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New to diet needing some help

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My non-verbal 4.5 yr old son just started the SCD yesterday. I have

some questions to be sure I am 100% having him on the diet because I

understand this is a diet that needs to be followed 100% or there

will not be the benefit. In the past my son had severe diarrhea w/

leaky gut, distended stomach (bacteria) and yeast. His stomach is

no longer distended and we have greatly reduced the yeast issues.

My son has been on the CF/GF/SF diet for 2.5 years.

On page 61 in the " Introducing the Diet " section (Breaking the

Vicious Cycle) the book states that fruits should be ripe, peeled

and cooked. It also states that you should wait to introduce the

raw fruits until the diarrhea is under control. My son currently

doesn't have the severe diarrhea he had in the past. My son

currently has semi-formed soft bowel movements. Since he doesn't

currently have the diarrhea would we be following the diet by

starting with fresh fruit and still leaving the skins on the fruits

(green apples, pears, grapes, etc.)? My son is very picky about

what he eats. He does like fresh green apples with the skins, pears

with the skins and grapes with the skins, but he isn't interested in

eating the cooked fruits. My son also likes raw carrots and not

cooked carrots. Would it be SCD legal to start with the raw carrots?

Also, I am looking for advice on how we can still stay casein free

while on this diet since it appears to me the yogurts are a big part

of the diet. My son is very sensitive to casein. I am also

interested in ideas for treats (reinforcers) both prepackaged and

homemade to use with my son's ABA / VB program. In the past we

have used CF/GF/SF ginger cookies and dried fruits. With the SCD

he won't be able to have the ginger cookies anymore and we will need

some new options.

My son is following the DAN protocol and is prescribed a lot of

supplements each day. Yesterday and today I used lemon flavored

Crystal Light to cover the taste of his supplements which include 2

tsp of cod liver oil each day. This morning my son vomited about

an hour after drinking the supplements (all SCD approved by

Kirkman). He has been drinking the cod liver oil for 2.5 years so I

am thinking the diet is the source of the reaction and I hope the

vomiting was a good sign of much needed cleansing taking place.

Any ideas on other ways to cover / hide the taste of the supplements

would be greatly appreciated.

Please email me directly with any suggestions / tips you may have

that might help me help my son.

Thank you for your time.


Mom2mc2004 @ yahoo . com (no spaces in email)

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