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Test Your SCD Knowledge

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Test Your SCD Knowledge

1. I can combine my current or old diet with the best features of SCD.

False. Success is dependent on 100% compliance whenever possible.

Elements from the

previous diet must conform to SCD in order for you to incorporate them


2. I can skip the introductory diet.

Both True and False It is a good idea to follow the brief introductory


to prepare the digestive system for SCD but if your child resists, the


may be worse than persisting.

3. I can start giving my child yogurt right away.

False, Yogurt and other legal dairy should be introduced later and very


4. On the autism version of the diet yogurt will be made with Goat's


True. It is easier to digest than homemade cow's milk yogurt which

along with specified

legal cheeses, may be tolerated later.

5. Raw fresh fruit is good at the start of the diet.

False. Fresh fruit ( and vegetables) should be cooked at the beginning.

Home squeezed juices need not be but should be diluted with water.

Only certain store bought juices are approved for the diet.

6. If my child exhibits some negative symptoms it proves the diet is

not suitable.

False. Negative reactions are frequently associated with the

introduction of an illegal food.  

Here are some of the ways Illegal foods can sneak into and undermine

the diet:

a) Accidental introduction (e.g. a teacher, relative, caretaker,

etc. gives your child a candy " reward " )

B) Incorrect food properties (e.g. failing to realize bananas must be


c) Incorrect food processing ( failing to cook food when specified and

in the manner indicated)

d) The state of the gut health at a given time. ( a cold or flu can



Note; There is also an initial detoxification reaction to be expected

which is referred to as

" Die Off " as opposed to the negative reactions to illegal items.

7. I can continue to use all the supplements, vitamins, enzymes and


I currently give my child.

False (with Exceptions)

This will depend on the product. Some supplements or medications

contain ingredients or fillers that may interfere with the maximum

success possible on SCD. However, medications may be required for a

temporary illness. It is wisest to seek a legal version from a

compounding pharmacist. The decision on what to retain is up to you and

your physician.

You may find some supplements are no longer needed once you start SCD

or there may be legal versions of those you desire to keep. SCD is not

being followed properly when the child is consuming illegal supplements

ongoing since the standard is for 100% compliance.

8. If my child reacts badly to a food I should try it again later or

stop it entirely.

True. You are not expected to persist with anything that is not

well-tolerated by your child.

9. After three months of progress if there is regression, it's

absolutely a negative indication.

False. Many on the diet experience a temporary flare and return of

symptoms at this time

which subside and progress resumes.

If you didn't score as highly as expected, please check out:



The book: " Breaking the Vicious Cycle

and review the basics of the SCD.

Carol F.


Celiac adult, and IBS 3 years- SCD for over 21 months

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