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That is weird

Is there a test for that ???


with a hiatle hernia, you dont have a protrusion

it is all inside the stomach protruds up thru the diaphraminto the upper chest.......

weird, huh?

When the power of love

overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

Dede - Haitle hernia

Thats weird and it happened after implants

Hernias run BIG time in my family

My belly is big from candida and parasites

but not from any type of hernia

Out of my six siblings 5 had hernias and..

My brothers baby was born with a hernia

I remember being scared to tell my parents

So it was there for awhile just growing bigger as time went by

Than one day in the bath tub I looked down and suddenly became

very frightened and started screaming at the top of my lungs.

In those days the doctors came to your home

The doctor thought my stomach was turning inside out

I was than rushed to the hospital

The doctor said I could have ended up with a

strangulated hernia if it wrapped around my leg

(If I recall think thats how he explained it to me )


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  • 3 months later...


I just went to your page and read your story and poem. If I was sitting in a room with you I'd have to say I'm speechless (which doesn't happen to me very often). The first thing I did was cry after finishing the poem. I wish I could give you a hug, or a word or two of comfort. I'm with you all the way on how you feel in regard to the medical profession...and the suffering in your life. Not just for myself or those of us with our implant situations, but after the indignities and suffering of my dad before he died, that did me in too. I won't rant about the medical profession and what a blatant disgrace and horror it has become. The losses and the suffering are immense, I know and I hear you. I would like to bring positive change to the world too. I would liked to see the eradication of medical "practice" .. and abuse of patients. I always say I

fight for animals rights and human rights. But it isn't easy when they clip our wings where we are so busy trying to just survive ourselves.

We are our own hero's. Stay proud and strong of the person you are... it radiates through your words and your spirit. God Bless you...


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

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You know...that poem was written in the middle of the night, or morning shall I say, after what I thought was waking up in the middle of a seizure and, you know how groggy you are waking up in the middle of the night you are a bit disoriented, well I thought I got a dislocated jaw......

What I found out later was, that was my first heart attack......and

a miracle of life...as I had gone into V-Fib...that is what the seizure

and passing out was....That is what happens when you go into V-fib...

you have seizure activity and pass out because your heart is quivering

and no longer beating......

I had absolutely NO clue I had a heart attack...although the whole next week I did nothing but lay on the couch watching the tube.....

because I was so tired. I had no numbing of the arm or arm pain, and I had no chest tightening or chest pain......and previous to this I had been hiking almost dailey and even hiking around mountains and things......

This is why I also preach to women, know your body ! and know that heart attacks in women are not the same as what they teach us.....

I had what felt like someone hit me in the left jaw with a baseball bat....and it threw me to the ground..and I thought I had an intruder...and when I got a grip, I realized no one was in my house, and I was still

in that groggy stage, and didnt really know what happened to me....but did remember waking to what I thought was a seizure and going back into it and blacking out...

You know with implant caused disease, you get all these weird

things going on that just dont make sense. I think it intimidates doctors and its just easiest for them to say it does not exist, and it makes us a good fee for service type patient for them, you know a regular income.

When I was going thru that 10 years of illness from the massive silicone rupture and all the surgeries I was seeing an internal medicine doctor, an eye doctor, a rheumatologist, a neurologist, physical therapist, and dermatologist, and a surgeon. I had many surgeries during this time, many breast surgeries, and each one of those my entire chest wall was detatched, because under the muscle is where all the silicone was that formed cysts and masses and granulomas and all that junk.....I had knee surgery, nose surgery because I had a kneeboard accident and it crushed my nose, I had a hystorectomy, bladder repair, and I think that is it....but more than enough for any one person....

I saw all those doctors once a month. Talk about doctor poor.......

medication poor....I was on neurontin and plaquinil for 5 years +. The neurontin was 320.00 a month and the plaquinil was 200.00 a month.

On top of that, I had 2 paper grocery bags full of meds they tried me on that didnt work for me, or made me have side effects.

Needless to say, I had gotten so ill and my immune system so failed that I had to stop working, and because of the cancer, ( I am blessed it wasw very early and they got it all and I didnt need chemo ) they jacked up my cobra insurance so high I would have had to be a millionaire to afford it.

I got sick if I was exposed to anyone ill with anything contageous if I was in the same room with them..... the doctor I worked for sent me home all the time cuz I still tried to work cuz I needed the money to pay for the doctors I saw......I still had a co-pay to come up with....

Anyway... I stopped working and took a leap of faith.....I stopped all meds and focused on exercise, meditation, and prayer and things of that sort. I didnt have much time...per the doctors, maybe a few years, so I decided I would do things I enjoyed too. I was also working on a biz idea that would also be a NPO and thought I would be able to start it up before I ran out of money to live on.

That is not what happened ! but I did have a couple of years that I enjoyed life and the outdoors thru the illness. I would have 6-8 week stretches I was bedridden tho...

OK.....enuf of all that ! I gotta get ready for my day.......

Much love to all......remember its just a storm......and although it can be rough at times....women rule ! we are special and we are chosen........God Loves us !


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power

the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

Re: Re: Dede


I just went to your page and read your story and poem. If I was sitting in a room with you I'd have to say I'm speechless (which doesn't happen to me very often). The first thing I did was cry after finishing the poem. I wish I could give you a hug, or a word or two of comfort. I'm with you all the way on how you feel in regard to the medical profession...and the suffering in your life. Not just for myself or those of us with our implant situations, but after the indignities and suffering of my dad before he died, that did me in too. I won't rant about the medical profession and what a blatant disgrace and horror it has become. The losses and the suffering are immense, I know and I hear you. I would like to bring positive change to the world too. I would liked to see the eradication of medical "practice" .. and abuse of patients. I always say I fight for animals rights and human rights. But it isn't easy when they clip our wings where we are so busy trying to just survive ourselves.

We are our own hero's. Stay proud and strong of the person you are... it radiates through your words and your spirit. God Bless you...


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

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Hi Dede,

Sounds like He** to me :( I'm so sorry for all your suffering. I hear you about all the weird and terrifying things that happen to us. I have my story too and it's also pretty hairy, different from yours. I feel for your pain and so wish you more healing days. That stuff really did us in big time took our lives as we knew it. Like you, I try to make the best of what I have not what I don't have. We all have our days when we need to scream or cry it out, whatever, and then days of a more calm sea that we can be there to help nurture ourselves and support others. I keep putting off telling my story because I don't want to have a nervous breakdown reliving all of it!! Would probably take me days to write it up. I was exploring writing it up on myspace, I don't want to use facebook for obviously reasons. What do you think of the myspace? I would love to just have my own web page, I

like what you did and some other people also have done. Would like to put music on it like I've seen, and also pictures and stuff. I don't have web design experience just the usual from those sites. I'd like to basically have a page for my life, past included with a memorial for my dad who died a few years ago. I feel my story (as well as his) needs to be told too, I just want to include all that rather than just type up the saga.

I experienced what doctors called "seizure activity".. I'm not a nurse but it was some "atypical'' type of reaction that went on for years. I went to cardiologists...one of which was supposed to be top notch and really was a nice guy. I had the holter monitor which had high numbers then the cardiograms that said I was fine. Always had terrible heart racing felt like I was going to have what I imagined was the start of a heart attack. I would get terrible pain in my chest, neck and face.. wake me up during the night and last for an hour,. thought I was having a heart attack then.,. never went to the hospital for those episodes... since they finally subsided each time. The neurological stuff for me was intense.. from losing the ability to walk to memory impairment. The headaches (migraines) and struggling to breathe....the allergies, asthma....the viral stuff...ugh.. Not being able to eat and looking like a

concentration camp survivor. I can't tell you how many times when I would go into the bathroom with the mirrors I would be so terrified watching myself starve to death among other things the body does from malabsorption and the dying process it was just terrifying. I had the rheumatic pain also.. some days couldn't even sit down. I have experienced something no doc has yet to define but happens to my right hand and travels up my arm. If it keeps going it then attacks my brain. But believe me as this sensation is traveling slowing, hard to explain but like being electrocuted or something but not exactly. Like I said can't define it because there is nothing on this earth I can compare it to. I have learned how to calm down the reaction. But it is torturous. You'd rather cut off your arm than feel it. Klonopin and gaba combined works for it.. also going on oxygen.

There were times I remember when I would be in the shower screaming to God to let me die. Not even human screams anymore. I'll tell you, it's been quite an experience. But I don't have to tell you because unfortunately you know.

It's so true about all the weird reactions we get that mystify the doctors. Too bad they're not trained in how to treat chemical injury that is caused by our technology....

Apparently I have the silicone in the muscle too.... which as I said the other day, I didn't remember but my husband did.

I feel for your pain and your anguish Dede. You have amazing courage and stamina. It sounds like you have a beautiful heart inside and out. How dare our technology take what it has. I try to remember that I am still here as you are, and we still have work to do... before we go. We don't know when that will be, so living in the present moment is part of how I live with it all... I plan but I try to stay focused on today rather than worry about all the "what ifs"... plenty to worry about so do need to turn it off best I can.

I get angry and depressed about all the losses including who I was. I can't operate any more on the level of who I used to be and the expectations of myself. I have to respect my limitations and that's a huge pill for me to swallow. I suspect we all feel the same way. I miss a lot of things. One of the biggies is just a really warm big hug. When my dad died, that was the last time I got one of those.

On a cheerier note, even though I woke up pretty down in the dumps, I had a wonderful day. I am friendly with one gal in town who is respectful of my MCS. I saw her today. One of the neighbors came out with her new puppy. Well, I was in heaven. A little 2 pound cutie that I had on my lap. It was a fragrance free dog LOL, because she didn't have any new shampoo on it or anything else. The gal that adopted that dog is fairly fragrance free also, not a perfumed person, so I was able to have this adorable little thing on my lap for a long while. It was licking me and just wagging that cute little tail. My smallest cat is 9 l lbs.. I think that dog was the size of my cats tail LOL. I just had a ball can't you tell????? This was a real treat. I am hoping I can go back over there tomorrow and see if she'll bring out the dog, my friend said she would. I'm not well enough to adopt another animal, so we can't go there, but this sure did bring

a smile to my face :)

These are the good days. One day at a time. I wish I could give you a big hug. Keep your faith strong and know that in this world of chaos... misguided morality and conscience, you are loved and respected by many friends and a higher power than the evil that brought us to the injury of our bodies.


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

From: Dede <DGRAHAMA@...> Sent: Sat, October 16, 2010 8:58:17 AMSubject: Re: Re: Dede


You know...that poem was written in the middle of the night, or morning shall I say, after what I thought was waking up in the middle of a seizure and, you know how groggy you are waking up in the middle of the night you are a bit disoriented, well I thought I got a dislocated jaw......

What I found out later was, that was my first heart attack......and

a miracle of life...as I had gone into V-Fib...that is what the seizure

and passing out was....That is what happens when you go into V-fib...

you have seizure activity and pass out because your heart is quivering

and no longer beating......

I had absolutely NO clue I had a heart attack...although the whole next week I did nothing but lay on the couch watching the tube.....

because I was so tired. I had no numbing of the arm or arm pain, and I had no chest tightening or chest pain......and previous to this I had been hiking almost dailey and even hiking around mountains and things......

This is why I also preach to women, know your body ! and know that heart attacks in women are not the same as what they teach us.....

I had what felt like someone hit me in the left jaw with a baseball bat....and it threw me to the ground..and I thought I had an intruder...and when I got a grip, I realized no one was in my house, and I was still

in that groggy stage, and didnt really know what happened to me....but did remember waking to what I thought was a seizure and going back into it and blacking out...

You know with implant caused disease, you get all these weird

things going on that just dont make sense. I think it intimidates doctors and its just easiest for them to say it does not exist, and it makes us a good fee for service type patient for them, you know a regular income.

When I was going thru that 10 years of illness from the massive silicone rupture and all the surgeries I was seeing an internal medicine doctor, an eye doctor, a rheumatologist, a neurologist, physical therapist, and dermatologist, and a surgeon. I had many surgeries during this time, many breast surgeries, and each one of those my entire chest wall was detatched, because under the muscle is where all the silicone was that formed cysts and masses and granulomas and all that junk.....I had knee surgery, nose surgery because I had a kneeboard accident and it crushed my nose, I had a hystorectomy, bladder repair, and I think that is it....but more than enough for any one person....

I saw all those doctors once a month. Talk about doctor poor.......

medication poor....I was on neurontin and plaquinil for 5 years +. The neurontin was 320.00 a month and the plaquinil was 200.00 a month.

On top of that, I had 2 paper grocery bags full of meds they tried me on that didnt work for me, or made me have side effects.

Needless to say, I had gotten so ill and my immune system so failed that I had to stop working, and because of the cancer, ( I am blessed it wasw very early and they got it all and I didnt need chemo ) they jacked up my cobra insurance so high I would have had to be a millionaire to afford it. I got sick if I was exposed to anyone ill with anything contageous if I was in the same room with them..... the doctor I worked for sent me home all the time cuz I still tried to work cuz I needed the money to pay for the doctors I saw......I still had a co-pay to come up with....

Anyway... I stopped working and took a leap of faith.....I stopped all meds and focused on exercise, meditation, and prayer and things of that sort. I didnt have much time...per the doctors, maybe a few years, so I decided I would do things I enjoyed too. I was also working on a biz idea that would also be a NPO and thought I would be able to start it up before I ran out of money to live on.

That is not what happened ! but I did have a couple of years that I enjoyed life and the outdoors thru the illness. I would have 6-8 week stretches I was bedridden tho...

OK.....enuf of all that ! I gotta get ready for my day.......

Much love to all......remember its just a storm......and although it can be rough at times....women rule ! we are special and we are chosen........God Loves us !


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

Re: Re: Dede


I just went to your page and read your story and poem. If I was sitting in a room with you I'd have to say I'm speechless (which doesn't happen to me very often). The first thing I did was cry after finishing the poem. I wish I could give you a hug, or a word or two of comfort. I'm with you all the way on how you feel in regard to the medical profession...and the suffering in your life. Not just for myself or those of us with our implant situations, but after the indignities and suffering of my dad before he died, that did me in too. I won't rant about the medical profession and what a blatant disgrace and horror it has become. The losses and the suffering are immense, I know and I hear you. I would like to bring positive change to the world too. I would liked to see the eradication of medical "practice" .. and abuse of patients. I always say I

fight for animals rights and human rights. But it isn't easy when they clip our wings where we are so busy trying to just survive ourselves.

We are our own hero's. Stay proud and strong of the person you are... it radiates through your words and your spirit. God Bless you...


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

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Good Morning ! and all you bright rays of Sunshine in my Life ! ! !

Happy Sunday ! I hope you and everyone else has a beautiful day today in anything

you do. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone ! Make sure you put some

special in your day... Today I will be spending the afternoon with my father.

Bless his sweet heart. When he is here, I give him all my attention...except when he naps, then I may check something in the group or FB or something. I usually do cook

for him tho.....and he always comes in the kitchen singing do do do do do do, la la da la de da.....in various tunes....with a very beautiful voice, and I always tease him that he is in the kitchen singing the do do song while Im cooking dinner again....we laugh and he continues to sing. The other night I was speaking to him on the phone and I asked him how

his church study group was, and he told me thank you I slept well last night.......

The stage 4 lymphoma is still in remission, now sweet is that ? ?

Well, I need to get ready for him to come over.....my house is a horrible mess.....

the charity was yesterday, and now I can clean up from all the arts and crafts

I have laying around here....I am really tired......so I will go very slow ! but

I am happy...and the event yesterday was fun...

, you started pouring out in this note to me....this is wonderful....keep

this note as it is part of your experience...

My granddaughter stayed with me a couple weeks this summer and she

started a webpage for me about breast implants. I have alot of work to do

on it before I publicize it...make some changes in some of the info and the

catagories they need to go in, but she did a wonderful job on it....and all from

what she learned in a couple days about the dangers of implants. Anyway.....

she had done a webpage for a school project, and had showed me that when

she decided it would be kewl for me to have a web page.......

Anyway, there is a free web page builder you can use....and

it will give you a new toy to play with.....go into it, save it to your computer

and set yourself up a page.....and you can keep it private and not launch it

until you are done.....

http://www.wix.com/ , Have fun !

I will reply to your note later.......I have some thoughts but I must

get ready for Dad's visit.......

Love N Hugz...Prayers Hope N Peace ~


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power

the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

Re: Re: Dede


I just went to your page and read your story and poem. If I was sitting in a room with you I'd have to say I'm speechless (which doesn't happen to me very often). The first thing I did was cry after finishing the poem. I wish I could give you a hug, or a word or two of comfort. I'm with you all the way on how you feel in regard to the medical profession...and the suffering in your life. Not just for myself or those of us with our implant situations, but after the indignities and suffering of my dad before he died, that did me in too. I won't rant about the medical profession and what a blatant disgrace and horror it has become. The losses and the suffering are immense, I know and I hear you. I would like to bring positive change to the world too. I would liked to see the eradication of medical "practice" .. and abuse of patients. I always say I fight for animals rights and human rights. But it isn't easy when they clip our wings where we are so busy trying to just survive ourselves.

We are our own hero's. Stay proud and strong of the person you are... it radiates through your words and your spirit. God Bless you...


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

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That's great news about your dad! hope this week is a healthy one for you



> Good Morning ! and all you bright rays of Sunshine in my Life ! ! !


> Happy Sunday ! I hope you and everyone else has a beautiful day today in


> you do. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone ! Make sure you put some

> special in your day... Today I will be spending the afternoon with my father.

> Bless his sweet heart. When he is here, I give him all my attention...except

when he naps, then I may check something in the group or FB or something. I

usually do cook

> for him tho.....and he always comes in the kitchen singing do do do do do do,

la la da la de da.....in various tunes....with a very beautiful voice, and I

always tease him that he is in the kitchen singing the do do song while Im

cooking dinner again....we laugh and he continues to sing. The other night I

was speaking to him on the phone and I asked him how

> his church study group was, and he told me thank you I slept well last


> The stage 4 lymphoma is still in remission, now sweet is that ? ?

> Well, I need to get ready for him to come over.....my house is a horrible


> the charity was yesterday, and now I can clean up from all the arts and crafts

> I have laying around here....I am really tired......so I will go very slow !


> I am happy...and the event yesterday was fun...

> , you started pouring out in this note to me....this is


> this note as it is part of your experience...

> My granddaughter stayed with me a couple weeks this summer and she

> started a webpage for me about breast implants. I have alot of work to do

> on it before I publicize it...make some changes in some of the info and the

> catagories they need to go in, but she did a wonderful job on it....and all


> what she learned in a couple days about the dangers of implants. Anyway.....

> she had done a webpage for a school project, and had showed me that when

> she decided it would be kewl for me to have a web page.......

> Anyway, there is a free web page builder you can use....and

> it will give you a new toy to play with.....go into it, save it to your


> and set yourself up a page.....and you can keep it private and not launch it

> until you are done.....

> http://www.wix.com/ , Have fun !

> I will reply to your note later.......I have some thoughts but I must

> get ready for Dad's visit.......

> Love N Hugz...Prayers Hope N Peace ~

> Dede





> When the power of love

> overcomes the love of power

> the world will know peace.

> ~ Jimi Hendrix




> Re: Re: Dede







> Dede,


> I just went to your page and read your story and poem. If I was sitting in a

room with you I'd have to say I'm speechless (which doesn't happen to me very

often). The first thing I did was cry after finishing the poem. I wish I could

give you a hug, or a word or two of comfort. I'm with you all the way on how you

feel in regard to the medical profession...and the suffering in your life. Not

just for myself or those of us with our implant situations, but after the

indignities and suffering of my dad before he died, that did me in too. I won't

rant about the medical profession and what a blatant disgrace and horror it has

become. The losses and the suffering are immense, I know and I hear you. I

would like to bring positive change to the world too. I would liked to see the

eradication of medical " practice " .. and abuse of patients. I always say I fight

for animals rights and human rights. But it isn't easy when they clip our wings

where we are so busy trying to just survive ourselves.


> We are our own hero's. Stay proud and strong of the person you are... it

radiates through your words and your spirit. God Bless you...



> Hugs,



> There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi


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Hi Dede,

I hope you had a wonderful time with your dad :) :) :) Thank you for the info on the web page. You "sounded" so elated in that e-mail with your dad there!!

I'm a little pooped tonight. I did most of the cooking for the week so I only have to do heat up and sides, and a lot of laundry since my laundry room was out of commission for a week.. was catch up time. Hope to finish that tomorrow. Otherwise, my day was ok :)


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

From: Dede <DGRAHAMA@...> Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 10:40:17 AMSubject: Re: Re: Dede

Good Morning ! and all you bright rays of Sunshine in my Life ! ! !

Happy Sunday ! I hope you and everyone else has a beautiful day today in anything

you do. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone ! Make sure you put some

special in your day... Today I will be spending the afternoon with my father.

Bless his sweet heart. When he is here, I give him all my attention...except when he naps, then I may check something in the group or FB or something. I usually do cook

for him tho.....and he always comes in the kitchen singing do do do do do do, la la da la de da.....in various tunes....with a very beautiful voice, and I always tease him that he is in the kitchen singing the do do song while Im cooking dinner again....we laugh and he continues to sing. The other night I was speaking to him on the phone and I asked him how

his church study group was, and he told me thank you I slept well last night.......

The stage 4 lymphoma is still in remission, now sweet is that ? ?

Well, I need to get ready for him to come over.....my house is a horrible mess.....

the charity was yesterday, and now I can clean up from all the arts and crafts

I have laying around here....I am really tired......so I will go very slow ! but

I am happy...and the event yesterday was fun...

, you started pouring out in this note to me....this is wonderful....keep

this note as it is part of your experience...

My granddaughter stayed with me a couple weeks this summer and she

started a webpage for me about breast implants. I have alot of work to do

on it before I publicize it...make some changes in some of the info and the

catagories they need to go in, but she did a wonderful job on it....and all from

what she learned in a couple days about the dangers of implants. Anyway.....

she had done a webpage for a school project, and had showed me that when

she decided it would be kewl for me to have a web page.......

Anyway, there is a free web page builder you can use....and

it will give you a new toy to play with.....go into it, save it to your computer

and set yourself up a page.....and you can keep it private and not launch it

until you are done.....

http://www.wix.com/ , Have fun !

I will reply to your note later.......I have some thoughts but I must

get ready for Dad's visit.......

Love N Hugz...Prayers Hope N Peace ~


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

Re: Re: Dede


I just went to your page and read your story and poem. If I was sitting in a room with you I'd have to say I'm speechless (which doesn't happen to me very often). The first thing I did was cry after finishing the poem. I wish I could give you a hug, or a word or two of comfort. I'm with you all the way on how you feel in regard to the medical profession...and the suffering in your life. Not just for myself or those of us with our implant situations, but after the indignities and suffering of my dad before he died, that did me in too. I won't rant about the medical profession and what a blatant disgrace and horror it has become. The losses and the suffering are immense, I know and I hear you. I would like to bring positive change to the world too. I would liked to see the eradication of medical "practice" .. and abuse of patients. I always say I

fight for animals rights and human rights. But it isn't easy when they clip our wings where we are so busy trying to just survive ourselves.

We are our own hero's. Stay proud and strong of the person you are... it radiates through your words and your spirit. God Bless you...


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

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Hello ~

I really enjoy my Dad's visits, he is such a kind man...

He comes over 2 times a week to visit and we just hang out...

and I cook for him. I am so lucky to have him here and

able to come over....I get all the stories and his history.

He is very interesting....with an open mind and highly

intelligent...Its nice to have conversations with him.

I was pooped last night too.....and still am today....ha ha

but I gotta get a move on.....and work on the house......

everything got messy when I had all my beads and wire

and glass all around working on it......and the rest of the

house lacked cleaning too cuz I had all my focus on

creating ....

Placing your focus on what makes you happy and feel good

takes the limelight away from illness, and you feel better !



Hi Dede,

I hope you had a wonderful time with your dad :) :) :) Thank you for the info on the web page. You "sounded" so elated in that e-mail with your dad there!!

I'm a little pooped tonight. I did most of the cooking for the week so I only have to do heat up and sides, and a lot of laundry since my laundry room was out of commission for a week.. was catch up time. Hope to finish that tomorrow. Otherwise, my day was ok :)


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

From: Dede <DGRAHAMA@...>

Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 10:40:17 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Dede

Good Morning ! and all you bright rays of Sunshine in my Life ! ! !

Happy Sunday ! I hope you and everyone else has a beautiful day today in anything

you do. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone ! Make sure you put some

special in your day... Today I will be spending the afternoon with my father.

Bless his sweet heart. When he is here, I give him all my attention...except when he naps, then I may check something in the group or FB or something. I usually do cook

for him tho.....and he always comes in the kitchen singing do do do do do do, la la da la de da.....in various tunes....with a very beautiful voice, and I always tease him that he is in the kitchen singing the do do song while Im cooking dinner again....we laugh and he continues to sing. The other night I was speaking to him on the phone and I asked him how

his church study group was, and he told me thank you I slept well last night.......

The stage 4 lymphoma is still in remission, now sweet is that ? ?

Well, I need to get ready for him to come over.....my house is a horrible mess.....

the charity was yesterday, and now I can clean up from all the arts and crafts

I have laying around here....I am really tired......so I will go very slow ! but

I am happy...and the event yesterday was fun...

, you started pouring out in this note to me....this is wonderful....keep

this note as it is part of your experience...

My granddaughter stayed with me a couple weeks this summer and she

started a webpage for me about breast implants. I have alot of work to do

on it before I publicize it...make some changes in some of the info and the

catagories they need to go in, but she did a wonderful job on it....and all from

what she learned in a couple days about the dangers of implants. Anyway.....

she had done a webpage for a school project, and had showed me that when

she decided it would be kewl for me to have a web page.......

Anyway, there is a free web page builder you can use....and

it will give you a new toy to play with.....go into it, save it to your computer

and set yourself up a page.....and you can keep it private and not launch it

until you are done.....

http://www.wix.com/ , Have fun !

I will reply to your note later.......I have some thoughts but I must

get ready for Dad's visit.......

Love N Hugz...Prayers Hope N Peace ~


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power

the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

Re: Re: Dede


I just went to your page and read your story and poem. If I was sitting in a room with you I'd have to say I'm speechless (which doesn't happen to me very often). The first thing I did was cry after finishing the poem. I wish I could give you a hug, or a word or two of comfort. I'm with you all the way on how you feel in regard to the medical profession...and the suffering in your life. Not just for myself or those of us with our implant situations, but after the indignities and suffering of my dad before he died, that did me in too. I won't rant about the medical profession and what a blatant disgrace and horror it has become. The losses and the suffering are immense, I know and I hear you. I would like to bring positive change to the world too. I would liked to see the eradication of medical "practice" .. and abuse of patients. I always say I fight for animals rights and human rights. But it isn't easy when they clip our wings where we are so busy trying to just survive ourselves.

We are our own hero's. Stay proud and strong of the person you are... it radiates through your words and your spirit. God Bless you...


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

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