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Patti, We just started today with Ultimate Omega for kids.It is a childrens

DHA formula. We are having trouble getting some stuff for her because it has

to liquid. She can't do pills. I would like to try TMG and coromega.I am not

sure about them but I have read some about them.I don't know anything about

TMG.I heard it helps with speech. I don't know how much enzmes and what

combination you are supposed to use.I brought up hair testing to her doctor

and he looked at me like I was crazy.I am not sure how to go about that

either. We are kind of limited on money because of all of her medical bills.

They just keep piling up.She is also under weight.She is only int he third

percentile now. I think she became this way due to a number of factors.1) I

was told I could never carry a child full term because I have endometriosis.I

have had 7 surgeries fot it and have alot of scar tissue.I had to be dialated

by hand to 10 cm.She was full term but my uterus stopped growing at 7 months

gestation.How ever she was in there at 7 months is how she stayed in there

until delivery. She had plagiocephaly because of it.Have you ever tried to

keep a helmet on a child who has sensory issues?LOL 2) She was a forcep

baby3) I was in labor for 3 days and my drugs did not take4)Immunizations.She

would scream for 24 hours a day for 2 days after receiving shots. I would

like to help her but I do not even know where to start. She has also been

anemic for her whole life.She is on RX iron and it has not helped. I worry

about her brain function because of her nutrition. I am completely lost in

the enzyme and SID world.....ne

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First I want to say how sorry I am that you are going through this. No

one should have to be put through the kind of anguish and worry that

we all know so well here. Second, I understand about not liking being

around your child. I had 2 years of my son tantruming,obsessing, not

transitioning, sensory issues and extreme agression. I know what it is

like to desperately love your child and not want to get up to face

another day with him for fear of loosing your mind. My son has metals

poisoning and terrible yeast and bacteria causing gut dysbiosis. The

enzymes have really helped get his system on the road to healing along

with dealing with his gut bugs. He has allways been underweight for

his age and only recently started gaining weight once we started

working on the yeast/bacteria. I really believe they were robbing him

of all of the precious nutrition. I have evidence to believe he was

possibly born with yeast in his body from me and that, combined with

the mercury in the vaccinations and the overload from the vaccinations

themselves totally destroyed his digestion process causing his

neurological responses. Have you had your child metals tested and

tested for yeast and bacteria? Have you started enzymes? FOrgive me if

you posted this already but I have been out of commissin and have not

had time to read all the back posts.


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KIrkman offers free samples (at least from coromega). Try them before buying

them. And they also offer trial size bottles, which can be very economic.


Please keep us posted on how you girl is doing with the Ultimate Omega for kids.


Re: [ ] RE: HELP

Patti, We just started today with Ultimate Omega for kids.It is a childrens

DHA formula. We are having trouble getting some stuff for her because it has

to liquid. She can't do pills. I would like to try TMG and coromega.I am not

sure about them but I have read some about them.I don't know anything about

TMG.I heard it helps with speech. I don't know how much enzmes and what

combination you are supposed to use.I brought up hair testing to her doctor

and he looked at me like I was crazy.I am not sure how to go about that

either. We are kind of limited on money because of all of her medical bills.

They just keep piling up.She is also under weight.She is only int he third

percentile now. I think she became this way due to a number of factors.1) I

was told I could never carry a child full term because I have endometriosis.I

have had 7 surgeries fot it and have alot of scar tissue.I had to be dialated

by hand to 10 cm.She was full term but my uterus stopped growing at 7 months

gestation.How ever she was in there at 7 months is how she stayed in there

until delivery. She had plagiocephaly because of it.Have you ever tried to

keep a helmet on a child who has sensory issues?LOL 2) She was a forcep

baby3) I was in labor for 3 days and my drugs did not take4)Immunizations.She

would scream for 24 hours a day for 2 days after receiving shots. I would

like to help her but I do not even know where to start. She has also been

anemic for her whole life.She is on RX iron and it has not helped. I worry

about her brain function because of her nutrition. I am completely lost in

the enzyme and SID world.....ne

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--- In @y..., AhJhawk@a... wrote, in part:

> I don't know how much enzmes and


> combination you are supposed to use.I brought up hair testing to her


> and he looked at me like I was crazy.I am not sure how to go about


> either.

Hi Adrienne, I think I am probably telling you something you

already know here, so please ignore me as appropriate:

If you prefer not to be given the evil eye about the hair test,

you can order one through DLS for $79. Complete info is here:


For the benefit of others who may see this, here is how to

then interpret the test results:



best wishes,


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I will give info where I have it. I don't remember if I have already

given some of this info tho, so you can ignore it if you want.

> Patti, We just started today with Ultimate Omega for kids.It is a


> DHA formula. We are having trouble getting some stuff for her

because it has

> to liquid. She can't do pills. I would like to try TMG and

coromega.I am not

> sure about them but I have read some about them.I don't know

anything about

> TMG.I heard it helps with speech.

It can help with speech, but it can also cause a bad reaction, either

hyper or other nasty reaction. My kids I almost took one to the

hospital. But some kids really improve in language and/or behaviors

in a matter of days. So if you want to try it, start slow, like maybe

at 1/4 recommended dose, and see how your child reacts to it.


> I don't know how much enzmes and


> combination you are supposed to use.

Based on other info you have indicated here, I would definitely

recommend you try enzymes, either from url above or this one below,

which is what I use and they work GREAT for my kids


>I brought up hair testing to her


> and he looked at me like I was crazy.I am not sure how to go about


> either.

Here is how you can get hair test without a cooperative doctor.


> We are kind of limited on money because of all of her

medical bills.

> They just keep piling up.She is also under weight.She is only int he


> percentile now.

Definitely consider enzymes.

>>3) I was in labor for 3 days and my drugs did not


Some drugs for labor etc, are metal toxic.


> would scream for 24 hours a day for 2 days after receiving shots.

I can relate personally to this. I would say not only you should have

her metals tested, you should consider filing a VICP claim, see my

links at the bottom of my section here.


And, do not allow her any more immunizations.

> I


> like to help her but I do not even know where to start.

You are doing it. You are asking questions. You are considering a

hair test. Etc.

> She has also


> anemic for her whole life.She is on RX iron and it has not helped. I


> about her brain function because of her nutrition. I am completely

lost in

> the enzyme and SID world.....ne

I forget, is this the child who also does not sleep? Have I given you

these links?



My son's sleep issues disappeared when I removed high phenols and then

again when I treated for yeast. Your child may have similar issues as


Here is my medication section. In addition to Risperdal [which I

would not recommend for a 20mo child], please also consider Clonidine,

which is a blood pressure medication which has as a side effect,

drowsiness. Also, some children do okay with melatonin but others

have the opposite effect, but something else you can consider.


Also, you can contact your local Regional Center [i think, might be

another agency in your state] and ask about a Personal Care Assistant.

This is someone who will help you with the daily tasks your child

requires. The *worse* your child's behaviors, the more hours you will

get. You do have to be " pushy " tho, but you can ask me how to be

pushy and I can let you know.


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One more thing about Kirkman:


They have an excellente catalogue (with explanations about products) and also

a free book named " Guide to Intestinal Health in ASD " . Write them and ask for

both - at not cost.


> I don't know how much enzmes and


> combination you are supposed to use.

Based on other info you have indicated here, I would definitely

recommend you try enzymes, either from url above or this one below,

which is what I use and they work GREAT for my kids


>I brought up hair testing to her


> and he looked at me like I was crazy.I am not sure how to go about


> either.

Here is how you can get hair test without a cooperative doctor.


> We are kind of limited on money because of all of her

medical bills.

> They just keep piling up.She is also under weight.She is only int he


> percentile now.

Definitely consider enzymes.

>>3) I was in labor for 3 days and my drugs did not


Some drugs for labor etc, are metal toxic.


> would scream for 24 hours a day for 2 days after receiving shots.

I can relate personally to this. I would say not only you should have

her metals tested, you should consider filing a VICP claim, see my

links at the bottom of my section here.


And, do not allow her any more immunizations.

> I


> like to help her but I do not even know where to start.

You are doing it. You are asking questions. You are considering a

hair test. Etc.

> She has also


> anemic for her whole life.She is on RX iron and it has not helped. I


> about her brain function because of her nutrition. I am completely

lost in

> the enzyme and SID world.....ne

I forget, is this the child who also does not sleep? Have I given you

these links?



My son's sleep issues disappeared when I removed high phenols and then

again when I treated for yeast. Your child may have similar issues as


Here is my medication section. In addition to Risperdal [which I

would not recommend for a 20mo child], please also consider Clonidine,

which is a blood pressure medication which has as a side effect,

drowsiness. Also, some children do okay with melatonin but others

have the opposite effect, but something else you can consider.


Also, you can contact your local Regional Center [i think, might be

another agency in your state] and ask about a Personal Care Assistant.

This is someone who will help you with the daily tasks your child

requires. The *worse* your child's behaviors, the more hours you will

get. You do have to be " pushy " tho, but you can ask me how to be

pushy and I can let you know.


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We use the Houston enzymes. www.houstonni.com. We started out giving

1/2 a capsule of each (there are 2) with the largest meal of the day

and slowly increased from there untill we got to a whole capsule of

each enzyme with each meal and all snacks. We open the capsules up and

put them in my sons juice. My son came up Igg allergic to

dairy,soy,egg,gluten and brewers yeast so we had him off of all of

theese items before starting enzymes. Taking him off of his reactive

foods helped a lot but the enzymes helped a ton. If you are worried

that the elimination of foods would make matters worse I would

DEFINATELY try enzymes. My son is 3 1/2 and just hit 28.5 pounds. Up

untill 10 days ago he was only 27.5 pounds, we are thrilled that he

has gained 1.5 pounds since starting a specific medication for yeast

and bacteria 10 days ago. Yeast and bacteria can be a bear to get rid

of if it is really bad like my son has. We are doing a protocal that

is in stages. I believe that the place that Moria mentioned (direct

Lab Srvices) does do an Organic acids test and that test determines if

there is yeast and bacteria in the gut. I think that Great smokies

will send a kit as well but I will look into that for you. It sounds

to me like your daughtr got thimerossal poisoning by the way she

reacted to the vaccinations. (thimerosal being mercury)If you do

nothing else I would stop medications and re-start with enzymes and go

from there. Definately read Dana's site about phenols as epsome salt

baths before bed may help also. Dana has a TON of excellent

information and I would read every bit if I were you. I hope some of

this information will help you. I feel bad for yu. Take care,


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


This sounds like lactose intolerance, with a general carbohydrate

malabsorption problem. A high-lactase enzyme product containing

other carbohydrase enzymes, like zyme prime, could be helpful.


> Hi,


> My children dont seem to have trouble with wheat itself, but

any kind of carbohydrate food,and milk food will bloat them out. Is

there a good carb free diet to follow. Also which enzymes are people

using to digest, casein/milk,gluten, carbs and proteins??? What are

the dosages for a 45 pound NT girl and 7o pound autistic child.



> Thanks so much


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It's called regression and I've seen the exact same

thing with every change that has worked for my

daughter. This isn't good news now and the regression

will probably persist for a while (at least two weeks,

with enzymes it was a month for us). Later on you

will be thrilled. Epsom salt baths, zinc cream body

rubs, simethicone drops and liquid nystatin are among

our coping tools that take the edge off the grief.

All I can add is hang tough, it's worth the ride.


--- Colon <susan_colon@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> I am writing to see if any of you have had the same

> problems, and have any

> suggestions.


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Hi and HUGS for the present!

Since you know that you were not 100% GFCF then withdrawal is

likely. Enzymes tend to pick up things that even food removals

cannot. And if you were not also eliminating soy, you have a very

good chance of seeing regression. Peptizyde seems to mop up a lot of

peptides that others leave behind.

If he has any yeast or bacteria issues too, then toss die-off on to

the pile.

The over-sensitivity is common enough, although irritating to deal

with (I know I have irritated my fair share of people, lol. But God

got me back and gave me a son the same way!)

It sounds like you are doing well on dosing and giving the enzymes.

The enzymes can help with the constipation. I have also found that

giving extra magnesium is VERY effective. Mag acts as a laxative in

higher doses and fills a need for supplementing mag at the same

time. A symptom of magnesium deficiency is hyperness, inattention,

squirelly behavior and muscle spasms.

Epsom salts are very good to. If the baths don't work out, here is a

link to a file with many ideas and recipes on how to make your own

homemade cream (seriously cheap!). I use homemade cream:



Zinc is good, and chocolate - the chocolate is for you to help you

feel better, lol.

Stay in touch, and allow up to three weeks for this to resolve



Thank you in

> advance for all of the information and support I get from this


> Without it I think that I would go crazy....

> - Southern CA.

> Homeschooling mom to

> Nici - 16, - 14, Hannah - 12, - 8, Philip - 6, Gaby -



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Here are some ways that my kids take them:

-Mixed into applesauce

-Dissolved in rice milk (enzymes only, everything else tastes bad)

-Mixed into frosting (if your daughter is GFCF, use Spectrum

shortening and Glucino powdered sugar sold by Ms. Robens. Blend

these 2 ingredients in a cuisanart w/a little vanilla rice or almond

milk to make frosting).

-Dissolved into first few bites of rice milk w/breakfast cereal

-Mixed into ice cream/rice dream/etc.

-Mixed in with refried beans

-Dissolved in juice (if she can drink grape, it's especially good for

disguising things)

-Frozen in " juice cubes "

-Mixed into mashed banana

-And finally, worst case scenario, dissolved in liquid and squirted

into the back of the mouth using a baby medication syringe

I don't know if your daughter can/will eat any of these foods. My

daughter is 16 mos. and very very picky so I've used all these and

more (this is my short list). Good luck,


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  • 3 months later...

I think the reaction is not worth any potential benefits, stop the

NF and stick with the Zyme Prime. I have no idea why such a

reaction would be occuring at this stage.

> Anyone, Zeb has been on 1/8 capsule of No-Phenol for about 3

weeks, he has been on Z-Prime for 2 months and did great with

it, 1/2 cap at each meal. Since adding the No-Phenol we started

having some problems this week, he is hitting himself,

screaming and kicking, and very angry. This is not Zeb, I have

read about the die-off but he is only on this small dose, how long

does it last because I don't like this. WOuld he be better off if he

had a small dose at each meal or will the behaviors get worse?

Also, he is chronically constipated but since No-P this is

definitely a problem, he has small soft bm's all through out the

day and since he is only sometimes BM trained this is messy

and expensive, any help would be greatly appreciated. Alisha-

Zeb's mom





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Ack, been there done that with the no fenol (Tom kept getting

extremely rigid on it and was melting down all over the place).

After a month of up and down (way down!) we did two things which

finally made a difference. Unfortunately, we did them at the same

time (I was desperate - didn't want to give up on no fenol after

coming so far, but needed my happy boy back).

We upped the no fenol to a whole cap for meals and snacks. I was

concerned that the gradual dosing of no fenol was eliminating just

enough phenols, that when he got some without no fenol, he was really


We also added culturelle. I think the no fenol may have been

damaging some bacteria but not eliminating it? I dunno, but it

certainly seemed to make a difference for Tom.

HTH - I know how tough this can be - it's so hard to tell if the bad

behavior is a sign of good things to come or not.

Peace and grace,

Sally, mom to

Tom, 7yo dx AS but on the road to recovery

Ben, 5yo NT by the grace of God

Gracie, 1yo NT and unvaccinated

> Anyone, Zeb has been on 1/8 capsule of No-Phenol for about 3 weeks,

he has been on Z-Prime for 2 months and did great with it, 1/2 cap at

each meal. Since adding the No-Phenol we started having some problems

this week, he is hitting himself, screaming and kicking, and very

angry. This is not Zeb, I have read about the die-off but he is only

on this small dose, how long does it last because I don't like this.

WOuld he be better off if he had a small dose at each meal or will

the behaviors get worse? Also, he is chronically constipated but

since No-P this is definitely a problem, he has small soft bm's all

through out the day and since he is only sometimes BM trained this is

messy and expensive, any help would be greatly appreciated. Alisha-

Zeb's mom





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no fenol won't touch the bacteria not being a protease.

it is not the complete answer for yeast either, but in combination

with the culturelle the yeast may have been brough more under control.

i am finding oregano oil VERY effective aginst yeast.

i actually feel that yeats and maybe bad bacteria create a phenol

processing problem since i seem to need less no fenol since using

oregano oil.

> > Anyone, Zeb has been on 1/8 capsule of No-Phenol for about 3


> he has been on Z-Prime for 2 months and did great with it, 1/2 cap


> each meal. Since adding the No-Phenol we started having some


> this week, he is hitting himself, screaming and kicking, and very

> angry. This is not Zeb, I have read about the die-off but he is


> on this small dose, how long does it last because I don't like


> WOuld he be better off if he had a small dose at each meal or will

> the behaviors get worse? Also, he is chronically constipated but

> since No-P this is definitely a problem, he has small soft bm's all

> through out the day and since he is only sometimes BM trained this


> messy and expensive, any help would be greatly appreciated. Alisha-

> Zeb's mom

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> > > Anyone, Zeb has been on 1/8 capsule of No-Phenol for about 3

> weeks,

> > he has been on Z-Prime for 2 months and did great with it, 1/2


> at

> > each meal. Since adding the No-Phenol we started having some

> problems

> > this week, he is hitting himself, screaming and kicking, and very

> > angry. This is not Zeb, I have read about the die-off but he is

> only

> > on this small dose, how long does it last because I don't like

> this.

> > WOuld he be better off if he had a small dose at each meal or


> > the behaviors get worse? Also, he is chronically constipated but

> > since No-P this is definitely a problem, he has small soft bm's


> > through out the day and since he is only sometimes BM trained


> is

> > messy and expensive, any help would be greatly appreciated.


> > Zeb's mom

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Does you son have a diagnosis or can you pinpoint specific

behaviors? Once you have a list of behaviors that are concerns, you

can start a plan of what supplements may address specific problems.

For example, Dr. Megson's work on using vitamin A (cod liver oil) for

visual stims is something concrete you could consider.

> Who would I go to if I wanted some advice on starting my son on

supplements of some sort? When I showed the paediatrician a

biochemical survey he basically shot me down in flames and said that

none of it was worth the paper it was written on.

> Belinda




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> Who would I go to if I wanted some advice on starting my son on

supplements of some sort?

I think you will get good ideas from others here, if you post your

child's issues and your concerns. Then people can give you

information on what has worked for their kids.


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  • 3 months later...

i wish i had a quick answer, too.

Okay, TMG might be a problem now, even if it used to be quite helpful. I

have heard of many people who had to give up on that one.

Magnesium shoudl be fine.

SNT. Well, some people like it, some don't. Shouldn't make him so so so

much worse, though. You could drop it a bit and that shouldn't hurt him.

You did the GFCF and you say it made no difference. You stopped about 6

months ago and everything was ok until xmas but now going bad. Based on

what you're saying, then, I would get ahold of some HNI enzymes right away

and use them with all food, and limit the dairy and gluten until you've got

him up and running on those enzymes. But that's my opinion and not

everybody's opinion by any means. What I'm saying is he may be having

gluten and casein problems. Shattock once told me that the dreadful old

GFCF diet is most helpful in the case of self-harm. That is where it worked

the best. I know you're saying it didn't work. But we're not talking

about putting him back on the diet, but just addressing the breakdown of

casein and gluten through enzymes.

I would consider an EFA imbalance. Have you been supping with big amounts

of fish oil, CLO, Flax? Perhaps he needs a lot more cold-pressed Omega 6

oils, like sunflower oil. Off a spoon if possible. Don't heat it up. I

know, hard to get him to take it.

You can try EPO, but EPO sometimes causes problems which you don't need right

now. On the other hand, it might be just the thing. You can give him a

cap and then wait and see if he stims more or less, but look hard.

I'm so sorry this is happening and I know it must be dreadful for you.


How old is he again? You did it for 6 months and then stopped

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Yes, enzymes may help with these. Try the Houston ones first

especially since you did not seem much from the diet.

Can you list the behaviors or concerns exactly? Does he head-bang?

tantrums? stare at walls? toe-walk? repeat phrases over and over?

What sort of feeding issues does he have? Constipation or diarrhea?

This will help.

Also, consider dropping the SNT. That seems to be a big source of

problems for many particularly if he is irritable and/or aggressive.

How much magnesiusm do you give?


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BV - My daughter has horrendous behavior and nasty loose stools when she

consumes even a little extra magnesium (in any form, including magnesium

stereate, which is in everything).

Don't know if it applies to your son, but it may be worth a look...

:) -Liz P


Yes, enzymes may help with these. Try the Houston ones first

especially since you did not seem much from the diet.

Can you list the behaviors or concerns exactly? Does he head-bang?

tantrums? stare at walls? toe-walk? repeat phrases over and over?

What sort of feeding issues does he have? Constipation or diarrhea?

This will help.

Also, consider dropping the SNT. That seems to be a big source of

problems for many particularly if he is irritable and/or aggressive.

How much magnesiusm do you give?


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We have the constant screaming now, again, head-banging, throwing himself down

on the floor, smacking himself, biting, poking eyes, stretching his mouth to the

point it is bleeding,

He only wants to sit in his room and watch tellitubbies over and over (God I

hate those little tellitubbies) I can tell the diff. between a plain old tantrum

and a meltdown, boy do we have both. He is back to playing only with his bead

maze, I try to coax him into other things but he runs from me when I try to get

him to do something different. He chins me sooo bad I have bruises all over, he

jamms his chin into anything. No toe walking, he used to when he first started

going down hill after his shots, but doesn't walk right, he skips, unless we put

a body sock on him...he seems to need so much deep pressure over his whole body,

he climbs under the matresses anything he can find with weight, from birth to 3

mo. he was consitpated, the only time he would poop is if I used a fleet plug,

then he went from the to constant diarrhea untill the age of 2 1/2, now he has 1

bm a day, he has only has a normal bm 3 times in his 5 yrs, now it looks like a

wendy's frostie.( Sorry for that description) He is non verbal, well not totally

he can say by-by, (to everything, he knows what it means, and to him most of the

time it means no), he can sing though, and he sings all the words to his

favorite songs, (perfect pitch, sounds like an angel) we are getting a little

echolation, a very little. But most of the time he screams of just makes noises.

We really don't have any feeding issues that I have seen besides Twinkies, we no

longer let him have them, he eats so good, mostly rice and potatoes ( the GFCF

diet helped alot with that, before he wouldn't eat either) won't touch anything


Actually I thought the SNT might be causing some of this so he hasen't got any

this week at all, mabey it hasen't been long enough yet, but I haven't seen any


I give him 200mg of mag a day, split up, but it has silica, whatever that is,

they say it's springtime horsetail whatever that is. He is stuck in sameness

again, don't change anything, even my hair, I wore it in a pony tail yesterday

and he about yanked it out by the roots.(I can imagion that was a sight to see,

a full grown woman getting her butt kicked by a 5yr old...LOL) We have to

take the same way to therapy or he'll freak out and I can't take that way to go

any place else, have to go the long way, if I take him anywhere, I never take

him in the stores at christmas, but now I can't go anywhere, grocery, friends,

relatives,( the ones who haven't shyed away from us) but he wants to go, he will

sit at the door and scream to go someplace, but we can't go in. he can't

tolerate his little NT sis at all right now, he just looks at her and screams,

my poor babies.

I'll drop the TMG to see if that helps. Do you recommend a suppliment? He is

definately both irritable and aggressive, thank god not towards others, just


Thank you!



Yes, enzymes may help with these. Try the Houston ones first

especially since you did not seem much from the diet.

Can you list the behaviors or concerns exactly? Does he head-bang?

tantrums? stare at walls? toe-walk? repeat phrases over and over?

What sort of feeding issues does he have? Constipation or diarrhea?

This will help.

Also, consider dropping the SNT. That seems to be a big source of

problems for many particularly if he is irritable and/or aggressive.

How much magnesiusm do you give?


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> I'm at my wits end, my son seems to be going further and further


> from me right now, we have sooo many old issues comming back up,

Been there, done that, lived thru it, came out the other side. And so

will you, altho I can entirely relate, the process is not fun.


> abuse mostely. I just don't know what to do anymore, we are only on

> suppliments.TMG, SNT, mag, He did wonderful on these until

> christmas,

I have read the other replies. If he did well with these supplements,

he might not do well with them and enzymes, especially the SNT. Have

you added enzymes yet?

>> btw he doesn't eat sweets (not very often)

Did he eat more sweets than usual over Christmas? Holidays,

especially Christmas, are notorious for aggravating a yeast issue,

which can cause the regression you described


Also if your child ate any high phenol foods over the holidays,

phenols also are one of the main causes of self-injury


We did the GFCF

> diet a year ago for about 6 months, it did not help. I'm considering

> cleating him, but not yet, I need more input.

You can read my general overview page and go to a few of the links I

have, if you want


>> He is so stuck, I am so

> stuck. Damn it I want the quick cure, I know their is no such thing,

> it's so hard watching my little one go thru this, he doesn't deserve

> this. Sorry I seem to be having a bit of a pity party here, (she


> thru tears)Does the enzymes help with some of this?

For many kids yes.

Good luck.


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  • 3 months later...
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If his motor skills are still a problem (is that part of the writing

problem?), see if the school has an occupational therapist that can

work on that with him.

All my kids were in speech. I even had speech WAY back in school

(I'm 45 yrs old). It was all pronunciation(?-articulation) related.

The twins were the worst of my 3 sons, no one could understand them

at all, just me; and then only if I happened to know the subject they

were talking about. :) Their speech therapy at school really helped

a lot. finished up speech in 6th grade, in 7th. My

oldest finished in...4th? His wasn't too bad though, just certain


It'd be great if I could get even interested in typing his

assignments on computer, he just isn't yet motivated or something.

also has OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and that has

greatly affected his ability at times to complete school work. We

didn't get him an IEP since we don't need special education services

for him, we have a 504 Plan. But he's allowed to turn in work late

with no penalty (just HOW late is up to the teachers & in middle

school with 3 or more, it can vary per teacher/subject). Also I can

scribe for him (and I do) if he's unable to due to his OCD, but we

did this back when it was just hard for him to write so much due to

his awkward pencil grip and he'd tire easily. For a long time I'd go

thru his backpack and notebook each night and organize it for him;

gave that up this year but he manages to find most of it (all stuffed

in his backpack!) We also have extra time for him for taking all

tests (classroom and state). Just some ideas that might help in your


Oh, if speed in writing is a problem, the occupational therapy helped

a lot there also, even with the awkward grip. His speed is up to par

now, it's just the legibility and the OCD that are a problem.

And I know other parents here should know for sure, but see if

there's someone there who helps with social skills. I think at one

school my kids attended it was the guidance counselor but it seems

I've heard speech therapists might do this also(?).

Socially has always had a problem too. It's so hard to

watch/know at times! He's such a nice person too, just hasn't found

anyone he " clicks " with. Hopefully someday!

Keep us updated and definitely let us know how the IEP meeting goes!

> We moved from CA to ME and in Ca he had an IEP for speech and was

in a special ed preschool for his cognitive and motor skills. I

noticed that some things didn't improve so I asked to get him

retested. The shool system I am in is one of the best ones in the

state of ME. have a meeting on the 14th of MAy with the school to go

over his IEP. In school he has troublegetting his tasks done and

his speech is hard to understand and the worst thing is he has a hard

time writing plus he has a hard time making friends. The shock is

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