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Food Intolerances

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Just wanted you to know that you are not alone!!

My son is SCD dairy, egg, nut, legume, soy, corn,

gluten, tomato, beef etc etc etc free!!!!

I am probably not that encouraging because

my son only has 4 foods right now (turkey,

carrots, b squash and pears) But just so you

know...it can be done. My little boy is only 2.5

though and will eat whatever I put in front of him

(Thank God!)

He is also very environmentally sensitive.

I am wondering if anybody has any ideas on what

low allergen foods that I should try next? Would

asparagus be acceptable?

Best Wishes to your Family!


mom of Peyton 2.5 ASD (scd 5mos)

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Hi. I have an almost 6yr old son(severely autistic).He has been GFCF

since he was 24 mos. I'd like to try the SC Diet but he is intolerant

to all nuts(except macadamia),all legumes,and eggs. I found a flour

made from Italian Chestnuts(Dowd and ) that he can tolerate,and

manage to make muffins from these. Despite elimination and rotation

diets,his food intolerances have only become worse. Are there any

other parents trying this diet with ASD kids who also are facing these

severe food intolerances? I'd appreciate any help to get my son

started on this diet!

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> Hi. I have an almost 6yr old son(severely autistic).He has been


> since he was 24 mos. I'd like to try the SC Diet but he is


> to all nuts(except macadamia),all legumes,and eggs. I found a


> made from Italian Chestnuts(Dowd and ) that he can


> manage to make muffins from these. Despite elimination and


> diets,his food intolerances have only become worse. Are there any

> other parents trying this diet with ASD kids who also are facing


> severe food intolerances? I'd appreciate any help to get my son

> started on this diet!



I hear you, lol. Do check out BTVC. Our son is SCD/LOD no

casein, no nuts, no seeds, no beans, no citrus, limited fruits and

honey. He's been on this version of SCD since 2.01.05 (LOD since

8.01.05). We've had steady improvements in gut function.

Our first trial of SCD last year yielded NO changes, so after

seven weeks, we dropped it and went back to GFCFSFCFYF, Feingold,

low phenol/salicilyte, organic/grassfed foods, enzymes, etc. After

really horrible gut bug labs this winter we decided to try SCD

again, only this time I asked for an blood IgG assay. Thirty-nine

food reactants (most high oxalate as well, hence our interest in the

LOD now). All those IgG a year into a restrictive diet - things

weren't getting better for us either.

He's done great this time around! Started growing again about a

month into " SCD Part Deux " , and after being on LOD since August

(plus LDN) he's gained two pounds in eight weeks AND had a growth


My rambling point is, it's totally possible to do - just takes

some planning. Today he had scrambled eggs and zucchini w/ghee for

breakfast, lamb chops, peas w/bone broth and a pear for lunch, and a

grilled buffalo steak (pastured), asparagus and portobello mushrooms

for dinner. I actually find it a lot easier in many ways - not

spending hours every week baking.

And, while this is not an " SCD-thing " persay, it makes a BIG

difference to our son to have organic foods/cleaning products. He's

very environmentally sensative. FWIW. Good luck!


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