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OT: Action Alert for Vaccine Injured

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Folks we are drop dead serious here. We need to be circulating the

ACHAMP letter through out local list serves. The BioDefense bill

passed the HELPS committee today. Safeminds and ACHAMP are in DC as

we speak with others prepping for meetings.

We need to be on the horn with our respective senators and baraging

them with letters.

If this passes we will have no access through freedom of information

act to what is in medicines and vaccines. VICP will be history and

the drug companys will be indemified.

This strips away basic rights to informed concent and gives Pharma

diplomatic immunity and " Enron like " power.

Please Act and Inform ASAP everyone you know who can fill out the

electronic letter it is very easy here is the the form.

Go to www.achamp.org click on Action Alert then BioDefense Bill



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Action Alert

Fight the Latest Assault on the Civil Rights of Vaccine Injured


STOP the " Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of

2005 "

Parents, Grandparents and all other loved ones -

Send a Message to Your Senators

Use our Action Alert to Automatically send a Message to Your Senators


It has happened again. We need you to act ASAP. In The Name Of

Bioterrorism, Congress Again Plans to Extend Liability Protection To

Vaccine Manufacturers, Abandoning America's Vaccine-Injured Children.

Senators Enzi and Burr have introduced the new BioDefense Bill. Like

the BioShield and Homeland Security Bills, it plans to take away our

children's rights. Please read and take action now!


Dear Parents,

We need your help NOW in putting a stop to this legislation designed

to protect the very industry that poisoned our children.

Knowing that drug companies have suppressed safety data and poisoned

a generation of children with mercury-laced vaccines, the Senate HELP

Committee (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) is nonetheless is

about to to push the Biodefense Bill through without hearings. If

this bill is passed vaccine makers will have even more incentive to

ignore product safety. The reckless disregard for injuries to

Americans through dangerous products created by drug manufacturers

must not be sanctioned by our lawmakers.

Capitalizing on fear and intimidation, drug companies are using

generous campaign donations to seduce Congress into awarding the

pharmaceutical industry unprecedented liability protection, and

thereby remove any financial incentive for manufacturers to produce

safe vaccines.

The " Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of

2005 " , influenced by drug industry lobbyists, abandons the children

and citizens of this country and rewards a pattern of bad behavior by

an industry recognized for suppressing safety data on vaccines.

Your communications with the HELP Committee members need not be long

or detailed, especially since time is of the essence. Just let them

know you are the parent, caregiver, or friend of a vaccine-injured

child, and that the language in the Biodefense Bill that protects the

pharmaceutical industry for the results of lax, profit-driven safety

standards is detrimental to public health and unacceptable.

Use the letter in this Action Alert and send a message!

For more information on the " Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug

Development Act of 2005 " and its implications to public health,

please see the analysis from the Center for Justice and Democracy at



The A-CHAMP Legislative Action Team!

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Stop the Bill that Takes Away the Civil Rights of Vaccine Injured


Required text to Senate: This text will be included in your message.

I respectfully request that you take action to stop the effort to

take away the rights of vaccine injured children contained in

the " Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of

2005. "

As both a voter and caregiver of a vaccine-injured child, I feel very

strongly that my child's rights are about to be jeopardized once


I ask you, as my Senator, to pledge to put the interests of America's

children and families before that of drug companies. We remind you

that the public is watching. Just like the Homeland Security Rider,

the Biodefense Bill will be seen for what it is – a gift to the

pharmaceutical industry in exchange for campaign contributions.

As a voter, I am asking you to vote against legislation that will

remove my vaccine-injured child's rights to fair litigation.

Thousands of families of special-needs children are going bankrupt,

and many are selling their homes just to pay for care that insurance

does not cover. Lawsuits give our children the voice that was taken

away. The right to have to have a claim fairly heard in a court of

law is a basis American right. The right to have compensation for

care can only be provided by preserving our access to civil justice

through the courts.

Please do not support legislation that gives pharmaceutical companies

more than it gives to your constituents. This is especially true in

the case of those that cannot speak for themselves--vaccine injured


Vote NO! on the " Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development

Act of 2005. " The parents of America will be watching how you vote.

Your Closing:

Your Name:

Take Action Now

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Your U.S. Senators

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