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constipation Re: Introducing nut butter/flour

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hi sheila,

ive made the decision to introduce the stage 1 fruits, to see if that helps

moving things - kai had a blow out in school really bad d twice - which is

definately the result of an impaction

i gave him 400g of magnesium last night as well - so im not sure which it was

but then he hadnt gone for 2 days so maybe it was a combination

ill just give him 200g of magnesium tonight and then 200g in the morning and see

how he fares, plus 2 small bananas for school snacks am and pm

hes actually making nut bread in school tomorrow so ill add that in with him and

hopefully hell stay reasonably regular, i have also added back in butternut

squash as they were both okay with that before the flare - but i know all the

rest of the stage 2 foods caused a variety of issues

should i just stay at stage 1 (plus the nut bread and butternut squash) now

until their stools become solid and regular?

thanks sheila

oh ive also decided we are not going to introduce the threelac - i am going to

use no phenol with samento and oregano oil

i want to be 100% true to scd

thank you so much


Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

Hi Emma,

> im going to reintroduce the nut bread next week - the boys werent

digesting them at all a few weeks ago - after the biokult episode

and now their dads episode, they are finally okayish - fian im

judging more so as he has excellent bms compared to what they were

> but 2 weeks ago, the nut bread was causing d for fian - so next

week i really want to start them back on nut butter - they love the

waffles and fian is missing them dreadfully

When you restart the nutbread for Fian you probably want to take it

a bit slower (if possible) if his stools are still soft.

> tried green beans both hate them


> kais bms have gone hard, good colour though, lots of little

nuggets clumped together, probably the total size 2 inches each at

one a day


> which is no good, his eyes are black, from all the toxins

It sounds as if Kai may need more of the nutbread (than Fian) to

help get things softened up and moving. That and water to flush it

all out.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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hi sheila,

ive made the decision to introduce the stage 1 fruits, to see if that helps

moving things - kai had a blow out in school really bad d twice - which is

definately the result of an impaction

i gave him 400g of magnesium last night as well - so im not sure which it was

but then he hadnt gone for 2 days so maybe it was a combination

ill just give him 200g of magnesium tonight and then 200g in the morning and see

how he fares, plus 2 small bananas for school snacks am and pm

hes actually making nut bread in school tomorrow so ill add that in with him and

hopefully hell stay reasonably regular, i have also added back in butternut

squash as they were both okay with that before the flare - but i know all the

rest of the stage 2 foods caused a variety of issues

should i just stay at stage 1 (plus the nut bread and butternut squash) now

until their stools become solid and regular?

thanks sheila

oh ive also decided we are not going to introduce the threelac - i am going to

use no phenol with samento and oregano oil

i want to be 100% true to scd

thank you so much


Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

Hi Emma,

> im going to reintroduce the nut bread next week - the boys werent

digesting them at all a few weeks ago - after the biokult episode

and now their dads episode, they are finally okayish - fian im

judging more so as he has excellent bms compared to what they were

> but 2 weeks ago, the nut bread was causing d for fian - so next

week i really want to start them back on nut butter - they love the

waffles and fian is missing them dreadfully

When you restart the nutbread for Fian you probably want to take it

a bit slower (if possible) if his stools are still soft.

> tried green beans both hate them


> kais bms have gone hard, good colour though, lots of little

nuggets clumped together, probably the total size 2 inches each at

one a day


> which is no good, his eyes are black, from all the toxins

It sounds as if Kai may need more of the nutbread (than Fian) to

help get things softened up and moving. That and water to flush it

all out.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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hi sheila,

ive made the decision to introduce the stage 1 fruits, to see if that helps

moving things - kai had a blow out in school really bad d twice - which is

definately the result of an impaction

i gave him 400g of magnesium last night as well - so im not sure which it was

but then he hadnt gone for 2 days so maybe it was a combination

ill just give him 200g of magnesium tonight and then 200g in the morning and see

how he fares, plus 2 small bananas for school snacks am and pm

hes actually making nut bread in school tomorrow so ill add that in with him and

hopefully hell stay reasonably regular, i have also added back in butternut

squash as they were both okay with that before the flare - but i know all the

rest of the stage 2 foods caused a variety of issues

should i just stay at stage 1 (plus the nut bread and butternut squash) now

until their stools become solid and regular?

thanks sheila

oh ive also decided we are not going to introduce the threelac - i am going to

use no phenol with samento and oregano oil

i want to be 100% true to scd

thank you so much


Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

Hi Emma,

> im going to reintroduce the nut bread next week - the boys werent

digesting them at all a few weeks ago - after the biokult episode

and now their dads episode, they are finally okayish - fian im

judging more so as he has excellent bms compared to what they were

> but 2 weeks ago, the nut bread was causing d for fian - so next

week i really want to start them back on nut butter - they love the

waffles and fian is missing them dreadfully

When you restart the nutbread for Fian you probably want to take it

a bit slower (if possible) if his stools are still soft.

> tried green beans both hate them


> kais bms have gone hard, good colour though, lots of little

nuggets clumped together, probably the total size 2 inches each at

one a day


> which is no good, his eyes are black, from all the toxins

It sounds as if Kai may need more of the nutbread (than Fian) to

help get things softened up and moving. That and water to flush it

all out.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Hi Emma,

>he said that this afternoon he had bad d and stomach cramps again but only went


Did he have a lot of diarrhea? I am wondering if he has an impaction because

you wrote he was having very hard balls of stool just a day or so ago. If he

does and is only getting diarrhea around it - it may be an idea to see a doctor

to get rid of the impaction (if there is one - keep in mind I am not a doctor

but it sounds like what happened to me last year - small hard, balls of stools,

then very bad cramps and bit of forceful diarrhea. Went to ER, and dr gave me

two enemas which cleared things out. BTW, that's about when my yeast problems

really kicked into high gear)

>for tea, lamb chops with pureed carrot, squash and courgette again (sorry im

not ignoring what you said about the squash - its just i made a load, have no

where to freeze it and cant afford to waste it, ill certainly go back to carrots

and zuchinni again tomorrow)

Which comment are you referring to? - I write a lot of stuff ;)

>he had plenty of juice - i think ill drop the magnesium down to 100g three

times a day until the d stops (not saying that this is the cause but i dont want

it to be aggravated)

>he had 3 big pieces of (banana) nut bread for supper

>fian ate banana pancakes for lunch 2 small bananas 2 eggs - he suffers with leg

cramps so he had 100g of magnesium at breakfast and lunchtime

tea same as kai

>he had grape juice to drink - welch - 1/10th to 9/10 of water

>fian has had good firmer bms but today - they are now sludgy green - fians

bowels seem to move the 'average' 8 hours, 'new nut and pear' breakfast was at 8

and he moved at 4 - really sulphury - now im sure some people have said green

sludge is part of the die off but the sulphur smell? and fian has been really

hyperactive today and red faced which is consistent with him having poor bms,

should i pull the nut butter back out, the fruit? or give him a cpl of days and

see if settles?

If the nut bread was the only new thing he maynot be ready for it yet. Or maybe

the amount of it. Was the nut bread made with pears? Or were the pears

seperate? Were the pears cooked? You could remove both and then retry cooked

pears first and then nut bread a few days later.

Sheila, SCD 55 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 40 mos

Sheila, SCD 55 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 40 mos

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sorry another update

fian has passed another stool - total nut butter - poor child will be devastated

- he so loves everything almond :-(

will pull and stick to the basics - thank god they love bananas


Emma eeejay174@...> wrote:

hi sheila todays update

both boys had pureed pear and nut butter pancakes for breakfast

kai lunch had carrots, squash, zucchinni, pureed and roast chicken

he had all his supplements with his 200g of magnesium at breakfast and at


he said that this afternoon he had bad d and stomach cramps again but only went


for tea, lamb chops with pureed carrot, squash and courgette again (sorry im not

ignoring what you said about the squash - its just i made a load, have no where

to freeze it and cant afford to waste it, ill certainly go back to carrots and

zuchinni again tomorrow)

he had plenty of juice - i think ill drop the magnesium down to 100g three times

a day until the d stops (not saying that this is the cause but i dont want it to

be aggravated)

he had 3 big pieces of (banana) nut bread for supper

fian ate banana pancakes for lunch 2 small bananas 2 eggs - he suffers with leg

cramps so he had 100g of magnesium at breakfast and lunchtime

tea same as kai

he had grape juice to drink - welch - 1/10th to 9/10 of water

fian has had good firmer bms but today - they are now sludgy green - fians

bowels seem to move the 'average' 8 hours, 'new nut and pear' breakfast was at 8

and he moved at 4 - really sulphury - now im sure some people have said green

sludge is part of the die off but the sulphur smell? and fian has been really

hyperactive today and red faced which is consistent with him having poor bms,

should i pull the nut butter back out, the fruit? or give him a cpl of days and

see if settles?

thanks sheila


they are both having all 3 houston enzymes original formulations

Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

Hi Emma,

> ive made the decision to introduce the stage 1 fruits, to see if

that helps moving things - kai had a blow out in school really bad d

twice - which is definately the result of an impaction

> i gave him 400g of magnesium last night as well - so im not sure

which it was but then he hadnt gone for 2 days so maybe it was a



> ill just give him 200g of magnesium tonight and then 200g in the

morning and see how he fares, plus 2 small bananas for school snacks

am and pm

> hes actually making nut bread in school tomorrow so ill add that

in with him and hopefully hell stay reasonably regular, i have also

added back in butternut squash as they were both okay with that

before the flare - but i know all the rest of the stage 2 foods

caused a variety of issues

Since his stool is so hard and now he is having d I would encourage

the nut bread to soften the stool and hopefully get rid of the


> should i just stay at stage 1 (plus the nut bread and butternut

squash) now until their stools become solid and regular?

Let me know what happens when Kai has the nut bread. You have to

clear out the impaction and go from there. The next few days bm's

should indicate what to do next. Keep me informed and will walk

through it together.


> oh ive also decided we are not going to introduce the threelac - i

am going to use no phenol with samento and oregano oil


> i want to be 100% true to scd

Good choice ;)

Sheila, SCD 55 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 40 mos

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Hi Emma,

> fian once day green sludge with ground nuts again


> kai has come home in a wonderful mood saying he feels much better

and has had no d today


> just staying with cooked chicken and lamb, cooked peeled (deseeded

as appropriate) pears, apples, carrots and zucchinni, eggs,and

bananas - i think ill leave it another week before i change

anything, would that be okay?

Yes, that's okay. Keeping it simple with Fian and making sure that

Kai doesn't get bound up again (may need more nut goods). It sounds

as if Fian will need a longer time before he's ready for nuts again.

> and as a first food for stage 2 what would be better avocado or

butternut squash?

Squash may be better for Fian. Either for Kai. But for both

children just do a little of each food and see how it goes.

Sheila, SCD 55 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 40 mos

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