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chelation and antifungal

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Hi Everyone,

I would really appreciate some imput. Elijah is almost fully SCD, we

just have to address the processed meats and are waiting to start the beginners

diet until after his 3rd b-day and party this coming weekend. We started

chelation 10 days ago and he has been on Amphotericin for 2 months after being

on Saccharomyes Boulardii and Nystatin for a month each. In light of the the

recent post about Elaine stating that one should have a year of healing before

chelation, which makes a lot of sense, we want to stop. But should we continue

now that we have started and should we wean down? And I'm concerned that being

on an antifungal for a prolonged period of time would create super bugs.

In between each antifungal he was off for 5 days before going on the next.

During that time he was a mess in all areas. Behavior was the worst I've ever

seen. On Saccharomyes Boulardii he was a mess for the whole month, melt downs

and uncomfortable. On Nystatin he was quite and withdrawn and would say, " I sad

mommy. Elijah's sad, Mommy's sad, Kayla's sad, Daddy's sad, everybodys sad "

nearly everyday the whole month. The second day on Amphotericin he told me, " I

happy now Mommy " and behavior is the best ever! But I don't want to stay on it

if it is creating super bugs. I read a post where people were rotating, and if

that's what might be best I'll do it. I suppose it might be different a second

time around on the antifungal he has tried previously since many of those bugs

may have been killed.

I will be contacting his DAN, but I cannot rely on her fully. I like her

a lot in many areas, but she has only had two patients try SCD after 2 years of

other therapies. She says having Elijah on illegal vits is ok and if he can't

drink water because he chokes on thin liquids, having him drink an illegal like

rice milk is ok. She didn't even say that down the line we have to get him off

rice milk or give any indication that it absoultly needed to happen. By the way

we slowly sneaked in juice a half ounce at a time. He didn't want it at first

but he got thristy enough and has only been drinking juice and no illegal

liquids for the past week. We saw a huge die off. Anyways, as you can see our

DAN just is not on target. We want to do SCD right because we know it is right.

I'm looking for someone else right now so I'm going to be relying on those with

experience a lot.

Thanks so much,

, mom to Elijah UC and a


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