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Re: What Now

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I'm not sure what you've tried so far, but I would definitely begin your

family on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and make sure that you're working

with a qualified DAN! doctor. Begin the SCD by reading the book " Breaking

the Vicious Cycle " .


leaky gut, SCD 9 weeks

What Now

>I feel the need to express myself to people who have been or are

> experiencing some of the same things as myself and my family. At 3 yrs

> old we were told that my son was austistic. It has been down hill

> since then. I have reached out to get help from every organization

> thats under the sun ( I think ). The problems dont seem to go away or

> get any better. All of a sudden when he doesnt get his way he wets his

> clothes and then wants to change in to fresh ones. He is now 10 yrs

> old, very combative and the whole nine yards. He is on medication but

> it doesnt seem to help. I am looking for any support groups that may

> be avaiable to me and my family. I live in Wayne county. Anybody that

> can help or lead me in the right direction please do so.









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I am looking for any support groups that may


> be avaiable to me and my family. I live in Wayne county. Anybody

> that

> can help or lead me in the right direction please do so.

Do you mean Wayne County MI? There is a woman on this list - am I correct

in assuming you're new? - who sets people up with mentors for the diet. I

don't know how complete her info is but maybe she can find someone whose

child is on the diet for autism too, not IBD, etc. Also, have you tried

this diet or any others? Those details may help people who can, help you.

I wish you all the best and know that everyone here is thinking of you,

and more than a few are likely to have some solid advice and direction.

Take care, Fay

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Dear Friend!!!

Don't give up!!!

www.nationalautismassociation.org is a great web page for resources.

If you go to the link and scroll down to the section where it says

yellow pages for kids with disabilities, you can type in your state

and a lot of info (parents groups, kids groups, support groups, etc.)

will be there. Another good web page is www.generationrescue.org.

They list " rescue angels " or in other words, people who have been

going through what you are in your area who are available via phone,

email or perhaps in person at no charge.

I agree, The SCD diet is absolutely wonderful. " Breaking the Vicious

Cycle " is a must have book. My ASD son has shown remarkable

improvements and has only been on the diet for 3 weeks. He has formed

normal stools daily (he had 4 months of green river stools). Learned

how to self-feed. Has never done this nor tried it before. I had him

GF/CF for 6 months before trying the SCD diet. He initially did well

on the GF/CF but then he was even worse after a few months.

My other suggestion is to buy this book: " Autism: Effective

Biomedical Treatments (Have We Done Everything We Can For This Child?

Individuality In An Epidemic) " By M.D. Sidney Baker and Ph.d. Jon


I believe it is $30 on Amazon.com. They talk alot about the SCD diet

in the book and have said that out of all the dietary interventions

for ASD children, this one shows the most promise. They also say the

initial step in helping your child is with diet and cleaning up the

gut. Then adding vitamins & minerals, enzymes, probiotics, etc.

There is a specific order and a specific way that these items should

be introduced.

I feel very fortunate to have found SCD as well as the book by Drs.

Baker & Pangborn. I really feel that my son will improve physically

and mentally if we stick with it.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need further information.


Tammy ( (Autistic) 2 years, 8 months; -- SCD 3 weeks)


> I feel the need to express myself to people who have been or are

> experiencing some of the same things as myself and my family. At 3 yrs

> old we were told that my son was austistic. It has been down hill

> since then. I have reached out to get help from every organization

> thats under the sun ( I think ). The problems dont seem to go away or

> get any better. All of a sudden when he doesnt get his way he wets his

> clothes and then wants to change in to fresh ones. He is now 10 yrs

> old, very combative and the whole nine yards. He is on medication but

> it doesnt seem to help. I am looking for any support groups that may

> be avaiable to me and my family. I live in Wayne county. Anybody that

> can help or lead me in the right direction please do so.


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Dear Friend!!!

Don't give up!!!

www.nationalautismassociation.org is a great web page for resources.

If you go to the link and scroll down to the section where it says

yellow pages for kids with disabilities, you can type in your state

and a lot of info (parents groups, kids groups, support groups, etc.)

will be there. Another good web page is www.generationrescue.org.

They list " rescue angels " or in other words, people who have been

going through what you are in your area who are available via phone,

email or perhaps in person at no charge.

I agree, The SCD diet is absolutely wonderful. " Breaking the Vicious

Cycle " is a must have book. My ASD son has shown remarkable

improvements and has only been on the diet for 3 weeks. He has formed

normal stools daily (he had 4 months of green river stools). Learned

how to self-feed. Has never done this nor tried it before. I had him

GF/CF for 6 months before trying the SCD diet. He initially did well

on the GF/CF but then he was even worse after a few months.

My other suggestion is to buy this book: " Autism: Effective

Biomedical Treatments (Have We Done Everything We Can For This Child?

Individuality In An Epidemic) " By M.D. Sidney Baker and Ph.d. Jon


I believe it is $30 on Amazon.com. They talk alot about the SCD diet

in the book and have said that out of all the dietary interventions

for ASD children, this one shows the most promise. They also say the

initial step in helping your child is with diet and cleaning up the

gut. Then adding vitamins & minerals, enzymes, probiotics, etc.

There is a specific order and a specific way that these items should

be introduced.

I feel very fortunate to have found SCD as well as the book by Drs.

Baker & Pangborn. I really feel that my son will improve physically

and mentally if we stick with it.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need further information.


Tammy ( (Autistic) 2 years, 8 months; -- SCD 3 weeks)


> I feel the need to express myself to people who have been or are

> experiencing some of the same things as myself and my family. At 3 yrs

> old we were told that my son was austistic. It has been down hill

> since then. I have reached out to get help from every organization

> thats under the sun ( I think ). The problems dont seem to go away or

> get any better. All of a sudden when he doesnt get his way he wets his

> clothes and then wants to change in to fresh ones. He is now 10 yrs

> old, very combative and the whole nine yards. He is on medication but

> it doesnt seem to help. I am looking for any support groups that may

> be avaiable to me and my family. I live in Wayne county. Anybody that

> can help or lead me in the right direction please do so.


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Dear Friend!!!

Don't give up!!!

www.nationalautismassociation.org is a great web page for resources.

If you go to the link and scroll down to the section where it says

yellow pages for kids with disabilities, you can type in your state

and a lot of info (parents groups, kids groups, support groups, etc.)

will be there. Another good web page is www.generationrescue.org.

They list " rescue angels " or in other words, people who have been

going through what you are in your area who are available via phone,

email or perhaps in person at no charge.

I agree, The SCD diet is absolutely wonderful. " Breaking the Vicious

Cycle " is a must have book. My ASD son has shown remarkable

improvements and has only been on the diet for 3 weeks. He has formed

normal stools daily (he had 4 months of green river stools). Learned

how to self-feed. Has never done this nor tried it before. I had him

GF/CF for 6 months before trying the SCD diet. He initially did well

on the GF/CF but then he was even worse after a few months.

My other suggestion is to buy this book: " Autism: Effective

Biomedical Treatments (Have We Done Everything We Can For This Child?

Individuality In An Epidemic) " By M.D. Sidney Baker and Ph.d. Jon


I believe it is $30 on Amazon.com. They talk alot about the SCD diet

in the book and have said that out of all the dietary interventions

for ASD children, this one shows the most promise. They also say the

initial step in helping your child is with diet and cleaning up the

gut. Then adding vitamins & minerals, enzymes, probiotics, etc.

There is a specific order and a specific way that these items should

be introduced.

I feel very fortunate to have found SCD as well as the book by Drs.

Baker & Pangborn. I really feel that my son will improve physically

and mentally if we stick with it.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need further information.


Tammy ( (Autistic) 2 years, 8 months; -- SCD 3 weeks)


> I feel the need to express myself to people who have been or are

> experiencing some of the same things as myself and my family. At 3 yrs

> old we were told that my son was austistic. It has been down hill

> since then. I have reached out to get help from every organization

> thats under the sun ( I think ). The problems dont seem to go away or

> get any better. All of a sudden when he doesnt get his way he wets his

> clothes and then wants to change in to fresh ones. He is now 10 yrs

> old, very combative and the whole nine yards. He is on medication but

> it doesnt seem to help. I am looking for any support groups that may

> be avaiable to me and my family. I live in Wayne county. Anybody that

> can help or lead me in the right direction please do so.


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