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Pain, medicines and MSA

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Actually any medicine can do that to you. I took Bactrim DS for

about a week after my kidney operation, them whent out in the sun one day

for about 30 minutes and spent the next few days getting rid of hives.

Take care, Bill Werre


Deborah Setzer wrote:

I'll throw my 2 cents worth in here.

It was Oxycontin that caused my last hospitalization... May 1 - 6, after

taking only 2 pills. It caused a hives type reaction in me.

ly, after that... this drug scares the be-gee-bee's out of me.

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Actually any medicine can do that to you. I took Bactrim DS for

about a week after my kidney operation, them whent out in the sun one day

for about 30 minutes and spent the next few days getting rid of hives.

Take care, Bill Werre


Deborah Setzer wrote:

I'll throw my 2 cents worth in here.

It was Oxycontin that caused my last hospitalization... May 1 - 6, after

taking only 2 pills. It caused a hives type reaction in me.

ly, after that... this drug scares the be-gee-bee's out of me.

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My dx was made by a Neurologist who specialises in movement disorders, he offered no advice re my symptoms- one of the reasons I`ve been looking for an MSA specialist-My chest pain is very much as I would imagine angina to be,however when I say I`ve been well investigated I really have! almost feel guilty at the amount of money spent on tests that were all negative! My angiogram was clear, my only heart problem isTachycardia For a year now I`ve taken Pantoloc because they thought I had acid reflux(test negative) took up to 3 a day with no relief -still take one a day because on oesophoscopy I do have mild reflux-never had any before I got ill.Personally I think my chest pain has something to do with vaso constriction of blood vessels to my heart ...maybe Cardiac Syndrome X...but here I go self diagnosing..I will keep refusing(nicely) the Morphine,My doc is not comfortable with prescribing a muscle relaxant such as Flexaril so I guess I just stay away from meds untill I get an informed opinion from an MSA specialist. Thanks to all of you who posted on MSA and meds...can use all the advice I can get Bill, your head looks just fine the size.it is I imagined you to look very thin and aesthetic with glasses perched on the end of your nose , instead I see Santa! Love Marg Manson

Werre wrote: Marge,I would strongly suggest you contact a neurologist experienced inmovement disorders before trying morphine as it can exacerbate (makeworse) many MSA symptoms. Most MSA pain is caused by tight (cramped)muscles and pain killers only act to deaden the pain - they do notrelieve the problem. On the other hand, muscle relaxants often relaxthe muscles - if not, Botox shots will probably help for a time. Painkillers act to suppress the pain centers in the brain, but haveneurological backlash symptoms which can mimic MSA symptoms. In fact,even things like Soma (a muscle relaxant) taken to extreme (6-8 pills aday instead of 3 pills a day) can cause a person to have MSA likesymptoms - loss of balance, confusion, slurred speech, fatigue, andmovement problems.Whatever doctor gave you the diagnoses of MSA (or SDS) should know thatmorphine could be harmful - especially with chest pain involved. Havethey tried an acid reflux pill such as Prevacid or Nextus for the chestpain? MSA patients often have acid reflux and almost everyone takespills for it.P.S. I have learned MOST of what I know from patients telling us whattheir neurologists have told them. Thank God many of us found goodneurologists and other doctors use this info when we describe it tothem. MSA is a neurological disorder.Hope this helps, Bill Werre--------------------------------------------------------marg manson wrote:> Bill>> In the short time I`ve been with this group I have really come to see> you as a very valuable resource of information.At present I only have> a possible dx of SDS but in any event I do experience daily severe> chest pain which has been well investigated and I can only assume it> to be part of my illness.My problem is with medication. I have tried> T3`s with some relief,Neurotin, with littlehelp and now my GP wants me> to try Morphine-She knows nothing about MSA and will be learning along> side me -I would appreciate your expanding on the advice you recently> gave on the dangers of pain meds for people with Autonomic nervous> system problems.Are there any safe ones ? Thanks for staying with the> group and for taking the time to help.>> Marg Manson>>If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may unsubscribe by sending a blank email to shydrager-unsubscribe

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Sorry, my reference re your head size was my mistake- it was your ego I was`nt supposed to inflate, not your head!

love Marg Manson

Werre wrote: Marge,Keep your mind on this track for now. Make sure you mention thepossibility of acid reflux to your doctor, as that is a common problemwith MSA. From experience I can tell you that it is very close toangina as I had both until they fixed my heart problems with bypasssurgery to get more oxygen to the heart muscle. I still have acidreflux but use Ranidine to control it. Charlotte used Prevacid for acidreflux.Take care, Bill WerreIf you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may unsubscribe by sending a blank email to shydrager-unsubscribe

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