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Hormones and our illness

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This was so important that I wanted to make sure the group got to read the transcript:Unidentified Female: This program is brought to you by Personal Life Media dot com.

Teri Hausman: Hi, I'm Teri Struck, host of "Beauty

Now." Today, we're really lucky to have the author of "The MS

Solution," Simpson.

Simpson: The progression of the disease actually

mimics the progressive loss of hormones. So, even though many of us

get our...our MS diagnosed, or start the symptoms of MS in our

mid-thirties, we... within ten or fifteen years, fifty percent of us

will actually become what they call "progressive," which is when we

have chronic symptoms. But diet is so huge, I can't even tell you. So

many of us become so inflammatory because we're eating a diet of mainly

refined carbs. Unfortunately, when we start getting sick, we try to

manage it through diet. Most of us with MS don't make digestive

enzymes or gastric acid. So, we can't digest protein well. So many

times just missing that one critical test, that's what really makes the

difference. I lost my dear father uh, to a neurodegenerative disease.

I look back, and I see such clear signs of endocrine involvement with

him as well that I think, "Oh my gosh, if I just could have done those

tests and intervened..."

(Musical interlude)

Teri Hausman: Welcome .

Simpson: Well Teri, thank you so much for having

me. I...I love your show. It's a great resource for women. And I'm

delighted to be here.

Teri Hausman: Thanks for talking with us, and first I

want to start with saying that what struck me about your book is that

it's full of other information, like thyroid, lupus... There's so much

other things that you can learn from your book. Tell us how you

started this book, and why you came to write it.

Simpson: Well uh, I'd love to say that I just became

passionately interested in all things endocrinin, and decided to change

the world. Unfortunately, Teri, uh, like...like many people that

are... that, you know, have passionate causes, I was driven to it. I

was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis about eight years ago, and uh,

had a pretty progressive uh, case of the disease, and was losing

functionality fast. So, it was a sink or swim situation for me. I had

to figure out what was going on, and stop it before, you know, I ended

up uh, you know, in a wheel chair or something worse.

Teri Hausman: Well, how did you figure out that this was the root of your problem?

Simpson: Uh, that was... that was... that... I'd

love to say that uh, again, that I just uh, am...am brilliant,

and...and know all these things, but...

Teri Hausman: (laughs)

Simpson: It was... I was lucky. I was very, very

lucky. My background includes...you...you mentioned that I was a

nurse. Unfortunately, I'm not a registered nurse. I...

Teri Hausman: Oh, I'm sorry.

Simpson: I love nurses, I think they're one of the

most critical health professionals out there. I actually came from

a...a corporate executive background. I was a Vice President and CEO

of companies in the bio-technology world. So, I was lucky to see first

hand all kinds of scientific medical breakthroughs. I didn't uh, come

from a place where uh, you know, scientific terminology, medical

terminology was overwhelming to me. I'd been involved in a lot of

research and development projects, seeing just tremendous things

happen. Uh, you know, day to day. So, when I started feeling bad,

and...and got diagnosed with this. It wasn't as intimidating to me

as...as I...I think probably would be to most people. And I basically

just dove into the research. I uh, I read everything I possibly

could. This was at the very early days of the internet, so there

actually wasn't as much there as there is now, which is a wonderful

resource for people. But, you know what I did, Teri? Is I looked at a

couple of key things. I started looking at, you know, when you...you

start any research project, you sort of start with the basic elements.

And I... I did the basic research on Multiple Sclerosis, and I found a

couple key points. Do you mind if I go through those?

Teri Hausman: No, please do.

Simpson: Uh, I found that MS is approximately four

times more prevalent in women than men. If you look around, you see

far more women have MS, and have...than men do. Uh, and as with any

disease, you mentioned Lupus, that's a good one, Fibromyalgia... All

these diseases that are really clustered, they have far more women than

men. Uh, those are really hormonal in nature. So I thought, "Okay,

well that's one clue." Then I looked at the mean age of onset of MS is

thirty-two. Uh, and uh, we've all heard, most of us that had our kids

late, as...as I did, having uh, you know, sort of a wild corporate

life, I didn't have my first child `til I was thirty-four. And e...you

know, our OBGYN's will tell us, "Have your kids before you're

thirty-five." There's a big shift in fertility levels at that age. We

never really know why, but we all sort of hear that...that, you know,

admonishment. So, we...we realize that the first drop in hormones

happens mid... early-mid thirties. Uh, then we also have seen... This

is something that everybody has known, many doctors, research

scientists, and...and whatnot, that MS goes...goes into remission when

we're pregnant. We, almost all of us, I think to a woman, actually

gets far, far, far healthier during pregnancy, and lose all of our

symptoms of MS. So we see that uh, with this reduction in symptoms,

there's got to be something hormonal happening. And, conversely, when

we have our babies, postpartum, we get generally exacerbations, which

are periods where our symptoms get far, far worse. So, you know, what

does that tell us? I mean that's pretty obvious. Uh, thirdly, the

progression of the disease... or fourthly, the progression of the

disease actually mimics the loss... the progressive loss of hormone.

So, even though many of us get our...our MS diagnosed, or start the

symptoms of MS in our mid-thirties, we, within ten or fifteen years,

fifty percent of us will actually become what they call "progressive,"

which is when we have chronic symptoms. As opposed to just having, you

know, a isolated case of...of...for in... in my instance I had Bell's

Palsy when I was twenty-six. So I had facial paralysis, and then it

went away. Some...many people will get uh, loss of vision, or

inability to walk, and then miraculously that will just go away. But

what "progressive" means is you get the symptoms, they come and they

don't leave. And that happens to fifty percent of us within ten to

fifteen years of being diagnosed. An additional forty percent, so

almost all of us are progressive within twenty-five years. And, Teri,

if you back up and look at the numbers, that puts us dead... you know,

dead smack at menopause. Uh, and uh, finally, the...the...the real uh,

awakening, if...if you will, for me was looking at the symptoms of MS.

When you go to your neurologist, they'll just tell you sort of the

basic things like loss of balance and coordination, numbness, tingling,

those kinds of things. But if you look at the list of MS symptoms,

which is pretty much common across the board, uh, which is uh,

insomnia, numbness, loss of dexterity, loss of balance, bladder and

bowel problems, which are very common, esophageal reflux, fatigue,

which is, unfortunately, uh...you know, a real big one for most of us.

Uh, loss of vision, back pain, all those things. You put the list

together for MS, and the list of hormone loss, and you know what,

Teri? They're exactly the same.

Teri Hausman: So, do you explain the therapy in your book?

Simpson: Uh, yes. So after doing all that, and

figuring out, "Oh my gosh, there's... you know, there's a problem here

with...with hormones," I went through and got everything uh, uh

tested. And that was not an easy path, and I don't mean to trivialize

that for your listeners, because it's hard. It's a...it's a newly

emerging science. It's a newly emerging field, and to find a doctor

that will do this is tough. But the wonderful thing is, it's very

quantifiable. So, what I list in the book are all the tests that need

to be done, and then further, in the appendix....appendix, I actually

have charts of what the levels should be for a healthy, functioning

endocrine system, for both men and women because, of course, although

we all have the same hormones, we have very different levels of things

like testosterone and estrogen and so forth. So, I have put out in

a...in a...in a, you know, I... I hope, easy to understand chart

format, what you should be looking for when you get those blood tests

back. So, hopefully, w...if...if you're listeners get a chance to get

their hands on the book and read it, it's really a template to, "Here

are the tests that you need to take. Here's why those tests are

important," and I...I don't know if you want to have a little

discussion about that. But that's...that's... see, there are some sort

of esoteric issues around testing that you need to understand if you

have a neurodegenerative disease, as opposed to just sort of, you know,

loss of hormones. Basic....

Teri Hausman: Well I think if you have any disease you

should get tested. I mean, I've learned that with my poor mom this

year. Found out, you know, she had a back ache for two or three

months, and it turned out she had cancer all over her body. And she

had been tested for mammograms and everything else, but the doctor just

didn't order chest x-rays and those kinds of things. So, I think that

goes with your overall health. So it's a really good point that you're

bringing up, and I really want to stress that for everybody. To get


Simpson: You are so... you are so right. And... and

so many times just missing that one... or those one or two critical

tests, uh, even though you might do like a general check up, or some

global testing, that's what really makes the difference. And I'm...I'm

so sorry to hear about your mom. Uh, and we...we look at that, I... I

lost my dear father uh, to a neurodegenerative disease, uh which is uh,

called Progressive Supernuclear Palsy, very much like ALS.

Teri Hausman: Oh well.

Simpson: Which is a...

Teri Hausman: That's horrible, I'm sorry.

Simpson: Which is a bad one to have. Uh, and I...

Teri Hausman: Very bad.

Simpson: ....watched him uh, you know, get worse and

worse and worse and worse. And it... and unfortunately was not myself

afflicted until after he had died. So, I was not able to help him.

But I look back and I see such clear signs of endocrine involvement

with him as well, that I think "Oh my gosh, if I just could have done

those tests and intervened, and given him...." The root of my problem

turned out to be uh, thyroid and adrenal. Uh, clearly when I was...

I...I lost all my ovarian function, that exacerbated the situation.

But what I have seen, and in my book I tried to put a lot of

information about the...the current clinical studies that are out

there, and animal studies. There's a whole lot of research that's

available. Uh and for some reason or other, you know, the uh, more

traditional research was not really connecting the dots yet. There's a

wonderful study that's being done at UCLA now. Uh, in the neurological

research group, that's...that's treating MS with estriol, which is a

type of estrogen. Uh, so there's starting to be a little bit of

awareness that the endocrine system is very important to...to our nerve

function. And I'm very heartened to see that. But really what you

have to do is to piece together all these little studies that are out

there. There's a lot of studies that have been done that show that

thyroid is very, very important in nerve health. But what it shows,

particularly MS, in uh, MS, is that the of... there's...there's several

different types of thyroid hormone. Uh, and I won't use the fancy

Latin names, we just shorten them to T3 and T4...

Teri Hausman: That'd be nice. (chuckles)

Simpson: Uh, because yeah, you know, I...I don't

remember half the time...half the time myself. And what...what, the

way that it works is that we have uh, a much greater amount of the T4

hormone in our body, but it actually has to be converted to T3, which

is the active form of thyroid in our body. So, if we are not able

to...to make that conversion uh, which is...it can be for a lot of

reasons. It can be genetic, it can be because we have uh, insufficient

adrenal function. There's a lot of reasons we can't make the

conversion, but the bottom line is, is that the clinical studies show

that those of us with MS have virtually no T3. Now...you...you're

asking, "Why in the world is she telling me all this boring stuff?"

But the...the critical part is that doctors do not test for T3.

Doctors... if you go to your doctor and say, "You know what? I have

all these symptoms and signs of low thyroid..." which are, you know,

back pain is almost always low thyroid. You know, as we age...

Teri Hausman: That's interesting...

Simpson: ...we need testing...

Teri Hausman: I've never heard of that. That... `Cause

I always thought that low thyroid was cold hands and feet, and fatigue,

and loss of hair...thinning hair.

Simpson: Uhuh.

Teri Hausman: So, can you tell us some more symptoms

that women can check? Because uh, I think somebody told me "Oh, well

maybe it's your thyroid." So I went and got checked, but the doctor, I

guess, didn't do the NK Assay test, which is... You can explain that.

What...what is that? That is a more intense test. So, she said my

thyroid was fine. Come to find out it wasn't.

Simpson: That's ex... You are making... you have experience first hand. You're...your...

Teri Hausman: Right.

Simpson: ....self. The...the...the tragedy, which

is th...thyroid treatment in this country, which is they just look

at... and...and I don't knock doctors, I have....

Teri Hausman: No, me neither.

Simpson: ...some friends that are doctors, and they

are in a very tough position, uh, legally, you know, and every...and

everything else. And particularly with the, you know, the struggle to

manage health care. Uh, but the signs of hypothyroidism that I think

that people are not as aware of, is that, you know, anemia is a sign of

hypothyroidism. Anxiety. Any...a.... There are more T3 receptors in

our brain than anywhere else in our body. So if those T... T3

receptors, which are the... kind of the...the mechanism that turns on

thyroid function, are not being stimulated effectively, uh, basically

we get depression. We get anxiety. We can even... even look like we

have bipolar and schizophrenia. It's... you know, it's very, very...

uh, I work with a wonderful researcher in the UK, Dr. Pete Fulgurant.

He's one of the top thyroid specialists, and he said that seventy-five

percent of everybody in a mental institution really just has low

thyroid function. (Laughs)

Teri Hausman: Really? That's amazing.

Simpson: He's a...he's a wild character, and he says

all these wonderful things, but it's backed up with thirty years of

research. Uh, so that, you know, most... you know, if you uh, have

those kinds of uh, depression or... oh, or mental problems, that's the

first thing you should do is get your thyroid checked. Back or leg

pain, Teri, is almost always thyroid, because the sciatic bundle,

the... in the lower back is fed by thyroid hormone. So, if it's not

being stimulated, that starts demyelinating, which means the...which

is...which is the ideology of...of one of the big problems in MS. The

myelin is the fatty sheet that covers the nerve, which is sort of like

an electrical wire. It's the, you know, it's the coating...

Teri Hausman: And that's down your back?

Simpson: And...and that... Well, myelin is on every

nerve in your body, but the sciatic nerve is...is the largest nerve

bundle, and when we start losing that myelin coating, if you will,

we... you know, everything starts...it's like an electrical cord in

your house. If you lose the coating it, you know, you're gonna start

getting shocks. You're gonna start...it basically will stop working at

a point in time, because it's no longer conducting like it should. So,

uh, you know it's very important to look at, you know how... how these

different hormones effect nerve cells, uh...

Teri Hausman: You know what? And I want to keep that

thought, because we're gonna have to take a short break. I can't

believe how fast this show is going. We're gonna have to have you back

for another one. We're gonna take a quick break, and we're gonna be

back talking with Simpson about your hormones, MS, and

different types of diseases that you can get, and how you can fight it

with her book.

(Musical Interlude)

Unidentified Female: Listen to living dialogues. Thought

leaders in transforming ourselves and our global community. With

Duncan , visionary conversationalist. Bringing you the best in

new paradigm thinking. On personal life media dot com.

(Musical Interlude)

Teri Hausman: Hi, this is Teri Struck, host of "Beauty

Now," and we're back with Simpson, the author of "The MS

Solution." Welcome back .

Simpson: I'm delighted to be here.

Teri Hausman: Well we were just talking about the myelin...in sheath, am I saying that right?

Simpson: You sure are.

Teri Hausman: On your... in your back, which is a

coating, and you were just saying how that gets affected. So, continue


Simpson: Well uh, again, myelin... the myelin

sheath, which surrounds all our nerves, is what...what unfortunately is

uh, starts fraying. Uh, to use a non te...technical word. And

actually starts uh, our nerves start losing the ability to conduct

signals, and that's when we start having uh... so many of us have

it...leg involvement. We have a hard time walking. My problems were

in my hands uh, first. And uh, I've reversed all of that. The only

symptom I have of my many, many, many symptoms, is I still have just a

tiny bit of residual numbness in my right hand. But given that I

couldn't write uh, about three years ago, I feel so very fortunate. I

was not able to really move my fingers at all. So, uh, well I'm here

to say that even if you have had a loss... a lot of loss of nerve

function, the earlier that you address it the better, because we can...

uh, the nerves can atrophy. Uh, but if we get the right stimulation

and... in form of the hormones that we need, you can bring that

function back. Uh...

Teri Hausman: But the bottom line, , is that

you're saying, "Get tested." Right? To see what your deficiencies are?

Simpson: Yes.

Teri Hausman: Okay, and then you're gonna get a...a

program just for you. How can our listeners find doctors that

specialize in these types of hormones?

Simpson: I put in the back, and uh, again, it's...it's not always that easy. Uh...

Teri Hausman: Right.

Simpson: I put in the back of the book some doctor

locators. Uh, right now uh, unfortunately, the endocrine

specialist...specialty which is... is... is a wonderful one, and the

neurological specialty for things that are, you know, surgery and those

thing...those sorts of uh, very cut and dried things, are very,

they're...they're great. There's nobody better. But when you're

looking at... at sort of resuscitating the endocrine function, you

really... I find that the...the better... the better doctor to go to is

maybe a GP, family practice, or something that...that positions

themselves as a sort of alternative specialist. Those are the people

that belong to groups like the American College for the advancement of

medicine. I've put the list of these groups in the back of the book,

with the web sites. Most of them have doctor locators, so you can type

your zip code in. It'll give you a list of doctors in your area. And

then what I recommend you do, because so many of the doc...these

doctors have very different approaches, and very different skill sets,

is that you... you give yourself a morning, and you call each doctor,

and you do... you interview them or their office staff, and say, you

know, "What is your... do you have experience in hormone uh,

treatment? Do you work with people that have these diseases?" And

just try to figure out if they sound like they have the right... the

right approach to... to uh, to treatment. And after you've read the

book, I think you'll have a pretty good understanding, because I really

tried to put in there what is the cause of MS, which in my belief is

in...inflammation in the body. Wh... and what causes inflammation?

Loss of key hormones. What are those key hormones? Adrenal, thyroid,

gonadal, which is ovaries or testes depending upon your gender. Uh,

and what levels do you need to have. So once you kind of understand

all of that, you... selecting a doctor and working with a doctor will

ho...hopefully be easier. Uh, again this is a comple... very, very new

field, just emerging. And so it is very important that you spend the

time up front to find the right doctor.

Teri Hausman: Well, what can you do besides medication

and those kinds of things to prevent inflammation in the body? Do you

have any key foods that you like to eat?

Simpson: Uh, diet is so huge, I can't even tell

you. So many of us become so inflammatory because we're eating a diet

of mainly refined carbs. Uh, and I... Unfortunately, when we start

getting sick, we try to manage it through diet. And I tried all kinds

of wild things, and I'm, you know, again I've... I've tried everything,

because I was not willing to just start losing functionality. So, I've

pretty much tried... before I found out about hormones, I...I tried the

diet path. And uh, I p... most of us with MS don't make digestive

enzymes or gastric acid. So, we can't digest protein well.

Particularly animal uh, protein So I became a vegetarian.

Unfortunately, Teri, my idea of a vegetarian was, you know, pesto.

(laughs) I would....

Teri Hausman: I like pesto.

Simpson: I love pesto, but pesto is really simply refined carbs. I mean...

Teri Hausman: Right.

Simpson: I mean, with a little, you know...

Teri Hausman: With pastas, right? So that's...

Simpson: Little there... That's not it. So, you

know I was not... I did all the wrong things. Uh, and... and again, I

did it because I... when I ate a piece of meat it...it felt like trying

to digest a... a gerbil. I just couldn't do it. So uh, many of us

with neurodegenerative diseases start really uh, picking the wrong

foods, because our digestive system is not working correctly. And then

when we start repairing it uh, then things start getting on, you know,

back on line. But...but the bottom line is, you should not eat refined

carbs. You just shouldn't do it. You should really look at anything

that's more complex. Brown rice instead of white rice uh, vegetables

instead of pastry. I mean these are all things that, you know, we all

know. Uh, but we don't... When we have a neurodegenerative disease, we

don't have the latitude as healthy young people do, to eat whatever

they want. We need to make sure that we're getting proper nutrition.

There are some supplements that will resuscitate uh, our DNA. That

will resuscitate our...our mitochondria, if you will, uh, that I've

listed in the back of the book, that are pretty important. Amino acids

and so forth. So, even if we're not getting amino acids, which are the

building blocks for... for our body to function correctly, from our

foods, we can supplement them until we can get things back on track and

start being able to derive more benefit from our food.

Teri Hausman: What are a couple of the...the supplements you take every day?

Simpson: Uh, well L-Lysidal carn... carnitine.

G...Glutamine. There's a bunch of aminos, Taurine. You...you need to

really, again, measure levels of these things. And, fortunately,

testing science has moved so far uh, from even, you know, the days that

I first star... was... you know, first sick and diagnosed, that you can

go in and get a test of all your amino acids. I did that early on in

the process, when I was trying to look at how my system was

functioning, and I was under the range of every single amino acid.

All... all nineteen, except for one. I mean, I didn't even get into

the range. So, I obviously was deriving no benefit whatsoever from any

of the food I was eating. Very easy test to take. You go in, it's a

quick blood test, and you can find out what aminos you're deficient

in. Again, people with MS have very low levels of B... B vitamins.

It's quantified clinical study after clinical study. So, you need to

get the B vitamins uh, measured, and get those put back in your... if

you're low. Pretty much oh... you know, across...

Teri Hausman: You like B12 shots? Do you...

Simpson: You know, I used B12 shots for many years.

I no longer need any of that, because with the reinstallment of my uh,

of my endocrine system by using these hormones... uh, hormones, I

don't... my... my body does everything it needs to do. I have very

nice, high levels of B12 produced endogenously. In other words, I make

it myself. But until you can get your body back to where it's

functioning well, you do need to do what you can with supplementation.

Teri Hausman: So, when... How do you really... So

you're gonna find these doctors in the back of your book, and then

you're gonna ask them, "Do you test for amino acids?"

Simpson: Uhuh. What... what I would do, because

those are... that's... that's secondary. What you really need to do to

stop the progression of this disease, is to find out if they are

willing and able, and knowledgeable to work with en...with hormones.

That is...that is hurdle number one. All the aminos and...and the uh,

vitamins and the minerals, and those kinds of things, that's...that's a

very wonderful complement to this, but it will... I have found, in my

particular case and many other, I did start a clinic in my local area

here, with a physician partner. It's just now really dedicated only to

research. We don't... we don't see patients. Uh, because it...it's,

you know, our focus is really to find out as much as we can about the

science. But uh, you know, the...the bottom line is that uh, we...

you... you really have to work with the endocrine system by the time

you get diagnosed with a disease like MS. I think most of us, if we'd

started finding out these deficiencies when we were much younger, and

we had supported ourselves, we probably never would have had to go to

this extent. But by the time we get neurodegenerative symptoms, you

know, my sense, and I don't want to say this across the board, but

it...it does require a little bit more herculean efforts. Normally,

you have to have some thyroid supplementation, some adrenal

supplementation, uh, and...and really sex hormones, which would be

testosterone for men and estrogen or progesterone for women.

Teri Hausman: That was my next question. How does it differ for the men as the women?

Simpson: It's... It... It's... It's intriguing.

It's very different. Men normally have a very different path with MS,

uh, through MS than women do. Women uh, far more women get it, as we

discussed earlier, but they tend to have a...uh, not as...not as uh,

tough a path. Men tend to get it, become progressive very quickly, and

go downhill very quickly. Women on the other hand will get it and live

with it for thirty years, getting ever yet increasing disabled, but

not... it won't kill them. Uh, so what...what... And the reason that,

you know, I think that is, is because we do uh, a...the men, when they

run out of uh, they start having gonadal problems, they don't have the

other hormones to support. We women are sort of programmed for a loss

of hormones. I mean, we all lose our hormones at menopause. Our

ovaries shut down. We stop making estrodial and prog... or estrogen

and progesterone. So, there's a very different biochemical make up

between the two genders. But it does come down to the same thing. Men

have problems with testosterone, uh, and women have problems with, you

know, estrogen and progesterone. But both genders have problems with

thyroid and adrenal. And the adrenal hormones that are so critical are

cortisol. And I do uh, myself, supplement. Very low dose

bio-identical cortisol, which is very important. Which, cortisol is

the stress hormone.

Teri Hausman: So tell us how that works.

Simpson: Well the stress hormone is critical

for...for uh, e...everything, whether it's a subclinical tooth

infection, or whether it's, you know a...a life threatening or

neurological disease. Our body controls inflammation, and controls our

immune system through a... a chemical... through a hormone called

cortisol, and adrenaline. Uh, cortisol is sort of the... Adrenaline

is the fight or flight, where you produce it in great bursts, and then,

you know, then it kind of goes away. But cortisol, you have to have a

certain nice level all the time in order to keep inflammation at bay in

your body. What happens, what we've seen in clinical studies on MS,

and other degenerative diseases, is that we probably, most of us,

pumped a huge amount of cortisol in our early years, and then we ran

out, which is normally the path, is you, you know, your go-go years of

your twenties and thirties, you're pumping, pumping, pumping, and then

your adrenals are maybe not as robust genetically as everyone else's,

and you lose the ability to produce enough. So, inflammation starts

getting out of control, and we start seeing the nerves break down. So,

that's a real critical hormone. DHEA, most of us have heard of that.

That's a hormone that's become well known. It's actually over the

counter. Cortisol is a prescription drug. DHEA you can buy over the

counter. There's been a lot of clinical studies recently showing it's

ben...benefit in MS. Uh, so that's one thing. We like to look at the

levels. Ldosterone, which is another adrenal hormone, is an important

one to measure. And uh, all the pituitary hormones, which is our

regulatory endocrine gland, which basically monitors and drives all the

other glands underneath it. It's kind of like the... the CEO, if you

will, and it tells all the other glands, you know, when they need to

produce hormones. So, those hormones are important to measure as well

and, again, I've...I've spelled all of those out in the book. So, it,

you know, it's a nice a list. There's, you know, probably twenty

things you should get measured. But you go in, and you come out

understanding if your endocrine system is...is, you know, is...is a

issue in your MS.

Teri Hausman: So, the bottom line of what I'm hearing,

is research your specialist, get a pad and paper with your book, and

write down everything that you think that you need, for you

individually. Our listeners. And then contact the back of your book

and find out everything that you need to know.

Simpson: That is exactly it. And hopefully, you

know, it's...it's...it's sort of a connect the dot approach, because I

know when I was going through it, it, you know, per... one of the

problems with MS is we get confused, we get cognitive issues. Uh, I

could only really think straight for the morning, and after that I was

just... I had terrible chronic fatigue. So, I'd be lying on the bed.

So, I'd get myself all organized, and I'd get my pad of paper, and I'd,

you know, get on it first thing in the morning, and I had a couple good

hours. And most of us are in that same boat. So, you've got to try to

get a good plan, and organization in place, and do what you can. And

picking that right doctor, I can't stress enough. That's going to be

your partner through this process. And it may not be the first doctor

you talk to, it may be the ninth doctor your talk to. Uh, again, I

don't want to be discouraging. Hopefully, that...that won't happen to

too many people. But, again, keep going until you get to somebody who

said, "No, I absolutely get it. This makes sense," and maybe would be

even interested in reading the book. You could, you know, bring it in

and say, "Please read this so we can both be on the same page."

Teri Hausman: And the last thing I want to say, because

we've run out of time, is also that, read this book whether you think

you have MS or not, because there's so many other hormone things in the

book. Uh, and she's also talking about lupus, thyroid, a lot of

different, really useful information. Thank you so much , we're

gonna have to have you back, because we... I can't believe how fast

this show went. We've run out of time, but if you guys would like

transcripts of today's show, you go to personal life media dot com.

We're gonna link you to 's website, so that you can actually

order her book, and she's gonna tell you how to do that. And also, if

you have any other show ideas, please e-mail me at nowbeauty@....

Show ideas, comments, questions, concerns, we could forward you to

Simpson's website, and thanks again for being with us.

It was a really good show, and a lot of really useful information.

Simpson: Great, and the website is uh, www.themssolution.com, and you can...

Teri Hausman: Great.

Simpson: ...buy right on the website.

Teri Hausman: Thanks so much, or you can go to Personal

Life Media dot com and we'll link you to her website. Thanks a lot.

Simpson: Thank you Teri.

Teri Hausman: And we'll have you back.

Simpson: Alrighty. Bye-bye.

Teri Hausman: Bye-bye.> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > > Just wanted to post a bit about how things are going for me and> see ifthere are any suggestions.> > > > >> > > > > Main complaints: terrible digestion and fatigue> > > > >> > > > > I am 5'4" and weight 100 pounds, so really do not think I should> fast.> > > > >> > > > > I'm looking for ideas on how I can cleanse and not lose weight -> that's my main concern. I am eating a lot of fat but not gaining weight.> > > > >> > > > > Anyone else in this same predictament ?> > > > >> > > > > (i react to almost all foods, I think it is due to SIBO and I> will be embarking on the biofilm protocal I posted earlier).> > > > >> > > > > I have made vast improvements since starting specific> carbohydrate diet 7 months ago but still so sick.> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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