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help with constipation

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My daughter has been having 1 or 2 stewed prunes with her breakfast,

but the results are spotty - she passed stools on 2 consecutive days

(amazing!) and now it's been 3 days and she hasn't passed anything.

- Do I keep giving her the stewed prunes? Do I need to increase the

number of them?

- Are there other fruits I can give her in place of the prunes that

would yield the same results? (We're rotating foods, and honestly,

I'm not sure she can tolerate the prunes so well. One thing that

scares me is that she LOVES them and asks for them all the time.

Isn't that a warning sign?)

- I've kept her off of citrus, so I'm a bit scared of the OJ/prune

nectar idea. She just started school so I don't want to throw in too

many questionables! Do you know how many days she might need to

drink it before her body regulates?

- And she doesn't handle nuts so well, so I'm not giving her nut

muffins in the morning. Any other ideas??



mom to asd daughter, 4 1/2, scd 10 months

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