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Dora Ines Roa/Grammy Gay:

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Buenos dias:

Seria muy importante, saber si hay alguien que hable espanol debido a

que me encuentro en Bogota-Colombia y aunque entiendo algo de ingles

seria mas comodo en espanol Gracias


Grammy Bauer grammy_bauer@...

Peacanbread URL Spanish language Support Group



" SCD in Argentina for Spanish speakers in Argentina, Spain, Mexico,

Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador,

Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, San Salvador, Cuba, Costa Rica, Honduras and

for all Spanish speakers around the world and for English people, too.

Please write in Spanish or English to:

** Mangione cmangione@... Celiac Buenos Aires, will

help. Post to directly. Put in Subject: SCDiet help please.

o en español: Ayuda de SCDiet por favor

Support Group in Spain and all Spanish speakers countries: write in

Spanish and in English to:


For Especifico: click on sidneyhaaselainegottschall · Dieta de

Carbohidratos Específicos - SCD:

For English: click on Ver todos los mensajes (5928

To subscribe: sidneyhaaselainegottschall-subscribe SCD

To post: sidneyhaaselainegottschall

To leave: sidneyhaaselainegottschall-unsubscribe

This SCD support group is for write in spanish or english and you have

here a lot of information about SCD in e-mails and archives

**Barcelona pdiericxd@... will help

**SCD in Mexico **Carlo Mangioni cmangione@... Argentina,

Buenos Aires.

** SCD in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific area

To Join send an email to: Pacific_SCD-subscribe Or

visit: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pacific_SCD/

If you have any problems email me at: sesagreg@...

On http://www.scdiet.net SCD-Friendly Doctors under



**SCD in SPAIN: **BTVC BOOK: exportaciones@...

or: eunsa@...

or: (contact to Mrs. Huarte or Mrs.Beatriz ez)

Please send your order to all of this e-mails because for some reason

they can´t recieve sometimes the information or call them because

Beatriz ez, I supouse, knows the english language.

SCD Pals that will help

** Isabella [spanish] laura@... will help.

** Kuhn m_kuhn@... Santiago MAN Takraf Chile

S.A.,Alcantara 200, Piso 6, Las Condes, Santiago. Tel: (56-02) 369 5664,

Fax: (56-02) 369 5653 will help **Pedro vivir120@...

Mexico City will help

**Ruth S. SmileCrohny@... will help

**Ruth Steinberg ruthsgto@... Guanajuato will help

[spanish but preferr English- Speaking expatriate] will help

Matsko cjm-32a@... Albuquerque NM

Angel Sosa asosa97@... Veracruz

" Diericx " pdiericxd@... in Brussels, Belgium speaks

English, Spanish, French and Dutch will help.

****Dr. Dominguez/Shaw (913) 3418949 2716290

Para cancelar su suscripción a este grupo, envíe un mensaje de correo-e



Enlaces a Yahoo! Grupos




Loving Care, Grammy

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net

*Put in Subject: Grammy SCDiet SCD PALS, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Compunding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


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[parenting classes from the comfort of home]

Join: *http://www.activeparenting.com/aptog.htm



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