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After everything that I have read I can't get the yeast under control until I

get out the mercury. This upsets me with all the effort I have been making

with the yeast antifungals. My son was tested once for heavy metals in a

blood test which didn't show anything unusual but people tell me that mercury

doesn't always show up on testing.

Since he has made extremely slow progress, nonverbal becoming more

aggressive, medications don't work with him. 7 years old functioning like a

one year old, This will be my last frontier. I don't know what else to try.

My question is Who does chelation in MA.? Who do you recommend? thanks Cathy

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I don't know who does it in Ma, but check the DAN Doctors on the list. I

felt the same way about trying to control yeast. I called these doctors

close by and asked them right out . Do you do chelation? You are right it

might not show up in hair, urine or blood and that is why it might be so hard

to tell. Mercury goes into hiding after the intial exposure, so if your

child has had all his shots there is a good chance that he might have some

kind of toxicity. The only way to really know is to find a doctor and use

the DMSA and check it for heavy metals. Sometimes a hair test will show

other metal and certain patterns that exist with metal toxicity. Mainly a

higher copper to zinc ratio and there are some counting rules that apply that

are posted on the autism/mercury list. There is usually more than just

mercury and it seems as if our kids have a predispostion to holding on to

metals especially since many of our children are low in glutathione, which

is like the garbage truck that comes along and picks up our trash. In many

of our kids the garbage truck comes once a month so everything builds up.

Why genetic predispostion, envirnmentol toxins, vaccines, low nutritonial

status at a specific times. who knows . This is how i think of DMSA. A

driveway is filled with peices of metals like mufflers, bumpers, nut and

bolts. The DMSA comes along and picks up these pieces like a magnet.

Imagine trying to sweep this stuff up , it wouldn't work. I know one thing

, the Doctor who does this in Lousianna is having good luck with her son

who was/ is autistic and in fact he is off diet doing really great. She is

seeing metals coming out of these kids and there was recently a conference to

discuss the chelation protocol , treatment, methods etc. I don't think it

is one of these fads that we are going through for lack of better wording, I

think it might be the biggest piece of the puzzle . So here is the group

and you can go there and see what you think. Oh check out the symptoms of

autism compared to mercury toxicity you will be amazed at the similarities.



> After everything that I have read I can't get the yeast under control until

> I

> get out the mercury. This upsets me with all the effort I have been making

> with the yeast antifungals. My son was tested once for heavy metals in a

> blood test which didn't show anything unusual but people tell me that

> mercury

> doesn't always show up on testing.

> Since he has made extremely slow progress, nonverbal becoming more

> aggressive, medications don't work with him. 7 years old functioning like a

> one year old, This will be my last frontier. I don't know what else to

> try.

> My question is Who does chelation in MA.? Who do you recommend? thanks

> Cathy


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If you know of someone in Mass doing chelation, please pass it on to me

as I am also interested.




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If you know of someone in Mass doing chelation, please pass it on to me

as I am also interested.




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Alright, I think I'm starting to understand this chelation thing. I usually

don't read the posts about it because I have not been ready to try it but it

is very interesting to me. Now from what I understand medical insurance does

not cover this so how much after all is done does it actually come out too.

Also, how is it actually administered? Is it a pill of some sort that you

give to your child and it helps to pull out the metals? That's what I don't

understand. Do you do it yourself at home or do you have to go to the doctor

everytime? I wish I kept the website that had the info. but I didn't so if

someone could enlighten me with it that would be great. But I would love to

hear what you have to say about it too.

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We are on 8th or 9th week (sad, I have lost count) of chelation. WE are

doing the 3 day on, 4 day rest cycle. (Some do 4-3, som 3- 11) Lots of

protocols. We are giving it every 4 hours, his dosage, by body weight, comes out

to about 600mg daily. We added the Alpha lipoic acid at 6 weeks...(which I think

makes us at 9 weeks...) Which crosses blood brain barrier. He is doing

WONDERFUL. I was told at his science fair Thursday night he will be MAINSTREAMED

ALL day by years end! (He is half day right now) His speech has become eloquent,

and he seems MUCH less foggy. Even our Dr says he seems as if he's lost his

" confusion " He is seeking out children, and playing on age leve;....*BIG SMILES*

& thumbs up...we are very happy with this therapy!!!!!!!! Oh, we administer it

in Chocolate Jif..he takes it FINE-Shari

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We are on 8th or 9th week (sad, I have lost count) of chelation. WE are

doing the 3 day on, 4 day rest cycle. (Some do 4-3, som 3- 11) Lots of

protocols. We are giving it every 4 hours, his dosage, by body weight, comes out

to about 600mg daily. We added the Alpha lipoic acid at 6 weeks...(which I think

makes us at 9 weeks...) Which crosses blood brain barrier. He is doing

WONDERFUL. I was told at his science fair Thursday night he will be MAINSTREAMED

ALL day by years end! (He is half day right now) His speech has become eloquent,

and he seems MUCH less foggy. Even our Dr says he seems as if he's lost his

" confusion " He is seeking out children, and playing on age leve;....*BIG SMILES*

& thumbs up...we are very happy with this therapy!!!!!!!! Oh, we administer it

in Chocolate Jif..he takes it FINE-Shari

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Here's how to get the latest info: go to autism-mercury egroup main

page. Click on files in the column to the left of the screen. In

the list that comes up, you will find the latest DAN protocol for

chelation, including testing, dosage and schedule.

Insurance might cover the prescription for DMSA, testing and doctor's

appointments. We went outside our HMO, but are getting partial


Children are given medication and supplements on a schedule. A

typical one is every 8 hours for three days, followed by 11 days of

nutritional supplements. It is given by pill or by mixing the med in

a small amount of food. I think some little guys get a suppository

form of DMSA.

The doctor is seen to start the chelation protocol, with follow-ups

as needed. The med is given at home. Testing, usually urinalysis,

is done at regular intervals to check on the metals that are being


Dental amalgams must be removed before commencing chelation.

That's it in a nutshell. My son and I are on a slow protocol (3

on/11 off, low dose) for almost 5 months. He made some dramatic

improvements during the first couple of rounds; slow but continuing

progress since then.

With mercury and other metal toxicities, the sooner the junk gets out

of the tissues, the better. Dr. Holmes is reporting full recoveries

for some of the younger patients.


> Alright, I think I'm starting to understand this chelation thing.

I usually

> don't read the posts about it because I have not been ready to try

it but it

> is very interesting to me. Now from what I understand medical

insurance does

> not cover this so how much after all is done does it actually come

out too.

> Also, how is it actually administered? Is it a pill of some sort

that you

> give to your child and it helps to pull out the metals? That's

what I don't

> understand. Do you do it yourself at home or do you have to go to

the doctor

> everytime? I wish I kept the website that had the info. but I

didn't so if

> someone could enlighten me with it that would be great. But I

would love to

> hear what you have to say about it too.


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Hi , this is again. I wish we had Dr. Amy Holmes up here (Mass)

she sounds wonderful. You're very lucky to have her. Does it cause the

children any pain with this process? It just seems so far fetched but

soooooo interesting.

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Hi ,

I wish I did have Dr. Holmes! Our doctor is tracking her &

Bradstreet for chelation advice, but I have to do the research and

teach him.

No, chelation doesn't hurt. It's just annoying because of the time

schedule and all of the supplements on the " days off " . There have

been some minor side effects - some rashes, occasional diarrhea, a

bit more emotional on the first " off day " (We do 3 on, 11 off.)

There have been great benefits to date.

I thought the whole mercury issue sounded strange, too, but the

danger is more widely recognized nowadays than I had realized before

doing a web search. Here are some starting places: www.autism.org,

www.gnd.org, " files " on the main page of the autism-mercury egroup,

Dr. Amy Holmes's site (sorry, don't have the address), even


barbeetofloyd@a... wrote:

> Hi , this is again. I wish we had Dr. Amy Holmes up

here (Mass)

> she sounds wonderful. You're very lucky to have her. Does it

cause the

> children any pain with this process? It just seems so far fetched


> soooooo interesting.


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  • 4 years later...


just wondered, i recall recent posts on chelation through just using

the scd. If a person 'becomes' healthy, can a persons body rid itself

of mercury etc that has attached itself to their organs and brin?



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theres lots of claims with chelation and you have to be very sceptical

the idea that you just take something and mercury or lead is magically

removed from the body is not true and the chelation boards ban people

like me who point out the truer side of the coin

that said i don't think diet is enough

the basic rules are zinc displaces heavy metals, selenium passivates

them and msm lifts them

you can sort mix and match as per my compendium and diet to get an

effective chelation

these so called chelators like ala, dmsa, dmps are really an idea more

than something that works but if you watch the autism mercury message

board for a year or two and see how the progress goes forwards and then

backwards you will get the picture

> hi


> just wondered, i recall recent posts on chelation through just using

> the scd. If a person 'becomes' healthy, can a persons body rid itself

> of mercury etc that has attached itself to their organs and brin?


> thx


> emma

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  • 2 years later...

TK-- this should be stainless steel which should be fine.


> Is it safe to use DMSA since I have wires under the skin from jaw

surgery years ago?I did not know if it would pull the metal from them

or not.



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TK-- this should be stainless steel which should be fine.


> Is it safe to use DMSA since I have wires under the skin from jaw

surgery years ago?I did not know if it would pull the metal from them

or not.



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