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Re: Casein

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> In answer to:

> Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 17:07:51 -0600

> From: " Jim & Jennie "

> Subject: casein


> I need a study on what the effects casein has on the body when you are

autistic and

show the very hyper intolerance to it. My mother-in-law is trying to learn about


benefits of not including casein in my little one's diet. Does it actually

destroy brain cells

like some drugs do? Please if anyone has info. on this, SEND to me. My private

email is

jlessard@n... Thank in advance!! Jenn & Kali 6 months scd non-dairy



> and Seroussi, the first well-known proponents of GF/CF diet,

had a

very informative Frequently Asked Questions section on their website:



Karyn and have opposed the use of dairy on SCD for as long as I recall

since my being

on this group. It doesn't seem to impact that we repeat and repeat that dairy is


mandatory on SCD despite the fact that the yogurt effacy is supported by the


more friendly bacteria it generates that restore balance in the gut. However,

Karyn agrees that there are children who can tolerate casein. Her concern is for

those that

do not. The proof is in how many parents here have transitioned from GFCF to SCD


experienced success or improvement. Their is a difference between true casein


and general reactions from an immune sytem that perceives danger in many foods

and in

a random manner. When I last made an estimate, 85% of pecanbread members were

originally GFCF and had either reached a plateau or ceased to make progress.

they will tell

you and your husband's mom in their own words about their histories with dairy


especially the yogurt.

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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> In answer to:

> Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 17:07:51 -0600

> From: " Jim & Jennie "

> Subject: casein


> I need a study on what the effects casein has on the body when you are

autistic and

show the very hyper intolerance to it. My mother-in-law is trying to learn about


benefits of not including casein in my little one's diet. Does it actually

destroy brain cells

like some drugs do? Please if anyone has info. on this, SEND to me. My private

email is

jlessard@n... Thank in advance!! Jenn & Kali 6 months scd non-dairy



> and Seroussi, the first well-known proponents of GF/CF diet,

had a

very informative Frequently Asked Questions section on their website:



Karyn and have opposed the use of dairy on SCD for as long as I recall

since my being

on this group. It doesn't seem to impact that we repeat and repeat that dairy is


mandatory on SCD despite the fact that the yogurt effacy is supported by the


more friendly bacteria it generates that restore balance in the gut. However,

Karyn agrees that there are children who can tolerate casein. Her concern is for

those that

do not. The proof is in how many parents here have transitioned from GFCF to SCD


experienced success or improvement. Their is a difference between true casein


and general reactions from an immune sytem that perceives danger in many foods

and in

a random manner. When I last made an estimate, 85% of pecanbread members were

originally GFCF and had either reached a plateau or ceased to make progress.

they will tell

you and your husband's mom in their own words about their histories with dairy


especially the yogurt.

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Kali's grandma won't even send me or tell me her email address. She is the

kind of person that sticks with whatever the dr.'s say and will not hear

about anything that will discredit what she already knows and that appears

to be everything! Jenn & Kali 6 months scd --- Original Message -----

To: " SCD Listserve " pecanbread >

Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:24 AM

Subject: Casein

> In answer to:

> Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 17:07:51 -0600


> Subject: casein


> I need a study on what the effects casein has on the body when you are

autistic and show the very hyper intolerance to it. My mother-in-law is

trying to learn about the benefits of not including casein in my little

one's diet. Does it actually destroy brain cells like some drugs do? Please

if anyone has info. on this, SEND to me. My private email is

jlessard@.... Thank in advance!! Jenn & Kali 6 months scd non-dairy



> and Seroussi, the first well-known proponents of GF/CF

diet, had a very informative Frequently Asked Questions section on their

website: www.autismndi.com


> The direct link to the FAQ's page is below. I don't see as their answers

are as in-depth as I have found in the past, but the in-depth answer to your

question may be elsewhere on the website. Also, the original FAQ's that I

found so helpful were listed in the book: Biological Treatments for Autism

and PDD by Shaw, PhD. About 5 years ago, these 2 sources explained

well to me how casein is a protein that breaks down into peptides, and in a

leaky (damaged) gut like our children have, these peptides go straight to

the body's systems through the blood, rather than getting broken down

properly to be used like healthy people may use them. In the brain, these

peptides act as an opiate to our kids. Take the casein out, peptides don't

go to the brain, the child's brain is suddenly functioning more clearly,

often described as a lifting of fog by older children/adults with autism.

For my daughter, when we removed the opiate, just like breaking any

addiction to an opiate, she sudde


> http://www.autismndi.com/faq/


> P.S. I hope the mother-in-law's interest is to help Kali, not to disprove

this as hogwash. (I fear for you that the latter is the case, particularly

because it's Thanksgiving week and relatives tend to be less understanding

of diet restrictions when it's time to lay out the traditional feast.) I

know what it's like to have in-laws doubt every choice you make, no matter

that your choices have brought about obvious improvement. Likely, no matter

what you do, this type of person's judgment of you and negativity won't

change. So, hand them books and printouts from the internet (which they

probably won't read, if they're like my in-laws) but don't let anyone make

you doubt your choices for your daughter. Get your affirmations and doubts

from how Kali is doing, not from anyone who doesn't have experience raising

or being a hurting child.


> Nannette, IBS, SCD 2 months

> daughter, , autism, 13yo, SCD 2 months





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After reading you posts about casein I was wondering...Doesn't it

make sense too that while on SCD the gut will heal. And this

healing will aid in the breakdown of casein, prevent it from leaking

from the gut and going to the brain? This would permanently break

the cycle of opiate addiction from casein and gluten because they are

no longer in the opiate form going to the brain causeing the

opiate " high " ???????

Just a thought

mother of Caden 2.5 years, SCD since 2/05 for intestinal yeast

and Emmalynn 11 months


> Kali's grandma won't even send me or tell me her email address. She

is the

> kind of person that sticks with whatever the dr.'s say and will not


> about anything that will discredit what she already knows and that


> to be everything! Jenn & Kali 6 months scd --- Original Message ----


> From: " Nannette Silvernail "

> To: " SCD Listserve " pecanbread >

> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:24 AM

> Subject: Casein



> > In answer to:

> > Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 17:07:51 -0600

> > From: " Jim & Jennie "

> > Subject: casein

> >

> > I need a study on what the effects casein has on the body when

you are

> autistic and show the very hyper intolerance to it. My mother-in-

law is

> trying to learn about the benefits of not including casein in my


> one's diet. Does it actually destroy brain cells like some drugs

do? Please

> if anyone has info. on this, SEND to me. My private email is

> jlessard@n... Thank in advance!! Jenn & Kali 6 months scd non-dairy

> >

> >

> > and Seroussi, the first well-known proponents of


> diet, had a very informative Frequently Asked Questions section on


> website: www.autismndi.com

> >

> > The direct link to the FAQ's page is below. I don't see as their


> are as in-depth as I have found in the past, but the in-depth

answer to your

> question may be elsewhere on the website. Also, the original FAQ's

that I

> found so helpful were listed in the book: Biological Treatments

for Autism

> and PDD by Shaw, PhD. About 5 years ago, these 2 sources


> well to me how casein is a protein that breaks down into peptides,

and in a

> leaky (damaged) gut like our children have, these peptides go

straight to

> the body's systems through the blood, rather than getting broken


> properly to be used like healthy people may use them. In the

brain, these

> peptides act as an opiate to our kids. Take the casein out,

peptides don't

> go to the brain, the child's brain is suddenly functioning more


> often described as a lifting of fog by older children/adults with


> For my daughter, when we removed the opiate, just like breaking any

> addiction to an opiate, she sudde

> >

> > http://www.autismndi.com/faq/

> >

> > P.S. I hope the mother-in-law's interest is to help Kali, not to


> this as hogwash. (I fear for you that the latter is the case,


> because it's Thanksgiving week and relatives tend to be less


> of diet restrictions when it's time to lay out the traditional

feast.) I

> know what it's like to have in-laws doubt every choice you make, no


> that your choices have brought about obvious improvement. Likely,

no matter

> what you do, this type of person's judgment of you and negativity


> change. So, hand them books and printouts from the internet (which


> probably won't read, if they're like my in-laws) but don't let

anyone make

> you doubt your choices for your daughter. Get your affirmations

and doubts

> from how Kali is doing, not from anyone who doesn't have experience


> or being a hurting child.

> >

> > Nannette, IBS, SCD 2 months

> > daughter, , autism, 13yo, SCD 2 months

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> Kali's grandma won't even send me or tell me her email address. She is the

> kind of person that sticks with whatever the dr.'s say and will not hear

> about anything that will discredit what she already knows and that appears

> to be everything!

I do not like to meddle in family relationships but we frequently encounter


or a divorced parent who opposes SCD and this poses so much additional stress


anxiety in an already challenging situation.

Try to be as firm and tactful as possible, perhaps saying you will give SCD a

one month

trial (with or without yogurt) and ask her to desist from criticism for that

short period of

time. Tell her you appreciate her input and concern.

Do you speak with her on the phone or have the blessing of occasional visits?


Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Yes, you are so right! The latest scientific studies show that

the gut microorganisms are responsible for the problems with dairy.

Here I wrote about one such study.


I will try to send another one later tonight.



> After reading you posts about casein I was wondering...Doesn't it

> make sense too that while on SCD the gut will heal. And this

> healing will aid in the breakdown of casein, prevent it from


> from the gut and going to the brain? This would permanently break

> the cycle of opiate addiction from casein and gluten because they


> no longer in the opiate form going to the brain causeing the

> opiate " high " ???????


> Just a thought

> mother of Caden 2.5 years, SCD since 2/05 for intestinal


> and Emmalynn 11 months


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> We do not speak on the phone. We do not speak much at all. We do not agree

> about most things. We haven't in the last 10 yrs. I do have compassion for

> her though as she is also ill and needs some real help. We just disagree

> when it comes to how I am raising my daughter for the most part. She always

> tells me that she must have done something right because all her kids are

> still here. She couldn't be farther from the truth about that. 2/3 of her

> kids have attention problems badly and they are trying to live their lives

> the best they can now as they are in their 20's. I only have the blessing of

> visits about 4 times a year. I will take K away for a year if I have to in

> order for her to heal. Anyone want to put us up? Just kidding.:) Thanks for

> all the input though. Jenn & Kali 6 monthd scd Re: Casein

Years ago there was a Dr. Bruno Bettleheim who blamed mothers for their


autism. He called them " Refrigerator Moms " and implied they were somehow


their children. This did irreparable damage to families of autistic children.

Elaine was

horrified by this attitude to her dying day

Do not be compromised or intimidated by aspersions on your parenting! You have


to deal with.


Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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In response to:

Message: 9

Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 12:17:24 -0000

Subject: Re: Casein

" Karyn agrees that there are children who can tolerate casein. Her concern is

for those that

do not. The proof is in how many parents here have transitioned from GFCF to SCD


experienced success or improvement. "

I'm sorry, my brain momentarily lapsed and I forgot that some casein is within

the SCD diet. This explanation of harm from casein is still accurate IF your

child has a system which is leaky and can't tolerate the casein yet--so use with

in-laws boldly if desired. :-) I imagine that the leaks will soon be fixed

if you are following SCD diligently! I will add that my daughter was

casein-free for many years and we have introduced some legal casein now that

we're on SCD and she seems to have no negative reaction. Still can't get yogurt

into her, but I make it for myself and will keep trying to tempt her with it,

and to sneak it into things.

Nannette IBS, SCD 2 months

daughter, , autism, 13yo, SCD 2 months

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