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Husband seeking possible explanations...

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What a sweet husband you are being so attentive

and careing.

I would venture to say that your dear wife's body

just is not tolerating all the chemicals in the implants.

All implants are made of silicone, they are just filled

with different things. All implants degrade due to

the macrophages in your body attacking them which

is a normal function of the body.....to attack foreign


I personally believe that once a persons body has

a constant flow of toxins, such as from implants that

it changes your whole chemistry profile. I believe

that you no longer fall within the " normal " catagory

that they use for standard testing.

You could see a million doctors and have a million tests,

and be told you are perfectly normal, yet you are extremely


Here is a list of ingredients that go into the manufacturing

of silicone for implants, they do vary from implant to implant :

( these are all known neuro-toxins )

1)Methyl Ethyl Ketone


3)Isopropyl Alcohol

4)Denatured Alcohol



7)Poly vinyl Chloride

8)Lacquer Thinner

9)Ethyl Acetate

10)Epoxy Resin

11)Epoxy Hardener


13)Printing Ink






19)Chlorplatinic Acid

20)Metal Cleaning Acid


22)Talcum Powder

23)Color Pigmentation (Printers Ink)



26)Ethylene Oxide

27)Carob Black




31)Hexanone 2



34)Acid Stearic

35)Zinc Oxide



38)Methylene Chloride

39)Platinum Salt

If you look up numbers 10 and 11, epoxy and expoxy

hardners are made out of BPA, which they just recently

took off the market due to toxicity !

Now, just imagine that you have 2 bags of these toxins inside

your body......if your immune system is already weak, then

you will react quickly......and if not, over time it will eventually

break down and cause your body some problems.

If you really want a good test, I would have the HLA- DR53 typing

done to see if she is predisposed to any illnesses genetically....

Read this, it talks about several things, but in there it talks

about how silicone disrupts the entire endocrin system....as

well as other things.....http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/ost/reports/fy98/IMMUNOTOX.HTM

also a good article :

[silicone breast prosthesis and rheumatoid arthrit...[Minerva Med. 1998] - PubMed Result http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9676177

I wish you well in your journey, and hope your wife

gets better soon.

Please look in the photos......there are many implants

there which are full of black mold.......yes, saline implants !

That too will make you very ill.

Please keep us posted, and keep asking questions !



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