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Enzymes and food sensitivies

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I need help. I am now certain that the Zyme Prime has been causing my son's

diarrhea. I had been giving him 1/4 cap for each meal for 1 1/2 weeks. At the

beginning ZP caused what appeared to be huge die off. Two days with just loose

stools. The third day was great, one solid stool, although still not brown,

great energy, never heard him talk so much in one day and then the 4th day came

a rash around his mouth, eczema hands feet and legs, melt downs up to 5 times a

day, diarrhea 8-10 times a day, very bad diaper rash. Every day got

progressively better although not resolved. Appetite was OK and would let me

shovel in even 2 cups of pureed food while watching TV after picking at his

dinner before hand. I took him off ZP for 3 days because the diarrhea although

thicker some days and some days would only be 2 times in the morning, it was

still not cleared up. Plus he still is not gaining any weight.

Being off ZP his appetite has gone down and he has gotten progressively

angry with me for trying to spoon feed him food. Now he is actually loosing

weight. We have a very accurate baby scale since this has been his major

symptom. He is now 2 1/2 lbs. below the chart and 6 lbs below his curve. He

also has not grown his height in months and we recently found by the ION

blood/urine test that he has not been absorbing protein, not any amino acid, for

a long time. So I really feel he needs to been on enzymes. Plus he has 36 food

sensitivities and I'm sure he is gaining more while on SCD because he only has a

hand full of foods he can eat.

So I gave him 1/4 cap of ZP with breakfast today after a 3 day break. Off

ZP he had thicker diarrhea, but not really cleared up. 3 hours after the dose

he had a huge explosive diarrhea. I read a past post that suggested stopping

all enzymes and waiting two weeks before starting again at 1/8 cap, but I don't

know if we can wait the 2 weeks. He is barely absorbing anything.

I should also mention that we began ZP 1 1/2 weeks into the diet which I

now know is not recommended because of confusion, but he simply needs to begin

absorbing something. Now there are some vits. that he is on high amounts and is

still not holding onto. I should also mention that he never had diarrhea

problems until now. I know all of this is a matter of time, but I don't know

how long he can go. Any advice?



Elijah, 3 UC, ASD, 23 lbs. and 35in

a 20 months

All SCD 3 1/2 weeks


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