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Re: Re: Enzyme recommendation

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Yes, we use all three capsules with each meal. We worked up gradually starting

with only one eighth of a capsule each. We take one full capsule of each with

each meal. Recently, I upped the amount to two full peptizyde and two full of

capsules of zyme with each meal and snack, thinking the enzymes not used for

food will find other debris to clear. We have seen dramatic results with

Houston's, and even more results doubling the enzymes. I would start small, or

only double enzymes if one feels they are needed. In our case, enzymes

definitely speed healing, and we have been able to move from a position of

stringent phenol watching to less worry over phenol foods, provided they are not

overindulged. While there are many things that we try to do to work on this

whole health equation, by far the most important things have been SCD and

enzymes. As far as I am concerned, the combination is what has helped this

family the most. From what I hear, there is no one enzyme for everybody. I have

heard mostly positive stories about Houston's, but if by chance they do not

work out, there are other enzymes to try. I say this, because I have spoken to

people who said an enzyme didn't work out for them, and they completely gave up,

thinking they couldn't tolerate enzymes.

There is a technique to starting them that DeFelice shares in her book

" Enzymes and Autism " which we found helpful. I have also spoken to other people,

who after trying different enzymes, finally found the one that worked

specifically for them. It has something to do with the proteases, they can work

on different viral structures and what not. Anyway, good luck, just wanted you

to know that there are options out there concerning enzymes.:)


toekneeabc home@...> wrote:

Summer, thanks for the response…do you use all 3 at the same time with

each meal?

> There are several legal enzymes on the list…can anyone recommend


> been working well for them? I'vd been using Serenaid by Klaire Labs, but


> not sure that it's legal and now that I'm almost out, I'd like to switch.

> I'm hoping the switch will improve his bm's too.


> Thanks,









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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