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Happy Thanksgiving

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Hi Debbie P,

I understand what you mean when you say you get angry. There are days when I

resent the fact that I've lost so many years to this disease. But it sounds

like you're a fighter! And that's a great asset for beating this disease! I

went thru the same thing with my family, they just wanted me to be my old self

again, but I can't, at least not yet. Eventually, they all came around and

they have been wonderfully supportive! Hopefully, you're family will come-

around soon and realize you're not contagious! Until they do, you have us, as

a temporary substitute.

I wish you health and a happy Thanksgiving,


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More Happy Thanksgivings

Just wanted to wish everyone a great thanksgiving too. I know I am thankful

for my family and my supportive friends and a million other little things that

most people take for granted. You guys are great and I am especially thankful

for all of you!!

May we all enjoy apple pie as delicious as Connie's!!!


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  • 1 year later...

Thank you! I hope you have a happy Thanks Giving to. Take Care, KIm S. and/or Robynn <nebneb@...> wrote:

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

RobynnMany thanks to our founder and friend, Marta McCoy, for making the support group it is today.Easy Reference:Send a blank email message to: -Subscribeegroups - Subscribe to the list through email -Unsubscribeegroups - Unsubscribe from the list -Digestegroups - Switch your subscription to a digest format -Normalegroups - Switch your subscription to normalPlease send messages not related to Lyme disease (this includes humor) to -OfftopicegroupsArchives can be accessed at lyme-aidPlease visit the sister site athttp://clubs./clubs/lymeaidThis is the primary chat site for .HAVE A GREAT DAY,kimsak2000@...

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  • 11 months later...

I would like to echo those thoughts, I'll be gone for

a couple of days, so I hope you all have a wonderful

holiday and that family ties strengthen, I know this

group will be high on my list of things I am thankful

for this year. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy

> Thanksgiving..I know we may all be

> busy for the next few days with our families but I

> wanted to let all of you

> know I am so thankful you are in my life..I miss

> hearing from you..Get in

> touch and have a blessed Thanksgiving...



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Happy Thanksgiving to all. As a new dad to , age 2 months old (DS) we


truly thankful for all of the joy that she has brought into our lives. She

is continuing to amaze everyone and is doing great. I would have never

thought all this joy could be possible 2 months ago when her Dr's gave us

such a doom & gloom prediction.

If we all continue to have faith in our children, their potential for leading

healthy happy and productive lives will be endless.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all. As a new dad to , age 2 months old (DS) we


truly thankful for all of the joy that she has brought into our lives. She

is continuing to amaze everyone and is doing great. I would have never

thought all this joy could be possible 2 months ago when her Dr's gave us

such a doom & gloom prediction.

If we all continue to have faith in our children, their potential for leading

healthy happy and productive lives will be endless.

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I too feel very blessed to have found this group. believe it or not, I

havent been around for even a year, but I feel as if i know many of you


My mom is here and the kids are thrilled and I kept the secret from amanda

that her best friend and their family was coming. Well, you should have seen

her face when the doorbell rang and in walked her best friend!!!!! It was

priceless. Then my sorta displaced brother who was driving car service

today, came by to grab something to eat, and again, you should have seen

amanda's face when she saw her uncle.

So amanda and jesse are my big blessings and the TV falling off the wall and

almost crashing jesse if he didnt jump out of the way is another.

We are very fortunate to be here today and it is a little strange to

" celebrate " the first Thanksgiving after 9/11. But we have to count all

those blessings and enjoy them completely.


~ mom to 11 DS and 7 NY

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I too feel very blessed to have found this group. believe it or not, I

havent been around for even a year, but I feel as if i know many of you


My mom is here and the kids are thrilled and I kept the secret from amanda

that her best friend and their family was coming. Well, you should have seen

her face when the doorbell rang and in walked her best friend!!!!! It was

priceless. Then my sorta displaced brother who was driving car service

today, came by to grab something to eat, and again, you should have seen

amanda's face when she saw her uncle.

So amanda and jesse are my big blessings and the TV falling off the wall and

almost crashing jesse if he didnt jump out of the way is another.

We are very fortunate to be here today and it is a little strange to

" celebrate " the first Thanksgiving after 9/11. But we have to count all

those blessings and enjoy them completely.


~ mom to 11 DS and 7 NY

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We don't celebrate it here. But I'm sure

you'll all make sure we have a good time in January as I now have everything

booked. Flight (Timbo is going to be guiding my plane in - should I change

my flight or what???) and hotel. Have it all done. I'll be arriving at

Dulles around 8.30pm local time - will Timbo definitely be at work then?

Anyway, hope you all had a lovely holiday and lots of turkey. Only 5 weeks

to Christmas and more turkey.


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Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We don't celebrate it here. But I'm sure

you'll all make sure we have a good time in January as I now have everything

booked. Flight (Timbo is going to be guiding my plane in - should I change

my flight or what???) and hotel. Have it all done. I'll be arriving at

Dulles around 8.30pm local time - will Timbo definitely be at work then?

Anyway, hope you all had a lovely holiday and lots of turkey. Only 5 weeks

to Christmas and more turkey.


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.. Have it all done. I'll be arriving at

> Dulles around 8.30pm local time - will Timbo definitely be at work


Yeap...he works nights on Wednesday and Thursdays now. Unless your flight

is delayed, he'll be pushing the tin for your flight (until he hands it over

to Dulles Approach..then Dulles Tower). He handles the flights from NY down

to ville's airspace. Flights from Europe do not fly straight west.

They head towards NY..then they come down south. It saves time. He's

pretty good, you have no need to worry :)

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.. Have it all done. I'll be arriving at

> Dulles around 8.30pm local time - will Timbo definitely be at work


Yeap...he works nights on Wednesday and Thursdays now. Unless your flight

is delayed, he'll be pushing the tin for your flight (until he hands it over

to Dulles Approach..then Dulles Tower). He handles the flights from NY down

to ville's airspace. Flights from Europe do not fly straight west.

They head towards NY..then they come down south. It saves time. He's

pretty good, you have no need to worry :)

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You had to work on Thanksgiving? Our company never

gives us the Friday after off, and that always ticked

me off. This year they gave the whole plant the day

off unpaid because of economic slowdown. Luckily I had

already taken it as a vacation day. Hope you had a

nice easy day at work and enjoyed the rest of your

holiday. -dz-

--- <ralexan@...> wrote:

> Good morning everyone. As I prepare to go off to

> work this morning I just wanted to wish everyone a

> Happy Thanksgiving.






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Well, I'm glad you got a little time off on

Thanksgiving anyway. I understand that you hate to

bother your boss over the holidays, but somebody

must've bothered you, eh? :) Enjoy the rest of your

weekend. -dz-

--- <ralexan@...> wrote:

> Hi DZ


> It wasn't too bad of a day. I got everything done by

> 2:00 and was able to go

> home early.Friday was a little worse. I had a break

> in one of the 18 " lines

> out in the wellfield. My boss had to come out and

> help. I hate to bother

> them on holidays but sometimes it has to be

> done.Tons of paper work when we

> have a spill.




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It wasn't too bad of a day. I got everything done by 2:00 and was able to go

home early.Friday was a little worse. I had a break in one of the 18 " lines

out in the wellfield. My boss had to come out and help. I hate to bother

them on holidays but sometimes it has to be done.Tons of paper work when we

have a spill.

Re: [ ] Happy Thanksgiving

> You had to work on Thanksgiving? Our company never

> gives us the Friday after off, and that always ticked

> me off. This year they gave the whole plant the day

> off unpaid because of economic slowdown. Luckily I had

> already taken it as a vacation day. Hope you had a

> nice easy day at work and enjoyed the rest of your

> holiday. -dz-


> --- <ralexan@...> wrote:

> > Good morning everyone. As I prepare to go off to

> > work this morning I just wanted to wish everyone a

> > Happy Thanksgiving.

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 1 year later...

> Happy Thanksgiving to to one and all. A time of year to reflect on

what God has so kindly given us...a time to count our blessings.

> We are so thankful for each other...and the unconditional love

that we have in each other.

> We are thankful for our new extended family...parents and others

on both sides, as well as adult and minor children in which to share

our lives and love with.

> We are thankful for our health and financial status...as there are

always others worse off.

> And, as always...we are thankful for friends who help support and

guide us, filling our days with laughter and sharing.

> We hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and are able to count

your blessings!

> The Harkness Family...Dave, Vicki, ph, and the pets.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well as everyone in here!


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> Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

> This last month has been a little rough. I was progressing along

pretty good with my PT for my herniated cervical disc. But I guess I

got a little agressive and starting to walk more than I should have

for my lower back starting to hurt at the beginning of the month. I

knew I had something going on down there for about 15 years ago I

hurt it in the gym (although never had a MRI for it). Well the pain

got much worse. I could not stand for very long or sit hardly at

all. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and went to my ortho. I had

MRI taken for lumbar and sacrum. L5-6 and L6-7 both have tears but

they are not herniated.(although, as we all know, it is a precursor

for herniation). The sacrum is okay. My lower back feels pretty

good now. But strangely enough, the tip of my spine hurts and the

inner muscles going through my butt and the top of my inner

hamstrings still hurt. Not quite as much but it still gets

aggravated when I sit. Does anyone every had this strange feeling?

It is very aggravating. It is not sciatic.. I would think possibly

the butt and hamstring muscles are maybe in spasm but I can't figure

out the tip of the spine. I go to my other ortho on Tuesday...but

just wondering if anyone has an idea of what it might be.

> Thanks!

> Jan

Hi Jan,

If you remember me I have the cervical problems and do not

experience anything like you are mentioning. Perhaps it is all

lumbar related. The more you think about it, it does sound like

spasms from the lumbar similar to the spasms I get in my traps to

shoulders. I know I didn't help much but I tried and will keep you

in my prayers.


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The pain you describe sounds eerily (and painfully) familiar. I was once

diagnosed with something called pyriformis syndrome (years ago). Pain

radiates down the butt and often into my hips and/or my thighs. I've had it

often throughout the years. There is a pyriformis (sp?) muscle that can go

into spasm. That could be it. I will say, however, that since I've been on

Topamax that my spasms have been significantly better. Will be interesting to

see, however, what you doctor says. Hope by the time you get this (I've been

off computer for a week with bad cold and back's been out) that you're

feeling better. Hang in there.


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  • 11 months later...

Hi ,

Congratulations on making the goal!!!! WOW!!!! Everyday I think about that 15 lb. goal and I think it is helping me stay on track. So far I am down 7 since Oct. 1 when we started that, so I have a ways to go to make 15 by Jan. 1. But it does help to keep it in mind. I weighed in this morning at 245 which is my lowest weight since I started working on my weight on June 1 at 296. I needed to weigh on Thanksgiving morning for that extra reminder of what I REALLY want today. Have a great holiday.


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>I weighed in this morning at 245 which is my lowest weight since I started

working on my weight on June 1 at 296.

Fantastic, Shiela! Something extra special to be thankful for today. :)

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>I am not sure how I managed but I made it to the 15 lb goal. Now I

>am shooting for another 10 lbs by the first of the year. Have a

>great turkey day tomorrow. in NY


Great Job ! You are doing great! Keep up the good work and I'm

sure you will be able to get to off another 10lbs by 1-1-04


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