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Ok here goes. I put my daughter, 5 with Autism on SCD 7 months ago. She had

die-off a few times. She also made great gains. Although, the only veggies she

has eaten are uncooked carrots and cooked zucchini which I hid in the pb

brownies but, only once a week would she eat them each. I give her carrot &

pinapple juice with water and occasionally grape juice. That's all she drinks.

She will only eat raw apples and never started with cooked, peeled or deseeded

fruits or veggies. She literally throws up when just a bite of pureed or warm

fruits or veggies touches her tounge. Then, she is too grossed out(?) to want

anything else. She is very thin already and she will wait till she gets home

from school to want to eat anything almost everyday. When she comes home, she

indulges in protein ONLY! She has had some recent infractions and she is no

longer looking me in the eye or imitating me. Did her yeast grow back with the

infractions? I feel she may have problems because she gets constipated like she

is - 3 days now- and all with protein left in there for too long. Do I take away

the eggs and meat when she gets home and force her to choose something good or

not eat at all? She has very dark circles around her eyes now and only noticed

them before she went on the diet. This cannot be healthy. Why won't she eat? Is

she holding out for the " bad " foods? She ate a hershey's kiss one day, 2 pieces

of potatoe bread another day and 2 big bites off of butter cut into a star

another day. All at holiday parties we were invited to and I tried to stop her

but, she is quick and knows to swallow fast. She has even had increased PICA.

What can I do for her constipation? She will not eat anything that will make her

need to go. I need a supplement or something that will work fast and see if

she's just not feeling great due to the constipation. Sorry so long but, how

much longer does she need to be going through all this- No Eating at times and

not eating the good stuff. I'm sure she has GI problems and hope to have these

addressed soon. I will try to stick with it for the next month until those GI

test results come back and maybe start over at that time. Right now, I don't

think it'll be beneficial to start over because she won't eat most of the foods

on the intro. Do the moderators here have any helpful suggestions? We went

through going off meds and behaviors are down. We aren't going back to pre-scd

ever again so, we would appreciate any help please. Thanks in advance. Jenn &

Kali Lessard 7 months scd and hanging in there.

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