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Brent and Ella/Grammy Gay: SCD Pals in WA

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*SCD Pals click on addy below to help please. Those that have been on

the diet for a year. If you do not want to help let me know. Loving

Care, Grammy Gay


Brent and Eva brentmckinney brentmckinney@...

Our little Ella at age 4 has just been diagnosed with Alcerative

Collitis or Crohns disease. Information at a symposium brought me to The SCD

diet. We are now trying to implement the diet and bring Ella down off all

those complex sugars. Its difficult adjusting but we are spending every ounce

of energy trying to obey the rules to get her healthy. What parent wouldn't? It

would be great to talk with similiar folks. We are located in Olymipa

Washington at:

Brent McKinney & Eva Clausen my spouse

3311 30th Crt Se

Olymipa, WA 98501

Please call collect or let us call you or anyone that is willing to help. Thank

you so much. Ella's Parents


Brent and Eva,

*Click on the e-mail address. Put in subject: SCDiet help, please. Put their

names on your contact list. ****These people are a blessing**** Ask if they are

still on the scdiet or not. If not, let me know, so I can take them off the list

of SCD pals.


**Lucy *http://www.lucyskitchenshop.com Rosset@... Phone:

, or outside the U.S.A. Lucy in WA will help. Tell

Lucy I sent you, Gay.

** " Cristina Nora Chiran " cristinanc@... Redmond UP will


** korshan korshan@... Skagit County will help

**crhavard@... Seattle will help

** " Andy A " andyg@... near Olympia [Autism] will


**Jody Vajko vajko2@... Federal Way MS & UC will


** " salla hirvonen " salla_hirvonen@... Kennewick will help

**Matt fishingking00@... Bellingham CD 3183 North Shore

Rd Bellingham 98226 3605101875 will help

** " Gertrude Snicklegrove " hunterdrake2001@...> [Autism] SCD

goods for anyone on a journey will help.

** " Patti " [ durovchic@... WASHINGOTN STATE sw, near

Vancouver/Portland. [KATERA

Seizures [see websites btvc and pecanbread] will help




These people have been on the pecanbread list serve from:

WA Vancouver dale.brown2@...

WA Seattle j enniferandmiguel1999@...

WA Monroe Hope & rhfriese4@...

*On *http://www.scdiet.net SCD-Friendly Doctors under

*http://www.scdiet.net/medical.htm in WA near by in Tacoma

Washington SCD - Friendly Doctor

Dr. Hillel Naon, Tacoma, WA.

According to Lori Reiman, " My daughter has UC and has been seeing

[this] pediatric GI doctor from Tacoma who has seen the diet's success and

recommends it to his patients. He, of course, uses the traditional drugs

as well. The naturopath he works with practices in Seattle and his name

is Dr. Donovan . We have been happy with their

openness. "


*USA SCD-Friendly Doctors:


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:





Loving Care, Grammy

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net/ Contact: hebegb70@...

Or on Pecanbread list serve grammy_bauer@...

*Put in Subject: SCDiet SCD PALS, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Componding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


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