Guest guest Posted April 11, 2002 Report Share Posted April 11, 2002 Here is a reference for you roots seekers. Hope you enjoy reading this. Subscribe if you wish. Jean RootsWeb Review, Volume 5, No. 13, 27 March 2002 > RootsWeb Review: RootsWeb's Free Weekly E-zine > Vol. 5, No. 13, 27 March 2002, Circulation: 935,755 > © 1998-2002, Inc. > > Do not reply to this message. This is a post-only mailing. > > Editor: Myra Vanderpool Gormley, Certified Genealogist > RWR-Editor@... > Certification: > > RootsWeb Help Desk: > > ====================================================================== > IN THIS ISSUE > 1. Connecting through RootsWeb: Clicking Up Ancestors; > Is Someone Waiting for You? > 2. News and Notes (2a. Volunteer Appreciation Month Announced; > 2b. SSDI Updated; 2c. New User-contributed Databases; > 2d. Spotlighted Web Pages: Major Tool for Researchers Who > Use British Isles and North American IGI Batch Files > 3. New Mailing Lists > 4. New Web Pages > 5. New FreePages and HomePages > 6. RootsWeb Review's Bottomless Mailbag: Family Treasures Found at > Online Auctions; When My Grandfather Was a Little Girl > 7. What's New for Subscribers > 8. WorldGenWeb and USGenWeb > 9. Humor: You Want to Know WHAT? > 10.Submissions Guidelines; Reprint Policy; Subscribe or Unsubscribe > Instructions; HelpDesk Contact > > ================================================================ > 1. CONNECTING THROUGH ROOTSWEB. Thanks for sharing your stories. > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > Clicking Up Ancestors > By Jane Mzjane@... > > Today, while catching up on e-mail, I clicked onto the 6 March edition > of RootsWeb Review. I almost deleted it, thinking I didn't have > enough time to read it and there wouldn't be anything applicable to my > research, but I scrolled through it anyway. My attention was > drawn to the announcement of a new database available for Los Angeles > County marriages. On a whim, I clicked onto it and typed in the name > of a HOWARD family member who had moved to Los Angeles in the 1880s. > To my surprise and delight, up he popped, along with the name of his > bride. > > Many thanks to the hard-working transcribers who provided this > valuable information. You have saved me many hours of research time, > since I now have the information needed to order a copy of the > original marriage record. > > I'm glad I didn't delete this e-mail! > > * * * > > Is Someone Waiting for You? > By Tina Howe tlc110@... > > On March 17, I was searching your Message Boards for someone who might > be looking for the same info as I, and much to my surprise, I came > across a message which contained my grandfather's name along with his > twin sister. I wrote down the e-mail addy of the person that posted it > and got in touch with him. We exchanged several e-mails and > information and discovered that his father and uncle are half brothers > to my mom. > > We never knew until this that my mom had any other siblings. I want to > say that I can't begin to express my gratitude for giving me a place > to research my family and make this possible for my mom, aunt and > their recently found siblings. We are trying to plan a get-together in > the near future. Once again, God Bless.--Tina HOWE, and Marguerite, > , Eugene and RUTHERFORD. > > 2. NEWS AND NOTES > ----------------- > 2a. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION MONTH. RootsWeb was founded with the help > of many selfless and dedicated individuals. These people, and many > others, volunteer their time and talents to the pursuit of > genealogical research. In a continuing effort to express our > appreciation to the intricate network of RootsWeb volunteers, we are > declaring April the official RootsWeb Volunteer Appreciation Month. > > Each week, we will be spotlighting various volunteers who have shown > amazing devotion in helping others trace their genealogy. Keep an eye > on our home page to read their stories. > > We will also give users the chance to show their appreciation for the > help they have received. There is now a Message Board created for the > sole purpose of expressing appreciation toward volunteers as well as > sharing stories of success made possible only through the help of > another genealogist. Please join us in saluting our volunteers. This > is your chance to thank them and give them the recognition they > deserve. [Note: This is a 2-line URL] > > > rw& > > 2b. The U.S. Social Security Death Index was updated recently. It now > contains 67,816,366 records. Learn more about this valuable source at: > > > 2c. NEW FREE USER-CONTRIBUTED DATABASES AT ROOTSWEB: > ---------------------------------------------------- > The following databases have come online recently: > > CALIFORNIA. California area marriages printed in the New-York Weekly > Tribune, June 19, 1838; 78 records; Condron > > > CALIFORNIA. San Bernardino County. Chaffee Junior College Alumni 1934; > 234 records; Ellen Applegate > > > CALIFORNIA. Siskiyou County. Siskiyou County Births; > 6,030 records; Steve and Melton > > > GEORGIA. Peach and Houston County. Macon Telegraph Obituaries from > Feb.5, 2002; 30 records; Josh Deitner -- Macon Telegraph > > > IOWA. Allamakee County. St. s Wheatland Church Records; > 340 records; Darcy Fritche > > > ILLINOIS, Cook County. 1940 graduates; Lyons Township High School; > La Grange; 322 records; Charlene Degener > > > ILLINOIS. Cook County. 1942 JayCee Tower (yearbook); Lyons Township > Junior College, La Grange; 186 records; Charlene Degener > > > INDIANA. Gibson County. Mt. Olympus High School alumni, > " The Olympian " annual, 1923, pp. 52-43; 120 records; Dan Elliott > > > KANSAS. Finney County. Garden City Junior College graduation members; > 41 records; Sprague > > > MASSACHUSETTS. Suffolk County. McCann (surname) deaths, 1849-1869; > 80 records; McCANN > > > MICHIGAN. Ingham County. Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan > State University) Class of 1922; 246 records; Elliott > > > MINNESOTA. Faribault County. St. 's Cemetery, Minnesota Lake; > 356 records; Darcy Fritche and Betty Jean Sonnek > > > MINNESOTA. Goodhue County. Red Wing Lutheran Church records, partial > extraction, 1871,1875,1876; 785 records; Darcy Fritche > > > MISSOURI. lin County. Pacific High School, Pacific, Class of > 1975; 241 records; Marcine (Amelung) Lohman > > > MISSISSIPPI. Lamar County. Lamar from n marriages, 1892-1901; > 850 records; Barbara VanDuser > > > MISSISSIPPI. Sunflower County. Early HUGHES (surname) marriages; > 54 records; L. P. s > > > NEW JERSEY. Livezey/Livesey and related families in 1920 and 1880 > Soundex; 86 records; Jim Sweetman > > > NEW JERSEY. Sweetman/Soeteman/Sweatman and related families in 1920 > Soundex; 179 records; Jim Sweetman > > > NEW JERSEY. Burlington County. Burlington City High School Seniors > 1916; 39 records; Ed Purdy > > > NEW MEXICO. Curry County. Clovis, Class of 1928; 72 records; > Debbie Schafer > > > NEW YORK. Cayuga County. Class of 1924, Auburn Academic High School; > 153 records; D. J. Khoury > > > OHIO. Seneca County. Methodist Cemetery, Seneca Township; > 870 records; Carolyn Reinbolt and a Kuhn Krumm > > > OKLAHOMA. Caddo County. 1928 Caddo Yearbook, Anadarko; > 457 records; Judy Gibson > > > PENNSYLVANIA. Luzerne County. Deaths from Hazleton Standard-Speaker, > July-December 1995;1,077 records; Dalice Fadden > > > SOUTH DAKOTA. Lincoln County. Larsen Cemetery; > 13 records; M. Hass > > > SOUTH DAKOTA. Minehaha County. 1916 Washington High School alumni, > Sioux Falls; 104 records; Cindy L. Hawley > > > TENNESSEE. Giles County. Beech Hill Cemetery; > 31 records; E Young > > > TENNESSEE. Sevier County. 1910 census index (all those over 18 years > of age); 6,624 records; Owen Wolfe > > > TEXAS. Hill County. Heath Cemetery; > 352 records; Don Heath > > > ENGLAND. Masons in Middlesex, England; > 144 records; Mason > > > 2d. SPOTLIGHT ON SOME DISTINCTIVE WEB PAGES AT ROOTSWEB > ------------------------------------------------------- > > BRITISH ISLES, CANADA and UNITED STATES. Hugh Wallis' Web pages > provide some unique finding and searching aids, including: > > IGI BATCH NUMBER INDEX, BRITISH ISLES AND NORTH AMERICA. Here's a > major tool for researchers who are using the IGI (International > Genealogical Index) -- a complete listing of IGI Batch Numbers of > batches produced as part of the Controlled Extraction Program > organised by country and county or state or province. It is > extensively cross-linked where batches cover more than one location or > a location appears in the IGI in more than one jurisdiction. Plus > there's direct links to the IGI itself for " one click " easy-to-use > searches by batch with or without specifying a surname. This site > provides a means to overcome the 5,000-record limit when using the > online IGI to browse through large batches of records. Coverage is > British Isles, Canada and United States. This site proved so useful to > researchers that it received more than 100,000 hits in the first three > weeks after it went live last month. > > LONDON (ENGLAND) MIDDLE-NAME INDEX. A middle-name index to the IGI for > London (including Middlesex), England. As of mid-March, this site > contained an index to the IGI of more than 44,000 different middle > names that appear in nearly four million IGI records for this area. > This represents about 70 percent of all IGI Controlled Extraction > Program entries for England's largest city and will be updated with an > index into the remaining IGI Controlled Extraction Program records in > the next little while. Middle names are often mothers' or > grandmothers' maiden names or fathers' surnames in the case of out-of- > wedlock births. This kind of index is believed to be the first of its > kind on the Internet, providing another innovative tool for locating > otherwise difficult to find relatives or lost family branches. > > STOKE DAMEREL OPC (DEVON, ENGLAND). Online Parish Clerk (OPC) site for > the critical parish of Stoke Damerel, Devon, England -- a parish of > significant importance, which includes the Devonport Dock region of > Plymouth and is not adequately covered by the IGI. This includes an > automated (free) lookup request system (using Soundex matching) for > key baptism, burial and marriage records for this parish as well as > various middle name indexes for all of Devon. > > > > 3. NEW ROOTSWEB MAILING LISTS > ----------------------------- > To subscribe or unsubscribe to/from any RootsWeb-hosted mailing list, > send a plain text (not HTML) e-mail message with only the word > SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) in the message body to: > [name of list]-L-request@... (for mail mode) or to: > [name of list]-D-request@... (for digest mode) > To request a new mailing list: > > [Editor's Note: The following are NOT Web pages--they are mailing > lists. For more information and an index to the more than 24,400 > RootsWeb-hosted genealogy mailing lists and the subscribing options, > go to: >] > > NEW SURNAME MAILING LISTS > BLANCHFIELD, BLESSINGTON, BOWERSMITH, BOWERSOX, BRYMER, BURGI > CHARTRAW, CIAVARELLA, CUDNEY, CURREN > DELANGE, DIEM, DUBIGNON > FAISON, FILLANS, FOWKE, FREAK, FRIDLEY, FROGGATT > GRAYELL > HARDAGE, HEINSOHN, HOWTON > KENDELL, KENNEWELL, KRAVETS > LANAHAN, LAUDERMILK, LENE, LYNGAAS > MACH, MARKGRAF, MCCOLLAM > NASATKA, NEYLON > OGBORN, OSHIELDS > PAUPST, PLICHTA > REUTHER > SCAPIN, SHORTS, SIGNOR, SIMSA, STPETER > TOVAR > VANDEKERKHOVE > WORT > > NEW ETHNIC AND SPECIAL INTEREST MAILING LISTS > BROWN-ENG -- The BROWN surname in England > CA-MCGS -- Merced County (California) Genealogical Society > DE-AfricaAmer -- African American heritage in Delaware > GA-FGS -- Companion list to the Georgia Family Group Sheet > Web page: > HART-NOVASCOTIA -- The HART surname in Nova Scotia, Canada > JOHN-DALLICOTT-SOCIETY - The Dallicott Society (1721-1785) > NY-ORPHANAGES -- The research and discovery of Orphans and > Orphanages in New York State, USA > OK-FAMILY-GROUP-SHEETS -- Companion list to the Oklahoma Family > Group Sheets Web site > QUIROGAS-NL-MX -- The QUIROGAS and related families from Cienega de > , Nuevo Leon, Mexico > SOUTH-AFRICA-IMMIGRANTS-BRITISH -- Ancestors who emigrated from the > United Kingdom to South African pre-1900 > ST-LOUIS-GENEALOGICAL-CIG -- St. Louis Genealogical Society Computer > Interest Group > TURNER-UK -- The TURNER surname in the United Kingdom > > NEW REGIONAL MAILING LISTS > ENG-BRECKLAND -- The 400-mile area of Suffolk and Norfolk known > as The Brecks or Breckland > ENG-HAM-NEW-FOREST -- The New Forest, Hampshire, England > MO-BOOTHEEL - Boot-heel area of Southeast Missouri (USA) > PA-PHILA-FISHTOWN -- Area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania > VA-BUCKNHAM -- Buckingham County, Virginia > > 4. NEW WEB PAGES AT ROOTSWEB > ---------------------------- > Some of these might not yet be accessible. If one that interests > you isn't up yet, please check again in a few days or next week. > [account name] > Note that the ~[tilde] before the Web account name is required. > To request a free Web account: > > CANADA > nscsheet -- Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia (community) > > UKRAINE > ukrterno -- Ternopilska > > U.S.A. > iacherok -- Cherokee County, Iowa > iasioux -- Sioux County, Iowa > idelmore -- Elmore County, Idaho > ididaho -- Idaho County, Idaho > idlewis -- County, Idaho > ilmassa2 -- Massac County, Illinois > inmontgo -- Montgomery County, Indiana > mapcg -- Plymouth County Genealogists, Inc. (Massachusetts) > mssimps2 -- Simpson County, Mississippi > msyazoo2 -- Yazoo County, Mississippi > okfamgrp -- Oklahoma Family Group Sheets > txlubbo2 -- Lubbock County, Texas > txmpghs -- MetroPlex Genealogy/Historical Society (Texas) > wasigs -- Sno-Isle Genealogical Society (Washington) > > 5. NEW FREEPAGES AND HOMEPAGES (PERSONAL WEB SITES AT ROOTSWEB) > --------------------------------------------------------------- > [Note: When your new personal Web pages at RootsWeb are up and > ready for visitors, please send the URL (address) along with a brief > description, but do not abbreviate localities to: > rwr-editor@... > Comments and questions about any of these independently authored Web > pages should be directed to their respective compilers/webmasters.] > > BOOKS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST. Transcriptions of historical books and > other publications, mainly of the State of Iowa, biographical sketches > of pioneers -- all books are at least 75 years old. > > > CONLEY. This site has a group of links for immigrant ships, > cemeteries, censuses, births, and many others, that all have CONLEY > information. > > > COWAN. Births and marriages in Selkirkshire, Scotland, parishes of > Ettrick, Galashiels, Kirkhope, on, Selkirk, and Yarrow. > > > CRINER FAMILY. Includes DICKEY, HEFLEY, PELLHAM, REDDELL, MARTIN, > DAVIS, and SEXTON, of Newton County, Arkansas. > > > GEORGIA AFRICAN AMERICAN GENEALOGY. > > > HANLON, O'HANLON, UA'H-ANLUAIN. Origins of the name in Ireland; Irish > cemetery transcriptions and headstone photographs, Irish census > records. HANLON immigration records to the United States. Includes > HANDLON, HANLEN, etc. > > > HARRIS, LARKINS, ROBINAULT, BOYD, and WESTBROOK FAMILIES. > > > JORDANS in the United Kingdom. The JORDANS who started their life in > and around Black Torrington in Devon, England. > > > KUMPAKISKE/KUMPAKSZKE/SCHULTZ Family Page. Henry and > KUMPAKISKE/KUMPAKSZKE-SCHULTZ came to United States in 1903. > > > NEW YORK. Biographies -- Mohawk Valley gathered from various sources. > > > OBEL and SUTTON. The OBELS can traced back to 1530 in Dachsenhausen, > Germany. Includes a database of OBEL, SUTTON, MITCHELL, and BROWN. > SUTTONS, of Texas. > > > PEAVEY RESEARCH CENTER. This site dedicated to the surname PV, whether > you spell it PEAVEY, PEEVEY, PEVEY, PEVY, PAVY, PEVA or a dozen other > ways. PV transcripts and scanned images of vital records: birth, > death, marriage, divorce, census (mainly 1850), wills, probate, and > land records; photos of ancestors and gravestones, brick walls, family > group sheets and researcher's notes, letters, surveys, and > speculations. > > > STEWART. Includes surnames of STEWART, LINGENFELTER, DIVELY, DOBSON, > MARTZ, ROWAN, ZETH and including photos of some family members. > > > TOLLEY. Contains cemetery photos from Fountain Green, Nephi, and > Provo, Utah cemeteries, and information on the CHAPIN, DURHAM, > FARNSWORTH, HUGGINS, LAURITZEN, MICKELSEN, ORME, PEARCE, RICH, and > TOLLEY surnames. > > > > ************************PAID ADVERTISEMENTS************************ > > To learn why France is a Catholic country and why you may have > Huguenot ancestors, check out our CD, HUGUENOT SETTLERS IN AMERICA > > SAVE $HUNDREDS on linked Colonial genealogies with the CD version of: > THE COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY (7 vols.) > > Or COLONIAL FAMILIES OF THE USA (7 vols.) > > To learn about exclusive offers on books and CDs from >, subscribe to GENEALOGY POINTERS. E-mail > jstromberg@... > and write " subscribe " in the subject line of your message. > > * * * * > The Mar/Apr issue of FAMILY CHRONICLE is on the newsstands now or you > can obtain a free trial copy by visiting > > Articles include " Confederate Records, " " Immigrant Stories -- First > Impressions, " " Researching WWII Veterans, " " Where Have All the > Ancestors Gone? " " 87 Web Sites You Have to See, " and " Your Heritage > and How it May Affect Your Health, " plus many others. Purchase our > fastest-selling special ever, " Dating Old Photographs " at $12 > including shipping: > > > * * * * > Obtain a free trial copy of the new HISTORY MAGAZINE > > Articles include " Evolution of the Skyscraper, " " Geronimo, " > " Quantrill's Raiders, " " New York Society 1860s, " " Wine, the Divine > Gift, " " Torture and Capital Punishment, " " Anesthesiology, " " The King > Who Lost the Crown Jewels, " and many others. > Obtain your copy by visiting: > > * * * * > Save up to 80% on inkjet cartridges! > All products 100% guaranteed--Fast everyday shipping > You could save hundreds of dollars a year. > Prices much lower than office supply stores. > Rated 5 stars by Yahoo for excellence in customer service. > Order Today! Don't wait to run out. > > > * * * * > What better way to celebrate your family, than locating and > claiming your lost family fortune? You may have an insurance > policy or inheritance that may be unclaimed. The Foundmoney CEO > and Web site was featured on the " Oprah " show and has been > helping thousands of families just like you since 1993. Find out > instantly. > > **********************END OF PAID ADVERTISEMENTS********************** > > 6. FROM ROOTSWEB REVIEW'S BOTTOMLESS MAILBAG > -------------------------------------------- > > Family Treasures Found at Online Auctions > By Lowder ldyflagger@... > > I practically live on eBay, and am saddened to see so many family > Bibles, photos, marriage certificates and other things that should be > handed down to the descendants being sold. I bought an old vintage > photo album in hopes of getting it back to the family, but there are > no names on anything. A week ago I bought an old tintype wedding photo > of a couple, and the back of it said, " Grandpa and Grandma MEERDINK -- > 1866. " I found their family a few days later and last Friday, I sent > the photo. It sure made them happy to receive this photo, and it made > me feel just as good sending it to them. > > I bought a marriage certificate for a HOUSER/DURKEE in on > County, Indiana, but have no leads on it yet.(I even left a note on > the Message Boards).Please let people know that their family history > may be being sold on these auction sites. I wish I could save them all > by buying the things I see, but I'm on a fixed income at the present. > > * * * > > When My Grandfather Was a Little Girl > By Belva Gurr belvad@... > > When I was child growing up on my grandparents' farm, my grandfather > used to talk about his family and how hard it was in the " old days. " > His father died when he was five, leaving his mother to raise six > children alone. Most of his stories started, " When I was a little > girl, " and I would sit there confused. I knew what little boys looked > like, there were eight boy cousins around, and I knew granddaddy > wouldn't tell a lie. But then I had seen a picture of him as a baby, > in a dress, when he was born in 1890. It kept me puzzled for many of > my growing up years trying to figure out at just what point would he > have turned into a little boy. > > I always enjoyed the evenings listening to him talk about his family. > The one I eagerly awaited was when he would talk about his cousins, > Vester and Lester, the twins. He'd tell me about going to Vester's > house on a side trip to north Georgia and of giving his cousin $5 to > send him a copy of the JENNINGS family tree when it was finished. I > waited every day for the mail to see them bring granddaddy a tree. I > never saw the tree and he died in 1966 and didn't see the tree either. > > I worked at my family's story for many years, more piddling than > working, but I wanted to give my granddaddy his tree. He'd left a > picture of his grandfather in full Masonic regalia with a brief but > informative story of the PARKERS and LAWHONS of Georgia. I didn't know > much about them, they were his father's family and after his father, > Shedd, died in 1895 the family moved in with his mother's family, the > JENNINGS, in middle Georgia. The PARKERS gave me somewhere to start > and I was ambitious, tracking all these people down but I couldn't > find Vester and Lester. > > I don't know if people believe in ESP or the paranormal but something > happened one day about a year and a half ago. I was trying to fit some > of granddaddy's family in a niche that just didn't work when I > remembered his cousin JENNINGS. had a dairy farm > outside ville, Florida, and when he weaned the calves we would > ride with granddaddy from Tallahassee to ville to pick up the > calves. This wasn't as easy as it sounded. Granddaddy only had a two- > door coupe, we had to take the back seat out and line the floor with > hay and try to convince two or three calves that they really wanted to > take a 150-mile drive. > > JENNINGS, that was Vester and Lester's last name and as far I knew > they were all gone but I had seen an ad for an insurance company in > Life magazine, in the '60s with Cousin 's son, Ray as Man-of- > the-Year or something. In a flash of inspiration I called ville > telephone directory and found Ray JENNINGS, insurance agent and told > him who I was and what I needed. He said he didn't have that > information but to call his sister in , Mississippi. I hung up > and called her, she was on her way out of town for a new grandbaby but > said to call her daddy's sister in north Georgia. She told me that her > aunt at 92 was very sharp and knew all the family stories -- Aunt > Vesta was the family historian. > > I got in touch with Aunt Vesta and after telling her who I belonged to > and where they all were, she told me that my grandfather had stopped > by her house one day and gave her $5 to send him the family history > when she finished. Full circle. She told me that there was no one in > her family that was interested in the family and its story and what > marvelous pictures she had of my granddaddy (in his dress) and his > parents and the JENNINGS. We had such a wonderful time we talked > several times a week, telling each other what names and dates we > needed to get over some of our brick walls. I was getting a package > ready to send to her one day when I received my wonderful pictures. I > was busy and didn't call her that Monday, she called me on Friday and > asked if I had received her package. > > I told her " yes! " and about my pictures I was getting ready to send to > her. We had a good long talk -- she told me how much she had enjoyed > being able to give these to someone who would love them as she did for > she had waited more than 50 years. That Sunday her son called to tell > me Aunt Vesta had died peacefully early that morning and he wanted me > to know how happy I had made her in the last six weeks of her life. > > When those flashes come, don't let them get away. I just found my > father's 92-year-old first cousin and learned that I have dozens of > cousins I never knew. Today I went to meet them and discovered that my > daddy wore a dress, too. > > 7. WHAT'S NEW FOR ANCESTRY.COM SUBSCRIBERS > ------------------------------------------ > ANCESTRY LAUNCHES HISTORICAL NEWSPAPER COLLECTION. For the past 300 > years, Americans have been turning to newspapers to learn about the > events that affect their lives and the world around them. Genealogists > know the value that these windows into the past can add to family > histories. Beyond the broad insights found in the news of yesteryear, > newspapers also provide news of individuals in the form of obituaries, > birth and marriage announcements, anniversaries, graduations, job > promotions, reunions,legal notices concerning probate proceedings, > divorce cases, estate or tax sales, notices of missing persons, and > more. > > now makes it easier than ever to access American > newspapers from the past with the launch of the Ancestry Historical > Newspaper Collection. The collection opens with 100,000 pages from the > following newspapers: > > --From New York > " New York Daily Times, " 1851-1857 > " New York Evening Times, " 1855, 1856 > " New York Times, " 1857-1866 > > --From Indiana > " Dawson's Fort Wayne Daily Times, " 1861 > " Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. " 1921 > " The Fort Wayne Sentinel, " 1905, 1909 > " The Weekly Sentinel, " 1907, 1912, 1913. > > --From Nevada > " Weekly Evening Gazette, " 1879 > " Nevada State Journal, " 1870-1875, 1911-13 > " Reno Evening Gazette, " 1876-95, 1897-1902, 1904-06, 1911, > 1915- 17, 1919-23 > " Daily Nevada State Journal, " 1876-1907 > " Weekly Nevada State Journal, " 1875 > > In addition to these titles, Ancestry plans to add 1,000 pages > per working day. With more than 50 million pages slated to be posted, > subscribers will soon have access to the largest online collection of > historical newspapers ever assembled. > > Free viewer software allows you to see these pages in the comfort of > your home, with all of the convenience and power you have learned to > expect from The Newspaper Collection is fully > searchable, and individual pages can be saved to your home computer or > printed for your family history files. > >'s goal is to make its collections available at a very > reasonable rate. This new collection may not interest all researchers > and so is being offered as a separate subscription. This keeps the > overall price of core services affordable. Current annual subscribers > to any of the collections can add a Historical Newspaper subscription > at a greatly discounted rate. Subscription rates are: > > --Annual Subscription Upgrade: $29.95 -- One year of access for > those who currently subscribe to Basic, U.S. Census or UK/Ireland > Collection. > > --Super Subscription Upgrade (limited time offer) $19.95 -- One year > of access for current annual subscribers that already have all other > subscription packages --- Basic, U.S. Census, and UK/Ireland > subscriptions. > > --Super Subscription (limited time offer): $149.80 -- One year of > access to all four collections (Basic, U.S. Census, > UK/Ireland and Historical Newspapers) for new subscribers. > > --Annual Historical Newspaper Subscription:$69.95 -- One year of > access to the Historical Newspaper Collection only. > > --Quarterly Historical Newspapers Subscription: $24.95 -- Three months > of access to the Historical Newspaper Collection only. > > This new offering comes at an exciting time as it was announced a few > weeks ago that's basic subscribers will be seeing more > and more images accompanying new datasets at no additional cost. In > addition, U.S. Census subscribers will be seeing exclusive images of > the 1930 U.S. federal census going online within hours of its release. > > The new Historical Newspaper Collection promises to be valuable to > researchers. To view a sample image from the collection, go to: > > > To subscribe to the Ancestry Historical Newspaper Collection, go to: > > > 8. WORLDGENWEB and USGENWEB > --------------------------- > The WorldGenWeb Project is one of the several > volunteer genealogy projects and many of its pages are hosted by > RootsWeb. You might be surprised at some of the free treasures here. > > The USGenWeb Project is another volunteer > genealogy project and many of its state and county Web pages and > mailing lists are hosted by RootsWeb. You'll find the USGenWeb > Archives Newsletter at: > > > THE USGenWeb Archives Newsletter contains all of the recent USGenWeb > Archives submissions. For an online version see: > > > The USGW-ARCHIVES-ANNOUNCE is a read-only mailing list for weekly > announcements of new updates and submissions to the USGenWeb Archives. > To subscribe send the following as the only text in the body of a > message that says SUBSCRIBE to: > usgw-archives-announce-l-request@... > > The CENSUS-ANNOUNCE mailing list is a weekly announce-only mailing > list for the USGenWeb Census Project. It contains the current census > additions/updates in the last week. To subscribe send the following as > the only text in the body of a message that says SUBSCRIBE to: > census-announce-l-request@... > These new uploads are also online at > > > 9. HUMOR: You Want to Know What? > --------------------------------- > Thanks to: Haugh nehaugh@... > > I thought readers might enjoy this paragraph written by census > enumerator Ames Atkins at the end of the 1880 Salem, > Massachusetts census, Enumeration District 240: > > " A thorough, patient, faithful canvass, which I have prosecuted in > spite of dogs, an ignorant post-master, pitiful penny-a-liners > (livers?), " bad whiskey, " a too sadly frequent assurance that my > employer was " a meddlesome fool, " and long journeys, often with no > one to enumerate for great distances. " > > 10. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES, REPRINT POLICY, SUBSCRIBING HELP > ----------------------------------------------------------- > Short (500 words or less) articles, stories, or letters submitted for > consideration for publication in the RootsWeb Review should be sent to > rwr-editor@... as a plain text e-mail message (no > attachments). We reserve the right to edit all submissions. > > RootsWeb Review does not publish or answer genealogical queries, and > the editor regrets that she is unable to provide any personal research > assistance. Post your queries on all relevant surname and locality > message boards: > and mailing lists: > > Permission to reprint articles from RootsWeb Review is granted unless > specifically stated otherwise, provided: (1) the reprint is used for > non-commercial, educational purposes; and (2) the following notice > appears at the end of the article: Previously published in RootsWeb > Review: Vol. 5, No. 13, 27 March 2002 and written by [author's name, > e-mail address, and URL, if given]. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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