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Hi everyone. I was wondering if Play-doh is okay for our ASD kids. I know it

is not SCD legal to eat having wheat in it, but I'm wondering if it might be an

issue to have all over your hands. Plus the dye and it just has a funny smell,

probably full of chemicals. With my son having eczema I asked his Sunday school

teachers if they could hold off. (I don't feel too bad in making a stand since

just in his class of just 2-3 y.o. there is one boy just dx as ASD, another one

I am quite sure is ASD with mom in denial and another one just dx with celiac.

So if Elijah shouldn't have it than they are all better off.) His hands are

better now, sadly we had to resort to elocon, so I just wanted to know if I

should allow him to play with it especially since he got this huge supper sized

Play-doh kit for Christmas. I have seen another brand of play-doh at the hfs.

I'm sure it is still made from starches but probably more natural.

Thanks ahead of time,

Elijah, 3, leaky-gut, ASD

a, 22 months

SCD 9 weeks

P.S. I have my work cut out for me just in my church community. There is also

a mom just dx with Crohns, another woman that has had IBS for 20 years, celiacs,

and tons of food sensitives, and another with a very big yeast infection that

she has been battling for years. I have been vocal about SCD with all of them.

They all have received it differently and are all in very different situations.

The foster mom of the boy with ASD is a single mom to one, foster mom to three

and has 6 in her daycare all day and has no help or a moment by herself ever.

Her son is all she has for help and he is going off to college next year. And

she is the one most convinced that diet would help! If my church of 250 has this

many that should be on the diet *that I know of* than this is certainly an



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