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Re: Re: Trying intro after 20 months - Dana

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Thanks for the feedback. I learn so much from my fellow parents on this

journey. I have been careful about phenols and amines the last four days. I

know they aren't getting any added msg from foods, but I didn't know anything

about peas and msg. I will have to check that link again.

Thanks again for taking the time to share.

dstein66 dstein66@...> wrote:


I haven't been on here in a LONG time but happened to see your posts

regarding going back to an intro diet and still seeing problems. I

just wanted to make this comment -

We have had my son on this diet for almost 2 years (march) and one of

the things that I found out is that he REALLY reacts to phenols. But

not only phenols - amines and msg too. It appeared that he would

have these types of reactions after eating foods in the high phenol

OR amine OR msg categories: rashes, hyperactivity, meltdowns, etc.

Looking at this list, I see some things that pop up as low phenols

but high msg, like peas - which was listed in the intro diet. Also,

grape juice is a triple whammy. On this site:

www.danasview.net/phenol.htm (sorry i didn't link it), they have good

information about all 3 of these things. I suffer from migraines and

stay away from these types of foods so it would make sense that they

would have some sort of reaction in my son (but shows up in different


I know its frustrating to think: we are down to 4 foods and STILL

having problems but i found along the way that you have to be very

throrough in your investigations when you are still experiencing

problems. Think about it, if you are only eating 4 types of foods,

you're probably ingesting a lot of those 4 and if one of those items

has something you react to, your getting a lot more of that item than

you would in a more varied diet. Perhaps, in some situations if you

ate a small amount of that food, it wouldn't show any problems, but

increase the volume consumed and you may have a reaction (we

definitely saw this on my son's sensitivity tests: some foods like

goat cheese were ok, but increase the amount and he went off the


We had a similar problem when we first started and found out that

carrots were causing him hyperactivity (long story with that) but

once we found the culprit, things mellowed out.

I'm not saying this will miraculously help and not trying to butt in

AND we do scd, casein/gluten-free, use epsom salt baths and amino

acid supplements, so it could definitely be a combo. But good food

choices have definitely shown a good cause/effect.

Good luck.

Dana Stein


> apple, peeled (except granny smith)

> beef

> butter

> cabbage, red

> cabbage, white

> cauliflower

> cheese (allowed SCD varieties)

> coconut

> eggs

> fish

> gelatin

> grape juice, white

> grapefruit juice

> green peas, fresh or frozen

> honeydew (cannot find on salicylate list-so unknown status)

> lamb

> lemon juice

> lemon

> lettuce, iceberg

> lime juice

> mangoes

> mayonnaise (homemade)

> mustard

> nectarines

> oils

> papaya (not listed on salicylate list-unknown status)

> passion fruit

> pineapple juice

> plums, green or yellow

> pork

> poultry

> salt

> seafood

> turnips (if tolerated)

> vanilla (not listed on salicylate list-unknown status)

> vinegar, apple cider

> watermelon

> yogurt (homemade)



For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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