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obese women and men

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In a message dated 9/3/02 3:18:31 AM, Graduate-OSSG writes:

<< We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

opposed to the men. >>

Boy, I wonder what mall that is. It must be the skinny man and big woman

mall. Where I live, there are as many men as women in the malls who are quite

large. You godda look at men from a different angle, cause from the back they

look like thin women who are pregnant--nothing shows --arms, butt, back, all

'regular' sized---til you look from the side. Or when they are sitting down.




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Unfortunately, if you took my husband anywhere he would only see the women....

not the size of the men... men are portly and authoritative... in his opinion..

(and he's skinny... LOL... )


obese women and men

In a message dated 9/3/02 3:18:31 AM, Graduate-OSSG writes:

<< We were out to dinner last night, and my husband commented on how many

more fat or obese women were in the restaurant and in the mall as

opposed to the men. >>

Boy, I wonder what mall that is. It must be the skinny man and big woman

mall. Where I live, there are as many men as women in the malls who are quite

large. You godda look at men from a different angle, cause from the back they

look like thin women who are pregnant--nothing shows --arms, butt, back, all

'regular' sized---til you look from the side. Or when they are sitting down.




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