Guest guest Posted October 3, 2009 Report Share Posted October 3, 2009 wondered if any of you have heard of this lady. she has quite a few helpful books out, and another way of treating some of our illnesses. In Memory of Dr. Hulda – an amazing woman Dear Guests and Friends of! by The Dr. Information Center Team I often have asked myself if one person alone can make a difference in this world. I can truly say that Dr. has made this difference. Exactly one month ago Dr. passed away and we have received hundreds of testimonials and letters of condolences from all over the world in all languages. Reading all your testimonials and letters proved to me that yes, one person alone, such as Dr. , can achieve extraordinary accomplishments through their tireless dedication helping others. Many thought Dr. deserved a Nobel Prize. Among the received emails, there were many professionals and health practitioners. Here below for the benefit of all, I would like to include some of these testimonials. In order to protect the privacy of the writer, they will be signed only by their first name or initials. Due to lack of space I will only be able to include some. I hope you will understand that if you don’t see your testimonial among these, it is not due to lack of appreciation. To all Dr 's information Center Team..... Thank you for the fine Bibliography of Dr ! She was a great human being, for me , she was the greatest ! Thank you will take some time for me to accept that she is gone ..... Gordon *************************************************** Thank-you for your tribute for Dr. this morning. I greatly admire her dedication to uncovering the truth about many illnesses even when the truth was not easy to put out there and caused as you say some attacks from govt. I have one of her books. Her information about dental toxins was a big part of me regaining my health. I wish there were more people out there like her. The world has lost a very important doctor of educating people about their health........janie *************************************************** Dear Folks, I was sorry to learn of Dr. 's passing. I worked with her and years ago in Bloomington and always found her to be a wonderful person. To her sons specifically; I will keep you all in my prayers. Suzanne *************************************************** To whom it may Concern: My name is R. Werner, M.D., I developed Invasive Malignant Melanoma in 1987 with metastasis (Stage 4). The Doctors at my hospital told me to just go home and enjoy the last part of my life and get my home in order. I wasn't ready to die, so I prayed, and the name Hulda came to my mind. An Article written by Hulda was on my desk the next morning (everyone I asked didn't know where it had come from) I gave Hulda a call and she told me how to cure my Cancer. As you can see, that was 22 years ago. I became an advocate Herbalist using the parasite cleanse, Esiac Tea, Cat's Claw, getting people to eat a more wholesome diet, and have seen miracle after miracle because of my one phone call many years ago. When I read your e-mail of Hulda's passing, I couldn't hold back the tears of Gratitude for her. She will be missed! I honor all of you in continuing Hulda's life work and mission. Sincerely M.D. *************************************************** Dearest Friends, Dr. has left her mark on my life and I am so very grateful to her and happy to have "known" her, even if from afar. Please carry on your great work. Big Hug, from Santiago, Chile *************************************************** I am truly sorry about the demise of Dottoressa Hulda . Though I did not know her personally I feel she was a pioneer besides being a brave and intelligent woman. I strongly support the holistic approach in all contexts and sectors of life and I am therefore grateful to Dottoressa , her work, her studies. My heart goes to her beloved nieces and nephews and her closest family members. Rest in Peace, thank you. Dottoressa Gala- from Italy *************************************************** For all at the Dr. Information Center, her family friends, I have never personally met Dr. , but she has changed my life enormously. I would not be alive today if it wasn't for her wonderful books. I recommend them every chance I get. I feel a sadness in my heart, as you all must too, for such a talented, Godly person to be taken from us. God surely has her in his arms. My condolences to all; She will be forever missed. Diane P.S. Thank you for the commitment to continue her works. *************************************************** number of times when I've started to have a red, very raw throat, I have zapped with the bacteria and the virus keys (not knowing which I needed) and been completely well the next day. Something which proved to me how well the Zapper works. Thanks, Bobby *************************************************** We are so saddened to hear of Dr 's passing. Somehow one just thinks that a person like her would live on forever... and yet I do trust that, THAT is the case... God will receive her in His arms... and she will be blessed for all that she has shared with world... we treasure her book and we are grateful to know that there is still an information center in her memory ...should we have questions ... I would suppose that we can write you... May her family be comforted at this time. Barbara and Don Patton *************************************************** I met Dr at a seminar in Chicago in 2004 and presented her with a drawing portrait of herself as a thanks for helping me heal myself of a devastating disease that is suppose to be incurable! I love her so very very much for sharing her life long findings with the world and giving people options and hope for life. I will miss her so much. we use to correspond thru fax, her only means of safe communication to those who really needed to speak with her. what an impact she made. *************************************************** with deepest sympathy..Dr helped my brother..and he is alive today because of her. Our thanks always to her...With much aloha Ingrid *************************************************** Très triste nouvelle, c'est une thérapeute que j'admire beaucoup pour son courage et les nouvelles pistes de santé qu'elle a explorées sans relâche ,et que nous utilisons tous les jours au service de nos patients.J'ose espérer que la relève est assurée et que les recherches vont continuer dans la bonne direction . Merci Hulda. - Dr Henri *************************************************** To Whom It May Concern For me to Dr. , although I was privileged to know, was one of the most human in the face of the earth, because they worried about the health of human beings, just for the sake of help for families millions enjoyed being in front of the dreadful disease of cancer, a disease that had been causing so much pain in families. However, thanks to their courage to face adversity achieved what few have achieved and leave a legacy for humankind, a cure for cancer!. That's what everybody should do and not think about the enrichment at the expense of knowledge, an important element that God gave us to know we gave it to the most humble of people, yet now the man has forgotten the most essential of needs without being required because what matters most is to serve our fellow to advance in evolution. Thanks Dr. , for what you did for humanity, I'm sorry that you left us, leave a great void, but I'm sure many are already convinced that we do humility and integrity are important to keep fighting for benefit of our humanity. Josè – Mexico *************************************************** Hallo Schön von dir zu hören wenn der Anlass auch ein sehr betrüblicher ist , die erfolgreiche Anwendung ihrer Therapien durch Dr Horst Tippenhauer , haben meinem Sohn in seiner schwierigen jungen Lebensfase einen größeren Leidensweg erspart . Auch mir bezüglich meiner Lebensweise neue Wege gezeigt so das ich voller Dankbarkeit Fr Dr Hulda gedenke. Mit freundlichen grüßen Bernd – Germany *************************************************** My deepest deepest sympathy. Dr. Hulda was a true friend to human beings in general. She has truly helped with cures of disease more than anyone else on this planet. I hope that you, her team will continue on with her great work. *************************************************** I knew Hulda, I had her son, Rob in my daycare. I saw her everyday. She was devoted to healing. She saved my life. I wrote to her and told her my problems. She wrote back and told me I had Peripheral Neuropathy. She was correct. I then had the metal removed from my mouth and was very ill for 4 months. I prayed God would let me die. He didn't. I detoxed for years. I am now much better, but still have headaches.I loved Hulda for many reasons. May she rest in peace. I dedicated this to Hulda my dear friend. With love from Jan. *************************************************** Deeply sad to hear the news. Her services will be remembered for centuries to come. Sincerely hope you will take further her mission for the benefit of people suffering due to cancer. Regards, Fiaz Akbar from Pakistan *************************************************** Склоняю голову перед памятью светлого человека - др.Кларк Ее работы принесли ей мировую славу , а всему человечеству надежду на исцеление от тяжелых недугов. Ее доброе и милое лицо было подобно лику Всевышнего. Оно дарило надежду и любовь.Поэтому в далекой от Америки стране Украине ее будут помнить и чтить ее память. Валерий Закарецкий.Украина. Киев *************************************************** To the Family and Friends of a Person of Magnificent Character, Hearing of the passing of my Hero, Hulda Regehr has brought tears to my heart For years Dr. has represented the power of goodness and conscience in the medical world, validating many other researchers of the independent nature. I will miss her and i never met her ...Prayers and Love to all who kept her company on earth. sincerely yours a dedicated follower of higher knowledge and, those who profess truth and action. Lee *************************************************** from Versailles, KY *************************************************** Witam! Wyrazy wspolczucia rodzinie i najblizszym współpracownikom z powodu smierci Dr. Hulda . Jako katolik wyznania rzymsko-katolickiego, w swoich modlitwach bede polecal Bogu dusze zmarlej Dr. Huldy . Z wyrazami głębokiego zalu po zmarłej. Adam Buszek /Dębica/ Polska. *************************************************** Con profundo pesar, siento en lo mas intimo de mi ser, la perdida, de su hermosa presencia, sobre la tierra, pero sé que está con nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Dr. *************************************************** Dear Cristina, and you all who work in Dr. 's Information Center, This e-mail is from Finland, and I write with the heart of many colleagues and friends and clients, to tell you how sad we are here in Finland to hear the news about Dr. . Her studies, books, devices and specially her bright inspiration and courage has helped thousands of people more than can ever be counted. We will continue to work with her ideas with great respect and joy. And also we would like to thank all of you who have helped Dr. in her work, because without all that help, we would not also know about her findings. I am myself a biologist and for 10 years also resonance therapist here in Finland. For 16 years I have followed Dr. 's work. Her ideas has saved also my life. She is the most important teacher for me in my therapeutic work. I teach her ideas for my students. I had never the joy to meet her personally, but I feel almost that I have known her somehow. Last week I had this strong intuition that I should finally write to her to tell how grateful I am to her and how she has inspired me all these years. I felt that I must do it now, before it will be too late. Somehow I am late now, but somehow I believe she knows very well what I write here. I have become even know here in Finland by those who are interested of alternative medicine with the nick name Mato-Marjo which is in English Worm-Marjo. I will also continue Dr. 's work here in Finland. I also promised to write a short Im memory-article about Dr. to the Minä Olen - magazine, which is one of the important alternative magazines in Finland. Next magazine will go very soon to the press, this article should be ready next week. What would you like me to tell about Dr. to Finnish people ? Could you send a good photo about Dr. ? Or do you have any ready material for this kind of purposes that I could translate to Finnish? Warm greetings, Marjo *************************************************** Thank-you for letting us know. I am glad she died peacefully in her sleep, maybe it was the right time for her to go. How wonderful to have been working as a scientist and health healer so late in life. The world has lost a special person. Best of luck to you all for carrying on her work. My mother died 9 months ago, she gained another 10 years with us only due to my finding out about Dr s findings and persuading her to do all the cleanses. My mother had been told she could die at any time with her conditions, (Aortic aneurism, emphysema, strokes) however the cleanses gave her another 10 years and improvements that astounded the hospital doctors and nurses. They said "whatever it is you are doing, keep doing it." Elke *************************************************** Hello, I was saddened to see that Dr. has left us but, of course, the world she is in now is ever so much more pleasant. I just want somebody there to know that I would have died 7 years ago had I not been familiar with THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS. My then 11 year old son, , built me my zapper and I saved my middle finger on my right hand. Many times, when I am playing the piano, I rejoice that I have all of my fingers to play with. I am just one of the many lives still here on earth because of Dr. Hulda . More than once I have used her wisdom to recover from cancer and I praise GOD that I "Met" that incredible lady through her books. May God bless you for carrying on her legacy, DB *************************************************** Even though we couldn’t post all condolences and testimonials received due to lack of space, we thank you all. , our Testimonial Co-ordinator, brought to my attention the need to remind you what Dr. wrote on pages 16 and 18 of her book “The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers”. It reads: “Ordinary laypersons have a great deal of wisdom. This book will help you to practice and express your own wisdom. Your instincts and questions are well worth pursuing. Your discoveries and experience, together with others’, are valuable and very much needed. When wisdom is accumulated, it can contribute to a new bank of information for persons in the future that face the same dilemma that you may have faced. Solutions can be found by communicating and listening to others in similar predicaments. It is my cherished belief that in this way you and others can solve human health problems that lie languishing as orphans as well as our most common ones. I invite you to do so. (Page 18 "The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers") “Only when each layperson and common laborer possess the knowledge about cancer prevention, as they already do for scurvy prevention, will the medical profession stop claiming an exclusive right to cancer treatment. It will no longer be lucrative. Till then its power to restrict and hold hostage the patient will continue. At present this power seems quite misplaced, since medical professionals know neither how cancer begins nor how it progresses. In the future, preventing cancer, like preventing scurvy will not generate high incomes for anybody. Nor will herbal and natural treatments. These therapies will fall to lay health advisers and lay nutritionists. It will be a huge step of progress for humanity.” (Page 16 "The cure and Prevention of All Cancers") Keeping this in mind we invite you all to tell us more of your positive experiences from using the Protocols of Dr. Hulda . With sympathy and affection Cristina Dr. Information Center info@... 3rd October 2009 ©2009 by Dr. Information Center --- You are currently subscribed to _english as: glass3311@... To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-_english-7240168O@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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