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Re: Obese Women

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Body image problems seem to be growing in men and boys. Their issues are a

little different from body issues for women. Sometimes normal, healthy men

think they're puny and underdeveloped because they're seeing pictures of very

developed men in magazines like Men's Health.

Although anorexia and bulimia are more common in women than men, men do get

these diseases. Sometimes it starts with an obsession over getting an

abdominal " six pack. " Other times it can be triggered with deeper problems,

including family issues and mental illness.

In a message dated 9/2/02 8:01:56 PM Central Daylight Time,

jcraigsmith@... writes:

> I never knew men ever got that body image thing. Men I've known always have

> thought that they were wonderful...

> jcs

> Judy

> Chattanooga



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I'm all over the dieting too soon choice.

Men don't get those body-image issues until later, it seems.

Obese Women

> We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

> more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

> opposed to the men. He asked why did we think that was. It was an

> interesting question, and I can't stop thinking about it. I said 1)

> that I wasn't sure that was true, and 2) if it was, I thought it was

> because women are taught to hate their bodies and start dieting at an

> early age, and dieting leads to eating disorders, regain, yo-yoing and

> obesity. Someone else at the table said that boys are more active and

> play sports while girls are more passive. I was wondering what you all

> think?


> Helene

> RNY 12/22/99

> 350/170



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I'm all over the dieting too soon choice.

Men don't get those body-image issues until later, it seems.

Obese Women

> We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

> more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

> opposed to the men. He asked why did we think that was. It was an

> interesting question, and I can't stop thinking about it. I said 1)

> that I wasn't sure that was true, and 2) if it was, I thought it was

> because women are taught to hate their bodies and start dieting at an

> early age, and dieting leads to eating disorders, regain, yo-yoing and

> obesity. Someone else at the table said that boys are more active and

> play sports while girls are more passive. I was wondering what you all

> think?


> Helene

> RNY 12/22/99

> 350/170



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


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I'm all over the dieting too soon choice.

Men don't get those body-image issues until later, it seems.

Obese Women

> We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

> more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

> opposed to the men. He asked why did we think that was. It was an

> interesting question, and I can't stop thinking about it. I said 1)

> that I wasn't sure that was true, and 2) if it was, I thought it was

> because women are taught to hate their bodies and start dieting at an

> early age, and dieting leads to eating disorders, regain, yo-yoing and

> obesity. Someone else at the table said that boys are more active and

> play sports while girls are more passive. I was wondering what you all

> think?


> Helene

> RNY 12/22/99

> 350/170



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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I never knew men ever got that body image thing. Men I've known always have

thought that they were wonderful...




Re: Obese Women

I'm all over the dieting too soon choice.

Men don't get those body-image issues until later, it seems.

Obese Women

> We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

> more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

> opposed to the men. He asked why did we think that was. It was an

> interesting question, and I can't stop thinking about it. I said 1)

> that I wasn't sure that was true, and 2) if it was, I thought it was

> because women are taught to hate their bodies and start dieting at an

> early age, and dieting leads to eating disorders, regain, yo-yoing and

> obesity. Someone else at the table said that boys are more active and

> play sports while girls are more passive. I was wondering what you all

> think?


> Helene

> RNY 12/22/99

> 350/170



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


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I have to agree with the idea of the 'hate-your-body' concept. Little girls are

told " don't eat that, or you'll get fat... " or " What do you want with that, it's

just make your thighs fat " , etc. Just sit and listen at a buffet restaurant

sometime, if you don't believe me. Boys are growing machines... they have to be

bulked up to play football or to kick butt in school in wrestling or whatever

sports.... *sigh*......

Plus, how old are the girls when they see their first beauty contest on

television? Or the news or entertainer commentator make the statement about the

" beautiful... " who ever it may be. This sets the standards and they are

unrealistic and set them up for that yo-yo dieting you were speaking about.

Then lets complicate that with childbirth and the monthly monster! *sigh*....

we were set up to fail.... IMO.....

Sorry... it hit home...... LOL


Dr. Houston

St. 's Medical Hospital

Toledo Ohio 8/01


Obese Women

We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

opposed to the men. He asked why did we think that was. It was an

interesting question, and I can't stop thinking about it. I said 1)

that I wasn't sure that was true, and 2) if it was, I thought it was

because women are taught to hate their bodies and start dieting at an

early age, and dieting leads to eating disorders, regain, yo-yoing and

obesity. Someone else at the table said that boys are more active and

play sports while girls are more passive. I was wondering what you all



RNY 12/22/99


Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

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I dunno...I was physically fat all my life, i.e., off the charts from about

age 6. Mom was a nurse and it was more medical, less appearance.

They tried everything, leading to the yo-yo thing. Only WLS did the trick

(so far).

But I'm dubious of the notion that boys don't have those body issues. Thin

boys don't. Fat boys do -- Mine were the first pair of breasts the kids in

my junior high gym class ever saw. A real character-builder.


Obese Women



> > We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

> > more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

> > opposed to the men. He asked why did we think that was. It was an

> > interesting question, and I can't stop thinking about it. I said 1)

> > that I wasn't sure that was true, and 2) if it was, I thought it was

> > because women are taught to hate their bodies and start dieting at an

> > early age, and dieting leads to eating disorders, regain, yo-yoing and

> > obesity. Someone else at the table said that boys are more active and

> > play sports while girls are more passive. I was wondering what you all

> > think?

> >

> > Helene

> > RNY 12/22/99

> > 350/170

> >

> >

> > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> >

> > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I apologize ahead of time if I offend anyone by my emotional

outburst. But the string on male versus female obesity irritates me.

The answer to the comment about there being so many more obese women

than men should be: " I don't know if there are more women than men

who are obese. Aesthetic standards seem to be stricter for women than

men making us notice smaller variations in women than we accept in

men. However, the question of body image is social subterfuge of the

real issues here. "

There may or may not be more obese women than men. There may or may

not differences in male versus female body image issues and

responses. There may or may not be aspects of sex-linked physiology -

- surely not all women who have had children are obese and male

phsiology does change over time. People are obese from a variety of

factors unique to them but which have, in differing proportions, the

common elements of physiology or metabolic functioning, responses to

psycho-social issues, and personal diet and life style choices. When

we focus on body image issues and other shallow concerns, we

trivialize the courage, the will, and love that typifies that

dramatic self-wrought change that WLS patients have snatched from the

gnarled hands of despair. When we, of all people, talk about obesity

this way, we buy into the social discrimantion and prejudice that was

such a misery in our own life. When we talk about the relative

number male versus female who are obese we become part of the social

problem and not part of the vanguard working toward a solution.

There I said wshat I felt. I may sorry later, but this is how i feel.

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I apologize ahead of time if I offend anyone by my emotional

outburst. But the string on male versus female obesity irritates me.

The answer to the comment about there being so many more obese women

than men should be: " I don't know if there are more women than men

who are obese. Aesthetic standards seem to be stricter for women than

men making us notice smaller variations in women than we accept in

men. However, the question of body image is social subterfuge of the

real issues here. "

There may or may not be more obese women than men. There may or may

not differences in male versus female body image issues and

responses. There may or may not be aspects of sex-linked physiology -

- surely not all women who have had children are obese and male

phsiology does change over time. People are obese from a variety of

factors unique to them but which have, in differing proportions, the

common elements of physiology or metabolic functioning, responses to

psycho-social issues, and personal diet and life style choices. When

we focus on body image issues and other shallow concerns, we

trivialize the courage, the will, and love that typifies that

dramatic self-wrought change that WLS patients have snatched from the

gnarled hands of despair. When we, of all people, talk about obesity

this way, we buy into the social discrimantion and prejudice that was

such a misery in our own life. When we talk about the relative

number male versus female who are obese we become part of the social

problem and not part of the vanguard working toward a solution.

There I said wshat I felt. I may sorry later, but this is how i feel.

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> The answer to the comment about there being so many more obese women than

men should be: " I don't know if there are more women than men who are

obese. Aesthetic standards seem to be stricter for women than men making us

notice smaller variations in women than we accept in

men. However, the question of body image is social subterfuge of the

real issues here. "


considering there are more women than men in the world then theoretically

there should be more obese women than men. but you are so right that the

standard by which we judge is skewed.


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