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Hot Flashes for ELLA

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Rats! I'm frustrated.

We had Ella off Dairy for 13 days and her poops started being

perfect. I tried to reintroduce a small piece of Cheddar and she

seemed to have no effect on her stool. We re-tested her for

allergies and she was negative for all cheese and casein. She was

allergic to milk however.

After waiting a day I gave her a small piece of Havarti. About 20-30

minutes later the soft stools started comeing. Three of them showed

up and now we having a hard time getting back to formed stools. Can

just a little bit of this cheese throw her system completlely out of

whack now? So that she can't even get appleasauce?

She's complained about being " really hot " before and that usually

precedes a BM about 20 minutes later. Her forhead feels hot and

she is sweating. Could this be a yeast issue? Can Candida feed off

cheese and balloon even if Ella isn't allergic per a RAST test?

She's now eating:

Banana Pancakes with butter on the pan

Very small amount of grape juice with 3/4 water...otherwise water all


Chicken in tamato juice sauce


Scrambled Eggs

Chicken Soup recipe from SCD.

ELLA age 4 SCD 2.5 weeks.


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