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Re: how to speed up gut healing?

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Have you had an IgE skin test for allergies, and an IgG blood test for

sensitivities? It may be possible that something is causing some

inflammation that is slowing down healing.

Another possibility is trying NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination

Technique) to eliminate allergies & sensitivities, and so reduce

inflammation and speed healing.

Hope some of the above is of help,


leaky gut, thyroid/adrenal issues, SCD 3 weeks

how to speed up gut healing?

> Well, my daughter's been on SCD for exactly a year, and we've seen

> some huge gains. But I was hoping that her gut would be more healed

> at this point than it currently seems to be.


> We just tried her on SCD legal navy beans, and she couldn't handle

> them at all (loose stools 3 times that day). Otherwise, her stools

> have been formed (she's taking enzymes - the Houstons trio). What we

> see most often are behavioral reactions to foods... which incidates

> that her gut is still leaky, right?


> Am I feeding her something that's hurting her gut, thus slowing down

> the healing process? She eats grilled or roasted meats; a variety of

> eggs; small quantities of nut flour & nut butter (almond, cashew,

> hazelnut); well-cooked broccoli, green beans, carrots, red bell

> pepper, occasional cooked beets, zucchini, other summer squash

> (peeled & seeded if the seeds are big) & occasional winter squash;

> apple sauce, pear sauce, alittle canned pineapple, raw honeydew

> melon, coconut oil, a fair amount of goat yogurt and honey. She

> occasionally has some raw, peeled apple or pear, or a raw piece of

> lettuce.


> What can I do to speed this up???


> Thanks!

> Cindy

> mom to asd daughter, 4.5 scd 1 year







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hi Marilyn.

We had IgE & IgG blood tests. (She hasn't been tested for

environmental allergies - just foods). She has plenty of

intolerances, which I assumed would subside when her gut's no longer

leaky. Also, we did BioSET, which I think is something like NAET.

But it didn't help her. Other thoughts?



> Have you had an IgE skin test for allergies, and an IgG blood test


> sensitivities? It may be possible that something is causing some

> inflammation that is slowing down healing.


> Another possibility is trying NAET (Nambudripad Allergy


> Technique) to eliminate allergies & sensitivities, and so reduce

> inflammation and speed healing.


> Hope some of the above is of help,


> Marilyn

> leaky gut, thyroid/adrenal issues, SCD 3 weeks







> how to speed up gut healing?



> > Well, my daughter's been on SCD for exactly a year, and we've


> > some huge gains. But I was hoping that her gut would be more


> > at this point than it currently seems to be.

> >

> > We just tried her on SCD legal navy beans, and she couldn't


> > them at all (loose stools 3 times that day). Otherwise, her


> > have been formed (she's taking enzymes - the Houstons trio).

What we

> > see most often are behavioral reactions to foods... which


> > that her gut is still leaky, right?

> >

> > Am I feeding her something that's hurting her gut, thus slowing


> > the healing process? She eats grilled or roasted meats; a

variety of

> > eggs; small quantities of nut flour & nut butter (almond, cashew,

> > hazelnut); well-cooked broccoli, green beans, carrots, red bell

> > pepper, occasional cooked beets, zucchini, other summer squash

> > (peeled & seeded if the seeds are big) & occasional winter


> > apple sauce, pear sauce, alittle canned pineapple, raw honeydew

> > melon, coconut oil, a fair amount of goat yogurt and honey. She

> > occasionally has some raw, peeled apple or pear, or a raw piece


> > lettuce.

> >

> > What can I do to speed this up???

> >

> > Thanks!

> > Cindy

> > mom to asd daughter, 4.5 scd 1 year

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> > websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

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I know when I first tried NAET on both myself and my son, it didn't help us

at all. I quit seeing the practitioner, and thought the whole thing was just

" quackery " . I was very surprised when, a year later, a naturopath suggested

NAET. I did try it again, this time with a different practitioner, and the

results were completely different. My son's eczema disappeared completely

the first day, and he could eat and digest a much wider variety of foods

with no symptoms.

I guess my point is that if BioSET didn't work, it still might be worth

trying to find another practitioner of NAET, and giving it another try, just

to see if the results are better. There's definitely no guarantee, but

sometimes it can work very well.

Best wishes,


leaky gut, thyroid/adrenal issues, SCD 3 weeks

how to speed up gut healing?



>> > Well, my daughter's been on SCD for exactly a year, and we've

> seen

>> > some huge gains. But I was hoping that her gut would be more

> healed

>> > at this point than it currently seems to be.

>> >

>> > We just tried her on SCD legal navy beans, and she couldn't

> handle

>> > them at all (loose stools 3 times that day). Otherwise, her

> stools

>> > have been formed (she's taking enzymes - the Houstons trio).

> What we

>> > see most often are behavioral reactions to foods... which

> incidates

>> > that her gut is still leaky, right?

>> >

>> > Am I feeding her something that's hurting her gut, thus slowing

> down

>> > the healing process? She eats grilled or roasted meats; a

> variety of

>> > eggs; small quantities of nut flour & nut butter (almond, cashew,

>> > hazelnut); well-cooked broccoli, green beans, carrots, red bell

>> > pepper, occasional cooked beets, zucchini, other summer squash

>> > (peeled & seeded if the seeds are big) & occasional winter

> squash;

>> > apple sauce, pear sauce, alittle canned pineapple, raw honeydew

>> > melon, coconut oil, a fair amount of goat yogurt and honey. She

>> > occasionally has some raw, peeled apple or pear, or a raw piece

> of

>> > lettuce.

>> >

>> > What can I do to speed this up???

>> >

>> > Thanks!

>> > Cindy

>> > mom to asd daughter, 4.5 scd 1 year

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

> the book

>> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

> following

>> > websites:

>> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

>> > and

>> > http://www.pecanbread.com

>> >

>> >

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>>> What can I do to speed this up???

Give extra proteases between meals. lots of them. If you have Peptizyde

or the AFP, use that.

Zinc seems to be good for tissues repair and gut integrity. Cheap too.

Essential fatty acids may help, but the first two seem more direct for

gut healing.


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Thanks .

She only takes 1 AFP (with NoFenol and Zyme Prime) with her meals

(1.5 Peptizide when I know she'll be eating a lot of meat). Usually

for her snacks (1/4 cup yogurt, 1/4 cup fruit sauce, maybe a couple

small nut crackers), she has 1/3 AFP & 1/3 Zyme Prime. Should I just

overshoot the AFP with her snacks and give her, say, 2 capsules? I

know it's with food, but would it have the same effect to do it that


Or would it need to be on an empty stomach? If so, would 1 AFP do

the trick or would it be better to give her 2 or more? She's pretty

sensitive - not a 4-capsule-kind-of-kid.

Also, sometimes when she's orally stimmy (humming, etc.) I give her

a Candidase between meals (she gets 2 regularly at bedtime). Would

this be gut-healing as well as yeast-fighting?




> >>> What can I do to speed this up???


> Give extra proteases between meals. lots of them. If you have


> or the AFP, use that.


> Zinc seems to be good for tissues repair and gut integrity. Cheap



> Essential fatty acids may help, but the first two seem more direct


> gut healing.


> .


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Your dosing is fine, or at the minimum, for food digestion. But extra

enzymes at meals or between should speed up gut healing. I've been

involved with looked at higher dosing with enzymes for awhile now,

and there is a distinct improvement if you go up to 6, 9, 15 capsules

per day between meals (not counting what you give at meals).

So try giving say, 6 extra Peptizydes between meals besides your with-

meals enzymes. Maybe do this for 1 month and see if there is

improvement. Usually people see improvement within that time. In

general, the more enzymes you give, the faster you heal. However, I

am very aware that we all have budgets to live within. It's an idea

to consider.

I would give my kids up to 20 enzymes a day to speed up the healing.

When they get a cold, we immediately put them on an extra 16-20

enzymes a day. This has worked wonderfully to seriously shorten the

illness as well as drop the intensity of the illness. Others have

done that too. But I don't give much other stuff...not lots of

supplements, or tons of cold medicine. The 16-20 capsules a day would

only be for around 3 days and then they are back up and running.

Better than having them sick for 7-10 days. So for me, it is worth

it. I give 3-4 capsules of proteases every 3-4 hours between meals

(and regular enzyme doses with meals).

The gut tissue can start healing immediately. So you should be seeing

improvement in 1-3 months. And really see something by 6 months. The

higher doses would be for a shorter time overall. It isn't like you

would give 15 capsules a day for years and years. Just to get over

the 'hump' to get through a serious illness period or plateau. Once

the gut gets healed up a bit, your own enzyme function can be

restored as the intestinal tissue is restored. So it is a way of

getting your own enzymes back up and running (you wouldn't need so

many supplemental enzymes then).

>>> Or would it need to be on an empty stomach? If so, would 1 AFP do

> the trick or would it be better to give her 2 or more? She's pretty

> sensitive - not a 4-capsule-kind-of-kid.

I think it would work a bit quicker and more efficiently giving the

extra enzymes between meals, BUT if taking with meals is the only way

to do it, it works that way too. My husband noticed improvement in

his arthrits after a few months with enzymes, and he only took

enzymes with meals. If you are considering higher doses, increase it

one capsule at a time. The Candidase also helps with gut-healing.

Yeast is really good at injuring the gut over and over. Candidase has

proteases in it, too, so even if it isn't working directly on yeast,

the proteases would be doing other repair work.

When I am considering a measure, I allot a given time period in which

to test the measure whether it is a diet change, supplement, therapy

or medication (such as one week, one month, etc). And re-evaluate at

the end of that time period, if not before. You will have different

information at the end of that period than you do now. And it helps

me not so see the measure as some unending thing I am stuck doing


Here is a link to high-dose viral trials (informal) I've been

involved with for over a year. Although you were not asking about

viruses specifically, it might help give you some ideas. The virus

stuff came up because a lot of people were using enzymes, diets, and

other things but still needed help with viruses. It was like a 'hump'

or 'plateau'. The higher-dose virus effort appears to be successful

in getting over this blockade. We've had success with the enzyme

product targeting this use, but not so much with other enzymes (but

other enzymes weren't designed for this use, so not a big surprise).



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Thanks so much .

When I start giving more AFP both with and between meals, should I

expect crankiness or regression at first? And how long might it

last? Would it happen each time I add an extra capsule to the tally?

You mentioned " between meals " - would the snacks I mentioned (1/4 c

yogurt, 1/4 c fruit sauce) be considered a meal? Would it work to

give her 2 or 3 capsules of AFP with these snacks? Or is it really a

waste of good enzymes?!

If I can do it on an empty stomach, what's the timing rule? Would

the enzymes need a full hour to do their thing before I can feed

her? Or would 1/2 hour do it? (I'm emptying out the capsules).

Would you give extra Peptizide along with the 2 Candidase at night,

or is that overkill? I've tried giving 1 Candidase and 1 Peptizide

at bedtime, and she woke up cranky... may be coincidence though.

Thanks again!!!!



> Your dosing is fine, or at the minimum, for food digestion. But


> enzymes at meals or between should speed up gut healing. I've been

> involved with looked at higher dosing with enzymes for awhile now,

> and there is a distinct improvement if you go up to 6, 9, 15


> per day between meals (not counting what you give at meals).


> So try giving say, 6 extra Peptizydes between meals besides your


> meals enzymes. Maybe do this for 1 month and see if there is

> improvement. Usually people see improvement within that time. In

> general, the more enzymes you give, the faster you heal. However,


> am very aware that we all have budgets to live within. It's an


> to consider.


> I would give my kids up to 20 enzymes a day to speed up the


> When they get a cold, we immediately put them on an extra 16-20

> enzymes a day. This has worked wonderfully to seriously shorten


> illness as well as drop the intensity of the illness. Others have

> done that too. But I don't give much other stuff...not lots of

> supplements, or tons of cold medicine. The 16-20 capsules a day


> only be for around 3 days and then they are back up and running.

> Better than having them sick for 7-10 days. So for me, it is worth

> it. I give 3-4 capsules of proteases every 3-4 hours between meals

> (and regular enzyme doses with meals).


> The gut tissue can start healing immediately. So you should be


> improvement in 1-3 months. And really see something by 6 months.


> higher doses would be for a shorter time overall. It isn't like


> would give 15 capsules a day for years and years. Just to get over

> the 'hump' to get through a serious illness period or plateau.


> the gut gets healed up a bit, your own enzyme function can be

> restored as the intestinal tissue is restored. So it is a way of

> getting your own enzymes back up and running (you wouldn't need so

> many supplemental enzymes then).



> >>> Or would it need to be on an empty stomach? If so, would 1 AFP


> > the trick or would it be better to give her 2 or more? She's


> > sensitive - not a 4-capsule-kind-of-kid.


> I think it would work a bit quicker and more efficiently giving


> extra enzymes between meals, BUT if taking with meals is the only


> to do it, it works that way too. My husband noticed improvement in

> his arthrits after a few months with enzymes, and he only took

> enzymes with meals. If you are considering higher doses, increase


> one capsule at a time. The Candidase also helps with gut-healing.

> Yeast is really good at injuring the gut over and over. Candidase


> proteases in it, too, so even if it isn't working directly on


> the proteases would be doing other repair work.


> When I am considering a measure, I allot a given time period in


> to test the measure whether it is a diet change, supplement,


> or medication (such as one week, one month, etc). And re-evaluate


> the end of that time period, if not before. You will have


> information at the end of that period than you do now. And it


> me not so see the measure as some unending thing I am stuck doing

> forever.


> Here is a link to high-dose viral trials (informal) I've been

> involved with for over a year. Although you were not asking about

> viruses specifically, it might help give you some ideas. The virus

> stuff came up because a lot of people were using enzymes, diets,


> other things but still needed help with viruses. It was like

a 'hump'

> or 'plateau'. The higher-dose virus effort appears to be


> in getting over this blockade. We've had success with the enzyme

> product targeting this use, but not so much with other enzymes


> other enzymes weren't designed for this use, so not a big



> http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionviruses.htm


> .


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To me, this is amazing information. I didn't have any idea that enzymes

could help this much.

Is it just the AFP Peptizyde that will effect this kind of faster healing? I

looked in my cabinet, and for some reason, I have 5 bottles of the HN-ZYME

and only one bottle of the AFP, so I would love it if the HN's worked for

this. I also have a bottle of Enzymedica's Digest Gold, and would like to

know if that would work as well for faster gut healing.

Also, since I've only been on SCD for 3 weeks, I know that I still have a

yeast overgrowth. Should I wait until I'm pretty sure that the yeast

overgrowth is gone to try to speed up the gut healing with enzymes?

Thanks so much for this info,


leaky gut, yeast overgrowth, low adrenal/thyroid, slightly on the spectrum,

SCD 3 weeks

Re: how to speed up gut healing?

> Your dosing is fine, or at the minimum, for food digestion. But extra

> enzymes at meals or between should speed up gut healing. I've been

> involved with looked at higher dosing with enzymes for awhile now,

> and there is a distinct improvement if you go up to 6, 9, 15 capsules

> per day between meals (not counting what you give at meals).


> So try giving say, 6 extra Peptizydes between meals besides your with-

> meals enzymes. Maybe do this for 1 month and see if there is

> improvement. Usually people see improvement within that time. In

> general, the more enzymes you give, the faster you heal. However, I

> am very aware that we all have budgets to live within. It's an idea

> to consider.


> I would give my kids up to 20 enzymes a day to speed up the healing.

> When they get a cold, we immediately put them on an extra 16-20

> enzymes a day. This has worked wonderfully to seriously shorten the

> illness as well as drop the intensity of the illness. Others have

> done that too. But I don't give much other stuff...not lots of

> supplements, or tons of cold medicine. The 16-20 capsules a day would

> only be for around 3 days and then they are back up and running.

> Better than having them sick for 7-10 days. So for me, it is worth

> it. I give 3-4 capsules of proteases every 3-4 hours between meals

> (and regular enzyme doses with meals).


> The gut tissue can start healing immediately. So you should be seeing

> improvement in 1-3 months. And really see something by 6 months. The

> higher doses would be for a shorter time overall. It isn't like you

> would give 15 capsules a day for years and years. Just to get over

> the 'hump' to get through a serious illness period or plateau. Once

> the gut gets healed up a bit, your own enzyme function can be

> restored as the intestinal tissue is restored. So it is a way of

> getting your own enzymes back up and running (you wouldn't need so

> many supplemental enzymes then).



>>>> Or would it need to be on an empty stomach? If so, would 1 AFP do

>> the trick or would it be better to give her 2 or more? She's pretty

>> sensitive - not a 4-capsule-kind-of-kid.


> I think it would work a bit quicker and more efficiently giving the

> extra enzymes between meals, BUT if taking with meals is the only way

> to do it, it works that way too. My husband noticed improvement in

> his arthrits after a few months with enzymes, and he only took

> enzymes with meals. If you are considering higher doses, increase it

> one capsule at a time. The Candidase also helps with gut-healing.

> Yeast is really good at injuring the gut over and over. Candidase has

> proteases in it, too, so even if it isn't working directly on yeast,

> the proteases would be doing other repair work.


> When I am considering a measure, I allot a given time period in which

> to test the measure whether it is a diet change, supplement, therapy

> or medication (such as one week, one month, etc). And re-evaluate at

> the end of that time period, if not before. You will have different

> information at the end of that period than you do now. And it helps

> me not so see the measure as some unending thing I am stuck doing

> forever.


> Here is a link to high-dose viral trials (informal) I've been

> involved with for over a year. Although you were not asking about

> viruses specifically, it might help give you some ideas. The virus

> stuff came up because a lot of people were using enzymes, diets, and

> other things but still needed help with viruses. It was like a 'hump'

> or 'plateau'. The higher-dose virus effort appears to be successful

> in getting over this blockade. We've had success with the enzyme

> product targeting this use, but not so much with other enzymes (but

> other enzymes weren't designed for this use, so not a big surprise).


> http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionviruses.htm


> .







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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>>>> Is it just the AFP Peptizyde that will effect this kind of

faster healing?

No. Pretty much any enzymes can help. The proteases are known as

doing much of the healing work, though. There are thousands of

different proteases, though. While they all may help some, particular

proteases tend to be more helpful for certain type of protein

breakdown. If you try a few different products, you may find some

types of proteases work better for you than other protease blends.

>>>I looked in my cabinet, and for some reason, I have 5 bottles of

the HN-ZYME and only one bottle of the AFP, so I would love it if the

HN's worked for this. I also have a bottle of Enzymedica's Digest

Gold, and would like to know if that would work as well for faster

gut healing.

The Digest Gold has about as much protease and the AFP. So it would

be an even trade. But it also has many other enzymes too. The HN-Zyme

Prime has much more proteases that either AFP or Digest Gold...so

that would be a good one to try between meals.

If those were what I was looking at, I would use the Digest Gold with

meals and use the HN-Zyme between meals. This puts the one with lots

of protease activity between meals and one with more food digesting

enzymes at the meals.

>>> Also, since I've only been on SCD for 3 weeks, I know that I

still have a yeast overgrowth. Should I wait until I'm pretty sure

that the yeast overgrowth is gone to try to speed up the gut healing

with enzymes?

Major consideration here. Remember that each time you use proteases

or fiber digesting enzymes, you can be affecting yeast (i.e. can get

more yeast die-off). Maybe do SCD for 5 weeks to ensure you get a

grip on the diet and through the inital 'shock' to the system. Then

start the enzymes one at a time. Start with either the Zyme Prime or

Digest Gold at meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.

After you are tolerating that okay, add in the Peptizyde with meals.

You may see another round of die-off with this. After you are

tolerating the Peptizyde okay, add in the HN-Zyme Prime between

meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.

If you are considering the yogurt or probiotics, you may see another

round of die-off with this. All of these things: SCD, enzymes,

probiotics (zinc, etc)...are all working synergistically towards the

same goal. You aren't doing totally different things. It all works


I think of it like this: your car gets stuck in a rut of mud and muck

(the dysbiosis and digestive problems). All of these measures are

like getting more of your buddies to help you push and pull your car

out. The more 'guys' you get to help, the faster you get out of the

rut. Some guys push, and some guys pull...but they are all working

together in a coordinated way towards the same goal. After the car is

successfully out of the rut, you don't need all the guys pushing and

pulling anymore. That is why when you get gut healing, people don't

need all the extra enzymes, probiotics, and food eliminations. SCD

advocates adding more food back in the diet when the digestive system

is ready to handle it.

Hope this was helpful.


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Thank you so much - this is wonderful information that you have provided.


Re: how to speed up gut healing?

>>>>> Is it just the AFP Peptizyde that will effect this kind of

> faster healing?


> No. Pretty much any enzymes can help. The proteases are known as

> doing much of the healing work, though. There are thousands of

> different proteases, though. While they all may help some, particular

> proteases tend to be more helpful for certain type of protein

> breakdown. If you try a few different products, you may find some

> types of proteases work better for you than other protease blends.



>>>>I looked in my cabinet, and for some reason, I have 5 bottles of

> the HN-ZYME and only one bottle of the AFP, so I would love it if the

> HN's worked for this. I also have a bottle of Enzymedica's Digest

> Gold, and would like to know if that would work as well for faster

> gut healing.


> The Digest Gold has about as much protease and the AFP. So it would

> be an even trade. But it also has many other enzymes too. The HN-Zyme

> Prime has much more proteases that either AFP or Digest Gold...so

> that would be a good one to try between meals.


> If those were what I was looking at, I would use the Digest Gold with

> meals and use the HN-Zyme between meals. This puts the one with lots

> of protease activity between meals and one with more food digesting

> enzymes at the meals.



>>>> Also, since I've only been on SCD for 3 weeks, I know that I

> still have a yeast overgrowth. Should I wait until I'm pretty sure

> that the yeast overgrowth is gone to try to speed up the gut healing

> with enzymes?


> Major consideration here. Remember that each time you use proteases

> or fiber digesting enzymes, you can be affecting yeast (i.e. can get

> more yeast die-off). Maybe do SCD for 5 weeks to ensure you get a

> grip on the diet and through the inital 'shock' to the system. Then

> start the enzymes one at a time. Start with either the Zyme Prime or

> Digest Gold at meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.

> After you are tolerating that okay, add in the Peptizyde with meals.

> You may see another round of die-off with this. After you are

> tolerating the Peptizyde okay, add in the HN-Zyme Prime between

> meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.


> If you are considering the yogurt or probiotics, you may see another

> round of die-off with this. All of these things: SCD, enzymes,

> probiotics (zinc, etc)...are all working synergistically towards the

> same goal. You aren't doing totally different things. It all works

> together.


> I think of it like this: your car gets stuck in a rut of mud and muck

> (the dysbiosis and digestive problems). All of these measures are

> like getting more of your buddies to help you push and pull your car

> out. The more 'guys' you get to help, the faster you get out of the

> rut. Some guys push, and some guys pull...but they are all working

> together in a coordinated way towards the same goal. After the car is

> successfully out of the rut, you don't need all the guys pushing and

> pulling anymore. That is why when you get gut healing, people don't

> need all the extra enzymes, probiotics, and food eliminations. SCD

> advocates adding more food back in the diet when the digestive system

> is ready to handle it.


> Hope this was helpful.

> .









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Thank you so much - this is wonderful information that you have provided.


Re: how to speed up gut healing?

>>>>> Is it just the AFP Peptizyde that will effect this kind of

> faster healing?


> No. Pretty much any enzymes can help. The proteases are known as

> doing much of the healing work, though. There are thousands of

> different proteases, though. While they all may help some, particular

> proteases tend to be more helpful for certain type of protein

> breakdown. If you try a few different products, you may find some

> types of proteases work better for you than other protease blends.



>>>>I looked in my cabinet, and for some reason, I have 5 bottles of

> the HN-ZYME and only one bottle of the AFP, so I would love it if the

> HN's worked for this. I also have a bottle of Enzymedica's Digest

> Gold, and would like to know if that would work as well for faster

> gut healing.


> The Digest Gold has about as much protease and the AFP. So it would

> be an even trade. But it also has many other enzymes too. The HN-Zyme

> Prime has much more proteases that either AFP or Digest Gold...so

> that would be a good one to try between meals.


> If those were what I was looking at, I would use the Digest Gold with

> meals and use the HN-Zyme between meals. This puts the one with lots

> of protease activity between meals and one with more food digesting

> enzymes at the meals.



>>>> Also, since I've only been on SCD for 3 weeks, I know that I

> still have a yeast overgrowth. Should I wait until I'm pretty sure

> that the yeast overgrowth is gone to try to speed up the gut healing

> with enzymes?


> Major consideration here. Remember that each time you use proteases

> or fiber digesting enzymes, you can be affecting yeast (i.e. can get

> more yeast die-off). Maybe do SCD for 5 weeks to ensure you get a

> grip on the diet and through the inital 'shock' to the system. Then

> start the enzymes one at a time. Start with either the Zyme Prime or

> Digest Gold at meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.

> After you are tolerating that okay, add in the Peptizyde with meals.

> You may see another round of die-off with this. After you are

> tolerating the Peptizyde okay, add in the HN-Zyme Prime between

> meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.


> If you are considering the yogurt or probiotics, you may see another

> round of die-off with this. All of these things: SCD, enzymes,

> probiotics (zinc, etc)...are all working synergistically towards the

> same goal. You aren't doing totally different things. It all works

> together.


> I think of it like this: your car gets stuck in a rut of mud and muck

> (the dysbiosis and digestive problems). All of these measures are

> like getting more of your buddies to help you push and pull your car

> out. The more 'guys' you get to help, the faster you get out of the

> rut. Some guys push, and some guys pull...but they are all working

> together in a coordinated way towards the same goal. After the car is

> successfully out of the rut, you don't need all the guys pushing and

> pulling anymore. That is why when you get gut healing, people don't

> need all the extra enzymes, probiotics, and food eliminations. SCD

> advocates adding more food back in the diet when the digestive system

> is ready to handle it.


> Hope this was helpful.

> .









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Thank you so much - this is wonderful information that you have provided.


Re: how to speed up gut healing?

>>>>> Is it just the AFP Peptizyde that will effect this kind of

> faster healing?


> No. Pretty much any enzymes can help. The proteases are known as

> doing much of the healing work, though. There are thousands of

> different proteases, though. While they all may help some, particular

> proteases tend to be more helpful for certain type of protein

> breakdown. If you try a few different products, you may find some

> types of proteases work better for you than other protease blends.



>>>>I looked in my cabinet, and for some reason, I have 5 bottles of

> the HN-ZYME and only one bottle of the AFP, so I would love it if the

> HN's worked for this. I also have a bottle of Enzymedica's Digest

> Gold, and would like to know if that would work as well for faster

> gut healing.


> The Digest Gold has about as much protease and the AFP. So it would

> be an even trade. But it also has many other enzymes too. The HN-Zyme

> Prime has much more proteases that either AFP or Digest Gold...so

> that would be a good one to try between meals.


> If those were what I was looking at, I would use the Digest Gold with

> meals and use the HN-Zyme between meals. This puts the one with lots

> of protease activity between meals and one with more food digesting

> enzymes at the meals.



>>>> Also, since I've only been on SCD for 3 weeks, I know that I

> still have a yeast overgrowth. Should I wait until I'm pretty sure

> that the yeast overgrowth is gone to try to speed up the gut healing

> with enzymes?


> Major consideration here. Remember that each time you use proteases

> or fiber digesting enzymes, you can be affecting yeast (i.e. can get

> more yeast die-off). Maybe do SCD for 5 weeks to ensure you get a

> grip on the diet and through the inital 'shock' to the system. Then

> start the enzymes one at a time. Start with either the Zyme Prime or

> Digest Gold at meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.

> After you are tolerating that okay, add in the Peptizyde with meals.

> You may see another round of die-off with this. After you are

> tolerating the Peptizyde okay, add in the HN-Zyme Prime between

> meals. You may see another round of die-off with this.


> If you are considering the yogurt or probiotics, you may see another

> round of die-off with this. All of these things: SCD, enzymes,

> probiotics (zinc, etc)...are all working synergistically towards the

> same goal. You aren't doing totally different things. It all works

> together.


> I think of it like this: your car gets stuck in a rut of mud and muck

> (the dysbiosis and digestive problems). All of these measures are

> like getting more of your buddies to help you push and pull your car

> out. The more 'guys' you get to help, the faster you get out of the

> rut. Some guys push, and some guys pull...but they are all working

> together in a coordinated way towards the same goal. After the car is

> successfully out of the rut, you don't need all the guys pushing and

> pulling anymore. That is why when you get gut healing, people don't

> need all the extra enzymes, probiotics, and food eliminations. SCD

> advocates adding more food back in the diet when the digestive system

> is ready to handle it.


> Hope this was helpful.

> .









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I didn't see a reply in here... maybe something went awry? I'm

waiting with bated breath and really appreciate all the



> > >

> > > Your dosing is fine, or at the minimum, for food digestion.


> > extra

> > > enzymes at meals or between should speed up gut healing. I've

> been

> > > involved with looked at higher dosing with enzymes for awhile

> now,

> > > and there is a distinct improvement if you go up to 6, 9, 15

> > capsules

> > > per day between meals (not counting what you give at meals).

> > >

> > > So try giving say, 6 extra Peptizydes between meals besides


> > with-

> > > meals enzymes. Maybe do this for 1 month and see if there is

> > > improvement. Usually people see improvement within that time.


> > > general, the more enzymes you give, the faster you heal.


> > I

> > > am very aware that we all have budgets to live within. It's an

> > idea

> > > to consider.

> > >

> > > I would give my kids up to 20 enzymes a day to speed up the

> > healing.

> > > When they get a cold, we immediately put them on an extra 16-


> > > enzymes a day. This has worked wonderfully to seriously


> > the

> > > illness as well as drop the intensity of the illness. Others


> > > done that too. But I don't give much other stuff...not lots of

> > > supplements, or tons of cold medicine. The 16-20 capsules a


> > would

> > > only be for around 3 days and then they are back up and


> > > Better than having them sick for 7-10 days. So for me, it is

> worth

> > > it. I give 3-4 capsules of proteases every 3-4 hours between

> meals

> > > (and regular enzyme doses with meals).

> > >

> > > The gut tissue can start healing immediately. So you should be

> > seeing

> > > improvement in 1-3 months. And really see something by 6


> > The

> > > higher doses would be for a shorter time overall. It isn't


> > you

> > > would give 15 capsules a day for years and years. Just to get

> over

> > > the 'hump' to get through a serious illness period or plateau.

> > Once

> > > the gut gets healed up a bit, your own enzyme function can be

> > > restored as the intestinal tissue is restored. So it is a way


> > > getting your own enzymes back up and running (you wouldn't


> so

> > > many supplemental enzymes then).

> > >

> > >

> > > >>> Or would it need to be on an empty stomach? If so, would 1


> > do

> > > > the trick or would it be better to give her 2 or more? She's

> > pretty

> > > > sensitive - not a 4-capsule-kind-of-kid.

> > >

> > > I think it would work a bit quicker and more efficiently


> > the

> > > extra enzymes between meals, BUT if taking with meals is the


> > way

> > > to do it, it works that way too. My husband noticed


> in

> > > his arthrits after a few months with enzymes, and he only took

> > > enzymes with meals. If you are considering higher doses,


> > it

> > > one capsule at a time. The Candidase also helps with gut-


> > > Yeast is really good at injuring the gut over and over.


> > has

> > > proteases in it, too, so even if it isn't working directly on

> > yeast,

> > > the proteases would be doing other repair work.

> > >

> > > When I am considering a measure, I allot a given time period


> > which

> > > to test the measure whether it is a diet change, supplement,

> > therapy

> > > or medication (such as one week, one month, etc). And re-


> > at

> > > the end of that time period, if not before. You will have

> > different

> > > information at the end of that period than you do now. And it

> > helps

> > > me not so see the measure as some unending thing I am stuck


> > > forever.

> > >

> > > Here is a link to high-dose viral trials (informal) I've been

> > > involved with for over a year. Although you were not asking


> > > viruses specifically, it might help give you some ideas. The

> virus

> > > stuff came up because a lot of people were using enzymes,


> > and

> > > other things but still needed help with viruses. It was like

> > a 'hump'

> > > or 'plateau'. The higher-dose virus effort appears to be

> > successful

> > > in getting over this blockade. We've had success with the


> > > product targeting this use, but not so much with other enzymes

> > (but

> > > other enzymes weren't designed for this use, so not a big

> > surprise).

> > >

> > > http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionviruses.htm

> > >

> > > .

> > >

> >


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I didn't see a reply in here... maybe something went awry? I'm

waiting with bated breath and really appreciate all the



> > >

> > > Your dosing is fine, or at the minimum, for food digestion.


> > extra

> > > enzymes at meals or between should speed up gut healing. I've

> been

> > > involved with looked at higher dosing with enzymes for awhile

> now,

> > > and there is a distinct improvement if you go up to 6, 9, 15

> > capsules

> > > per day between meals (not counting what you give at meals).

> > >

> > > So try giving say, 6 extra Peptizydes between meals besides


> > with-

> > > meals enzymes. Maybe do this for 1 month and see if there is

> > > improvement. Usually people see improvement within that time.


> > > general, the more enzymes you give, the faster you heal.


> > I

> > > am very aware that we all have budgets to live within. It's an

> > idea

> > > to consider.

> > >

> > > I would give my kids up to 20 enzymes a day to speed up the

> > healing.

> > > When they get a cold, we immediately put them on an extra 16-


> > > enzymes a day. This has worked wonderfully to seriously


> > the

> > > illness as well as drop the intensity of the illness. Others


> > > done that too. But I don't give much other stuff...not lots of

> > > supplements, or tons of cold medicine. The 16-20 capsules a


> > would

> > > only be for around 3 days and then they are back up and


> > > Better than having them sick for 7-10 days. So for me, it is

> worth

> > > it. I give 3-4 capsules of proteases every 3-4 hours between

> meals

> > > (and regular enzyme doses with meals).

> > >

> > > The gut tissue can start healing immediately. So you should be

> > seeing

> > > improvement in 1-3 months. And really see something by 6


> > The

> > > higher doses would be for a shorter time overall. It isn't


> > you

> > > would give 15 capsules a day for years and years. Just to get

> over

> > > the 'hump' to get through a serious illness period or plateau.

> > Once

> > > the gut gets healed up a bit, your own enzyme function can be

> > > restored as the intestinal tissue is restored. So it is a way


> > > getting your own enzymes back up and running (you wouldn't


> so

> > > many supplemental enzymes then).

> > >

> > >

> > > >>> Or would it need to be on an empty stomach? If so, would 1


> > do

> > > > the trick or would it be better to give her 2 or more? She's

> > pretty

> > > > sensitive - not a 4-capsule-kind-of-kid.

> > >

> > > I think it would work a bit quicker and more efficiently


> > the

> > > extra enzymes between meals, BUT if taking with meals is the


> > way

> > > to do it, it works that way too. My husband noticed


> in

> > > his arthrits after a few months with enzymes, and he only took

> > > enzymes with meals. If you are considering higher doses,


> > it

> > > one capsule at a time. The Candidase also helps with gut-


> > > Yeast is really good at injuring the gut over and over.


> > has

> > > proteases in it, too, so even if it isn't working directly on

> > yeast,

> > > the proteases would be doing other repair work.

> > >

> > > When I am considering a measure, I allot a given time period


> > which

> > > to test the measure whether it is a diet change, supplement,

> > therapy

> > > or medication (such as one week, one month, etc). And re-


> > at

> > > the end of that time period, if not before. You will have

> > different

> > > information at the end of that period than you do now. And it

> > helps

> > > me not so see the measure as some unending thing I am stuck


> > > forever.

> > >

> > > Here is a link to high-dose viral trials (informal) I've been

> > > involved with for over a year. Although you were not asking


> > > viruses specifically, it might help give you some ideas. The

> virus

> > > stuff came up because a lot of people were using enzymes,


> > and

> > > other things but still needed help with viruses. It was like

> > a 'hump'

> > > or 'plateau'. The higher-dose virus effort appears to be

> > successful

> > > in getting over this blockade. We've had success with the


> > > product targeting this use, but not so much with other enzymes

> > (but

> > > other enzymes weren't designed for this use, so not a big

> > surprise).

> > >

> > > http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionviruses.htm

> > >

> > > .

> > >

> >


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I didn't see a reply in here... maybe something went awry? I'm

waiting with bated breath and really appreciate all the



> > >

> > > Your dosing is fine, or at the minimum, for food digestion.


> > extra

> > > enzymes at meals or between should speed up gut healing. I've

> been

> > > involved with looked at higher dosing with enzymes for awhile

> now,

> > > and there is a distinct improvement if you go up to 6, 9, 15

> > capsules

> > > per day between meals (not counting what you give at meals).

> > >

> > > So try giving say, 6 extra Peptizydes between meals besides


> > with-

> > > meals enzymes. Maybe do this for 1 month and see if there is

> > > improvement. Usually people see improvement within that time.


> > > general, the more enzymes you give, the faster you heal.


> > I

> > > am very aware that we all have budgets to live within. It's an

> > idea

> > > to consider.

> > >

> > > I would give my kids up to 20 enzymes a day to speed up the

> > healing.

> > > When they get a cold, we immediately put them on an extra 16-


> > > enzymes a day. This has worked wonderfully to seriously


> > the

> > > illness as well as drop the intensity of the illness. Others


> > > done that too. But I don't give much other stuff...not lots of

> > > supplements, or tons of cold medicine. The 16-20 capsules a


> > would

> > > only be for around 3 days and then they are back up and


> > > Better than having them sick for 7-10 days. So for me, it is

> worth

> > > it. I give 3-4 capsules of proteases every 3-4 hours between

> meals

> > > (and regular enzyme doses with meals).

> > >

> > > The gut tissue can start healing immediately. So you should be

> > seeing

> > > improvement in 1-3 months. And really see something by 6


> > The

> > > higher doses would be for a shorter time overall. It isn't


> > you

> > > would give 15 capsules a day for years and years. Just to get

> over

> > > the 'hump' to get through a serious illness period or plateau.

> > Once

> > > the gut gets healed up a bit, your own enzyme function can be

> > > restored as the intestinal tissue is restored. So it is a way


> > > getting your own enzymes back up and running (you wouldn't


> so

> > > many supplemental enzymes then).

> > >

> > >

> > > >>> Or would it need to be on an empty stomach? If so, would 1


> > do

> > > > the trick or would it be better to give her 2 or more? She's

> > pretty

> > > > sensitive - not a 4-capsule-kind-of-kid.

> > >

> > > I think it would work a bit quicker and more efficiently


> > the

> > > extra enzymes between meals, BUT if taking with meals is the


> > way

> > > to do it, it works that way too. My husband noticed


> in

> > > his arthrits after a few months with enzymes, and he only took

> > > enzymes with meals. If you are considering higher doses,


> > it

> > > one capsule at a time. The Candidase also helps with gut-


> > > Yeast is really good at injuring the gut over and over.


> > has

> > > proteases in it, too, so even if it isn't working directly on

> > yeast,

> > > the proteases would be doing other repair work.

> > >

> > > When I am considering a measure, I allot a given time period


> > which

> > > to test the measure whether it is a diet change, supplement,

> > therapy

> > > or medication (such as one week, one month, etc). And re-


> > at

> > > the end of that time period, if not before. You will have

> > different

> > > information at the end of that period than you do now. And it

> > helps

> > > me not so see the measure as some unending thing I am stuck


> > > forever.

> > >

> > > Here is a link to high-dose viral trials (informal) I've been

> > > involved with for over a year. Although you were not asking


> > > viruses specifically, it might help give you some ideas. The

> virus

> > > stuff came up because a lot of people were using enzymes,


> > and

> > > other things but still needed help with viruses. It was like

> > a 'hump'

> > > or 'plateau'. The higher-dose virus effort appears to be

> > successful

> > > in getting over this blockade. We've had success with the


> > > product targeting this use, but not so much with other enzymes

> > (but

> > > other enzymes weren't designed for this use, so not a big

> > surprise).

> > >

> > > http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionviruses.htm

> > >

> > > .

> > >

> >


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