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" rpoemusic " rpoemusic@... wrote:

Are there any good mental health professionals in the NY/Long Island

area that believe in this diet? Can you recommend one?

Click on the e-mail address. Put in subject: SCDiet help, please. Put

their names on your contact list. ****These people are a blessing****

Ask if they are still on the scdiet or not. If not, let me know, so I

can take them off the list of SCD pals.

** SCD Pals in NY ** New England States


New England residents who use the Specific Carbohydrate (SCD) diet as

described in the book 'Breaking The Vicious Cycle' by Elaine

Gottschall. An opportunity to get to know each other better, even meet

face-to-face, and to exchange tips on local resources such as food sources,

medical providers, etc. NOT for challenging SCD or discussing alternatives.

Post message: scd_newengland

Subscribe: scd_newengland-subscribe

Unsubscribe: scd_newengland-unsubscribe

List owner: scd_newengland-owner

SCD Pals in New York NY

------**Deanna G/ midasgold@... NYC will help. mail

doesn't go through at this time. Try later on.

**Judy Hope judyhope@... will help

** M. melster_66@... Private e-mail

310lex@... 7-9pm on weekdays, any time on weekends

to help learn to cook the SCD recipes. Northport

**Seth Barrows WEB SITE: http://www.healingcrow.com will help.

** " Sue and Mike Tharrett " mtharret@...> Rochester will


**Deborah and Max, " SCD Poster Dog " , cat cat@...

Anyone who needs help not to hesitate to call. Cell after

9PM Eastern and on weekends will help.

** Isabella [spanish] laura@... will help.

**Cornelius Basoski-Haarlem-Holland " C.J. Basoski "

cjbasoski@... Haarlem U.C. will helpTranslated the book in

dutch for the Netherlands and Belgium (Doorbreek de Vicieuze Cirkel).

Friends with http://www.SCDiet.nl/

** " Debra R. Comer " Debra.R.Comer@... Port Washington

[Autism] will help

** " Gia Carroll " giac@... Rochester [Autism] will help

**Mike Tharrett mtharret@... Rochester [Autism] will


**Tamara Yapp TamaraYapp@... Long Island, Locust Valley (516)

674-3274 SON [Autism] will help

** BevoMel@... NYC [Autism] will help

**Suzanne Schoenfeld SS9876@... Long Island [Autism] SON will


**KRNSTVN@... Phoenicia [Autism] will help

**Devorah < DevorahSCD@... Queens [Autism] will help

**Mike ozmikef@... Peekskill [Autism] will help

**a Hashmall phashmall@... [Autism] will help

**Regina reginajp4@... North Babylon [Autism] will help

**Tina " tinalunabean " lolabryn@... [Autism] will help

**Dee & beersfam@... Fistula will help

**Tara/Rob tomicic@... Long Island will help

**Cathy DeMille@... will help

**Rukmin Ramsuchit scdiet704@... UC Manhattan will help

** Cissie/Adolph M Levin leva1@... Queens (Flushing) UC will


**Darlene Poltorak darpolt@... Suffolk County UC will help

** Olafsen Hatzel sohatzel@... Center Moriches

(by the Hamptons) will help

** Aproposof@... Brooklyn will help

**Syd Jon Jorgl jorgls@... Brooklyn will help

** " Yitzchok Wagshul " ywagshul@... Brooklyn will help

**ellen MEPETITE2000@... will help

** jrapps@... will help

**Judy < judyhope@... will help

I live in Westchester, NY. I would be very happy to help anyone who

needs it.My son, , is 11 and has been on SCD for 21 months now. When

we started the diet, he was at least as sick as . He was

continually eating soap, grass, dirt. He was having 15 to 20 BMs a day. He

was vomiting multiple times a week, was severely underweight, was

horribly self-abusive, etc. 21 months later, we have a different boy on our

hands. With no gut medications, he has 1 or 2 formed BMs a day. He's

vomited only twice in these 21 months. He's gained 13 pounds. His

pica is completely gone. I would not only be happy to help you get your

child on SCD immediately – I'm anxious to do so. Email me

**Dr. Eliyahu or Zimmerman SCD in NY info@...

WEBSITE: http://www.freedvitamins.com/shop 1. Ships around

the world. will help. Put in subject: " SCD compliant " order, please. Tell

Dr. Z that I sent you... Gay

**Rochel Weiss digestive_diet@... WEBSITE:


in NY with SCD prepared foods. Phone and Fax: 1. will



*On http://www.scdiet.net SCD-Friendly Doctors under

http://www.scdiet.net/medical.htm in NY

New York SCD Friendly Doctors

Dr. J. Bolte, MD 141 East 55th Street, Suite 8-H New York, NY

10022 Tel No. Web site: www.boltemedical.com

According to Latimer, " He is the one who recommended I read BTVC. " Dr.

Bolte writes, " I work with Dr. Leo Galland (for the past 6 years), and

Ms. Gotschall's book is the book which we recommend the most to our

patients. "

Dr. Stuart Dictchik 2044 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn N.Y. 11230 (718)


According to Elaine, " He is a practicing pediatrician, a diplomat of

the American Board of Pediatrics, a fellow of the American Academy of

Pediatrics, and a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at New York

University School of Medicine. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and

five children AND HE IS A HUMAN BEING! His book, Healthy Child, Whole

Child may be purchased on Amazon.com. " Editor's note: pages 310-311

discuss this doctor's successful use of the SCD with his " highly motivated

children and families " .

Dr. Leo Galland, New York, NY.

According to Dee, " He is a friend of this list serve and a doctor of

integrative medicine. On the very first appointment he gave us the BTVC

book. "

Greenberg, MD Department of Medicine / Gastroenterology /

Clinical Practice Long Island Jewish Medical Center 270-05 76th Ave New Hyde

Park, NY 11040 tel:

According to Deanna (aka Midas Gold), "

- He specializes in IBD and is active in the local CCFA chapter (FWIW)

- He has a very calm, pleasant, easy-going personality

- He seems to respect my intelligence and welcome my desire to play an

active role in learning about and making decisions about my own care

- He's on the faculty of a large, well-respected teaching hospital and

sees patients in a modest office right on the hospital premises

- He listens

- He doesn't push medication unless it's absolutely necessary

- He believes medication is a last resort which only treats the

symptoms and not the underlying cause of the disease, and encourages patients

who wish to find other methods of improving their health (such as in my

case, the SCD

- Unlike many other doctors, he doesn't belittle the SCD and treat me

condescendingly for following it; instead he encourages me to keep it up

when he sees how much it helps me)

- He's not an an ego trip

- He's gentle

- He's a gentleman

- He was highly recommended by another patient who followed the SCD

- Thanks to the SCD, I don't see him very often!!! " ;-)

Dr. Hoffman New York, NY web: www.drhoffman.com

Elaine Gottschall has appeared on Dr. Hoffman's radio show several

times. According to Hoffman's site, " Dr. Hoffman is the founder of the

Hoffman Center located at 40 East 30th Street in New York City. The Hoffman

Center focuses on internal medicine with the appropriate amalgamation

of high-tech conventional medicine along with effective natural

therapies. Dr. Hoffman is a nutritionist and a graduate of the Albert Einstein

College of Medicine with training in internal medicine. Based on his

many years of working with patients from all over the world he has

formulated a line of supplements. He can be heard on WOR {710 on AM} radio in

the tri-state area every weekday evening and Saturdays, and on

affiliated stations of the WOR Radio Network. Here are links to Hoffman's


-- 7 Weeks to a Settled Stomach

-- Intelligent Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing

Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation

Dr. Kaslow, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, NY.

Dr. Kozower, WNY Gastroenterology, 1301 N. Forest Rd.,

ville, NY 14221 .

According to Cheryl, " My husband feels it si more approriate to call

this doctor " SCD-RECEPTIVE "

Dr. Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD, New York City . Dr.

Mehl-Madrona subscribes to the SCD listserve and is the Clinical Program

Director at Beth Israel Medical Center Continuum Center for Health and

Healing. Read his introductory letter to the listserve!

Dr. Marjorie Ordene at 2515 Ave. M, Brooklyn, N.Y. .

According to Liz, she is " holistic and gave me BTVC to read " .

R. Pavelock, MD Oneida, NY 13421

According to Steve Diehl, " I visited my GI today, thanked him twice for

telling me about BTVC/SCD/Elaine, told him how remarkable my

improvement has been, gave him my email for other local patients wanting SCD

support, he wrote down the web site, he has been suggesting other patients

try the diet. His assistant told me he confiscated her copy of BTVC for

his own use. "

Dr. s in Albany, NY.

According to , " I gave Dr. s the book a while back and he

has since told several of his patients about it who have started it

recently and are getting better. "

J. McKinley M.D., 2800 Marcus Avenue, Lake Success, New York

11042, According to to Pat, " He is the Co-Chief of the

Dept. of Gastroenterology at Northshore University Hospital in Manhasset,

Long Island, New York. He is my

son's doctor and after seeing the results of SCD has become a staunch

advocate. He's also a very caring and generous person. "

*BTVC USA SCD-Friendly Doctors:


**Doctor in NY [Word of Mouth] Sidney M. Baker, MD 71 Ferry Rd. Sag

Harbor, NY 11963 Phone: Fax: . Carol F.

" carolfrilegh " c.frilegh@...>

**SCD DAN in NY [Word of Mouth] Bock Rhinebeck Center, NY


Integrative Medical Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Diagnosis and Treatment of Heavy Metal Toxicity by J. Bock, MD

Reprinted with Permission from the International Journal of Integrative



Sent in by " Sue Mousseau " sue@...>

SCD-Friendly Doctor [by word of mouth]

** " Jody G. " momtobandj@...> Autism

Dr. Art Krigsman is a pediatric gastro, specializing in autism. NY and

TX The best thing to do would be to call his office and ask them to see

you. Everyone who has seen him from the autism community thinks he's

fabulous. Call his office, talk to his nurse and see if you can get an

appointment with him. Dr. Art Krigsman's phone Lawrence,

NY minutes from jfk airport. He is a wonderful doctor.And now the new

office, " The Thoughtful House " in Texas. phone . . He's

one of the " good guys " .Arthur Krigsman, MDMedical Resources of Long

Island 290 Central Ave. Suite 204 Lawrence, NY 11559

(ph) and 516- 239-4099 (fax)

**Kim 3cjs1@...

I would highly recommend Dr. Krigsman. He is not only extremely

knowledgeable but he is really compassionate, too. he is also a supporter of

the scd diet :)

kim, mom to charlee, 8, autism, scd 10 months

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:





Loving Care,Grammy Gay IBS-1930, IBD-1984, SURGERY-1988,

CD-1994, SCD-1997, REMISSION-1998, NO-MEDS.

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net/ Contact: hebegb70@...

Or on Pecanbread list serve grammy_bauer@...

*Put in Subject: SCDiet SCD Pals or help, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Componding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


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