which a lot of us IBDers suffer

from), malabsorption, or in many cases the result of the body trying to hide the

iron stores from infectious bacteria.

Taking oral iron, in my experience, is not a great idea. Iron supplement have

always caused me GI problems, pain, cramping, etc. Iron can be very harsh on the

gut and may catalyze oxidative reactions which can damage the surface of the

intestines. Furthermore, many pathogens thrive on iron - and by taking oral iron

you may be adding to the bacteria overgrowth problem that the SC Diet is trying

to quell.

Iron shots (which I had when I was younger) are painful, but at least bypass

the problem of iron on the gut.

There are certain supplements you can take to help absorb iron better. For

one, Vitamin C binds to iron in food and helps facilitate the transportation of

iron across the intestines into the bloodstream. Lactoferrin, a protein the body

uses to bind to iron, can also be useful if taken by supplement. It binds

tightly to iron, keeping it from catalyzing oxidative reactions, keeping it away

from pathogenic bacteria, and also helps the body absorb the iron. Lactoferrin

supplements can be expensive.

Finally, having low levels of iron, as long as it is not impacting your energy

levels, is not a bad thing. High iron levels have been implicated in heart

disease - whether this has anything to do with infections, which I think it

does, is controversial. But nonetheless, having more iron is not good when it

comes to heart disease. We have known that women seem to be protected from heart

disease until they hit menopause. It was always thought that estrogen was the

protecting factor. However, researchers recently found that this was not the

case. Women on hormone therapy after menopause were not protected. Now the

current thinking is that it is the menses that lead to lower levels of iron that

protects woman from heart disease. So after menopause and the menses stop, iron

levels build back up and woman are at risk again.

So my non-medical advice would be to not worry about iron supplementation

unless it is causing anemia and interfering with your energy levels, etc.

From: http://www.orst.edu/dept/lpi/infocenter/minerals/iron/iron.html#ref16

" During an acute inflammatory response, serum iron levels decrease while

levels of ferritin (the iron storage protein) increase, suggesting that

sequestering iron from pathogens is an important host response to infection

(16). Despite the critical functions of iron in the immune response, the nature

of the relationship between iron deficiency and susceptibility to infection,

especially with respect to malaria, remains controversial. High-dose iron

supplementation of children residing in the tropics has been associated with

increased risk of clinical malaria and other infections, such as pneumonia.

16. Beard, J.L. Iron biology in immune function, muscle metabolism, and

neuronal functioning. Journal of Nutrition. 2001; volume 131: pages 568S-580S. "

And.. if that isn't enough information, Ben has kindly forwarded this link to

the list. If you scroll down, you'll come upon the sentence, " Use with caution

in Inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. "

From the LI listserve

brendachurman brendachurman@...

Does anyone know what's the best way to take iron so

that it doesn't hurt the stomach?

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following






Loving Care,Grammy Gay IBS-1930, IBD-1984, SURGERY-1988,

CD-1994, SCD-1997, REMISSION-1998, NO-MEDS.

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On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:03:54 -0000 " brendachurman "

brendachurman@...> writes:

> Does anyone know what's the best way to take iron so that it doesn't

> hurt the stomach?

My son got nauseous from the iron and it destroyed his mornings. He

started taking it at night so that he would sleep through it. Also, it's

important to take it with food.

And the good news is that people can usually get off the iron after a


Take care, Fay

P.S. Our pediatrician (who diagnosed him as anemic before we put the GI

stuff together and figured it was an IBD problem) emphatically

recommended the brand Feosol. His discomfort got much better once we

switched to Walgreen's ferrous sulfate. (You can find ferrous sulfate at

any supermarket pharmacy, much cheaper than Feosol.)

P.P.S. We thought about iron shots and decided it wasn't worth it.

P.P.P.S. I just read Flor's post. That seems like a great idea. I would

just say that with the expense, you may not want to stock up too much if

your dr. sees your child getting off it soon down the line.

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