Guest guest Posted October 20, 2005 Report Share Posted October 20, 2005 PLEASE FORWARD THIS ALERT! SAY NO to S1873 - the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005. Dear Parents, Thank you for your help so far. If you have already called and sent letters we need you to do it again. If you haven't helped yet, it is very important that you do. THE BILL PASSED THROUGH THE HELP COMMITTEE. However, we still have Thursday to make a difference in the liability and compensation sections of this horrible bill. In short, we need your help immediately!!! This bill is on the fast track. We expect to be fighting it on the Senate Floor next week. Senators Frist, Gregg, Burr, Enzi and put in the bill Monday. It passed through committee on Tuesday and Senators have until the end of the day on Thursday (10-20-05) to finalize the bill so perhaps we can make a difference - but we must act swiftly. Help is needed for everyone to contact their Senator and the Senators on the HELP Committee. Get your extended family to call and write letters too. We especially need parents from Maine, Ohio, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Arizona, Iowa, South Carolina, Oregon. These states have moderate senators that have shown some interest in the past on our issues. We need to inundate Enzi, DeWine, , and Clinton, but especially Enzi - he is the chairman of the HELP Committee and a co-sponsor of the bill - so parents from Wyoming will also be key in this fight. NOT SURE WHAT TO SAY TO YOUR SENATOR? Here are some possible talking points for phone calls: 1) (for Enzi) Rick Santorum said on Imus that Enzi would be getting thimerosal hearings underway this Fall. It's now Fall, where are the hearings? Why are Enzi's efforts instead directed towards legislation that protects industry rather than injured children? 2) (for Enzi) The members of our community feel betrayed. Enzi's office has been supplied with voluminous data confirming that millions of children have been overexposed to mercury and hundreds of thousands now suffer the consequences. With all this information damning the pharmaceutical industry, it is unconscionable for Senator Enzi to now reward the same industry that poisoned our children. Senator Enzi is not part of the solution, but part of the problem. 3) Our community needs to be assured that this bill will have nothing to do with our children's vaccine-injury cases. The bill needs to state that it will not affect vaccines currently covered in VICA and that the bill is NOT retroactive. It needs to preserve state's rights to hear vaccine related cases. 4) Further empowering drug companies to produce unsafe products will undermine the immunization program to a greater extent than anything else to date has. We as a community have seen government's response to a failed compensation program and will be taking our message to schools, churches, shopping malls, and the AARP: If you allow yourself or your child to be vaccinated, you do so at your own risk as any resulting injuries will not be compensated. Parents, we must stand together! This legislation has been promoted as protecting Americans by assuring that vaccine manufacturers will make vaccines in the case of pandemics, but what it does is protect manufacturers from being held accountable for injuries caused by their products and vaccines including injections containing thimerosal. Here is what we all need to do: Fax AND call the following Senators ASAP. Please make plans to do both! Contacting the two Senators in your state is the first step. Then we need to fax and call all the HELP Senators and those we think may provide us with the swing votes needed in the Senate: , Chaffee, Snowe and McCain. Fax Senators with this information: (feel free to cut and paste this letter to fax) Dear Senator ______, RE: S1873 - the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005. Delete Sections 6 and 7 on liability and compensation!! This bill focuses on liability protections to pharmaceutical companies from past mistakes under the guise of focusing on future attacks or pandemics. Fear and losing civil liberties seem to go hand in hand lately. This time the ones to lose are innocent children and suffering families. The bill has it all wrong. Look at what Fauci said just last year: Fauci of the National Institutes of Health said that liability is only a " very small part of the problem. " " 'Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have tried to frame the issue as part of the administration's overall health care agenda, saying it's the threat of lawsuits that keeps manufacturers from entering and staying in the vaccine business. But that's only a very small part of the problem,' said Fauci, the infectious disease chief at the National Institutes of Health and a chief [HHS Secretary] adviser. More significant, he said, are the low-profit margin vaccines provide, unpredictable demand and the complexity of the manufacturing process. 'The fragility of the vaccine enterprise is an issue that has been present for decades,' Fauci said. 'It has been an accident waiting to happen.' " [ " Flu Vaccine an Issue in Presidential Race, " Meckler, Associated Press, 10/20/04] Explanations regarding striking sections 6 and 7: Section six confers immunity on anyone in the vaccine or treatment chain. This must be deleted because: 1. Immunity from legal liability for injury results in less safe vaccines and treatments which in turn means rapidly declining public confidence in vaccines. 2. The safety we enjoy for goods and services is the product of both public regulation, in which we have little confidence, and private litigation. Private litigation is an essential component of safety and public confidence. 3. Knowing beforehand that some Americans will suffer adverse events due to a countermeasure and not stepping in to help should those people - many children - suffer an injury is immoral. I am asking you as a United States Senator to do the right thing by hard-working, tax-paying Americans. Please delete the liability and compensation portions from this bill and allow the regular system of checks and balances rule in these future cases. Please make sure this bill is not retroactive and the bill should state that it will not affect any injuries for vaccines now covered under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Sincerely, (Your name) _____ Forward this note to all of your friends and members of your family that you think will help. If they don't mind, do the work for them. Just substitute their name at the bottom of your letter and send it to their Senator or yours again. The staff will be counting names, not looking specifically at letters. We need to inundate them with calls and faxes. They need to know that thousands of parents are watching! Lastly, reply to the NAA if you think you can come for a day or two to DC next week to help us fight this bill! We need parents visiting Senator offices reminding Senators that they are representing the people and not pharmaceutical companies! Thank You!!! The NAA Team _____ Republicans on the HELP Committee: Gregg, Judd (R - NH) 393 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax: E-mail: mailbox@...');> mailbox@... Frist, (R - TN) 416 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax: E-mail:> Enzi, Mike (R - WY) 290 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax: E-mail: senator@...');> senator@... Burr (R-NC) 217 Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: Fax: E-mail: richard.burrnc05@...');> richard.burrnc05@... Isakson ny (R- GA) 120 Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Fax: , Lamar (R-TN) UNITED STATES SENATE WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax: E-mail:> , Pat (R - KS) 302 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax E-mail:> Ensign, (R - NV) 364 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax E-mail:> DeWine, Mike (R - OH) 140 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax E-mail: senator@...');> senator@... Democrats on the HELP Commitee: Kennedy, - (D - MA) 317 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax: senator@...');> senator@... Dodd, (D - CT) 448 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone Fax E-mail:> Harkin, Tom (D - IA) 731 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone Fax E-mail: tom harkin@...');> harkin@... Mikulski, Barbara (D - MD) 709 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax (202)224-8858 E-mail: senator@...');> senator@... Bingaman, Jeff (D - NM) 703 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510Phone: Fax E-mail: senator_bingaman@...');> senator_bingaman@... Murray, Patty (D - WA) 173 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax: E-mail: senator_murray@...');> senator_murray@... , Jack (D - RI) 320 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Fax E-mail: jack@...');> jack@... Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) 476 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: D.C. Fax Long Island Fax Email:> Helpful Senators, not on the HELP Committee but important to contact: Senator 172 Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: Fax Senator Olympia Snowe 154 Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: Fax Senator Lincoln Chafee 141A Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: Fax: Senator McCain 241 Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone Fax Senator Debbie Stabenow 702 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Fax Jeffords, (I - VT) 728 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax Graham, Lindsey - (R - SC) UNITED STATES SENATE WASHINGTON DC 20510 Phone: Fax: Web Form:> Helpful Congressmen to contact: Congressman Dave Weldon 2347 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Fax: Congressman Dan Burton 2185 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 FAX: Congressman 2373 Rayburn Building Washington, DC 20515 FAX: Think Autism. 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