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We Have Lost Elaine

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From a Toronto SCD follower:

With deepest condolences to Elaine's family. Carol, you shared the news

of her illness only a short time ago maybe a couple of months back,

This is surprisingly sad. It happened just so quickly. This is also

ironic for me because I haven't picked up Elaine's book in

months. I always remembered the`delicious muffin recipe in her

book   " Breaking the Vicious Cycle "  and for some strange reason today

I didn't remember one of the ingredients. I then went to get her book

whick I have had in my possession for about 11 years and opened it to

the muffin recipe. I started to think about the book and about good

healthy foods for the scd and gazed at the amazingly delicious recipes

I tried back then and even to this day. I also made a batch  of those


Although I didn't meet her in person I still felt that strong

connection through reading her book and following her diet. She has

certainly helped me and thousands of people and I'm sure has

touched everyone following her diet in their unique way.

There is a saying that when a person has finished their work here on

earth they pass on as to free their body from their soul and that their

soul ascends into the heavens to truly experience paradise. Elaine has

given so much to so many and so too may her soul rest in

paradise forever. She will be sadly missed and the at the time she will

continue to give people hope, joy and relief through the work she has

left here on earth. Thank-you Elaine!



Posted by Carol F.

SCD 5 yrs.




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My deepest condolences go out to Elaine's family and to all of you that have a

special place in your heart for her as I do. I am so grateful to her for the


she had done and the information she shared with the world to help so many

families and children. I will continue to spread the word about SCD as it has

tremendously helped my son. She is angel and has gone to claim her spot in

heaven. " God Bless You Elaine - You Will Be Missed! "

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