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the new silicone implants

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What do you think of the new generation of silicone implants?

One of my breast cancer friends is hopeful that all will be well as she proceeds

to have the " latest and greatest " inserted. She's undergoing the expanders

right now.

My gut tells me " no " , but I need to research it.

Thanks for any input.


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My personal opinion is that as long as they are using silicone in any form in

implants, it doesn't matter how much they promote them as newest, latest,

greatest...they are still silicone gel implants, the body still has an immune

system that reacts to that and all of their raving about how good they are is

not going to change that one bit.

In the past, every single time they came out with new implants touting them as

the newest, latest, greatest, they were ultimately found to be just as bad as

the last generation or worse. Case in point...the soybean oil implants...what a

nightmare those were! The oil gets rancid, and if they burst in the body, what a

horrific medical situation that would be.

Saline implants were no different, because they never addressed the potential

growth of various fungus and other organisms in the saline solution, which we

know for a fact happens.

Nope...there is no such thing as a safe implant, and it doesn't matter who puts

them in, whether they are super board certified or whatever other pretty titles

or dressings you can put on the whole package to make it look more appealing.

Implants are still going to be regarded by the immune system as a foreign object

anyway you look at it. Silicone is not safe in the human body, though they are

trying hard to get everyone to believe it.

Hope your friend stays well.



> What do you think of the new generation of silicone implants?

> One of my breast cancer friends is hopeful that all will be well as she

proceeds to have the " latest and greatest " inserted. She's undergoing the

expanders right now.

> My gut tells me " no " , but I need to research it.


> Thanks for any input.


> M.


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Wow, Patty, you state the information so clearly.

May I send her your email?

I was just out checking my mailbox and talking with my 80 year old neighbor. He

had had a stainless steel metal plate in his forearm for 2 years...lots of

boils/sores coming to the skin above the plate over the past year...Lots of

fatigue that he wrote off to his age.

With some dental work last month he found he had pockets of Staph infection in

some roots. Anyway,

He just had the plate out last week and feels MUCH better already.

I agree with you, our bodies are built for human cells.


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Sure you can send it to her...and please add that my concerns for all women are

that they remain free from further tragedy after undergoing the trauma of


It doesn't surprise me about your neighbor's experience with the metal forearm

plate. Thank God he had the option to remove it. My mother has knee

replacements and she suffers from the same type of autoimmune symptoms that I

did many years ago from implants. The knee replacements were made of titanium

and silicone, but they will never be removed from her body. She just continues

to suffer. The last I heard from my sister is that she was diagnosed with

rheumatoid arthritis. It just keeps getting worse!

God bless,



> Wow, Patty, you state the information so clearly.

> May I send her your email?


> I was just out checking my mailbox and talking with my 80 year old neighbor.

He had had a stainless steel metal plate in his forearm for 2 years...lots of

boils/sores coming to the skin above the plate over the past year...Lots of

fatigue that he wrote off to his age.

> With some dental work last month he found he had pockets of Staph infection in

some roots. Anyway,

> He just had the plate out last week and feels MUCH better already.


> I agree with you, our bodies are built for human cells.

> M.


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