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Re: shoe freak - Jewelry freak!

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In a message dated 9/13/02 12:14:36 PM Central Daylight Time,

chrysalis@... writes:

<< .but I think it was a way to compensate for my lack of " style " as MO...I

mean, I dressed very nicely, but it's hard to look fabulous when you weigh

300 lbs....


Oh, yes, do I ever hear ya. But at 328 lbs (even 300) I didn't wear size

24's. I HID (haha, who was I kidding?) my fat in super loose clothing -- size

54, 56, even had a couple of 60's. But all my outfits were color coordinated

to the hilt: shoes, jewelry, purses, and other accessories. None of it made

me look thinner, of course.

Carol A

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Pre-op I was SO into jewelry...the REAL stuff!! My thought was that jewelry

was " one size fits all " and even if my clothes were size 24 and not that

great, my JEWELRY made up for it! Constantly wanting another tennis bracelet

or ring (course I had to have links added or have them stretched....but no


Now, I'm way into clothes, but NOT jewelry. Barely EVER wear my good

stuff...I have my wedding ring, a silver watch, ring and my favorite pair of

earrings...they go with everything. Not expensive. It seems strange to me

that I've gotten over my fettish for expensive baubles...but I think it was

a way to compensate for my lack of " style " as MO...I mean, I dressed very

nicely, but it's hard to look fabulous when you weigh 300 lbs....


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Pre-op I was SO into jewelry...the REAL stuff!! My thought was that jewelry

was " one size fits all " and even if my clothes were size 24 and not that

great, my JEWELRY made up for it! Constantly wanting another tennis bracelet

or ring (course I had to have links added or have them stretched....but no


Now, I'm way into clothes, but NOT jewelry. Barely EVER wear my good

stuff...I have my wedding ring, a silver watch, ring and my favorite pair of

earrings...they go with everything. Not expensive. It seems strange to me

that I've gotten over my fettish for expensive baubles...but I think it was

a way to compensate for my lack of " style " as MO...I mean, I dressed very

nicely, but it's hard to look fabulous when you weigh 300 lbs....


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OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! LOL I thought MY jewelry fetish was unique! I was

REALLY into Vintage rhinestone jewelry. I have absolutely STUNNING

brooches and ear rings, but I don't wear them any more. I have new REAL

Stuff that is a lot less " large " and I wear that all the time. Hummmmm I

still gravitate towards sparklies! LOL But they sure are more subdued

then the old stuff.

And we WON'T even start on the shoes. LOL I just bought my FIRST pair

EVER of TALL boots!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. NOW we are having

unusually HOT Sept weather here in the Pacific North West and I can't

wear my new boots!!!!! Ok, Ok, I will stop the complaining.......cause I

KNOW you will remind me of this whining when I am whining about our COLD

drizzely weather.

Debbie in Gig Harbor


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OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! LOL I thought MY jewelry fetish was unique! I was

REALLY into Vintage rhinestone jewelry. I have absolutely STUNNING

brooches and ear rings, but I don't wear them any more. I have new REAL

Stuff that is a lot less " large " and I wear that all the time. Hummmmm I

still gravitate towards sparklies! LOL But they sure are more subdued

then the old stuff.

And we WON'T even start on the shoes. LOL I just bought my FIRST pair

EVER of TALL boots!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. NOW we are having

unusually HOT Sept weather here in the Pacific North West and I can't

wear my new boots!!!!! Ok, Ok, I will stop the complaining.......cause I

KNOW you will remind me of this whining when I am whining about our COLD

drizzely weather.

Debbie in Gig Harbor


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I'm making notes.

I had lots of large jewelry, too. Felt incomplete without a full matching


Then suddenly, the pieces GREW. They got bigger & bigger. Amazing. I

always liked eensy tiny things, and suddenly, you could actually find them

on me. I had some, so it was such a treat to go back to delicate chains &

stuff. You know, the ones that wouldn't have fit around my wrist pre-op?


RE: shoe freak - Jewelry freak!


> OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! LOL I thought MY jewelry fetish was unique! I was

> REALLY into Vintage rhinestone jewelry. I have absolutely STUNNING

> brooches and ear rings, but I don't wear them any more. I have new REAL

> Stuff that is a lot less " large " and I wear that all the time. Hummmmm I

> still gravitate towards sparklies! LOL But they sure are more subdued

> then the old stuff.


> And we WON'T even start on the shoes. LOL I just bought my FIRST pair

> EVER of TALL boots!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. NOW we are having

> unusually HOT Sept weather here in the Pacific North West and I can't

> wear my new boots!!!!! Ok, Ok, I will stop the complaining.......cause I

> KNOW you will remind me of this whining when I am whining about our COLD

> drizzely weather.


> Debbie in Gig Harbor

> ladybostons@...





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I'm LOVING this wonderful September weather. Who'da thunk it a couple of

years ago..when I roasted through the coldest of winters...now I LIVE for

warm weather. Now that you mention it...I guess it is time to pull out the

winter stuff..and polish up my boots...they are a season old now...I was able

to start wearing them last year..and LOVED them with skirts and sweaters!

Another " who'da thunk " when it comes to being able to wear clothes I wore

last winter! Never happened before...I always had to buy a new wardrobe

every year...because I was always in a bigger size it seems. I'm just

collecting more...just loving clothes so much now.. They aren't just

functional anymore. I buy stuff because it is cute...or pretty or I LIKE

it!! Not because they have it in my size and I can buy it in all colors! I

picked up a couple of pairs of cute strappy shoes from the Bon Marche

this last week...and they have heels! I went from a size 10WW to an 8 1/2 M.

My pre-obese size shoes! I thought all the weight made my feet spread

out...but they have gotten smaller too. Hope it was just fat...and not bone

loss!! =^/



> And we WON'T even start on the shoes. LOL I just bought my FIRST pair

> EVER of TALL boots!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. NOW we are having

> unusually HOT Sept weather here in the Pacific North West and I can't

> wear my new boots!!!!! Ok, Ok, I will stop the complaining.......cause I

> KNOW you will remind me of this whining when I am whining about our COLD

> drizzely weather.


> Debbie in Gig Harbor

> ladybostons@...



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But when I find something that I like that fits well, I still have to fight

the urge to buy all the colors that they have it in. I wonder if I'll ever

get over that.


Terry Mayers



(877)-838-HOST /

.... because it shouldn't cost a fortune to make a fortune! ®

Re: shoe freak - Jewelry freak!

<< I buy stuff because it is cute...or pretty or I LIKE it!! Not because

they have it in my size and I can buy it in all colors! >>

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But when I find something that I like that fits well, I still have to fight

the urge to buy all the colors that they have it in. I wonder if I'll ever

get over that.


Terry Mayers



(877)-838-HOST /

.... because it shouldn't cost a fortune to make a fortune! ®

Re: shoe freak - Jewelry freak!

<< I buy stuff because it is cute...or pretty or I LIKE it!! Not because

they have it in my size and I can buy it in all colors! >>

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