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2nd plastic surgeon

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Well, I saw the 2nd plastic surgeon yesterday. His name is Jean

Cukier and his office is right next to mine (I'm in Houston). I was

in his office from 3pm-6:15 before it was all over and most of that

time was spent with him! For those of you who are new or don't

remember, this guy has watched my progress from day one since we have

worked next to each other for 4 years. He will stop me in the hall

and ask if I'm taking my vitamins, how my blood work is going, etc.

and he's not even my doc!

Anyway, it went really good. The only thing is that I would have to

go out of network w/ him and like most plastic surgeons he requires

payment up front. I told him that I have already had a consultation

with one other and have an appointment w/ Dr. Shinn at the end of the

month. I felt so comfortable with him it was incredible. His office

does more " tummy tucks " than any other surgeon in the country. I

know for a fact that people come from all over the world to have

surgery w/ him. He has taken patients from other p.s's that were

totally butchered and cleaned them up so to speak. He has done over

20,000 total body makeover's (which is what he recommends for me) in

the past 21 years. Before he certified in plastics he was a general

surgeon and did a type of wls. He shared some of his experiences

with me about previous patients - he did a modified version of the

RnY before they did it for wls - his patients either had cancer of

the stomach or ulcerated stomach's and the only course of treatment

left was to remove a large portion of the stomach (up to 90%) and

reroute the small intestine. I say all of this to explain a little

about him.

So, I will wait to see Dr Shinn and see what happens. I have this

feeling that I will go back to Dr. Cukier and ask him if he will work

with me on the payment end of it because I just really like him so

much. Hopefully that will work out and because we work next to each

other maybe he would do it as a professional courtesy.

Fingers crossed,


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I would go see Dr. Shinn, just in case, and it's always good to have several

choices, but it sounds like you've already made up your mind. This guy

sounds great. Too bad he's out-of-network, but then it's only money. :))

in NJ


In a message dated 9/4/2002 7:18:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Graduate-OSSG writes:

> So, I will wait to see Dr Shinn and see what happens. I have this

> feeling that I will go back to Dr. Cukier and ask him if he will work

> with me on the payment end of it because I just really like him so

> much. Hopefully that will work out and because we work next to each

> other maybe he would do it as a professional courtesy.

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I'm sorry, but what do you mean by " out-of-network " ?


Re: 2nd plastic surgeon


I would go see Dr. Shinn, just in case, and it's always good to have several

choices, but it sounds like you've already made up your mind. This guy

sounds great. Too bad he's out-of-network, but then it's only money. :))

in NJ


In a message dated 9/4/2002 7:18:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Graduate-OSSG writes:

> So, I will wait to see Dr Shinn and see what happens. I have this

> feeling that I will go back to Dr. Cukier and ask him if he will work

> with me on the payment end of it because I just really like him so

> much. Hopefully that will work out and because we work next to each

> other maybe he would do it as a professional courtesy.

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Didn't you say he was out of your insurance network? That's what that means.

Or did I misunderstand?

in NJ


In a message dated 9/6/2002 10:52:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

bhopple@... writes:

> I'm sorry, but what do you mean by " out-of-network " ?

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Didn't you say he was out of your insurance network? That's what that means.

Or did I misunderstand?

in NJ


In a message dated 9/6/2002 10:52:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

bhopple@... writes:

> I'm sorry, but what do you mean by " out-of-network " ?

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