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Nuts for babies and toddlers

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Introducing nuts and peanuts to young children, especially those with

a family history of food allergies is not a good idea.

I thought doctors told this to patients. I am going to have to write

a new section for pecanbread.com.

Most of the literature that I've seen doesn't recommend introducing

peanuts until the age of 2 or 3, the older the better for allergenic


Tree nuts shouldn't be introduced until the age of 2 as well for the

same reason.

Our society's dependence on quick snack bread-like foods is

overflowing into SCD. Think back 20 years (if you can). People fed

small children fruits and vegetables. People packed bananas,

applesauce, etc. for small children to have. Kids did not rely on

crackers and cookies and a big part of their daily food intake. This

trend to feed our children " non-food " really needs to stop.

SCD provides healthier snacks than traditional American snacks, but I

really feel the need to continue to remind you that SCD is NOT a HIGH


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE try to move your children to eating fruits and

vegetables rather than relying on nut baked goods for the vast

majority of your children's diets.

To give you an idea, we go through less than 2 pounds of nuts and more

likely closer to 1 pound of nuts per MONTH. Baked goods are a TREAT

in our house just like they were in mine growing up. And my boys eat

a TON of food, trust me. They are 7 and 9 years old.

I can understand that kids have sensory issues and only want

bread-like items, but everyone needs to get in their " scientist " mode

and try to discover some ways to create bread-like items without using

so many nuts.

SCD wasn't meant to be a high nut, high protein diet. It's the ASD

kids preferences that are making it come out that way. Let's really

work hard on getting fruits and veggies into the kids.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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