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We Have Lost Elaine

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Forward from: Carol Frilegh c.frilegh@...

Monday, September 5, 2005 9:48 PM

Elaine Gottschall passed away peacefully today, September 5, 2005 at 3:30 p.m.

EDT, with her daughters Judy Herod and Joan Gottschall by her side. She is also

survieved by her son-in-law Stu Herod and grandchildren, and .

The funeral will take place in Cobourg, Ontario on Friday, September 9, time to

be announced. Anyone planning to attend should contact the funeral home below so

appropriate arrangements can be made for afterward.

We have lost a rare individual who lovingly held many lives in her hands and

rescued them and was respected and adored by all of us.

We must carry on what she worked on for half of her lifetime in the manner she

would have wished.

MacCoubrey Funeral Home

30 King St. East

Cobourg, Ontario

Canada K9A 1K7

Phone :

Fax :

Carol Frilegh

SCD 5 years


Loving Care, Grammy

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

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