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Re: Re: Hormones and breast implants

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Thank you for all the information. It is very helpful.


From: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...> Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 12:55:25 PMSubject: Re: Hormones and breast implants

Other hormones not to be overlooked are DHEA and pregnenolone.You can have too much or too little. Too much is as problematic as having too little, and that is why it needs close monitoring.It is helpful to research the symptoms of hormonal dominance vs. hormonal depletion, and try to assess which direction you may be going with them, but sometimes the symptoms can be the same. For instance, if you have too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism, present in Grave's disease) you can have hair loss, which you can also have with hypothyroidism (which is present in Hashimoto's).It really is a complicated dance....but thankfully, there are some over the counter preparations of some hormones (such as Isocort for the adrenals, Life Flo Progesterone cream, DHEA cream and estrogen creams for reproductive support, and iodine, selenium and kelp for thyroid support) that can be tried to see if any relief is possible.Creams are

preferrable to pills for reproductive support. (This is because our hormones naturally do not go through the digestive tract.)Just wanted to mention it...Patty> > >> > >> > >>From: Sue Gibbens <suegibbens21@ sky.com>> > >>Subject: MARIA> > >> > > >>Date: Monday, 28 June, 2010, 15:44 > >

>>> > >>> > >>> > >> > > >>Hi , > > >>my name is Sue I also live in London...... HELLO!> > >>I would love to connect with you.> > >>I have also had tests done through Myhill just for my Dr to totally ignore the findings, my Dr asked why I was wasting good money!!!!!> > >> Myhill is very good,its just unfortunate that our Drs cannot or don't want to see the truth...very frustrating.> > >>Have you had a removal yet? I had mine removed at the Blackheath hospital by a Dr Chapman, he removed the scar capsule (en bloc) and I had drains.> > >>> > >>Would love to speak to you> > >>> > >>Sue.> > >>> > >>> >>

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hi patty;

is isocort for the adrenals a cream? if not, is there a cream for the adrenals?


From: glory2glory1401@...Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 23:40:38 +0000Subject: Re: Hormones and breast implants

Just ALSO wanted to mention that if you want to do some testing on your hormone levels, it is possible to get these tests done without going to a doctor. For some women who are very proactive in their own care, and like to see the numbers (like me) this is a welcome option.I've used Direct Labs and I really like their service.http://www.directlabs.com/You can order various panels. I was able to go to the same lab that the doctors send me to, and just have the results sent to me instead of to a doctor. It's totally private, not too expensive, and completely reliable.Patty> > > >> > > >> > > >>From: Sue Gibbens <suegibbens21@ sky.com>> > > >>Subject: MARIA> > > >> > > > >>Date: Monday, 28 June, 2010, 15:44 > > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>Â > > > >>Hi , > > > >>my name is Sue I also live in London...... HELLO!> > > >>I would love to connect with you.> > > >>I have also had tests done through Myhill just for my Dr to totally ignore the findings, my Dr asked why I was wasting good money!!!!!> > > >> Myhill is very good,its just unfortunate that our Drs cannot or don't want to see the truth...very frustrating.> > > >>Have you had a removal yet? I had mine removed at the Blackheath hospital by a Dr Chapman, he removed the scar capsule (en bloc) and I had drains.> > > >>> > > >>Would love to speak to you> > > >>> > > >>Sue.> > > >>> > > >>> > >> >>

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I feel that some hormones are so out of wack!! I have had all of my hormones tested so many times I have lost count and everything comes back normal. Why is nothing showing up? It is so frustrating. I am kicking myself so hard for doing this to myself. What I wouldn't give to be me before implants again.

From: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...> Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 2:47:13 PMSubject: Re: Hormones and breast implantsHere is that entry from the website I listed below:November 18, 2001Question: My fibromyalgia (hypothyroid) symptoms started six months after I had silicone breast implants put in. Several months later my doctor found that I had high thyroid antibodies. Tests over the next three years showed that my antibodies stayed high. Several months after I had the implants removed, two different tests showed that my antibodies were normal again. My doctor told me there's no relation between fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, and breast implants. Instinctively, I don't

believe him, but I'd like to know what you think.Dr. Lowe: Many patients with silicone breast implants have fibromyalgia symptoms. These symptoms are the same as those of many patients with hypothyroidism caused by autoimmune thyroid disease. Some implant patients have positive immune function test results. The most common positive immune test result is a high level of anti-nuclear antibodies. This test result, however, isn't specific to any of the body's organ systems. Some implant patients have high levels of "anti-thyroglobulin" and "thyroid peroxidase" antibodies. These antibodies, of course, are highly specific to the thyroid gland.As I wrote at length in The Metabolic Treatment of Fibromyalgia, studies clearly show that silicone implants commonly rupture and leak, and bacteria often colonize the implants. These findings make it plausible that decomposing implants activate the immune system, and that this activation leads to

autoimmune disease in susceptible women. It's equally tenable that the autoimmune disease in some breast implant patients involves the thyroid gland. If the autoimmune disease suppresses thyroid gland function, the women may develop so-called "fibromyalgia" symptoms. If the women had fibromyalgia before getting the implants, their symptoms may worsen.In 1997, researchers published a report of two patients who developed Hashimoto's thyroiditis after receiving silicone breast implants for cosmetic purposes.[1] A 45-year-old woman received her implants 1976. In 1991, she developed Hashimoto's thyroiditis that led to a deficiency of thyroid hormone. For treatment, she took T4 alone. As often happens, the T4 alone was ineffective, and her symptoms continued. She was chronically fatigued and had joint pain and morning stiffness; her eyes were so dry that she had to use artificial tears. In 1995, she had a high level of both antinuclear antibodies and

thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Her gamma globulin level was elevated by 22.6%, and her thyroid gland was diffusely enlarged. Because her implants were painful, she had them removed in 1996. A pathologist performed a microscopic exam of the implant materials from the woman. He reported that each implant had a fibrous capsule with extremely dense connective tissue and fibrosis. This, of course, is evidence of immune reaction to the implant materials. The second patient was 55 years old. She received silicone breast implants in 1984. In 1995, she developed Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Her thyroid gland was painful and tender when palpated. She had mild hyperthyroidism and positive anti-thyroglobulin antibodies. She underwent corticosteroid treatment for five months. In 1996, her test for antinuclear antibodies was positive. She had the implants removed because her breasts were painful.The researchers who reported these two cases wrote that Hashimoto's

thyroiditis is only rarely associated with silicone breast implants. They also wrote that the patients' implants may have had nothing to do with the thyroiditis.[1] If silicone implants have nothing to do with patients' autoimmune thyroiditis, however, we could accurately predict that women with breast implants would have no higher incidence of anti-thyroid antibodies than women in the general population. But this prediction is refuted by a report I just read from AAL Reference Laboratories. The report states, "We have found [thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibodies] present in the sera of 24% of patients with silicone gel breast implants."[2] For comparison, let's consider the percentages of 1,314 health individuals with high levels of the antithyroid antibodies. Of 870 males, 2.6% had high thyroglobulin antibodies, 3.9% had high thyroid peroxidase antibodies, and 2.2% had high levels of both. Of 484 females, 6.2% had high thyroglobulin

antibodies, 9.5% had high thyroid peroxidase antibodies, and 6.0% had high levels of both.[3] Obviously, by comparison, the 24% incidence of antithyroid antibodies among implant patients is a far higher than in the population at large. The higher percentage suggests that silicone implants leads to autoimmune thyroid disease in a significant percentage of women. We certainly need more studies of this issue by unbiased researchers. For the time being, though, I personally believe women with silicone implants have reasonable concerns—despite firm reassurances of medical researchers with financial ties to the silicone implant industry.References[1] Vayssairat, M., Mimoun, M., Houot, B., Abuaf, N., Rouquette, A.M., and Chaouat, M.: Hashimoto's thyroiditis and silicone breast implants: two cases. J. Mal. Vasc., 22(3): 198-199, 1997. [2] AAL Reference Laboratories, Inc., in Santa Ana, California, May 8, 2001.

[3]Tajiri, J., Higashi, K., Morita, M,., et al.: Thyroid antibodies in healthy blood donors. Endocrinol. Jpn., 31(6):837-843, 1984.> > >> > >> > >>From: Sue Gibbens <suegibbens21@ sky.com>> > >>Subject: MARIA> > >> @

groups. com> > >>Date: Monday, 28 June, 2010, 15:44 > > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>Â > > >>Hi , > > >>my name is Sue I also live in London...... HELLO!> > >>I would love to connect with you.> > >>I have also had tests done through Myhill just for my Dr to totally ignore the findings, my Dr asked why I was wasting good money!!!!!> > >> Myhill is very good,its just unfortunate that our Drs cannot or don't want to see the truth...very frustrating.> > >>Have you had a removal yet? I had mine removed at the Blackheath hospital by a Dr Chapman, he removed the scar capsule (en bloc) and I had drains.> > >>> > >>Would love to speak to you> > >>> > >>Sue.> > >>> > >>>


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My opinion about that is, once your body has been changed

by having implants 1, by having 2 huge foreign bodies that

your body is constantly fighting, and 2 because your system

has now been permeated by the chemicals that go into the

manufacture of the implants.

The reason I believe this is : personal experience......

5 years ago when all my systems shut down, a month before

this happened I went to the doctor because I didnt feel well.

A matter of fact I felt horrible....and had for a good while.....

Nothing was found, and all my blood work was normal.

A month later, I was within 15 min of dead when I showed up

at the hospital unable to breathe and barely able to walk......

I had double pneumonia with 2 liters of fluid in my lungs,

dialated cardiomyopathy, liver and kidney failure.

I had NO FEVER, and my white blood count was NOT elevated.

both signs of illness.....by that point my liver and kidney functions

were off, but otherwise, looking at my normal bloodwork

and usual signs of infection, they just did not exist...

fever and white blood cells are immune functions.....and my

immune system was NOT working........

This is why it makes it so hard to " prove " illness when you

have had implants.

Symptoms IS the proof, and you dont need a doctor or

a blood test to prove you are ill.

Research and do all you can to heal yourself naturally.

Remove the culprit that is the root cause of the illness.

Feed your body the things it needs so it can have the

energy to work, and rebuild your immune system.

Eliminate the things that make your body fight hard

on things that arent necessary, like processed foods

and house hold chemicals....you can clean most things

with water and vinegar, and other natural things.

Try not to " OWN " illness, think of it as a project,

a challenge to figure out and conquer...

Hugs to all....


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power

the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix


> > >>

> > >>Date: Monday, 28 June, 2010, 15:44

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>Â

> > >>Hi ,

> > >>my name is Sue I also live in London...... HELLO!

> > >>I would love to connect with you.

> > >>I have also had tests done through Myhill just for my Dr to totally ignore the findings, my Dr asked why I was wasting good money!!!!!

> > >> Myhill is very good,its just unfortunate that our Drs cannot or don't want to see the truth...very frustrating.

> > >>Have you had a removal yet? I had mine removed at the Blackheath hospital by a Dr Chapman, he removed the scar capsule (en bloc) and I had drains.

> > >>

> > >>Would love to speak to you

> > >>

> > >>Sue.

> > >>

> > >>

> >



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Hi, Dede

How long did you have the implant before you started having these symptoms?

These days I feel like my organs are slowly starting to deteriorate one by one like you said below. My stomach feels like it's not working at all. I can hardly eat and my liver function doesn't seem to be good. However, all my test comes up normal. I had endoscopy and it is fairly normal, but my stomach doesn't function because when I eat it feels like it's just sitting there.

I had chest pain and went to ER and they took x-ray and they said I have fluid in my lungs.

I can't have the surgery just now, but my symptoms are getting worse everyday.

I've heard that when you have chronic inflammation (which the implant is causing) it leads to hormonal imbalance and that leads to adrenal fatigue which then leads to your body function shutting down.


From: "DGRAHAMA@..." <DGRAHAMA@...> Sent: Thu, July 1, 2010 6:44:50 AMSubject: Re: Re: Hormones and breast implants


My opinion about that is, once your body has been changed

by having implants 1, by having 2 huge foreign bodies that

your body is constantly fighting, and 2 because your system

has now been permeated by the chemicals that go into the

manufacture of the implants.

The reason I believe this is : personal experience.. ....

5 years ago when all my systems shut down, a month before

this happened I went to the doctor because I didnt feel well.

A matter of fact I felt horrible.... and had for a good while.....

Nothing was found, and all my blood work was normal.

A month later, I was within 15 min of dead when I showed up

at the hospital unable to breathe and barely able to walk......

I had double pneumonia with 2 liters of fluid in my lungs,

dialated cardiomyopathy, liver and kidney failure.

I had NO FEVER, and my white blood count was NOT elevated.

both signs of illness..... by that point my liver and kidney functions

were off, but otherwise, looking at my normal bloodwork

and usual signs of infection, they just did not exist...

fever and white blood cells are immune functions... ..and my

immune system was NOT working..... ...

This is why it makes it so hard to " prove " illness when you

have had implants.

Symptoms IS the proof, and you dont need a doctor or

a blood test to prove you are ill.

Research and do all you can to heal yourself naturally.

Remove the culprit that is the root cause of the illness.

Feed your body the things it needs so it can have the

energy to work, and rebuild your immune system.Eliminate the things that make your body fight hard

on things that arent necessary, like processed foods

and house hold chemicals... .you can clean most things

with water and vinegar, and other natural things.

Try not to " OWN " illness, think of it as a project,

a challenge to figure out and conquer...

Hugs to all....


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

MARIA> > >> > > >>Date: Monday, 28 June, 2010, 15:44 > > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>Â > > >>Hi , > > >>my name is Sue I also live in London...... HELLO!> > >>I would love to connect with you.> > >>I have also had tests done through Myhill just for my Dr to totally ignore the findings, my Dr asked why I was wasting good money!!!!!> > >> Myhill is very good,its just unfortunate that our Drs cannot or don't want to see the truth...very frustrating.> > >>Have you had a removal yet? I had mine removed at the Blackheath hospital by a Dr Chapman, he removed the scar capsule (en bloc) and I had drains.> > >>> > >>Would love to speak to

you> > >>> > >>Sue.> > >>> > >>> >>------------ --------- --------- ------

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Thank you all for the encouraging words. It really helps when you feel so hopeless. I will be ex planted next week!!! So I'm closer to healing then I was 4 years ago when I got these things. Thank you all once again.

From: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...> Sent: Thu, July 1, 2010 1:19:37 PMSubject: Re: Hormones and breast implantsI know it is so frustrating! And I know the feeling of deep regret and remorse for having made the decision to get implants. It's a totally normal emotion, but please don't let it affect you...you didn't know, you weren't aware of how horrible this dysfunction in the body could be from implants. We all have made the mistake, based on faulty information.You've taken the right first steps to changing your life! You've recognized the problem and are going to fix it by removing the source. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to move

forward with a positive goal of attaining health and healing in constant focus. I wish the answers were easier regarding the hormones and what heals us completely. But it is a lot of reading and research, a lot of talking and asking, and then a bit of work to get explanted and detox. But you can do it! Many women have gone before you, so we've left lights along the way! Patty> > > >> > > >> > > >>From: Sue Gibbens <suegibbens21@ sky.com>> > > >>Subject: MARIA> > > >> > > > >>Date: Monday, 28 June,

2010, 15:44 > > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >> > > > >>Hi , > > > >>my name is Sue I also live in London...... HELLO!> > > >>I would love to connect with you.> > > >>I have also had tests done through Myhill just for my Dr to totally ignore the findings, my Dr asked why I was wasting good money!!!!!> > > >> Myhill is very good,its just unfortunate that our Drs cannot or don't want to see the truth...very frustrating.> > > >>Have you had a removal yet? I had mine removed at the Blackheath hospital by a Dr Chapman, he removed the scar capsule (en bloc) and I had drains.> > > >>> > > >>Would love to speak to you> > > >>> > > >>Sue.> > > >>>

> > >>> > >> >> > > > > ------------------------------------> >

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my drs have never mentioned anything like hydrocortisone for adrenal, so thats news to me. i took a liquid cortisol, and like i mentioned, isocort - dont remember anymore details about it, its been a few years. i remember it didnt do much for me at that time.


From: glory2glory1401@...Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 20:35:05 +0000Subject: Re: Hormones and breast implants

GG, Naturopathic-minded doctors (alternative docs) are usually the ones who offer bio-identical hydrocortisone for adrenal, if other natural support methods won't work, like supplements and relaxation therapy. Hydrocortisone is the same as what your adrenals produce. When you took it before, what did you take? I don't know of anything else for the adrenal gland in cream form, except perhaps DHEA cream. Life flo brand makes it. I believe DHEA is the precursor to other hormones. The good thing that we know is that the adrenal glands can recover! Patty> > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > >>From: Sue Gibbens <suegibbens21@ sky.com>> > > > > >>Subject: MARIA> > > > > >> > > > > > >>Date: Monday, 28 June, 2010, 15:44 > > > > > >>> > > > > >>> > > > > >>> > > > > >>Â > > > > > >>Hi , > > > > > >>my name is Sue I also live in London...... HELLO!> > > > > >>I would love to connect with you.> > > > > >>I have also had tests done through Myhill just for my Dr to totally ignore the findings, my Dr asked why I was wasting good money!!!!!> > > > > >> Myhill is very good,its just unfortunate that our Drs cannot or don't want to see the truth...very frustrating.> > > > > >>Have you had a removal yet? I had mine removed at the Blackheath hospital by a Dr Chapman, he removed the scar capsule (en bloc) and I had drains.> > > > > >>> > > > > >>Would love to speak to you> > > > > >>> > > > > >>Sue.> > > > > >>> > > > > >>> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Thank you for your kind words ! You also are a blessing

to the group for being you and for all the info you share...

Big hugs ~


When the power of love

overcomes the love of power

the world will know peace.

~ Jimi Hendrix

Re: Hormones and breast implants

Dede, you are a treasure. Thank you, thank you, for all that you share with us.

Big hugs of gratitude,


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