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Enzyme reaction??? Help

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Hi, my son has been on the diet for about 4/5 months (with cow dairy)

and doing well but not great. We got the rice bran enzymes from

Houston last week and without reading anything but the pamphlet, gave

him one whole Petizide, within 4 hours he had the worst D that he's

had for a over a year (we went GF about 1.5 yrs ago) and again and

again for the next week, it came with dark eye circles and a long nap

after the first episode. It's down to only once or twice per day,

but still very watery 8 days later. They alternate between brown and

yellow. I wanted to wait til it was back to normal and start with

1/8th of the ZP and work up but it just isn't getting back to

normal. We did the intro for 2 days, but he doesn't like much of

the intro stuff.

Should I just start with 1/8 once a day? twice a day for few days?

see if that helps? I read that the ZP is better to start with?

I'm at a loss, he never went through " die off " as we worked up to the

diet over almost a year, but I had also hoped for more dramatic

improvements. I'm hoping that this big reaction may be a good sign

that they could really help, but I don't want him dehydrated.

I saw something about a 5 month reaction? But that sounded


We had done a lot of eating out with marginal foods for the previous

week but that usually only caused one day of D not this. He also had

eaten quite a few pre-made SCD biscotti from j's gourmet (my mom

bought them for him as a gift.) the day before.

I took one whole pep and one zyme prime that day as well, and am fine.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks, Jeannie

Jeannie IBS SCD mostly for 1.5 yrs, really 5 months

o ADD, had been working up to IBS, SCD 4 months

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Oh my!

It is too hard to sort out what is causing what at this time. I would pull all

enzymes from your sons diet, and wait at least two weeks before starting them


DeFelice recommends starting with the zyme prime first. I would start with

ZP, an eighth of a capsule a day, and gradually work up. Keep all other dietary

changes, when introducing enzymes (or any supplement) from happening when just

starting a new regimen, or even adding new foods. It makes it alot easier to try

to figure out what is what.

Die off can happen at 3 and 5 months with SCD, from adding enzymes, probiotics,

etc. What is hard telling is the difference between die off and a food

sensitivity too, so it is imperative to move slowly, with no other dietary

changes occurring.

This is the rule of thumb me and my kiddos follow when introducing supplements.

Some people are more sensitive to dietary changes than others. As far as enzymes

go, if I haven't been taking them for a couple of weeks, I have to start off

slow again, or they don't take with me. Others just pop them down like candy.


So, what I would do is wait two weeks, and definitely when active diarhea has

started to clear, introduce the zyme prime, then a week later (if no problems)

maybe start up with the no fenol, then a week later peptizyde.

Why I would think that No fenol should be second in line to try is, it will

start helping with healing the phenol transverse system, and starting it before

peptizyde will start the healing sooner, and ease the burden on the body's

detoxification processes (die off removal). I am kind of speaking to myself

here, but since enzymes beneficial affect grows over time, as they build up in

the system and break down waste, maybe it really doesn't matter which is first,

no fenol or peptizyde. Rather than advice, these are just the thoughts running

through my head, you will have to decide the order.

Slow is the way to go though.:) Good Luck!


jmlorax jmlorax@...> wrote:

Hi, my son has been on the diet for about 4/5 months (with cow dairy)

and doing well but not great. We got the rice bran enzymes from

Houston last week and without reading anything but the pamphlet, gave

him one whole Petizide, within 4 hours he had the worst D that he's

had for a over a year (we went GF about 1.5 yrs ago) and again and

again for the next week, it came with dark eye circles and a long nap

after the first episode. It's down to only once or twice per day,

but still very watery 8 days later. They alternate between brown and

yellow. I wanted to wait til it was back to normal and start with

1/8th of the ZP and work up but it just isn't getting back to

normal. We did the intro for 2 days, but he doesn't like much of

the intro stuff.

Should I just start with 1/8 once a day? twice a day for few days?

see if that helps? I read that the ZP is better to start with?

I'm at a loss, he never went through " die off " as we worked up to the

diet over almost a year, but I had also hoped for more dramatic

improvements. I'm hoping that this big reaction may be a good sign

that they could really help, but I don't want him dehydrated.

I saw something about a 5 month reaction? But that sounded


We had done a lot of eating out with marginal foods for the previous

week but that usually only caused one day of D not this. He also had

eaten quite a few pre-made SCD biscotti from j's gourmet (my mom

bought them for him as a gift.) the day before.

I took one whole pep and one zyme prime that day as well, and am fine.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks, Jeannie

Jeannie IBS SCD mostly for 1.5 yrs, really 5 months

o ADD, had been working up to IBS, SCD 4 months

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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