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RE: Use of Magnetic Energy

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Sorry, I can not find the article you are talking about. The site you gave is a

Greek University site. Where is the original news article " Ask the Doctor " ?

That is the best place to start.

Take care, Bill Werre


aslb@... wrote:

> Hi, did you set your clocks back?


> Did anybody see the posting on ASK THE DOCTOR concerning the use of Magnetic

> Energy for treatment of Neuro Disorders. The work is done in Greece but it

> looks exciting, I had experience with SQUID for Brain wave detection but

> never thought about using low field magnetic energy for " resetting " the

> brain.


> I have sent a letter to Doctor asking for more info.


> The site is www.duth.gr/anninos/ Your comments please.


> Let me know if anybody has had experience with neuro treatment using low

> field Magnetic energy. This is much much lower field strength then MR.


> Always looking for a better way. Please do not jump on me for always looking.


> AL


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I finally found the question on the NPF site, but it did not have any real info.

The site on SQUID

http://www.lib.duth.gr/med/bookgr.htm - 199k

was only in Greek and I can not read Greek. I am not jumping on you for looking

for a cure :o) I would love to see a cure announced today.

We have seen things about magnetism and iron in the brain before. However, I

have never seen any scientific studies which showed any hope of a cure by using

it. They do have hopes of using magnetic imaging for detection and diagnoses of

brain disorders. Remember that MSA is a condition caused by the death of brain

cells, therefore a cure must generate new brain cells. As an engineer, I must

assume that growth of new brain cells MUST be a biological thing and not a

physical thing. I can not conceive of a way for magnetic energy (or

accupuncture, herbs or radio waves) to grow new brain cells.

I can however, see where a perfect God would create us with a built-in way to

grow new brain cells. Over the years, my God has shown us how to save ourselves

(In my religion, He even sent his Son to tell us to stop fighting each other and

that love was the answer). Now He is showing us that stem cells are at least a

clue as to where to go. But man being a fool has again built a Tower of Babel


this fight against medical research. In my opinion, God tells us " Here is the

way " and we turn around and decide to fight terrorists (seems to me we have more

terrorism today in more places than we did last year this time). Early

Christians (before 300 AD) never fought wars or even battles, they only showed

(by example) that they were willing to die for their love of others.

Maybe it is time for Christians to go back to their roots. Christ healed


he never harmed a person.

As Fisher says " Peace be with you " , Bill


aslb@... wrote:

> Hi, did you set your clocks back?


> Did anybody see the posting on ASK THE DOCTOR concerning the use of Magnetic

> Energy for treatment of Neuro Disorders. The work is done in Greece but it

> looks exciting, I had experience with SQUID for Brain wave detection but

> never thought about using low field magnetic energy for " resetting " the

> brain.

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Greetings Al!

Working on the " less is good, more is better " principal, then I should be

cured. After all, I've had five or six MRIs. Now that's one HONKER of a

magnetic field. But you know what, it didn't work!

I wonder why? We might find out that it helps, but I will want to see

several studies, by some major universities, that demonstrate empirically

that it helps. Unfortunately, with something such as this, it is all too

likely that the patient thought they were better because they thought they

should be better.

I've not seen the study you mention, since the site only give us a 404 -

File Not Found error. (And I doubt I could read the Greek either.

What would it take for me to believe something like this? Well, until I see

a detailed double blind study, I won't believe the results. Don't get me

wrong, if double blind studies show it really does help, I would use it.



B. Fisher

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I don't know anything about magnetic energy helping us but I am sorry

that you feel someone has jumped on you for looking for a way to help

us all. We always have a hope that something will help us!

God Bless,


> Hi, did you set your clocks back?


> Did anybody see the posting on ASK THE DOCTOR concerning the use of


> Energy for treatment of Neuro Disorders. The work is done in Greece

but it

> looks exciting, I had experience with SQUID for Brain wave

detection but

> never thought about using low field magnetic energy for " resetting "


> brain.


> I have sent a letter to Doctor asking for more info.


> The site is www.duth.gr/anninos/ Your comments please.


> Let me know if anybody has had experience with neuro treatment

using low

> field Magnetic energy. This is much much lower field strength then



> Always looking for a better way. Please do not jump on me for

always looking.


> AL

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