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Hi Ladies!

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Yes, a new and wonderful issue to address. I had body pain before the pregancy

etc. but now it's ridiculous. I know it's not all due to the pregnancy. I have

many friends that had babies and by now they were working out at the gym. I'm

thinking I need to see a rheumotoligist. Fun fun!! More tests. I mean it's

pretty bad! I'm taking more and more epson salt baths and I'm getting a massage

today but dang. I know it won't help. I'm thinking I have fibromyalgia or

could this be an auto-immune disease. I guess I'll find out. I feel like I'm

taking everu supplement in the world. Has anything besides pain-killers helped

any of you?

Thank you ladies!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear, sweet :

I have asthma too; however, it is getting better. My respiratory specialist told me not to breathe in cold air, and try to stay away from stress. They told me that we should get rid of our cats, but I told them that they are my best little friends. Your dogs are not hurting you, and they must give you so much love each day. It is sad that you are not getting the support that you need from your husband. My husband was not very understanding at first, but I brought a psychologist into our home. He helped my husband to understand that it was important that he give me plenty of support. It is hard for some men to understand, because they feel helpless.

Honey, I have cataracts, and it is hard for me to see at times. I have new glasses now, and I will be able to respond to more of the messages. Please know that if your Asthma was caused by your implants you will get better. It might take some time, and you should have a good respiratory therapist who will help you to get through this.

Stay close...love you....Lea


Hi Ladies! Just checkin in with ya! My asthma diagnosis sorta made me hopeful that I would begin to feel better but at the same time I didn't want to believe it. They've given me soo many things that worked for a bit but of course stopped workin. So far the meds have just gotten me through another 2 weeks of work. My chest still feels tight and my body still feels toxic. I'm so afraid that the inhaler is going to stop working, It'll definetely be put in the hopital if it does. I went to another stupid doc. beacuse my regular physician is too busy to see nowadays. I saw her assistant. What a jerk!! I told him my situation and told him I wanted to be tested for an auto-immune disease and he just started getting cocky with me. I'm not going back. Then, I spent $165 to see a TCM practitioner and to have acupuncture done. I, again, feel like I wasted my money. I left feeling itchy and then the next day my asthma was worse. She does want to do a urine test on me so she can figure out some kin d of chinese medicine plan which is what I wanted in the first place but I'm just so afraid it's going to all be a waste. I'm eating healthy and getting as much rest as I can. My chest is just sooo achy. I still wonder if my doctor got all the capsule out. I just feel sooooo toxic. The only thing that has really done away is my brain fog. Everything else still lingers. What to do, what to do??

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Aww thank you Lea, at the end of the day, that's just what we need to hear that we will get better!! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with cataracts on top of y our asthma, yuck. I just went back to my asthma specialist and he prescribed more stuff, yikes. I hate taking meds, I really do but going the natural route on this one is not helping. I am trying acupuncture, massage, and going to the chiro. Not all at once of course. I'm just dabbling to see what makes me feel the best. I am looking into chinese meds but so far the TCM I saw just wanted to charge me a fortune for not a lot. We'll see..I'm trying to be patient, I really am but some days we need our support...it can get pretty hopeless. Hope you're doing well and thanks again=)

From: leamary@...Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:10:38 -0700Subject: Re: Hi Ladies!

Dear, sweet :

I have asthma too; however, it is getting better. My respiratory specialist told me not to breathe in cold air, and try to stay away from stress. They told me that we should get rid of our cats, but I told them that they are my best little friends. Your dogs are not hurting you, and they must give you so much love each day. It is sad that you are not getting the support that you need from your husband. My husband was not very understanding at first, but I brought a psychologist into our home. He helped my husband to understand that it was important that he give me plenty of support. It is hard for some men to understand, because they feel helpless.

Honey, I have cataracts, and it is hard for me to see at times. I have new glasses now, and I will be able to respond to more of the messages. Please know that if your Asthma was caused by your implants you will get better. It might take some time, and you should have a good respiratory therapist who will help you to get through this.

Stay close...love you....Lea


Hi Ladies! Just checkin in with ya! My asthma diagnosis sorta made me hopeful that I would begin to feel better but at the same time I didn't want to believe it. They've given me soo many things that worked for a bit but of course stopped workin. So far the meds have just gotten me through another 2 weeks of work. My chest still feels tight and my body still feels toxic. I'm so afraid that the inhaler is going to stop working, It'll definetely be put in the hopital if it does. I went to another stupid doc. beacuse my regular physician is too busy to see nowadays. I saw her assistant. What a jerk!! I told him my situation and told him I wanted to be tested for an auto-immune disease and he just started getting cocky with me. I'm not going back. Then, I spent $165 to see a TCM practitioner and to have acupuncture done. I, again, feel like I wasted my money. I left feeling itchy and then the next day my asthma was worse. She does want to do a urine test on me so she can figure out some kin d of chinese medicine plan which is what I wanted in the first place but I'm just so afraid it's going to all be a waste. I'm eating healthy and getting as much rest as I can. My chest is just sooo achy. I still wonder if my doctor got all the capsule out. I just feel sooooo toxic. The only thing that has really done away is my brain fog. Everything else still lingers. What to do, what to do??

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Hey katie-things r finally starting to turn for the better for me. Still on a slow boat to china thou. I still am getting the breathlessness too but the docs said its not asthma. The pain came back in my chest but the light treatments make it go away. Can u at least take raw chlorella tablets? Its a great detox. But you have to continuously take it because it takes 3 months to actually get into your system and detox the crap that's imbedded in our cells. I've been on it 8 wks now. I take 4 tablets 4x a day 1/2 hour before meals then before bed. When u take it on an empty stomach it binds all the toxins running thru your system so u can excrete it. I'm still sad you don't get to just take care of you. But I'm rootin for u. Xo bevSent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: katie Romer- <meastra1977@...>Sender: Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:29:30 -0600< >Reply Subject: RE: Hi Ladies!Aww thank you Lea, at the end of the day, that's just what we need to hear that we will get better!! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with cataracts on top of y our asthma, yuck. I just went back to my asthma specialist and he prescribed more stuff, yikes. I hate taking meds, I really do but going the natural route on this one is not helping. I am trying acupuncture, massage, and going to the chiro. Not all at once of course. I'm just dabbling to see what makes me feel the best. I am looking into chinese meds but so far the TCM I saw just wanted to charge me a fortune for not a lot. We'll see..I'm trying to be patient, I really am but some days we need our support...it can get pretty hopeless. Hope you're doing well and thanks again=) From: leamary@...Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:10:38 -0700Subject: Re: Hi Ladies! Dear, sweet : I have asthma too; however, it is getting better. My respiratory specialist told me not to breathe in cold air, and try to stay away from stress. They told me that we should get rid of our cats, but I told them that they are my best little friends. Your dogs are not hurting you, and they must give you so much love each day. It is sad that you are not getting the support that you need from your husband. My husband was not very understanding at first, but I brought a psychologist into our home. He helped my husband to understand that it was important that he give me plenty of support. It is hard for some men to understand, because they feel helpless. Honey, I have cataracts, and it is hard for me to see at times. I have new glasses now, and I will be able to respond to more of the messages. Please know that if your Asthma was caused by your implants you will get better. It might take some time, and you should have a good respiratory therapist who will help you to get through this. Stay close...love you....Lea~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Ladies! Just checkin in with ya! My asthma diagnosis sorta made me hopeful that I would begin to feel better but at the same time I didn't want to believe it. They've given me soo many things that worked for a bit but of course stopped workin. So far the meds have just gotten me through another 2 weeks of work. My chest still feels tight and my body still feels toxic. I'm so afraid that the inhaler is going to stop working, It'll definetely be put in the hopital if it does. I went to another stupid doc. beacuse my regular physician is too busy to see nowadays. I saw her assistant. What a jerk!! I told him my situation and told him I wanted to be tested for an auto-immune disease and he just started getting cocky with me. I'm not going back. Then, I spent $165 to see a TCM practitioner and to have acupuncture done. I, again, feel like I wasted my money. I left feeling itchy and then the next day my asthma was worse. She does want to do a urine test on me so she can figure out some kin d of chinese medicine plan which is what I wanted in the first place but I'm just so afraid it's going to all be a waste. I'm eating healthy and getting as much rest as I can. My chest is just sooo achy. I still wonder if my doctor got all the capsule out. I just feel sooooo toxic. The only thing that has really done away is my brain fog. Everything else still lingers. What to do, what to do??

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hi bev'

am wondering how you got info. on chlorella tabs for detox - i never heard of that. did your dr. give you this formula on how to take them? also what kind of lite treatments do you take?



From: moodynomad@...Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 06:12:05 +0000Subject: Re: Hi Ladies!

Hey katie-things r finally starting to turn for the better for me. Still on a slow boat to china thou. I still am getting the breathlessness too but the docs said its not asthma. The pain came back in my chest but the light treatments make it go away. Can u at least take raw chlorella tablets? Its a great detox. But you have to continuously take it because it takes 3 months to actually get into your system and detox the crap that's imbedded in our cells. I've been on it 8 wks now. I take 4 tablets 4x a day 1/2 hour before meals then before bed. When u take it on an empty stomach it binds all the toxins running thru your system so u can excrete it. I'm still sad you don't get to just take care of you. But I'm rootin for u. Xo bev

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

From: katie Romer- <meastra1977@...>


Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:29:30 -0600

< >


Subject: RE: Hi Ladies!

Aww thank you Lea, at the end of the day, that's just what we need to hear that we will get better!! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with cataracts on top of y our asthma, yuck. I just went back to my asthma specialist and he prescribed more stuff, yikes. I hate taking meds, I really do but going the natural route on this one is not helping. I am trying acupuncture, massage, and going to the chiro. Not all at once of course. I'm just dabbling to see what makes me feel the best. I am looking into chinese meds but so far the TCM I saw just wanted to charge me a fortune for not a lot. We'll see..I'm trying to be patient, I really am but some days we need our support...it can get pretty hopeless. Hope you're doing well and thanks again=)

From: leamary@...Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:10:38 -0700Subject: Re: Hi Ladies!

Dear, sweet :

I have asthma too; however, it is getting better. My respiratory specialist told me not to breathe in cold air, and try to stay away from stress. They told me that we should get rid of our cats, but I told them that they are my best little friends. Your dogs are not hurting you, and they must give you so much love each day. It is sad that you are not getting the support that you need from your husband. My husband was not very understanding at first, but I brought a psychologist into our home. He helped my husband to understand that it was important that he give me plenty of support. It is hard for some men to understand, because they feel helpless.

Honey, I have cataracts, and it is hard for me to see at times. I have new glasses now, and I will be able to respond to more of the messages. Please know that if your Asthma was caused by your implants you will get better. It might take some time, and you should have a good respiratory therapist who will help you to get through this.

Stay close...love you....Lea


Hi Ladies! Just checkin in with ya! My asthma diagnosis sorta made me hopeful that I would begin to feel better but at the same time I didn't want to believe it. They've given me soo many things that worked for a bit but of course stopped workin. So far the meds have just gotten me through another 2 weeks of work. My chest still feels tight and my body still feels toxic. I'm so afraid that the inhaler is going to stop working, It'll definetely be put in the hopital if it does. I went to another stupid doc. beacuse my regular physician is too busy to see nowadays. I saw her assistant. What a jerk!! I told him my situation and told him I wanted to be tested for an auto-immune disease and he just started getting cocky with me. I'm not going back. Then, I spent $165 to see a TCM practitioner and to have acupuncture done. I, again, feel like I wasted my money. I left feeling itchy and then the next day my asthma was worse. She does want to do a urine test on me so she can figure out some kin d of chinese medicine plan which is what I wanted in the first place but I'm just so afraid it's going to all be a waste. I'm eating healthy and getting as much rest as I can. My chest is just sooo achy. I still wonder if my doctor got all the capsule out. I just feel sooooo toxic. The only thing that has really done away is my brain fog. Everything else still lingers. What to do, what to do??

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Hi gg-yes when I showed an article about how some people can't detox biotoxins properly to my holistic doc, it said something about a drug you can take. Well she translated it to a natural form of it and that would be chlorella. I don't know if you read Dr mercola's stuff but he even has a youtube video all about it. He suggests taking up to 50 a day! I started with 12 and am up to 16. But I started to feel better the first week. But yes she explained the most beneficial way to take them and why. They don't give you any directions on the pkge probably because the fda wouldn't approve something so beneficial to your health :]. But seriously, I get them at a health food market called Mothers. A bag of 1000 tabs is $22. And it has to be the raw form otherwise the beneficial part might be missing. As for the light treatments its a low level light therapy used for things like healing sports injuries. The machine is called medX. Were doing total experimental work here but I've had about 8 treatments over a month and it seems to be working. She just said she has a strong feeling this will be our answer. I've learned to have faith. And hey, it stimulates collagen and heals damaged tissue so there's benefit anyway. I've also noticed the large nodules behind my nipples are getting smaller from the treatments. The mold is killed back every time. And the aching pain in my breast tissue goes away. I was gone for a couple weeks so I couldn't do them and the pain came back so I don't know how many treatments it will take but if I don't have to have another surgery I'll be so happy. BevSent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: G M GRETTA <glass3311@...>Sender: Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 16:32:36 +0000< >Reply Subject: RE: Hi Ladies!hi bev' am wondering how you got info. on chlorella tabs for detox - i never heard of that. did your dr. give you this formula on how to take them? also what kind of lite treatments do you take? thanks.gg From: moodynomad@...Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 06:12:05 +0000Subject: Re: Hi Ladies! Hey katie-things r finally starting to turn for the better for me. Still on a slow boat to china thou. I still am getting the breathlessness too but the docs said its not asthma. The pain came back in my chest but the light treatments make it go away. Can u at least take raw chlorella tablets? Its a great detox. But you have to continuously take it because it takes 3 months to actually get into your system and detox the crap that's imbedded in our cells. I've been on it 8 wks now. I take 4 tablets 4x a day 1/2 hour before meals then before bed. When u take it on an empty stomach it binds all the toxins running thru your system so u can excrete it. I'm still sad you don't get to just take care of you. But I'm rootin for u. Xo bevSent via BlackBerry by AT & TFrom: katie Romer- <meastra1977@...> Sender: Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:29:30 -0600< >Reply Subject: RE: Hi Ladies!Aww thank you Lea, at the end of the day, that's just what we need to hear that we will get better!! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with cataracts on top of y our asthma, yuck. I just went back to my asthma specialist and he prescribed more stuff, yikes. I hate taking meds, I really do but going the natural route on this one is not helping. I am trying acupuncture, massage, and going to the chiro. Not all at once of course. I'm just dabbling to see what makes me feel the best. I am looking into chinese meds but so far the TCM I saw just wanted to charge me a fortune for not a lot. We'll see..I'm trying to be patient, I really am but some days we need our support...it can get pretty hopeless. Hope you're doing well and thanks again=) From: leamary@...Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:10:38 -0700Subject: Re: Hi Ladies! Dear, sweet : I have asthma too; however, it is getting better. My respiratory specialist told me not to breathe in cold air, and try to stay away from stress. They told me that we should get rid of our cats, but I told them that they are my best little friends. Your dogs are not hurting you, and they must give you so much love each day. It is sad that you are not getting the support that you need from your husband. My husband was not very understanding at first, but I brought a psychologist into our home. He helped my husband to understand that it was important that he give me plenty of support. It is hard for some men to understand, because they feel helpless. Honey, I have cataracts, and it is hard for me to see at times. I have new glasses now, and I will be able to respond to more of the messages. Please know that if your Asthma was caused by your implants you will get better. It might take some time, and you should have a good respiratory therapist who will help you to get through this. Stay close...love you....Lea~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Ladies! Just checkin in with ya! My asthma diagnosis sorta made me hopeful that I would begin to feel better but at the same time I didn't want to believe it. They've given me soo many things that worked for a bit but of course stopped workin. So far the meds have just gotten me through another 2 weeks of work. My chest still feels tight and my body still feels toxic. I'm so afraid that the inhaler is going to stop working, It'll definetely be put in the hopital if it does. I went to another stupid doc. beacuse my regular physician is too busy to see nowadays. I saw her assistant. What a jerk!! I told him my situation and told him I wanted to be tested for an auto-immune disease and he just started getting cocky with me. I'm not going back. Then, I spent $165 to see a TCM practitioner and to have acupuncture done. I, again, feel like I wasted my money. I left feeling itchy and then the next day my asthma was worse. She does want to do a urine test on me so she can figure out some kin d of chinese medicine plan which is what I wanted in the first place but I'm just so afraid it's going to all be a waste. I'm eating healthy and getting as much rest as I can. My chest is just sooo achy. I still wonder if my doctor got all the capsule out. I just feel sooooo toxic. The only thing that has really done away is my brain fog. Everything else still lingers. What to do, what to do??

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hi bev;

thanks for your reply. the chlorella packaging you described sounds a lot like alfalfa tabs i used to buy in about the same amount and price. do you know if this is similar orjust as good?

the lite therapy sounds good too - i've seen a lot of naturopaths but never had one i know of who does lite therapy. what state are you in? (i've read on my own about red and blue lite

therapy which you're able to do yourself to some extent - i think its the coming thing - not yet a lot of info. out there)


From: moodynomad@...Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 16:57:05 +0000Subject: Re: Hi Ladies!

Hi gg-yes when I showed an article about how some people can't detox biotoxins properly to my holistic doc, it said something about a drug you can take. Well she translated it to a natural form of it and that would be chlorella. I don't know if you read Dr mercola's stuff but he even has a youtube video all about it. He suggests taking up to 50 a day! I started with 12 and am up to 16. But I started to feel better the first week. But yes she explained the most beneficial way to take them and why. They don't give you any directions on the pkge probably because the fda wouldn't approve something so beneficial to your health :]. But seriously, I get them at a health food market called Mothers. A bag of 1000 tabs is $22. And it has to be the raw form otherwise the beneficial part might be missing. As for the light treatments its a low level light therapy used for things like healing sports injuries. The machine is called medX. Were doing total experimental work here but I've had about 8 treatments over a month and it seems to be working. She just said she has a strong feeling this will be our answer. I've learned to have faith. And hey, it stimulates collagen and heals damaged tissue so there's benefit anyway. I've also noticed the large nodules behind my nipples are getting smaller from the treatments. The mold is killed back every time. And the aching pain in my breast tissue goes away. I was gone for a couple weeks so I couldn't do them and the pain came back so I don't know how many treatments it will take but if I don't have to have another surgery I'll be so happy. Bev

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

From: G M GRETTA <glass3311@...>


Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 16:32:36 +0000

< >


Subject: RE: Hi Ladies!

hi bev' am wondering how you got info. on chlorella tabs for detox - i never heard of that. did your dr. give you this formula on how to take them? also what kind of lite treatments do you take? thanks.gg

From: moodynomad@...Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 06:12:05 +0000Subject: Re: Hi Ladies!

Hey katie-things r finally starting to turn for the better for me. Still on a slow boat to china thou. I still am getting the breathlessness too but the docs said its not asthma. The pain came back in my chest but the light treatments make it go away. Can u at least take raw chlorella tablets? Its a great detox. But you have to continuously take it because it takes 3 months to actually get into your system and detox the crap that's imbedded in our cells. I've been on it 8 wks now. I take 4 tablets 4x a day 1/2 hour before meals then before bed. When u take it on an empty stomach it binds all the toxins running thru your system so u can excrete it. I'm still sad you don't get to just take care of you. But I'm rootin for u. Xo bev Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

From: katie Romer- <meastra1977@...>


Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:29:30 -0600

< >


Subject: RE: Hi Ladies!

Aww thank you Lea, at the end of the day, that's just what we need to hear that we will get better!! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with cataracts on top of y our asthma, yuck. I just went back to my asthma specialist and he prescribed more stuff, yikes. I hate taking meds, I really do but going the natural route on this one is not helping. I am trying acupuncture, massage, and going to the chiro. Not all at once of course. I'm just dabbling to see what makes me feel the best. I am looking into chinese meds but so far the TCM I saw just wanted to charge me a fortune for not a lot. We'll see..I'm trying to be patient, I really am but some days we need our support...it can get pretty hopeless. Hope you're doing well and thanks again=)

From: leamary@...Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 10:10:38 -0700Subject: Re: Hi Ladies!

Dear, sweet :

I have asthma too; however, it is getting better. My respiratory specialist told me not to breathe in cold air, and try to stay away from stress. They told me that we should get rid of our cats, but I told them that they are my best little friends. Your dogs are not hurting you, and they must give you so much love each day. It is sad that you are not getting the support that you need from your husband. My husband was not very understanding at first, but I brought a psychologist into our home. He helped my husband to understand that it was important that he give me plenty of support. It is hard for some men to understand, because they feel helpless.

Honey, I have cataracts, and it is hard for me to see at times. I have new glasses now, and I will be able to respond to more of the messages. Please know that if your Asthma was caused by your implants you will get better. It might take some time, and you should have a good respiratory therapist who will help you to get through this.

Stay close...love you....Lea


Hi Ladies! Just checkin in with ya! My asthma diagnosis sorta made me hopeful that I would begin to feel better but at the same time I didn't want to believe it. They've given me soo many things that worked for a bit but of course stopped workin. So far the meds have just gotten me through another 2 weeks of work. My chest still feels tight and my body still feels toxic. I'm so afraid that the inhaler is going to stop working, It'll definetely be put in the hopital if it does. I went to another stupid doc. beacuse my regular physician is too busy to see nowadays. I saw her assistant. What a jerk!! I told him my situation and told him I wanted to be tested for an auto-immune disease and he just started getting cocky with me. I'm not going back. Then, I spent $165 to see a TCM practitioner and to have acupuncture done. I, again, feel like I wasted my money. I left feeling itchy and then the next day my asthma was worse. She does want to do a urine test on me so she can figure out some kin d of chinese medicine plan which is what I wanted in the first place but I'm just so afraid it's going to all be a waste. I'm eating healthy and getting as much rest as I can. My chest is just sooo achy. I still wonder if my doctor got all the capsule out. I just feel sooooo toxic. The only thing that has really done away is my brain fog. Everything else still lingers. What to do, what to do??

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Hi ,

I want to encourage you to take a break at your parent's house for one week at

least. You can re-evaluate it at that point. It really has to be your decision

and do what's best for you and your baby.

If you wait for your husband to 'get it', I'm afraid it could take years :-)

Post postpartum depression is a real issue too. Maybe if your OB-GYN has a talk

with your husband, he'll be able to absorb the information.

Hang in there, but make the immediate changes that will take you one step toward

feeling more comfortable and supported.

Hugs of support,


>I'm also hoping my husband will give in so we can move in with my parents. "

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You are soo right and as a matter of fact, my father keeps telling me I'm just depressed. Which I know plays a role and I did feel the post-partum for a bit but thank goodness the fog has lifted. One thing is clear, my brain. After 2 1/2 years I can think clearly. I do have to do what's right for me and no..he doesn't get it. It's soo funny, and this was sweet of him, but I was telling him how I can't have any sugar. Well, I was craving chocolate chip cookies last night. I didn't get them..just a craving. Well, he came home today with cookies hoping to cheer me up. UHHG!

From: t-jay130@...Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 00:46:47 +0000Subject: Re: Hi Ladies!

Hi ,I want to encourage you to take a break at your parent's house for one week at least. You can re-evaluate it at that point. It really has to be your decision and do what's best for you and your baby.If you wait for your husband to 'get it', I'm afraid it could take years :-)Post postpartum depression is a real issue too. Maybe if your OB-GYN has a talk with your husband, he'll be able to absorb the information.Hang in there, but make the immediate changes that will take you one step toward feeling more comfortable and supported.Hugs of support, M.>I'm also hoping my husband will give in so we can move in with my parents."

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you . I will definitely use this information. Yes, I would love to have a juicer but not in the budget right now. I'm going to join the eating support group right now=). Take care and hope you had a wonderful New Years!

From: t-jay130@...Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 17:14:54 +0000Subject: Re: Hi ladies!

Hi ,Happy New Year.You've got your hands full with being a mother of young children and dealing with health issues.As an alternative to fasting...Have you seen the movie, Raw for 30 Days?Clips are on YouTube. We have an eating support group at: Eat-2-Live/where we eat 3 big meals a day and clear a lot of issues.Each week, make a big pot of veggie soup with beans.Pre-make green salads and cabbage salads.Water saute lots of chopped veggies. Puree them into soup if you find digestion is an issue.Running to do chores. Hugs of support, M. I feel like I'm on the right track but the not fasting thing is slowing my recovery down.

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hi bev;

yes, i've heard of mold in implants - dr rea in dallas informed me of that when i went there. i had an injection in the face in more than one place, and would like to test to

see if there is mold somewhere. i was surprised your dr could tell where in the body you have it by doing muscle testing. i've had muscle testing done, and have never been

told where the problem is, just that its a problem (usually digestive-wise) re. foods. would be interested to know more about your dr and how she does this. do you know if

she does phone consults? how exactly does she muscle test to know the problem is in the breast? (i know some of this can get detailed - maybe better if i could correspond

with her - i will look her up on i.net - maybe she has a web site.

thanks bev.


From: moodynomad@...Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:45:45 +0000Subject: Re: Hi ladies!

Hi gg- no candida is a totally separate battle I get under control with formula sf722 by thorne along with a strict diet of no carbs or sugar.She has an entire mold/fungus kit of all types in these vials. When I found out there can be mold in implants, I presented her with the idea and she was totally up for seeing what we'd find. Out of like 27 vials the only 2 I test positive for are penicillium and microsporum. She was so taken aback that she even did a blind test to play devil's advocate. Those 2 kept showing up in my chest thru muscle testing. And it doesn't show up in me systemically..only in certain areas in my breast tissue. Which means its isolated there. It was by far her most odd case as she didn't even know that could happen but she is well researched now. And I also had seromas in both breasts and they are almost completely gone from the light treatment we've been doing. I feel awful for about 3 days aftr treatment but then better, the lump gets smaller and hey, if it stops me from having surgery I'm happy. And every time we do it, the mold is killed back. Apparently mold is like a wart and puts down roots in your body and that's why its so hard to kill. I have a feeling that's a big reason why some women stay so sick. If we can find a way to see if its still in our bodies and treat accordingly, maybe there's a complete road to recovery which I want for all of us. At least the mold issue. So I'll continue to let you know what happens. I think some of this experimental stuff might help. Oh and I'm in southern california. Don't think anyone else on here is close to me...my dr is dr cristy emerson. Hugs,Bev

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

From: G M GRETTA <glass3311@...>


Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:20:20 +0000

< >


Subject: RE: Hi ladies!

hi bev; read your e-mail to someone else, but wondering if the mold you talk about having is the same as having candida? you are in az. i think, right? who isyour mold doc? thanks bev. gg

From: moodynomad@...Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 05:58:13 +0000Subject: Re: Hi ladies!

Hey girl-ive been mia for a while. Spent 3 wks with family in kansas which was wonderful since my brother works from home we got a lot of bonding time. He's so caring and thoughtful he helped me a lot. So a girl on here, michelle told me about a doc in ohio who prescribed her supplements for the mold. www.precisionherbs.com. I ordered them while I was in kansas and received them and literally within days the pain in my chest got better. So now I added 7 more things to my supplement routine. Its like a part time job. Its been 2 wks now, so when I got home, my holistic doc did muscle testing on me and there was a bit of mold on each side of my chest..they said the whole program should kill the mold in a month...2 more wks and I'll let u know. But like you said and its so funny because I know exactly how u feel-i didn't give a hoot about my fashion or hair for the last 7 months...and I was a hairdresser! So the thoughts of caring about my appearance even just a little, seems like a huge step in the right direction. Well I came home to a moving disaster last week. The movers were moving us in the pouring rain and all our stuff was getting water logged. I'd pick up a box and it literally fell apart and things inside were ruined. It was such a nitemare. And here we are trying to get away from mold! My husband stopped them and we stayed at my dads for 2 days with our stuff in the moving truck. So needless to say we aren't as settled in as I'd hoped. So for me a lot of my symptoms are getting better but my heart palps are even more prominent I feel. Its driving me insane. My holistic doc wants me to take the 24 hour heart monitor kaiser suggested just so we can rule out that my heart isn't enlarged or off beat...I PRAY its just adrenals or thyroid or something that doesn't require surgery!! So I'm doing it on thurs. I always think of dede, poor thing with all her heart issues. I just have to really watch my energy output because even going up stairs makes my heart feel like I've run a marathon. It makes for very tiring days. So I'm glad you found a good doc and that you're getting more blood work done. You are always welcome to come down to get checked for mold by my doc. Everything is just so much work for you I know with the baby and all. I'm so sorry you all got sick. :( Happy new year. Hope its a better one for all of us!Hugs,Bev Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T Hi ladies! Hi, I just spent a good couple of hours catching up. Thank you for all the info. I hope you were all able to enjoy the holidays! It's my favorite time of year! I wasn't expecting my daughter, husband and I to all catch a virus that lasted the entire two weeks that I was off. OFCOURSE! However, I was able to get a ton of much needed sleep. We are all starting to feel better. I haven't actually caught a flu or cold during this whole implant mess so It was new to me. Having implant illness has made me capable of tolerating all kinds of aches and pains. My husband, however,healthy as can be, thought he was dying! I had to take care of everybody as I truly needed some TLC as well. I guess that's the way it goes. I finally found a doctor to do some much needed blood work as well. He's checking for auto-immune and thyroid issues and not the basic blood tests that every other doc has done a million times. I hope I can find something out. So far, I've just been diagnosed with asthma, which, of course, is still not controlled after being diagnosed for 2 months. Everyone keeps saying I should be feeling better by now. I know my problems don't primarly exist from asthma. I knew that when they diagnosed me but my family wanted to celebrate because I was finally diagnosed with something. Anyway, I'm hoping my blood work comes back negative but then again, it would be nice to know what I'm up against instead of fighting this thing in the dark. Although, I am feeling better. I'm keeping a journal and writing what I eat, feel, do down. That way when I'm super depressed I can go back a month and remind myself that I have made some gains. My symptoms are: chest pain, fatigue, back, neck and hip pain, unexplained right flank pain (they've tested me for just about everything), my equilibrium is still slightly off, eyes ache (much better than the buring I used to feel) and I think I've covered it. On the brighter side, my heart palps are completely gone, my headaches are completely gone, I'm not dizzy any more, I can actually go to the store without wanting to leave within 2 minutes of being there, I actually thought about doing yoga intead of thinking I couldn't possibly exercise, I actually started caring about fashion and doing my hair again...I'm slowly starting to go back to the real me. I just pray I don't have any more set-backs. The ashtma thing really messed me up for awhile. Ok...detox is an issue! I am eating a ton of veggies, taking all kinds of fun supplements for nutrition and detox, drinking a ton of water,eating more organic, going to the chiro, getting acupuncture, taking epson salt baths, doing the ionic foot bath. However, I can't fast. I don't know how anyone can do that! I know fasting is sortof a "no pain, no gain" thing but I've always been an eater and a snacker because if I don't...I don't feel well. The first thing I start to notice is a migraine. If I get a migraine, I'm useless. I have to take care of my baby etc. However, I know that fasting is vital to getting better. I've tried twice...I barely made it to 2 pm. Is it too soon for me since I had baby 4 months ago and was diagnosed with asthma? Does anyone have any advice for me? I feel like I'm on the right track but the not fasting thing is slowing my recovery down. Well, if you read this, thank you sooo much! Any advice or even words of encouragment would be wonderful. I hate that I can't get on here more often but I do catch up here and there when I get a couple hours to myself which is seldom. Trying to live a normal life is hard but I noticed it's important to force yourself to do somethings. When ya stop living you start forgetting what was so great about it in the first place. Thank goodness for clarity! That's one thing I forgot to add to my list of things I've regained. Happy New's Years Ladies!! We've gotten this far...we can go all the way!! Love ya...hugs and smooches.. ------------------------------------

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Bev, it's so good to hear from you!! I'm soo happy that you too are starting to feel better! I have questions... what you're doing for mold. I so wish I could find a doc out here to help me with the holistic part of our healing. I've considered driving down there to see your naturopath but I don't know how much she can do in one day and my husband would think I was crazy!! Would she be able to see If I have mold in one day. The reason why I ask is because for the last two days my chest, ribs, all the muscles surrounding my explant are inflamed and killing me. My chest tightness is starting to come back too (the pain and tightness never exactly went away but it was more tolerable). I keep trying to think about what I did differently but I come up with nothing. I've actually had the last two weeks off and was feeling better because of the rest. Well, I guess you did just post her number. I'll give her a call too.

I'm sorry to hear about your heart palps. That's one of the two things that have disappeared. The other are my headaches. I was worried about my heart though; I used to have the heart palps for about 2 years before explant. When they diagnosed me with asthma, they also did a heart echo and a stress test and they said it was fine. I think our hearts can take a lot before they actually become damaged. Also, I do consider ourselves somewhat lucky. We didn't have silicone leaking through our bodies, thank goodness!!

I've been talking to another lady that I met on this site, but she e-mails me privately. She's better but she also experiences chest tightness and pain. Her problem was the actual muscles that were cut. She's been going to a therapist that works with women who have had a mastectomy. She said they know all about the muscles that we're having problems with and know how they affect our breathing etc. I'm going to try to go my reg. physician and see if she can refer me to someone.

I can't believe you had to go home to chaos! Just what you need!! I was telling someone the other day that I'm not very religious but I do usually have faith. I've lost it! I just don't understand all this and don't understand why everything around me seems to fall apart lately. I'm very thankful for the good things in my life but the bad just keep happening. I'm still waiting for a sign or something that will give me more strength. Well, I just might come down to see you. I do have one very supportive person in my life that might be able to drive with me. My mother, who lost custody of me when I was 7, has come back into my life just when I need her most. Wait a minute...I just thought about that..maybe she's my sign..I donno. Sorry, back to what I was saying...she might come with me to see you. I'll call your naturopath first and see what she says. I did see one out here but she just wasn't very professional and then sucked every penny I had out of me ( I might try her again, since I paid the initial fee, the next fee might be less). I know we have to pay for their services but geesh!! Is she affordable? Can I ask what you have been paying? Anyway, I better get going, the pretend happy life awaits me. I'm sorry but I just get sooo negative sometimes. I do have the most amazing daughter...and my husband...well, he has made it clear he is going to stick by through thick and thin even though he doesn't exactly understand all this!!

Take care Bev, hope to hear from you soon!

From: moodynomad@...Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 20:40:58 +0000Subject: Re: Hi ladies!

Absolutely. Yah its something we could chat on and on about. So much stuff main stream medicine just doesn't deal with! She does phone consults for sure. Let her know you're from my support group. And let me know if I can help. 9492973711. Here's her work #. Bev

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

From: G M GRETTA <glass3311@...>


Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:59:22 +0000

< >


Subject: RE: Hi ladies!

hi bev; yes, i've heard of mold in implants - dr rea in dallas informed me of that when i went there. i had an injection in the face in more than one place, and would like to test tosee if there is mold somewhere. i was surprised your dr could tell where in the body you have it by doing muscle testing. i've had muscle testing done, and have never beentold where the problem is, just that its a problem (usually digestive-wise) re. foods. would be interested to know more about your dr and how she does this. do you know if she does phone consults? how exactly does she muscle test to know the problem is in the breast? (i know some of this can get detailed - maybe better if i could correspondwith her - i will look her up on i.net - maybe she has a web site. thanks bev. gg

From: moodynomad@...Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:45:45 +0000Subject: Re: Hi ladies!

Hi gg- no candida is a totally separate battle I get under control with formula sf722 by thorne along with a strict diet of no carbs or sugar.She has an entire mold/fungus kit of all types in these vials. When I found out there can be mold in implants, I presented her with the idea and she was totally up for seeing what we'd find. Out of like 27 vials the only 2 I test positive for are penicillium and microsporum. She was so taken aback that she even did a blind test to play devil's advocate. Those 2 kept showing up in my chest thru muscle testing. And it doesn't show up in me systemically..only in certain areas in my breast tissue. Which means its isolated there. It was by far her most odd case as she didn't even know that could happen but she is well researched now. And I also had seromas in both breasts and they are almost completely gone from the light treatment we've been doing. I feel awful for about 3 days aftr treatment but then better, the lump gets smaller and hey, if it stops me from having surgery I'm happy. And every time we do it, the mold is killed back. Apparently mold is like a wart and puts down roots in your body and that's why its so hard to kill. I have a feeling that's a big reason why some women stay so sick. If we can find a way to see if its still in our bodies and treat accordingly, maybe there's a complete road to recovery which I want for all of us. At least the mold issue. So I'll continue to let you know what happens. I think some of this experimental stuff might help. Oh and I'm in southern california. Don't think anyone else on here is close to me...my dr is dr cristy emerson. Hugs,Bev Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

From: G M GRETTA <glass3311@...>


Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:20:20 +0000

< >


Subject: RE: Hi ladies!

hi bev; read your e-mail to someone else, but wondering if the mold you talk about having is the same as having candida? you are in az. i think, right? who isyour mold doc? thanks bev. gg

From: moodynomad@...Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 05:58:13 +0000Subject: Re: Hi ladies!

Hey girl-ive been mia for a while. Spent 3 wks with family in kansas which was wonderful since my brother works from home we got a lot of bonding time. He's so caring and thoughtful he helped me a lot. So a girl on here, michelle told me about a doc in ohio who prescribed her supplements for the mold. www.precisionherbs.com. I ordered them while I was in kansas and received them and literally within days the pain in my chest got better. So now I added 7 more things to my supplement routine. Its like a part time job. Its been 2 wks now, so when I got home, my holistic doc did muscle testing on me and there was a bit of mold on each side of my chest..they said the whole program should kill the mold in a month...2 more wks and I'll let u know. But like you said and its so funny because I know exactly how u feel-i didn't give a hoot about my fashion or hair for the last 7 months...and I was a hairdresser! So the thoughts of caring about my appearance even just a little, seems like a huge step in the right direction. Well I came home to a moving disaster last week. The movers were moving us in the pouring rain and all our stuff was getting water logged. I'd pick up a box and it literally fell apart and things inside were ruined. It was such a nitemare. And here we are trying to get away from mold! My husband stopped them and we stayed at my dads for 2 days with our stuff in the moving truck. So needless to say we aren't as settled in as I'd hoped. So for me a lot of my symptoms are getting better but my heart palps are even more prominent I feel. Its driving me insane. My holistic doc wants me to take the 24 hour heart monitor kaiser suggested just so we can rule out that my heart isn't enlarged or off beat...I PRAY its just adrenals or thyroid or something that doesn't require surgery!! So I'm doing it on thurs. I always think of dede, poor thing with all her heart issues. I just have to really watch my energy output because even going up stairs makes my heart feel like I've run a marathon. It makes for very tiring days. So I'm glad you found a good doc and that you're getting more blood work done. You are always welcome to come down to get checked for mold by my doc. Everything is just so much work for you I know with the baby and all. I'm so sorry you all got sick. :( Happy new year. Hope its a better one for all of us!Hugs,Bev Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T Hi ladies! Hi, I just spent a good couple of hours catching up. Thank you for all the info. I hope you were all able to enjoy the holidays! It's my favorite time of year! I wasn't expecting my daughter, husband and I to all catch a virus that lasted the entire two weeks that I was off. OFCOURSE! However, I was able to get a ton of much needed sleep. We are all starting to feel better. I haven't actually caught a flu or cold during this whole implant mess so It was new to me. Having implant illness has made me capable of tolerating all kinds of aches and pains. My husband, however,healthy as can be, thought he was dying! I had to take care of everybody as I truly needed some TLC as well. I guess that's the way it goes. I finally found a doctor to do some much needed blood work as well. He's checking for auto-immune and thyroid issues and not the basic blood tests that every other doc has done a million times. I hope I can find something out. So far, I've just been diagnosed with asthma, which, of course, is still not controlled after being diagnosed for 2 months. Everyone keeps saying I should be feeling better by now. I know my problems don't primarly exist from asthma. I knew that when they diagnosed me but my family wanted to celebrate because I was finally diagnosed with something. Anyway, I'm hoping my blood work comes back negative but then again, it would be nice to know what I'm up against instead of fighting this thing in the dark. Although, I am feeling better. I'm keeping a journal and writing what I eat, feel, do down. That way when I'm super depressed I can go back a month and remind myself that I have made some gains. My symptoms are: chest pain, fatigue, back, neck and hip pain, unexplained right flank pain (they've tested me for just about everything), my equilibrium is still slightly off, eyes ache (much better than the buring I used to feel) and I think I've covered it. On the brighter side, my heart palps are completely gone, my headaches are completely gone, I'm not dizzy any more, I can actually go to the store without wanting to leave within 2 minutes of being there, I actually thought about doing yoga intead of thinking I couldn't possibly exercise, I actually started caring about fashion and doing my hair again...I'm slowly starting to go back to the real me. I just pray I don't have any more set-backs. The ashtma thing really messed me up for awhile. Ok...detox is an issue! I am eating a ton of veggies, taking all kinds of fun supplements for nutrition and detox, drinking a ton of water,eating more organic, going to the chiro, getting acupuncture, taking epson salt baths, doing the ionic foot bath. However, I can't fast. I don't know how anyone can do that! I know fasting is sortof a "no pain, no gain" thing but I've always been an eater and a snacker because if I don't...I don't feel well. The first thing I start to notice is a migraine. If I get a migraine, I'm useless. I have to take care of my baby etc. However, I know that fasting is vital to getting better. I've tried twice...I barely made it to 2 pm. Is it too soon for me since I had baby 4 months ago and was diagnosed with asthma? Does anyone have any advice for me? I feel like I'm on the right track but the not fasting thing is slowing my recovery down. Well, if you read this, thank you sooo much! Any advice or even words of encouragment would be wonderful. I hate that I can't get on here more often but I do catch up here and there when I get a couple hours to myself which is seldom. Trying to live a normal life is hard but I noticed it's important to force yourself to do somethings. When ya stop living you start forgetting what was so great about it in the first place. Thank goodness for clarity! That's one thing I forgot to add to my list of things I've regained. Happy New's Years Ladies!! We've gotten this far...we can go all the way!! Love ya...hugs and smooches.. ------------------------------------

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Bev, I'm just adding this to the bottom...please cont. to read...I've found some

of the ladies on here on facebook. Are you on there?



> Bev, it's so good to hear from you!! I'm soo happy that you too are starting

to feel better! I have questions... what you're doing for mold. I so wish I

could find a doc out here to help me with the holistic part of our healing.

I've considered driving down there to see your naturopath but I don't know how

much she can do in one day and my husband would think I was crazy!! Would she be

able to see If I have mold in one day. The reason why I ask is because for the

last two days my chest, ribs, all the muscles surrounding my explant are

inflamed and killing me. My chest tightness is starting to come back too (the

pain and tightness never exactly went away but it was more tolerable). I keep

trying to think about what I did differently but I come up with nothing. I've

actually had the last two weeks off and was feeling better because of the rest.

Well, I guess you did just post her number. I'll give her a call too.


> I'm sorry to hear about your heart palps. That's one of the two things that

have disappeared. The other are my headaches. I was worried about my heart

though; I used to have the heart palps for about 2 years before explant. When

they diagnosed me with asthma, they also did a heart echo and a stress test and

they said it was fine. I think our hearts can take a lot before they actually

become damaged. Also, I do consider ourselves somewhat lucky. We didn't have

silicone leaking through our bodies, thank goodness!!


> I've been talking to another lady that I met on this site, but she e-mails me

privately. She's better but she also experiences chest tightness and pain. Her

problem was the actual muscles that were cut. She's been going to a therapist

that works with women who have had a mastectomy. She said they know all about

the muscles that we're having problems with and know how they affect our

breathing etc. I'm going to try to go my reg. physician and see if she can

refer me to someone.


> I can't believe you had to go home to chaos! Just what you need!! I was

telling someone the other day that I'm not very religious but I do usually have

faith. I've lost it! I just don't understand all this and don't understand why

everything around me seems to fall apart lately. I'm very thankful for the good

things in my life but the bad just keep happening. I'm still waiting for a sign

or something that will give me more strength. Well, I just might come down to

see you. I do have one very supportive person in my life that might be able to

drive with me. My mother, who lost custody of me when I was 7, has come back

into my life just when I need her most. Wait a minute...I just thought about

that..maybe she's my sign..I donno. Sorry, back to what I was saying...she might

come with me to see you. I'll call your naturopath first and see what she says.

I did see one out here but she just wasn't very professional and then sucked

every penny I had out of me ( I might try her again, since I paid the initial

fee, the next fee might be less). I know we have to pay for their services but

geesh!! Is she affordable? Can I ask what you have been paying? Anyway, I better

get going, the pretend happy life awaits me. I'm sorry but I just get sooo

negative sometimes. I do have the most amazing daughter...and my

husband...well, he has made it clear he is going to stick by through thick and

thin even though he doesn't exactly understand all this!!


> Take care Bev, hope to hear from you soon!





> From: moodynomad@...

> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 20:40:58 +0000

> Subject: Re: Hi ladies!







> Absolutely. Yah its something we could chat on and on about. So much stuff

main stream medicine just doesn't deal with! She does phone consults for sure.

Let her know you're from my support group. And let me know if I can help.

9492973711. Here's her work #.

> Bev

> Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T



> From: G M GRETTA <glass3311@...>

> Sender:

> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:59:22 +0000

> < >

> Reply

> Subject: RE: Hi ladies!


> hi bev;


> yes, i've heard of mold in implants - dr rea in dallas informed me of that

when i went there. i had an injection in the face in more than one place, and

would like to test to

> see if there is mold somewhere. i was surprised your dr could tell where in

the body you have it by doing muscle testing. i've had muscle testing done, and

have never been

> told where the problem is, just that its a problem (usually digestive-wise)

re. foods. would be interested to know more about your dr and how she does

this. do you know if

> she does phone consults? how exactly does she muscle test to know the problem

is in the breast? (i know some of this can get detailed - maybe better if i

could correspond

> with her - i will look her up on i.net - maybe she has a web site.


> thanks bev.


> gg





> From: moodynomad@...

> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:45:45 +0000

> Subject: Re: Hi ladies!





> Hi gg- no candida is a totally separate battle I get under control with

formula sf722 by thorne along with a strict diet of no carbs or sugar.

> She has an entire mold/fungus kit of all types in these vials. When I found

out there can be mold in implants, I presented her with the idea and she was

totally up for seeing what we'd find. Out of like 27 vials the only 2 I test

positive for are penicillium and microsporum. She was so taken aback that she

even did a blind test to play devil's advocate. Those 2 kept showing up in my

chest thru muscle testing. And it doesn't show up in me systemically..only in

certain areas in my breast tissue. Which means its isolated there. It was by far

her most odd case as she didn't even know that could happen but she is well

researched now. And I also had seromas in both breasts and they are almost

completely gone from the light treatment we've been doing. I feel awful for

about 3 days aftr treatment but then better, the lump gets smaller and hey, if

it stops me from having surgery I'm happy. And every time we do it, the mold is

killed back. Apparently mold is like a wart and puts down roots in your body and

that's why its so hard to kill. I have a feeling that's a big reason why some

women stay so sick. If we can find a way to see if its still in our bodies and

treat accordingly, maybe there's a complete road to recovery which I want for

all of us. At least the mold issue. So I'll continue to let you know what

happens. I think some of this experimental stuff might help. Oh and I'm in

southern california. Don't think anyone else on here is close to me...my dr is

dr cristy emerson.

> Hugs,

> Bev

> Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T




> From: G M GRETTA <glass3311@...>

> Sender:

> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:20:20 +0000

> < >

> Reply

> Subject: RE: Hi ladies!


> hi bev;


> read your e-mail to someone else, but wondering if the mold you talk about

having is the same as having candida? you are in az. i think, right? who is

> your mold doc?


> thanks bev.


> gg





> From: moodynomad@...

> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 05:58:13 +0000

> Subject: Re: Hi ladies!





> Hey girl-ive been mia for a while. Spent 3 wks with family in kansas which was

wonderful since my brother works from home we got a lot of bonding time. He's so

caring and thoughtful he helped me a lot. So a girl on here, michelle told me

about a doc in ohio who prescribed her supplements for the mold.

www.precisionherbs.com. I ordered them while I was in kansas and received them

and literally within days the pain in my chest got better. So now I added 7 more

things to my supplement routine. Its like a part time job. Its been 2 wks now,

so when I got home, my holistic doc did muscle testing on me and there was a bit

of mold on each side of my chest..they said the whole program should kill the

mold in a month...2 more wks and I'll let u know. But like you said and its so

funny because I know exactly how u feel-i didn't give a hoot about my fashion or

hair for the last 7 months...and I was a hairdresser! So the thoughts of caring

about my appearance even just a little, seems like a huge step in the right

direction. Well I came home to a moving disaster last week. The movers were

moving us in the pouring rain and all our stuff was getting water logged. I'd

pick up a box and it literally fell apart and things inside were ruined. It was

such a nitemare. And here we are trying to get away from mold! My husband

stopped them and we stayed at my dads for 2 days with our stuff in the moving

truck. So needless to say we aren't as settled in as I'd hoped.

> So for me a lot of my symptoms are getting better but my heart palps are even

more prominent I feel. Its driving me insane. My holistic doc wants me to take

the 24 hour heart monitor kaiser suggested just so we can rule out that my heart

isn't enlarged or off beat...I PRAY its just adrenals or thyroid or something

that doesn't require surgery!! So I'm doing it on thurs. I always think of dede,

poor thing with all her heart issues. I just have to really watch my energy

output because even going up stairs makes my heart feel like I've run a

marathon. It makes for very tiring days.

> So I'm glad you found a good doc and that you're getting more blood work done.

You are always welcome to come down to get checked for mold by my doc.

Everything is just so much work for you I know with the baby and all. I'm so

sorry you all got sick. :(

> Happy new year. Hope its a better one for all of us!

> Hugs,

> Bev

> Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T


> Hi ladies!


> Hi,

> I just spent a good couple of hours catching up. Thank you for all the info. I

hope you were all able to enjoy the holidays! It's my favorite time of year! I

wasn't expecting my daughter, husband and I to all catch a virus that lasted the

entire two weeks that I was off. OFCOURSE! However, I was able to get a ton of

much needed sleep. We are all starting to feel better. I haven't actually caught

a flu or cold during this whole implant mess so It was new to me. Having implant

illness has made me capable of tolerating all kinds of aches and pains. My

husband, however,healthy as can be, thought he was dying! I had to take care of

everybody as I truly needed some TLC as well. I guess that's the way it goes.


> I finally found a doctor to do some much needed blood work as well. He's

checking for auto-immune and thyroid issues and not the basic blood tests that

every other doc has done a million times. I hope I can find something out. So

far, I've just been diagnosed with asthma, which, of course, is still not

controlled after being diagnosed for 2 months. Everyone keeps saying I should be

feeling better by now. I know my problems don't primarly exist from asthma. I

knew that when they diagnosed me but my family wanted to celebrate because I was

finally diagnosed with something. Anyway, I'm hoping my blood work comes back

negative but then again, it would be nice to know what I'm up against instead of

fighting this thing in the dark.


> Although, I am feeling better. I'm keeping a journal and writing what I eat,

feel, do down. That way when I'm super depressed I can go back a month and

remind myself that I have made some gains. My symptoms are: chest pain, fatigue,

back, neck and hip pain, unexplained right flank pain (they've tested me for

just about everything), my equilibrium is still slightly off, eyes ache (much

better than the buring I used to feel) and I think I've covered it. On the

brighter side, my heart palps are completely gone, my headaches are completely

gone, I'm not dizzy any more, I can actually go to the store without wanting to

leave within 2 minutes of being there, I actually thought about doing yoga

intead of thinking I couldn't possibly exercise, I actually started caring about

fashion and doing my hair again...I'm slowly starting to go back to the real me.

I just pray I don't have any more set-backs. The ashtma thing really messed me

up for awhile.


> Ok...detox is an issue! I am eating a ton of veggies, taking all kinds of fun

supplements for nutrition and detox, drinking a ton of water,eating more

organic, going to the chiro, getting acupuncture, taking epson salt baths, doing

the ionic foot bath. However, I can't fast. I don't know how anyone can do that!

I know fasting is sortof a " no pain, no gain " thing but I've always been an

eater and a snacker because if I don't...I don't feel well. The first thing I

start to notice is a migraine. If I get a migraine, I'm useless. I have to take

care of my baby etc. However, I know that fasting is vital to getting better.

I've tried twice...I barely made it to 2 pm. Is it too soon for me since I had

baby 4 months ago and was diagnosed with asthma? Does anyone have any advice for

me? I feel like I'm on the right track but the not fasting thing is slowing my

recovery down.


> Well, if you read this, thank you sooo much! Any advice or even words of

encouragment would be wonderful. I hate that I can't get on here more often but

I do catch up here and there when I get a couple hours to myself which is

seldom. Trying to live a normal life is hard but I noticed it's important to

force yourself to do somethings. When ya stop living you start forgetting what

was so great about it in the first place. Thank goodness for clarity! That's one

thing I forgot to add to my list of things I've regained.


> Happy New's Years Ladies!! We've gotten this far...we can go all the way!!

Love ya...hugs and smooches..




> ------------------------------------



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Hey katie-yes I'm under beverly moody-gill. I'm terrible @ finding people for

some reason so maybe u can add me...and ur email was so interesting! I'll will

respond in a little bit. Have to do a couple things

Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

Hi ladies!


> Hi,

> I just spent a good couple of hours catching up. Thank you for all the info. I

hope you were all able to enjoy the holidays! It's my favorite time of year! I

wasn't expecting my daughter, husband and I to all catch a virus that lasted the

entire two weeks that I was off. OFCOURSE! However, I was able to get a ton of

much needed sleep. We are all starting to feel better. I haven't actually caught

a flu or cold during this whole implant mess so It was new to me. Having implant

illness has made me capable of tolerating all kinds of aches and pains. My

husband, however,healthy as can be, thought he was dying! I had to take care of

everybody as I truly needed some TLC as well. I guess that's the way it goes.


> I finally found a doctor to do some much needed blood work as well. He's

checking for auto-immune and thyroid issues and not the basic blood tests that

every other doc has done a million times. I hope I can find something out. So

far, I've just been diagnosed with asthma, which, of course, is still not

controlled after being diagnosed for 2 months. Everyone keeps saying I should be

feeling better by now. I know my problems don't primarly exist from asthma. I

knew that when they diagnosed me but my family wanted to celebrate because I was

finally diagnosed with something. Anyway, I'm hoping my blood work comes back

negative but then again, it would be nice to know what I'm up against instead of

fighting this thing in the dark.


> Although, I am feeling better. I'm keeping a journal and writing what I eat,

feel, do down. That way when I'm super depressed I can go back a month and

remind myself that I have made some gains. My symptoms are: chest pain, fatigue,

back, neck and hip pain, unexplained right flank pain (they've tested me for

just about everything), my equilibrium is still slightly off, eyes ache (much

better than the buring I used to feel) and I think I've covered it. On the

brighter side, my heart palps are completely gone, my headaches are completely

gone, I'm not dizzy any more, I can actually go to the store without wanting to

leave within 2 minutes of being there, I actually thought about doing yoga

intead of thinking I couldn't possibly exercise, I actually started caring about

fashion and doing my hair again...I'm slowly starting to go back to the real me.

I just pray I don't have any more set-backs. The ashtma thing really messed me

up for awhile.


> Ok...detox is an issue! I am eating a ton of veggies, taking all kinds of fun

supplements for nutrition and detox, drinking a ton of water,eating more

organic, going to the chiro, getting acupuncture, taking epson salt baths, doing

the ionic foot bath. However, I can't fast. I don't know how anyone can do that!

I know fasting is sortof a " no pain, no gain " thing but I've always been an

eater and a snacker because if I don't...I don't feel well. The first thing I

start to notice is a migraine. If I get a migraine, I'm useless. I have to take

care of my baby etc. However, I know that fasting is vital to getting better.

I've tried twice...I barely made it to 2 pm. Is it too soon for me since I had

baby 4 months ago and was diagnosed with asthma? Does anyone have any advice for

me? I feel like I'm on the right track but the not fasting thing is slowing my

recovery down.


> Well, if you read this, thank you sooo much! Any advice or even words of

encouragment would be wonderful. I hate that I can't get on here more often but

I do catch up here and there when I get a couple hours to myself which is

seldom. Trying to live a normal life is hard but I noticed it's important to

force yourself to do somethings. When ya stop living you start forgetting what

was so great about it in the first place. Thank goodness for clarity! That's one

thing I forgot to add to my list of things I've regained.


> Happy New's Years Ladies!! We've gotten this far...we can go all the way!!

Love ya...hugs and smooches..




> ------------------------------------



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