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Re: SCD and Hormones/PMS

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I'm sorry I don't know the answer to your question. All I can share is my

own experience with my periods and yeast. My periods had always been very

irregular - anywhere from 12 to 42 days apart, with horrible debilitating

PMS. About 10 years ago, an alternative nutritionist told me that I had a

yeast overgrowth. I had just learned how to use the internet, and I

researched all I could about yeast, and went on a yeast reduction diet. All

I did was diet, and in about a month, had a severe Herxheimer reaction.

After that, to my surprise, my PMS completely disappeared (and has never

returned) and my periods were 28 days like clockwork.

I know that the above doesn't really address your specific issues, but it

does show that there is a relationship between gut health and our periods.


leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 4 weeks

SCD and Hormones/PMS

> I was wondering if any Moms on SCD have ever experienced an effect on

> their hormones. My PSM has always included constipation for 2-3 days

> (when I was younger I would get severe migranes during this time) and then

> very loses stools for the first 2 days of my period. So I know their is

> some kind of connection. Well, my period ended Friday, then Saturday and

> Sunday I was very constipated with a bad headache and fatigue (I have felt

> horrible since day 5 on the diet) and this morning I got my period again

> with loose stools and heavy cramping. After a few hours it slowed down to

> spotting and right now I feel the best I have since day 5. My cycle has

> always been very regular. This is completely out of the ordinary. I used

> to be on Birth Control pills in part to help deal with the migranes. They

> shortened the period of time I would get migranes and some months I

> wouldn't get them at all. But I have been off them for a while. If this

> continues tommarrow I'll call the dr. but

> I just firgure it's got to be connected to my gut health and SCD because

> it is soooooo out of the ordinary.

> Maybe I should also mention, my skin on my face, chest, back, and

> upper arms has always been broken out since I was 11 years old. I've

> heard this can be yeast/damaged gut related so that is one reason I am

> doing the diet with my son. But I know my skin is also related to my

> hormones because during both my pregancies my skin was the clearest it has

> ever been by far in the past 16 years! Can someone please sort out the

> relationship between our gut and hormones, or am I the only one that has

> experienced some sort of connection?

> While I'm on this topic, I have Streptococus-B. A bacteria in my

> bowel that *requires* any children I deliever vaginally to go on

> antibotics for a short time at birth. Could this be killed by the diet?


> Thanks,

> , mom to Elijah 3, UC and ASD, and a 20 months. All SCD 2

> weeks.




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



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But I know my skin is also

> related to my hormones because during both my pregancies my skin was

> the clearest it has ever been by far in the past 16 years! Can

> someone please sort out the relationship between our gut and

> hormones, or am I the only one that has experienced some sort of

> connection?

I can't help with your specific questions but a number of autoimmune

disorders ease up during pregnancy. Take care, Fay

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But I know my skin is also

> related to my hormones because during both my pregancies my skin was

> the clearest it has ever been by far in the past 16 years! Can

> someone please sort out the relationship between our gut and

> hormones, or am I the only one that has experienced some sort of

> connection?

I can't help with your specific questions but a number of autoimmune

disorders ease up during pregnancy. Take care, Fay

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Hi ,

SCD had a huge role in my hormones. Along with UC I have Poly cystic ovarian

disease. My doc thought BC pills would help regulate things. Before I started

the diet I also found out I had cervical dysplaysia and my periods went

completely " wonky " . I was having nothing and then I'd have breakthrough

bleeding, nausea, constipation, cramps etc..

I was seeing a few specialists and nothing they did helped. I got fed up with

it all and told them I was stopping the BC because I was feeling awful.

Eventually I wrote to the Healing Crow list (for SCDers) and asked if anyone had

an info or suggestions. They suggested I take more B complex vitamins or try B

shots. I went to my family doc and she wanted to run blood work first. It came

back very good except my B levels were way too high. She suggested stopping the

B vits for a month. Since I did that my hormones have leveled out and now for

the first time *in my life* I have regular periods. I have very mild

constipation premenstrual which I keep under control with a little extra legal

fiber for those days - an extra almond muffin :)

Carr carrfamily4wh@...> wrote:

I was wondering if any Moms on SCD have ever experienced an effect on

their hormones. My PSM has always included constipation for 2-3 days (when I

was younger I would get severe migranes during this time) and then very loses

stools for the first 2 days of my period. So I know their is some kind of

connection. Well, my period ended Friday, then Saturday and Sunday I was very

constipated with a bad headache and fatigue (I have felt horrible since day 5 on

the diet) and this morning I got my period again with loose stools and heavy

cramping. After a few hours it slowed down to spotting and right now I feel the

best I have since day 5. My cycle has always been very regular. This is

completely out of the ordinary. I used to be on Birth Control pills in part to

help deal with the migranes. They shortened the period of time I would get

migranes and some months I wouldn't get them at all. But I have been off them

for a while. If this continues tommarrow I'll call the dr. but

I just firgure it's got to be connected to my gut health and SCD because it is

soooooo out of the ordinary.

Maybe I should also mention, my skin on my face, chest, back, and upper

arms has always been broken out since I was 11 years old. I've heard this can

be yeast/damaged gut related so that is one reason I am doing the diet with my

son. But I know my skin is also related to my hormones because during both my

pregancies my skin was the clearest it has ever been by far in the past 16

years! Can someone please sort out the relationship between our gut and

hormones, or am I the only one that has experienced some sort of connection?

While I'm on this topic, I have Streptococus-B. A bacteria in my bowel

that *requires* any children I deliever vaginally to go on antibotics for a

short time at birth. Could this be killed by the diet?


, mom to Elijah 3, UC and ASD, and a 20 months. All SCD 2 weeks.


Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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