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New to SCD and need help

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My name is and I have two little ones, Elijah (3 years this

month) and a (19 months). Elijah was born at 1 lb. 9 oz at 24 weeks.

He is doing wonderfully and impressing all who see him. But in his gut there's

a problem I believe caused by the much needed 3 courses of antibotics he

recieved before he was even 4 lbs. He has had very poor weight gain (23 lbs),

meltdowns, horriable eczema, sometimes aggressive, and even some austistic

tendencies, and ADHD behaviors. He had the IgG test done. We went off all 25

foods that came back positive and he gained 2 1/2 lbs in 3 months and then it

stopped and he started losing weight in the past 4 months. Anti-fungal changed

his behaivor and then that started sliding backward. So we are working toward

100% SCD since he just had another IgG test and now has 36 foods leaking through

his gut.

I have a lot of questions and a lot to over come to get him on the diet.

He has an anaphylaxic reaction to dairy. It is even a contact allergy and that

also goes for my daughter. My husband, son, and we believe my daughter also is

allergic to nuts especially almonds. Both the kids are also allergic to eggs.

His last IgG came back with all beans as number 3s even green beans and peas.

With that...what can I feed him for breakfast other than bacon and sausage and


I don't know what I can give him to drink. BTVC talks about elemental

formulas. He had been on Neocate (consided elemental) for over two years. We

took him off since we didn't like the idea of him drinking a manufactured podwer

that is 53% corn syrup solids and tried potato milk, rice milk, and different

root milks. This is when he started doing worse. He can't just drink water

since he chokes on thin liquids. When we tried this for 3 days in the middle of

the summer he only took 12 ounces of fluids the whole day even by day three and

he choked all the way. And juice, for whatever reason, is considered the most

disgusting thing to him even though thats what my husband and I mainly drink. I

have tried introduring juice with little medicine cups and he actually gags,

reteches and tries to throw up. What is a good elemental formula and how can we

get it? Any other suggestions?

Does any one know anything about chufa and horchata? Chufa, also called

tiger nut, is a tuber but nicknamed a nut because it tastes like one and has a

lot of protein and fat. Horchata is a drink popular in Spain made from chufa.

I made some and it taste really good I wonder if it have been researched at all

as far as SCD. Of course Elijah called it juice and wouldn't drink it, but I'm

still interested.

What about cooking with sunflower seed flour? Is there such a thing? And

could I be sure it is Peanut free?

Now what's the deal with baby food jars. I caught just the tail end of a

discussion. Whenever he doesn't eat enough (as in breakfast, lunch, and dinner)

a sit him in front of the TV and feed him a jar. I hate the habit but I can get

him to eat anything that way and I wanted to keep it going until he's fullly on

the diet and having an interest in food.

When can I hope for him to start gaining weight on the diet? What have

others experienced as far as behavior and cravings? When he was on a GFCF diet

I would still eat gluten foods in front of him because he had a substitute. I

just don't think I can do it if he's craving the foods. I would have us all on

the diet if we could all have eggs and nuts.

Sorry for the length. Thanks for your imput.


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