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How sad. Both and have had this sort of problem with their

" inclusion " acquaintances. Even some cousins. Tans my hide. They are much

better off socializing with their handicapped friends.



" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13



> The little boy who stole 's toy showed up at the door today. He

was attempting to sneak out the door with a videotape and told to be

quiet so he could. I rounded the corner on him and discussed some ground

rules for this kind of thing. I also discussed that he could return the

other toy. It is almost dark. Last night, the kids were over here at 8:30

asking for . Doesn't anyone want their kids in the house by dark

anymore? Why don't parents care where their kids are? I hate to be rude to

these kids considering how terribly lonely is, but they are mooches.

> It is terribly quiet here. had to perform at another one of

those patriotic rallies. I know these things are important by having my

family together on a Sunday is important too. We don't get many weekend

days because of 's job and I am a little jealous of the time he must

devote to this. I know I probably shouldn't feel this way. He keeps

telling me that the division won't be deployed for a while. Many are just

now coming home for Bosnia and Kosovo. If the general goes, so will the

band. 3rd ID will not all be home until March. He is having a fit because

I want to watch the news a lot. He just doesn't understand how afraid I am

that they will go. I don't have anyone to talk to who isn't a long distance

call. Thanks for listening. I wish I lived in a place where I could have a

" Circle of Friends. " I thank all of you for being there for me.

> Elaine





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How sad. Both and have had this sort of problem with their

" inclusion " acquaintances. Even some cousins. Tans my hide. They are much

better off socializing with their handicapped friends.



" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13



> The little boy who stole 's toy showed up at the door today. He

was attempting to sneak out the door with a videotape and told to be

quiet so he could. I rounded the corner on him and discussed some ground

rules for this kind of thing. I also discussed that he could return the

other toy. It is almost dark. Last night, the kids were over here at 8:30

asking for . Doesn't anyone want their kids in the house by dark

anymore? Why don't parents care where their kids are? I hate to be rude to

these kids considering how terribly lonely is, but they are mooches.

> It is terribly quiet here. had to perform at another one of

those patriotic rallies. I know these things are important by having my

family together on a Sunday is important too. We don't get many weekend

days because of 's job and I am a little jealous of the time he must

devote to this. I know I probably shouldn't feel this way. He keeps

telling me that the division won't be deployed for a while. Many are just

now coming home for Bosnia and Kosovo. If the general goes, so will the

band. 3rd ID will not all be home until March. He is having a fit because

I want to watch the news a lot. He just doesn't understand how afraid I am

that they will go. I don't have anyone to talk to who isn't a long distance

call. Thanks for listening. I wish I lived in a place where I could have a

" Circle of Friends. " I thank all of you for being there for me.

> Elaine





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Oh pleeeeeeezzzzzzeeee don't tell me anyone believes kids with DS or any

other handicap don't swipe things, manipulate people, or take advantage of

those they are able to.

Good grief!!

Cheryl in VA

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Oh pleeeeeeezzzzzzeeee don't tell me anyone believes kids with DS or any

other handicap don't swipe things, manipulate people, or take advantage of

those they are able to.

Good grief!!

Cheryl in VA

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In a message dated 9/24/01 4:58:31 PM Central Daylight Time,

bspyle@... writes:

> Sure they do, but our kids are more vulnerable than the general population.

> More likely to be molested, more likely to be victimized in any way. I'm

> even acquainted with a social worker who went to jail for stealing from her

> clients! And I could fill a book with the number of MR people I know who

> have been raped or otherwise molested. Boys and girls. The number greatly

> exceeds the number of NDA people I know who have been treated in such a


> What is really sad is that these cases are rarely prosecuted because

> district attorneys considered our kids to be poor witnesses.


> granny, seen too much

HI Granny :)

If I believed all of the books I might agree :) but since I read the books

lol Im more aware, not like with my other kids (NDA) Now...... Im more

involved with Sara than my other kids, don't trust anyone with her like I did

with my other kids, she's in less adult activities, unlike from my other kids

etc...... basically Im more cautious now :) My older kids would have been

better targets for abuse than my other kid.... Sara

Kathy mom to Sara 9

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In a message dated 9/24/01 4:58:31 PM Central Daylight Time,

bspyle@... writes:

> Sure they do, but our kids are more vulnerable than the general population.

> More likely to be molested, more likely to be victimized in any way. I'm

> even acquainted with a social worker who went to jail for stealing from her

> clients! And I could fill a book with the number of MR people I know who

> have been raped or otherwise molested. Boys and girls. The number greatly

> exceeds the number of NDA people I know who have been treated in such a


> What is really sad is that these cases are rarely prosecuted because

> district attorneys considered our kids to be poor witnesses.


> granny, seen too much

HI Granny :)

If I believed all of the books I might agree :) but since I read the books

lol Im more aware, not like with my other kids (NDA) Now...... Im more

involved with Sara than my other kids, don't trust anyone with her like I did

with my other kids, she's in less adult activities, unlike from my other kids

etc...... basically Im more cautious now :) My older kids would have been

better targets for abuse than my other kid.... Sara

Kathy mom to Sara 9

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> How sad. Both and have had this sort of problem with their

> " inclusion " acquaintances. Even some cousins. Tans my hide. They are much

> better off socializing with their handicapped friends.

I think kids in the age group Elaine is talking about can be cruel at times.

I have seen other kids with DS who have not been included to some degree and

I can tell the difference. However, he preferred going to the special ed

camp this summer. He was happy there. I know the staff was 100% better.

seeks out " kids " . He gets so excited when he sees kids playing. He

does have trouble interacting with them, they almost have to engage him

first. This is not true with his siblings and their friends though.

BUT...seeing the high school kids interact with the special ed students

proves inclusion does have lots of benefits. These are the NDA kids who

could be our childrens future employers, social workers, neighbors, etc.

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> How sad. Both and have had this sort of problem with their

> " inclusion " acquaintances. Even some cousins. Tans my hide. They are much

> better off socializing with their handicapped friends.

I think kids in the age group Elaine is talking about can be cruel at times.

I have seen other kids with DS who have not been included to some degree and

I can tell the difference. However, he preferred going to the special ed

camp this summer. He was happy there. I know the staff was 100% better.

seeks out " kids " . He gets so excited when he sees kids playing. He

does have trouble interacting with them, they almost have to engage him

first. This is not true with his siblings and their friends though.

BUT...seeing the high school kids interact with the special ed students

proves inclusion does have lots of benefits. These are the NDA kids who

could be our childrens future employers, social workers, neighbors, etc.

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In a message dated 9/24/01 9:01:07 AM Central Daylight Time,

bspyle@... writes:

> How sad. Both and have had this sort of problem with their

> " inclusion " acquaintances. Even some cousins. Tans my hide. They are much

> better off socializing with their handicapped friends.


> granny

HI Granny :)

Got a question, how can being surrounded socially with your own image, help

as an adult in the work world? Sara has to have the social skills to perform

her job in the " typical " world. She already has no interest in working with

her same....she wants to work at the Gap right now :)

We as parents really need to try and envision where our kids will be at as

adults. I will not set limits for Sara at age 9, so all I can do right now is

make sure she gets a well rounded education, the three R's and developing

good social skills :)

Kathy mom to Sara 9

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In a message dated 9/24/01 9:01:07 AM Central Daylight Time,

bspyle@... writes:

> How sad. Both and have had this sort of problem with their

> " inclusion " acquaintances. Even some cousins. Tans my hide. They are much

> better off socializing with their handicapped friends.


> granny

HI Granny :)

Got a question, how can being surrounded socially with your own image, help

as an adult in the work world? Sara has to have the social skills to perform

her job in the " typical " world. She already has no interest in working with

her same....she wants to work at the Gap right now :)

We as parents really need to try and envision where our kids will be at as

adults. I will not set limits for Sara at age 9, so all I can do right now is

make sure she gets a well rounded education, the three R's and developing

good social skills :)

Kathy mom to Sara 9

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has always taken part in all family social activities as well. When

she was younger, she too was invited to all the neighborhood birthday

parties and sleepovers, etc. When she became a teenager, that all changed.

Her lifetime " friends " dropped her like a hot potato. Oh they would say

hello if they ran into her at the mall and even make a fuss over her, but by

then they had nothing to say to each other. Nothing to talk about. We have a

wide variety of friends, but the ones both and are most

comfortable with are those who treat them as equals. And the ones who treat

them as equals are those who consider them to be equals.



" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13






> Granny and Kent,


> I think you are right that for some people being with their " own kind "


> for them. But that is not to say that inclusion isn't good or doesn't


> I think it depends on how children are raised. is 14 she has


> been included and has always had friends. True friends that invite her to

> parties, sleepovers, to play, to the mall and movies, etc They invite her

> and she invites them (and this is a child that is non-verbal but uses sign

> and an aug comm device). She is very comfortable with " normal " kids.


> She is now in a self-contained class for one period a day and her teacher


> commented on how socially adept she is compared to the other kids in the


> self-contained class who have always been the self-contained class. And


> has also said she thinks Jen prefers the " normal " kids. Kids that are

" like

> her " tend not be cognitively able to wait or work on the communication


> while the " regular " kids can and do. It may also just be her personality.


> is involved in Special Olympics and doesn't tend to interact with

> the kids there or in the self-contained class very much. I am glad that


> is able to handle herself in a social environment and believe it is both

> because of how we have raised her and her having the opportunity to be


> other kids since birth. She was never segregated or held back from things

> socially. But as paretns we must do what we feel is best for our



> Just another point and perspective.


> Kathy




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has always taken part in all family social activities as well. When

she was younger, she too was invited to all the neighborhood birthday

parties and sleepovers, etc. When she became a teenager, that all changed.

Her lifetime " friends " dropped her like a hot potato. Oh they would say

hello if they ran into her at the mall and even make a fuss over her, but by

then they had nothing to say to each other. Nothing to talk about. We have a

wide variety of friends, but the ones both and are most

comfortable with are those who treat them as equals. And the ones who treat

them as equals are those who consider them to be equals.



" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13






> Granny and Kent,


> I think you are right that for some people being with their " own kind "


> for them. But that is not to say that inclusion isn't good or doesn't


> I think it depends on how children are raised. is 14 she has


> been included and has always had friends. True friends that invite her to

> parties, sleepovers, to play, to the mall and movies, etc They invite her

> and she invites them (and this is a child that is non-verbal but uses sign

> and an aug comm device). She is very comfortable with " normal " kids.


> She is now in a self-contained class for one period a day and her teacher


> commented on how socially adept she is compared to the other kids in the


> self-contained class who have always been the self-contained class. And


> has also said she thinks Jen prefers the " normal " kids. Kids that are

" like

> her " tend not be cognitively able to wait or work on the communication


> while the " regular " kids can and do. It may also just be her personality.


> is involved in Special Olympics and doesn't tend to interact with

> the kids there or in the self-contained class very much. I am glad that


> is able to handle herself in a social environment and believe it is both

> because of how we have raised her and her having the opportunity to be


> other kids since birth. She was never segregated or held back from things

> socially. But as paretns we must do what we feel is best for our



> Just another point and perspective.


> Kathy




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Sure they do, but our kids are more vulnerable than the general population.

More likely to be molested, more likely to be victimized in any way. I'm

even acquainted with a social worker who went to jail for stealing from her

clients! And I could fill a book with the number of MR people I know who

have been raped or otherwise molested. Boys and girls. The number greatly

exceeds the number of NDA people I know who have been treated in such a way.

What is really sad is that these cases are rarely prosecuted because

district attorneys considered our kids to be poor witnesses.

granny, seen too much


" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13


Re: Today

> Oh pleeeeeeezzzzzzeeee don't tell me anyone believes kids with DS or any

> other handicap don't swipe things, manipulate people, or take advantage of

> those they are able to.

> Good grief!!

> Cheryl in VA



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Sure they do, but our kids are more vulnerable than the general population.

More likely to be molested, more likely to be victimized in any way. I'm

even acquainted with a social worker who went to jail for stealing from her

clients! And I could fill a book with the number of MR people I know who

have been raped or otherwise molested. Boys and girls. The number greatly

exceeds the number of NDA people I know who have been treated in such a way.

What is really sad is that these cases are rarely prosecuted because

district attorneys considered our kids to be poor witnesses.

granny, seen too much


" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13


Re: Today

> Oh pleeeeeeezzzzzzeeee don't tell me anyone believes kids with DS or any

> other handicap don't swipe things, manipulate people, or take advantage of

> those they are able to.

> Good grief!!

> Cheryl in VA



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It's a good thing for you and that Mollie and I didn't follow

this advice!


Kent Moreno wrote:

And African-Americans are better off

> socializing with Arican-Americans, Latinos with Latinos, Chinese with

> Chinese... Now about the folks with mixed heritage, there it gets a

> little trickier but, I'm sure we can do some sort of genealogical

> analysis

> and put them with their own kind. :-)


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It's a good thing for you and that Mollie and I didn't follow

this advice!


Kent Moreno wrote:

And African-Americans are better off

> socializing with Arican-Americans, Latinos with Latinos, Chinese with

> Chinese... Now about the folks with mixed heritage, there it gets a

> little trickier but, I'm sure we can do some sort of genealogical

> analysis

> and put them with their own kind. :-)


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In a message dated 9/24/01 5:48:33 PM Central Daylight Time,

b4alltoday@... writes:

> now :) My older kids would have been

> better targets for abuse than my other kid.... Sara


> Kathy mom to Sara 9


Yes, Kathy, but what if you weren't there. Horrible thought. But

many persons with DS don't have anyone to look out for them like we do and

then they become more vulnerable. Jessie

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In a message dated 9/24/01 5:48:33 PM Central Daylight Time,

b4alltoday@... writes:

> now :) My older kids would have been

> better targets for abuse than my other kid.... Sara


> Kathy mom to Sara 9


Yes, Kathy, but what if you weren't there. Horrible thought. But

many persons with DS don't have anyone to look out for them like we do and

then they become more vulnerable. Jessie

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In a message dated 09/25/2001 10:10:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

bspyle@... writes:

<< grew up in Watts and has a lot of street smarts. >>

And he learned those street smarts from other kids with disabilities?

Cheryl in VA

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In a message dated 09/25/2001 10:10:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

bspyle@... writes:

<< grew up in Watts and has a lot of street smarts. >>

And he learned those street smarts from other kids with disabilities?

Cheryl in VA

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Re: Today

> HI Granny :)


> Got a question, how can being surrounded socially with your own image,


> as an adult in the work world? Sara has to have the social skills to


> her job in the " typical " world. She already has no interest in working


> her same....she wants to work at the Gap right now :)


> We as parents really need to try and envision where our kids will be at as

> adults. I will not set limits for Sara at age 9, so all I can do right now


> make sure she gets a well rounded education, the three R's and developing

> good social skills :)


> Kathy mom to Sara 9

lt ain't easy, Kathy. 's lifelong friend (29, DS) worked for a

local grocery store in the produce department for about 12 years. A

newly-hired employee attempted to molest him. reported the incident to

his supervisor, the supervisor questioned the new employee, the new employee

denied it, the supervisor believed the new employee, rather than . So,

quit his job and is looking for another without much luck. I know this

is only an anecdote, but I think most people perceive our kids an unreliable




" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13




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Re: Today

> HI Granny :)


> Got a question, how can being surrounded socially with your own image,


> as an adult in the work world? Sara has to have the social skills to


> her job in the " typical " world. She already has no interest in working


> her same....she wants to work at the Gap right now :)


> We as parents really need to try and envision where our kids will be at as

> adults. I will not set limits for Sara at age 9, so all I can do right now


> make sure she gets a well rounded education, the three R's and developing

> good social skills :)


> Kathy mom to Sara 9

lt ain't easy, Kathy. 's lifelong friend (29, DS) worked for a

local grocery store in the produce department for about 12 years. A

newly-hired employee attempted to molest him. reported the incident to

his supervisor, the supervisor questioned the new employee, the new employee

denied it, the supervisor believed the new employee, rather than . So,

quit his job and is looking for another without much luck. I know this

is only an anecdote, but I think most people perceive our kids an unreliable




" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13




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I've been very pleased with how and have progressed in this

area. A couple of years ago, ' uncle asked him to sign over the cash

benefits to ' life insurance. said, " I'll have to ask my mom

about that. " Of course, I explained to , when he did ask me, what that

insurance was for and why he shouldn't sign it over to anyone, even me. A

few weeks ago, and were taking out the garbage when they were

approached by a man on foot who invited them over to his house for " ice

cream and cake. " told me about it. She said she just told him " You're

a stranger " and the guy left.

grew up in Watts and has a lot of street smarts. He has taught

more than I ever did with my lectures and little plays. has taught

how to read. They're good for each other.



" O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a

female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each

other ... " al-Qur'an 49:13





Re: Today

> You are right there, Granny, our kids are more vulnerable to being

> mistreated. Something we all need to be aware of. Jessie


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